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@SleepingSilence You have an issue with assuming why things are liked by others. Liking Fury Road has nothing to do with any political reasons.

IMO, people who don't like Fury Road suffer from some combination of the following: lack of appreciation for visual storytelling, inability to cope with low amounts of dialogue, inability to appreciate specialized (and not generalized) movies, lack of appreciation for grade AAA action, inability to recognize grade AAA action, watched it with bad audio and/or visual setup.

EDIT: Not gonna try very hard to convince you to see The Revenant. I'll say that it's probably the hardest for someone to dislike out of my list up there. As long as that person is okay with outdoorsy, survival movies.
>heard The Revenant was terrible
>writing off several other generally well received movies because an outlier told you it was terrible
>didn't like Fury Road
These are the most egregious.

>you don't get any abilities and you don't look like them

Kinda lame.

The only choice is ANY main character from ANY harem anime.
Two of the most recently released movies that I've really liked are Get Out and Split.

La La Land, Hacksaw Ridge, The Accountant, Kubo, Star Trek Beyond, Swiss Army Man, 10 Cloverfield Lane, The Revenant, The Hateful Eight, Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, The Martian, Sicario, The Man From U.N.C.L.E., Dope, Mad Max: Fury Road, Kingsman, Interstellar, Nightcrawler, John Wick, Fury, Gone Girl, Edge of Tomorrow, The Winter Soldier.

Those are the ones that stand out looking at this list of major releases that goes back to 2014.

EDIT: Some other recent ones I missed: Room, Ex Machina, It Follows, The Imitation Game, Birdman, Enemy, The Grand Budapest Hotel.


Legion is a fucking sweet series. Stranger Things was clearly the best of 2016. And finally, I thoroughly enjoy Rick and Morty, despite how many normie fans they have and all of the cringey ways they show their love for it.
I'd like to write in my answer. Shitposting used to mean actually just making bad posts. Not redeemable in any way. Literal garbage.

Now, fucking stupid idiot dorks are using "shitposting" as the new "I'm just being random."
@AwsonDo you even like anything? I've never seen you make a positive remark about something before, at all.

I'm a fan of banging your mother.
@Awson Well I say that because disappointed implies you at least enjoyed the first movie. Though I was under the impression the first GoTG was good because it was "funny." which why I originally was turned off by it because most "comedies" are anything but.

Like tell me some jokes you think didn't work in the second one, (go ahead and put a hider if you must.) just so I have examples...it honestly reminded me of watching a Mel Brooks movie in the comedy parts. What exactly did you not like about the comedy? Was there a particular character that didn't work? Was the comedic timing off? Which jokes felt awkward? I ask because just saying they're dumb, is a little too vague.

It sounds like you feel the 2nd one was just more comedy focused (which is sort of what I expected going in.) But I felt there was plenty of action beats and emotional parts of the movie as well, did you not enjoy those parts either? Do you feel any of the other marvel movies look better visually? How'd you feel about the story itself? Details would be nice. (I've had arguments about movies, where the opponent never saw the movie. So just want to get a more specific baseline to go on.)

Like yeah, Avengers 2 was kind of a damn stupid movie for many reasons. Though I'd argue not really for the same reasons you'd described.

I take no pleasure in verbosity. I also dislike discussing movies with people who haven't seen the movie(s).

I did enjoy the first movie for the most part, yes. And no, I didn't like it only because it was funny. It was a nice, cool movie that had good funny moments. Vol. 2 not only pushed other things aside to add more jokes, but they actually changed the type of humor in my opinion. I don't think "dumb" is too vague of a description for humor. Immature and not very clever. Too forced at times.

I'll give you one particular. They did twice thrice as many Drax bits as they probably should have.

The visuals were obviously very good. The action, story, and emotional moments were all fine, but all were at least slightly less good than the first.
<Snipped quote by Awson>

What exactly does that refer to? And you say disappointing. So that infers that you found the first one funny right? So as someone who saw the 2nd and not the first. Why was that one good enough for the 2nd one to be a disappointment? There was one or two jokes I may of rolled my eyes a little at...and it's apparently the -entire- deadpool movie. I'm legit curious, what did the first one have that the 2nd one did not?

I wasn't in love with a lot of the jokes in the first one either, but yes, they were better. The first one was more of an adventure movie, less of a quip delivery system.

EDIT: It's what Avengers 2 is to The Avengers. Less novel, more bloated, uninspired.
Dude, GotG 2 was disappointing.

They just turned it into The fucking Three Stooges, basically.

At the risk of sounding pompous, I'll say that most of the jokes were just simple and dumb.
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