Avatar of Angelino


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1 yr ago
Current okay but why does Spanish music hit harder than music in English -_- and thats coming from a puerto rican
1 yr ago
imagine being called Emo cause you listen to Brutal by Olivia Rodrigo. god its brutal out here man T~T (get it hehe)
1 yr ago
The Moment i become and angel yall better pray and tell god what he did wrong cause if not then yall are in for some trouble Lmao
1 like
1 yr ago
Why superman -_- and why is this man's only weakness a peace of stone? why cant it be a woman or a weakness for adorable things? questions ,questions


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Akira leaned into her hand and smiled lovingly at her "your Amazing Sarah...and it would be an honour to call you mine"
Akira looked surprised and quite happy. she took Sarah's hands in hers and had the biggest smile ever with tears falling down her cheeks.
"im sorry Sarah...i just...i shouldn't have said anything earlier while you where in your wolf form..you probably think its a bit weird" Akira after a few seconds let go of Sarah and rubbed her arm slightly while looking away
Akira turned back around and without saying a word she just hugged Sarah and buried her face in Sarah's shoulder
Akira turned around while she was changing and smiled very softly "you look pretty when you blush..you also have the prettiest smile to ever exist"
With a teasing smirk, she stopped and kissed Sarah on the cheek before giving her some clothes she had in her bag
She raised an eyebrow and looked at Sarah before smirking "i mean if you want me to stop smiling about a pretty lady holding my hand and wearing my jacket then sure why not Darling~"
Akira couldn't stop smiling like a goofball and she started making her way back to the cave. making sure not to dump into Sarah's dad on the way
Akira looked shyly at Sarah and chuckled slightly "it looks good on you. tho right now is probably a bad time" she nervously laughed and got up putting her hand out for Sarah so she could get up. lets get you some clothes or your father will probably get the wrong idea. i dont wanna be on his bad side"
when she heard Sarah squeal she looked at her but then covered her face blushing the darkest red possible. Luckily Akira had a jacket with her and without looking gave it to Sarah "Worst timing huh? well put this on we can't have you naked or you'll get a cold" Akira's jacket was quite big and went down to mid-thigh on her so for Sarah it was probably bigger
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