Avatar of Armed Forces
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    1. Armed Forces 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current "One of the great secrets of life. Most people die of a sort of creeping common sense and discover too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes. " -Lord Henry Wotton


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<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>

Katerina: And you didn't even set an ambush?

*She turns, drawing her sniper rifle and firing a .50 anti-tank round directly into the engine of the truck behind. It swerves out of control and strikes a second building.*

Katerina: You're getting complacent, Alexei.

I know, I know.

*I look down in shame as I open the door. Due to this, I don't immediately see what Katerina gasps at. I look up to see that Alexandria is gone, in her place a shimmering purple field.*

Oh, blyat.

*The truck detonates in a purple flash, sending both Katerina and I flying. I grab her in midair and turn so that my armor absorbs most of the fall, feeling a rib give way in the process.*

Leon, you need to get away now.

*Is sent flying by the explosion as well, crashing into the wall of a building not far from you two, then I falls to the ground groaning*
I wish I knew that was coming...
*Pushes myself to my feet*
We all need to get away.
*I run to you to, offering a hand to help you to your feet*
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>

*I look at the lock to see that it's using a cypher I know nothing of, then shout a curse that is lost in the wind, knowing that I cannot breach the door.*

No, no! NO!

*Just as I begin to despair, a dark silhouette leaps from a nearby rooftop and grabs onto the rear railing of the vehicle in one fluid motion.*

Katerina: Privetstviya, comrade.

*She waves a hand at me, gesturing for me to move.*

Let me do my work, silly man.

*With effortless precision, she hacks into and unlocks the door.*

That speed is impressive. Saves me having to rip the car apart too.
*Pulls back out my second pistol and maintains covering fire against the opposing vehicles as best I can*
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>

Careful! Don't let them- no!

*My gaze goes down to a Nightwatch gangster brandishing a rocket launcher and pointing it at the vehicle. Before he can fire, however, I shoot him in the head and the resulting shot goes wide, demolishing a storefront.*

*I then jump down and land atop the roof, crawling down towards the rear doors only to see that not only are they triple-locked, but I have just exposed myself to the truck behind's line of fire.*

*Narrows my eyes and turns my head, using my pistol to take shots at the truck behind, with the goal of either taking the gunmen out or providing covering fire in the process*
Careful, partner.
@Tank O The Lake

Are we still continuing the scene with Alexei and co?

Well, that answers my question, haha. Didn’t know if you were wanting to focus entirely on the other scene.
@Tank O The Lake

Are we still continuing the scene with Alexei and co?
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>

*I continue running, before jumping up onto a roof and following it by leaping from rooftop to rooftop. The vehicle enters a convoy of similar trucks before its roof-mounted machine gun turns to fire at me.*

<Snipped quote by Tank O The Lake>

*Catches up to the convoy and leaps up onto the roof of the truck furthest back, then assesses the situation for an additional moment before leaping from car to car toward the one that kidnapped the girl*

*Reaches the truck, and grabs the machine gun from behind, tearing it from the car and tossing the detached machinery behind me off the vehicle*
How about that?
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>

*I continue running, before jumping up onto a roof and following it by leaping from rooftop to rooftop. The vehicle enters a convoy of similar trucks before its roof-mounted machine gun turns to fire at me.*

*Catches up to the convoy and leaps up onto the roof of the truck furthest back, then assesses the situation for an additional moment before leaping from car to car toward the one that kidnapped the girl*
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>

My daughter! Where is my daughter!?

*Looks to see an unconscious teenage girl being carried away on a stretcher by two androids. My posture goes ramrod straight, before I become a grey blur streaking across the battlefield after her.*

*Looks back to you*


<Snipped quote by Tank O The Lake>

*I keep running, ignoring the bullets shattering on the toughened graphene of my cloak. I am about to reach Alexandria, when, with a faint ptick, a dart embeds itself within my neck. I fall over and struggle to rise, struggle to fight off the sedative. Alexandria's eyes flutter, and she looks at me with a helpless gaze.*

Hold on... I'm coming...

*Before I finish my sentence, whatever they have Alexandria on drags her back down. I stand, but become unbalanced and fall to my knees. Seeing this, Dmitri pulls a dart gun of his own and loads a dart rimmed with blue, firing it into me. The heavy-handed dose of stimulants is enough to keep me going, but they need time to kick in. In the meantime, as I lapse into and out of consciousness, I am granted brief glimpses of the androids as they load Alexandria onto a waiting vehicle and drive her off. I am unable to stop them, with the stimulants only kicking in once she is far out of my reach, almost as if by a cruel hand.*

So much for the realistic façade...
*Takes off runnning, dashing past you and toward the vehicle at a breakneck superhuman pace*
<Snipped quote by Armed Forces>

That works!

*Katyusha fires two more shots, each on destroying a different android.*

*I go still as I realize something.*


*Puts one of the pistols away, exchanging it for what looks like a bomb, before turning to look at you when you yell with concern*
does it still send the notification if you edit the mention to not be borked?

It does I believe
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