Avatar of ArticBeaver


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7 yrs ago
Life's so dull and repetitive that the only thing you look forward to is a text from your otome boyfriend.
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7 yrs ago
Oooooh baby do you know what that's worth. Ooooh heaven is a place on eaarth.
7 yrs ago
Holy shit I can't stop eating.
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7 yrs ago
"“I’m sorry” and “I apologize” mean the same thing. Except at a funeral."-Demetri Martin
7 yrs ago
[@Metadude] I am now considering this.


23. GMT+8.

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Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

Flynn's quip about stormtrooper aim drew a smirk from Becker, though her amusement was fleeting, replaced by a somber nod at the mention of loading the bodies but thankfully Dave got her covered.

As Dave teased about the new boyfriend remark, Becker rolled her eyes playfully, giving him a light shove. "Just gettouta here will you." she retorted with a chuckle before turning back to Flynn.

"Next steps, well... we still need to give our statements, and they'll likely want to question you. It's just part of the process" Becker explained, her gaze flickering towards the camera but then focusing back on Flynn. "Just stick to the truth. You were defending yourself and others. The rest... well, we'll navigate it as it comes."

She offered Flynn a reassuring smile, a silent understanding passing between them amid the chaos and uncertainty.

"Oh, by the way," Becker extended her hand towards Flynn and offered a friendly smile. "Becker," she said, waiting for his response.


Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

As the officer spoke, Becker maintained her composure, nodding in understanding. "Understood. We'll handle it," she assured them, her gaze shifting momentarily to the reporters filming the unfolding events.

Becker stood with her hands on her waist, her gaze shifting between the two bodies covered by white sheets. Becker begins to understand then the urgency of the situation and the necessity of Flynn's decisive actions. "I guess desperate times call for desperate measures," she remarked.

Becker glanced at Flynn, her expression a mix of mild scrutiny and understanding. Becker nodded at Dave's comment,"Yeah, interesting would be one way to put it," she muttered dryly, glancing at the chaotic scene around them. She then turned to Dave and Flynn, managing a faint smile. "Let's just hope the rest of the day isn't as eventful."

Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

Becker knew that Flynn's request had merit. The last thing they needed was the media stirring up further panic amidst the already chaotic scene. With a nod of agreement, she moved to intercept the reporters, her mind already racing with potential damage control strategies to mitigate the situation.

As she approached the reporters, Becker couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency creeping in. With each passing moment, the situation seemed to grow more dire, and she knew that every action they took could have far-reaching consequences.

Becker's heart pounded with a mixture of shock and disbelief as she watched Flynn take matters into his own hands, firing his crossbow with deadly accuracy. The sight of the bolt piercing the assailant's eye, bringing him crashing to the ground, left her momentarily frozen in place.

Becker shot Flynn an incredulous look, her eyes widening in shock and disbelief. "Damn it, I expected you to keep him at bay, not put a target on him." her tone laced with disbelief as she watched the man drop to the ground.

Despite feeling a pang of dismay at the unfolding chaos and Flynn's impulsive actions, Becker recognized the dire circumstances at hand. As tensions mounted and the officer's gun remained trained on Flynn, she weighed her options carefully.

"Easy, Officer," she urged, her voice calm but firm. "We're all just trying to make sense of this mess." Despite her reservations, Becker knew that diffusing the situation peacefully was paramount, even if it meant defending Flynn's actions in the heat of the moment. "But right now we need to get these people to safety. Can you start ushering them away from here?"

Though she may not have agreed with Flynn's methods, she recognized that desperate times often required unconventional solutions. And in this moment, she knew that defending Flynn was the only way to ensure a peaceful resolution to the chaotic scene unfolding before them. At least that's what she initially thought.

Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

As the police officer finished jotting down Becker's statement, she offered a nod of gratitude. "Thank you," she said courteously, accepting the officer's card and slipping it into her pocket. Glancing at Dave, she gestured subtly towards the exit, silently signaling their readiness to leave.

Dave nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting a mix of relief and apprehension. However, before they could depart, the sudden commotion outside captured their attention—a crash followed by a piercing scream echoed through the cafe.

Reacting swiftly, Becker and Dave hurried to the window, their eyes widening in shock at the unfolding scene. The once-injured victim, now seemingly revitalized, launched an aggressive attack on one of the EMTs, prompting urgent intervention from the responding officers.

With adrenaline surging, Becker turned to Dave, her tone urgent. "We can't just stand here. We need to help," she insisted, her gaze darting towards Flynn, who stood nearby. "We could use an extra pair of hands."

Dave nodded in agreement, his resolve firm as they prepared to intervene in the escalating chaos.

Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

"Could be," Becker replied thoughtfully to Flynn's suggestion, acknowledging the possibility of drug-induced behavior contributing to the incident. She had encountered similar scenarios in her line of work, though each situation presented its own unique challenges.

As one of the officers approached and directed his attention towards her, Becker turned her focus to the task at hand. "Of course," she replied, her tone cooperative as she prepared to provide her statement. "I'll do my best to recount what I saw." With a nod to Flynn, she turned her attention back to the officer.

Becker's thoughts raced, her mind already piecing together the details of the chaotic scene. With her EMT training kicking in, she remained focused on providing an accurate account of what had transpired, determined to assist the authorities in their investigation.

"My colleague and I had just finished our shift and decided to grab a bite to eat. That's when we heard the commotion near the entrance." Her words measured and precise as she recalled the moments leading up to the arrival of the paramedics. "The man had a severe bite wound on his arm, and he looked pale and disoriented. My first instinct was to assess his condition and offer assistance."
Count me in!

Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

Becker regarded the new comer with a neutral expression as he approached, his sudden appearance adding a layer of complexity to the already tense situation. As the paramedics wrapped up their assessment and prepared to transport the injured man, Becker watched their departure with a sense of relief. The stranger's inquiry about the victim drew her attention back to him, and she regarded him cautiously, taking a moment to assess his motives.

"We're not entirely sure," Becker replied, her tone guarded yet cooperative. "Seems he got into some sort of altercation, ended up with a nasty bite. Could be anything, really." She gestured towards the departing stretcher, her gaze briefly flickering towards the arriving police officers.

As the officers began their inquiries, Becker noted the man's reaction with a subtle raise of her eyebrow. She refrained from commenting on his unease, opting instead for a diplomatic response. "Looks like the police are here to gather statements. Just routine procedure," she explained, offering a polite yet cautious smile.

"I suppose by any chance, you happen to catch anything that could explain what happened?" gesturing towards the departing stretcher with a subtle tilt of her head. "A bite like that doesn't just happen every day."

Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

As the crowd began to disperse, some murmurs of disappointment rippled through the cafe. The offer of complimentary food and drinks swayed a few more patrons to make their exit, their expressions a mix of gratitude and lingering curiosity.

Becker acknowledged the barista's hopeful glance, as she silently urged the remaining patrons to follow suit. Yet for the patrons, despite the tempting offer, the handful that opted to stay, Becker thought, should linger in case their presence was needed for statements or assistance.

Before long, the anticipated arrival of the paramedics cut through the tension. One of them approached the scene.

Becker stepped forward, her voice steady as she briefed the paramedic on the situation. "Possible rabid individual, fever, and exposed bone," she summarized, her tone conveying a sense of urgency as the injured man's condition appeared to worsen. Her trained eyes caught a subtle shift in the man's condition, noting his increasingly pallid complexion and struggle to keep his posture upright. "And he's not looking too well." she added, her concern evident as she gestured towards the now visibly distressed victim.

Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

The man's description of the injured individual as "rabid" triggered a subtle sense of caution in her. She moved closer to get a clearer view, noting the barista's assessment of the fever and Dave's discovery of the exposed bone.

Amid her assessment, a contemplative doubt lingered—a wondering if there might be a deeper layer to this incident than a conventional human clash. However, being the pragmatic that she is, she dismissed the notion of such a possibility.

"Looks like we stumbled upon a whole new level of bizarre," Becker remarked dryly. She exchanged a glance with Dave, acknowledging the seriousness of the situation.

As Dave initiated the call to 911, Becker addressed the growing crowd with a stern expression. "Alright, folks, let's give them some room. This isn't a show." She hopefully gestured toward the onlookers to prompt the curious crowd's dispersal.

As the emergency unfolded in the cafe, Dave couldn't help but voice the unspoken question on most people's mind. Leaning in slightly, his eyes flickering between Becker and the barista, he cautiously asked, "Do you think it's related to that virus they've been talking about?"

Becker, her gaze briefly shifting from the injured man to meet Dave's eyes, considered the question with a thoughtful expression. "Well, if every fever and exposed bone screamed 'virus,' we'd be living in a pretty bleak world, wouldn't we?" Becker remarked, her words carrying a hint of doubt. "Let's deal with the facts we've got and leave the apocalyptic theories to the movies." With a subtle raise of her eyebrow, she refocused her attention on the injured man, emphasizing the need for practicality in the face of the unknown.

Location:Coffee Shop
Skills: N/A

Becker glanced up from her coffee as the friendly barista approached, her blonde hair catching the soft light of the coffee shop. Becker noted the genuine warmth in the girl's blue eyes and offered a small, appreciative smile. "Just the usual, thanks," Becker replied, indicating her nearly empty cup. Dave, slightly more talkative in this moment, chimed in, "Yeah, I'll take a refill, please."

As the barista bustled about, wiping down the counter, she initiated some casual small talk, maybe attempting to foster a sense of camaraderie, she thought. Becker, never one to divulge too much, responded with a half-smile, "Busy night. You know how it is."

Despite being a regular at the coffee shop, she had never bothered to learn the barista's name. It wasn't a deliberate choice, but Becker does have a tendency to keep a certain distance, even in familiar settings.

The peaceful ambiance of the coffee shop, however, was abruptly shattered by the forceful entry of a distressed individual. A man burst through the door, clutching his bleeding arm, panic etched across his face.

Becker's demeanor shifted instantaneously the moment she saw blood. Without a word, her training kicked in, and her instincts took over. She shot a quick, authoritative look at Dave, her eyes conveying the urgency of the moment.

"Dave, the first aid," Becker directed, her tone no-nonsense and focused. Dave, recognizing the gravity of the situation, nodded briskly and hurried towards the designated area where the first aid kit was kept.

As Dave retrieved the kit, Becker was already by the injured man's side, her movements swift and efficient. The barista, still holding a bundle of napkins, looked on with concern.

"Jesus," the experienced EMT breathed out under her breath, the sight of the deep, ragged bite wound spoke volumes about the potential danger they were dealing with. It resembles the mark of a wild animal than a typical human confrontation. "Who the hell goes around randomly biting people?" she says, as she attempted to stop the bleeding.
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