Avatar of Amaralyn
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  • Old Guild Username: Amaralyn
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
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    1. Amaralyn 10 yrs ago


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Dropped from the heavens, they call me a dreamer ♫♪
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Hey there~ I go by the name of Amaralyn.
I mostly linger here during my summer break. I live in a CET (or GMT+1) zone, so it is likely I won't be able to post during the same time as most of you. Also, as is stated in my signature, my first language is not English. I do my best to make sure everything I write is proper English (especially when it comes to proverbs and things like that) but may you ever encounter an error in a post (or this bio for that matter), however small it may be, then please notify me via a PM.

As for roleplaying, my favorite genre is slice-of-life, though I am also up for some mystery and horror aspects and don't mind fantasy and fighting to a certain extend, especially if it's an original concept. I for example am fine with RPs that center around high school students with magical powers, but don't like RPs set in Medieval times with orcs and elfs and the likes. I'm also really not into sci-fi/mecha stuff, nor in RPs which are set in apocalyptic situations. I've never really tried one-on-one RPs, but if you're looking for a partner and have a plot in mind which you consider I might like, then feel free to hit me up.

All of that aside, I look forward to roleplaying with you. :)

Amaralyn: name derived from the Greek word αμαρυσσω: to sparkle, to glisten

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Hey everyone, I'm sorry but I'm gonna drop out. I had expected to have a lot more free time on my hands, but I can barely find any time to post. I hope you'll have a great time creating the rest of the adventure.
Whatever plot you/we decide on, my interest has been piqued. :)
I'd prefer either scenario 1 or 2, but 1 probably gives more opportunity for thrilling moments, as murders may happen as the plot advances.

If it was a serial killer, then it'd add the component of multiple killings and a sense of urgency to figure out who s/he is. May I suggest if it's a serial killer that s/he kills the victims with a signature or some sort of pattern. i.e. They find the woman's body shot in the head but mutilated to make a smiley face on her body. Like maybe there are cuts shaped like X's on each breast and then gutted to make a smiley face. Gross but it'd be interesting to say the least.

This reminds me of The Bridge (Bron/Broen) season 3... :p
ill get a post up soon just hard to post when people literally ignores your first post.....

With the amount of characters we have combined with the fast pace at which we're going things like this are bound to happen; you can't react to everything. As battles have started around the girls you can't just have idle conversation...

There is however enough opportunity for you to jump in: Cia has asked for help and it would be very likely for someone to at least notice the sounds coming from the roof which is being torn apart by Francesca.
Robyn Bennett

The girls' peaceful gathering was cut short when a group of bird-like creatures drew in, an ominous aura surrounding them. Robyn watched as torrents of water shot through a large number of them, vaporizing them on the spot. It seemed to have little effect nonetheless as the demons duplicated themselves at an alarming rate. Realization kicked in when a fellow magical girl called out for assistance. Almost instinctively Robyn lashed out with the ribbons adorning her outfit, sending electricity through them as they hit their targets. The birds shrieked as they let out their last breath and turned into dust, their remains immediately blown away by the wind.

She didn't stop there as another wave commenced. The beasts appeared to emerge from every corner, arising from the shadows on the square. The demons now greatly outnumbered the magical children, but Robyn didn't feel threatened in the slightest; she was aware of her potential as was she of that of the others. With a fierce look in her eyes and a smirk lingering around her lips, she defensively took her position in front of the girl who had introduced herself as Aqua Tooth. Sparks formed within the girl's palms as she started to charge up. With a swift movement of her wrist lightning pierced several birds at once. Their screams of agony could barely be heard as they got overwhelmed by the sound of thunder following the blast. Graceful like a ribbon dancer Robyn moved around the blonde-haired girl, clearing every creature in her path, ensuring she could fully concentrate on her spell.
Robyn Bennett

The school bell rang, the sound echoing through the hallways which soon would be brimming with students. Slowly the classes emptied themselves and voices started to fill up the corridors which had been silent until thus far. Robyn found herself amidst the buzzing, surrounded by a group of classmates. She didn’t particularly stand out; she was just another person amongst the crowd of adolescents. Although, if you would pay close attention, you would think her posture had more confidence to it, her gaze to be more determined in comparison to those around her. With nimble footsteps she walked towards the main hall, her dark hair bouncing lightly as she went. While most of her classmates were on their way to the cafeteria, Robyn preferred to eat her lunch outside.

As she treaded down the doorsteps, she looked up at the sky; in contrast to the image most people had of the weather in the UK, today the sky was crystal clear aside from maybe one or two contrails. She started to make her way down the path which lead to one of the benches where she usually sat down to have her meal, but slowed down when she noticed an odd glistening. Tilting her head, she tried to peer through the leaves of a big tree next to the school building. As she drew closer she figured the glimmering did not originate from within the tree, but instead was located somewhere behind it and… somewhere above it..? A strange sensation awoke within her when she turned around the trunk and saw the source. A portal..! Although over the past few years Robyn had gotten more or less used to the idea that she could see things that could be considered supernatural – hell, she had even needed to fight against some of those things with the powers that had been granted to her – every time she encountered something new her heart jumped a little. Without giving much more thought to it, she hid behind one of the corners of the academy and transformed into her magical attire. A blue flash leaped up into the tree and with another jump, Robyn disappeared into the portal.

Spinning around in the whirlwind she had created to lift herself up, it her took a moment to regain focus and behold the city of London as it became visible underneath her. Despite, or maybe because the vibrant streets were littered with people, no one seemed to have noticed the arrival of the girl. Robyn felt the wind underneath her lose momentum and knew soon she was going to descend. As she started to fall back to earth a group of individuals caught her eye. Seems I’m late to the party, she remarked inwardly when she realized they were magical children, just like her. Creating one more burst of wind midair she dashed in their direction.

Agile, she landed swiftly, and joined the group. “Why hello,” she announced herself as she bowed slightly, placing one foot behind the other. “Most refer to me as The Tempest, but I’d prefer if you’d call me something more personal such as Abigail,” she said, a faint smile present on her lips. “Don’t worry, that’s not my real name,” she added; although in this situation it did not seem directly necessary to her, Robyn was aware of the convention to keep their real identity a secret.

She glanced around the circle, finding herself a little lost as she had never seen so many magical children together. Her gaze rested on one of the younger girls, her bright eyes looking up at her when she mentioned that she had brought cookies which she’d happily share with all of them. She was taken aback a little by the offer, but her growling stomach reminded her of her earlier plans, so she gladly accepted one. “Thank you!” she said gratefully before biting down.
Same here ._. Working on a post right now though.
As a heads up, I won't be able to post today (it's 11pm here and I need to get out of bed early tomorrow), but hopefully I'll have a post up either tomorrow or on Friday. I've already got some small ideas so that helps...
Can't wait to get this started :) Good luck with your project!

Also, I might make a demon character some time in the distant future; gives me an excuse to use
which I found a few days ago huehue
Robyn Adriana Bennett

Abigail / ‘The Tempest’

Age: 15
Gender: Female

Proud and persistent, to most people Robyn comes off as snobby at first glance. Her elite aura and ladylike behavior does not help to change this view. She has an adventurous side to her however, which opposes to this idea. Being raised in one of the greener parts of England, Robyn could often be found trailing off tracks to explore the area. She would always get bruised and stained while venturing out, much to her mother’s disapproval who still has the idea her daughter is supposed to represent her family, one which has a long history. Robyn sometimes likes to rebel against her mother’s view on the world which in her opinion is archaic, which has made their relation somewhat tense. Robyn now no longer runs off into the woods, but instead has made her escapades into the literary world. The girl loves reading and has developed an above average knowledge about English literature, specializing in what can be seen as the classics: Shakespeare, Mary Shelley, Oscar Wilde...

Gimmick/Theme behind Powers: Storm

Psychological weakness:
It seems the gained ability has come at a price; the once balanced girl is now emotionally unstable. Robyn has developed anger issues and sometimes has panic attacks. The problems seem to have gotten worse after her father’s death. She is starting to fear that at one time she may lose control and, in her words, end up like King Lear.

Inheriting her powers from a storm sprite, Robyn is able to manipulate and create both lightning and wind. However, since the storm sprite has passed the powers in the form of a lightning strike, Robyn masters lightning better than wind by a considerable amount. Robyn mostly operates at long range as her powers require charging up. Her powers are greatly influenced by her emotions and vice versa: the longer Robyn uses her powers the more emotionally unstable she gets, mostly resulting in her getting enraged but occasionally in a panic attack.

Lightning Strike – Robyn can cause discharges of electricity, which have effects ranging from devastating to very useful or even lifesaving. Average to larger discharges are easier for Robyn to create as these require little precision and focus. She may use these to harm her enemies or use them on electrical devices or other objects to destroy them. If she concentrates well and charges up long enough, she is able to produce huge bolts of lightning which she may use on large metal constructions to form a barrier. However discharges with this amount of power are very hard to control so Robyn hasn’t fully mastered this yet. Although pointless at first glance, tiny discharges can actually be very helpful: they can be used on electrical objects to activate them (getting through an electrically secured door, starting a car) and even on people to revive them (think defibrillator). Needless to say, these actions are very risky and require utmost precision and patience. Because of this last aspect they aren’t exactly an expertise Robyn; she has very little patience for most things.

Static Electricity – More of a side effect of using her powers than an actual ability. When Robyn charges up the clouds in the area she creates a tension in the air which gives anyone a sense of calamity. People become restless and unfocused.

Whips of Wind and Lightning – Robyn can use her ribbons to lash out at people, empowering them with either electricity and/or giving them a boost or lift using her control over wind. She may also use the ribbons to trip or capture people. Once captured she may then send electricity down the ribbons to shock her opponent.

Robyn was born into one of the wealthier families in England. Her mother originates from a once influential family with a long history and her father was a successful business man. Although the house was spacious to say the least, it was never quiet or empty. There was always someone roaming the chambers and halls of the estate, so Robyn never felt alone. She had her two older brothers to play with and often had children from her school or neighborhood come over. She was a bright, playful child but got somewhat restricted in expressing these characteristics as she was raised to be a representable young lady.

One summer day, Robyn had decided to go on a little camping trip with her friends not too far from home; the estate was adjacent to a large patch of woodland which seemed like the perfect location. However, as the hours went by, dark clouds settled in and before long rumbling could be heard in the distance. The children were in the middle of a game of hide-and-seek when thick drops of rain started to fall from the sky. Robyn was surrounded by pines, stretching out into the sky. She looked around for any trace of the other children while she tried to find her way back to the estate as quickly as possible, but knowing Robyn, she had trailed off way too far from the camping site. With every step she could hear the thunder drawing in and felt the wind increase in speed, tugging at her dress. Filled with fear the little girl ran through the forest, searching for a stretch of plane where the lightning had little chance of striking. Seeing no other options she stopped abruptly, kneeling down and making herself as small as possible. Flashes filled the sky, the air resonating around her like dark voices as she felt her heart beating wildly in her chest. One more burst. That was when she felt an agonizing sting in her chest. The lightning had struck her. Was she going to die? These thoughts flashed by her in what Robyn thought would be her last moments. But they weren’t. The girl survived and she soon understood what had caused this miracle. Initiator of the storm, a sprite had decided to spare the girl and instead give her a part of its power as it deemed her body strong enough to house the energy. Still in shock, it took Robyn a few minutes to regain herself and stand up and walk again, to finally arrive at her house, where she was welcomed by her friends who had luckily all returned safe and sound.

Robyn was eight when this happened. In the mean while things have changed for her. She has since learned of demons and practiced her abilities, albeit more out of boredom than out of need. More importantly though, her situation at home has also altered... Around the age of eleven doctors found out her father was terminally ill after he had collapsed at work. He would not live to see his daughter grow up; they give him two years, but even this estimate turned out to be longer than her father lasted. He passed away nine months into therapy. Her father’s death left the family broken and it was obvious that things would never be the same again. Robyn’s mother gained full custody over the children and inherited her husband’s company. Having her hands full with three adolescents as well as a blooming business, she became more stressed and easier to snap out to people, including her daughter. Robyn in turn lost some of her softness and cheerfulness, replacing it by what can be seen as brashness. It was during these days that the girl sought refuge in her father’s study. At first she came there just to be reminded of her father and the moments they had shared, later she became interested in the large collection of books that he had left behind. This was where her interest in literature was sparked.

At present, Robyn is now fifteen years old and attends high school. She scores around average grades in most subjects, but excels in English and History. She doesn’t have many friends; most of her former friends have left her, some because they have simply moved elsewhere or go to a different school, others for her change in attitude. New friends come scarce as most find her hard to approach. The few friends she has though she cherishes and Robyn is very loyal to them.

Lately something has been stirring inside her, a feeling which cannot be fulfilled. A sensation which she can only describe as wanderlust, a desire for adventure; not just into the imaginary or dream world, but into the wild parts of the human world, the depths of the earth.

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