Avatar of Ayemdar
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    1. Ayemdar 8 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
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Name: Raven
Level: 1
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Assassin
Date/Time: Day 1 / Morning
Location: The Meeting Spot in the main lounge of the Greased Oak/Bridge Rat Infestation
Tagging: @Bright_Ops
Mentioned: Open

Raven lost track of time and her thoughts. She wished she hadn't turned down those contracts now. She could have murdered the scum and collected her gold by now. She sighed, but she made the choice to join this guild in the hopes of making more gold. Her eyes flashed toward the "leader" when she started talking about their job. Monster vermin, that's new. She thought to herself. She's dealt with a lot of beasts and people, but that's something new to her.

Raven stood up and kicked her chair in. "Finally, I've been itching to get my blades bloody." She smiled mischievously as she spoke to the human, Keith. Those beasts wouldn't stand a chance with her.

"Gavin, I'm going to kill him." Clara knew she couldn't take the boy, especially not with the other girl present. She hoped Gavin would come to his senses and stop K.C. Before it was too late for Clara to think logically.

But Gavin decided to open his big mouth like usual. She knew he didn't agree with them coming back. Clara felt differently, however. She wanted to rid every Grimm. That scum.

"You are an idiot. But just this once I won't tell the others how stupid you are. If you wanna play house with the Grimm's go ahead, but I want no part." She shot K.C. a nasty look.
@bluetommy2 What is Gavin going to tell?

Clara didn't even bother looking at her cousin when she said "Shut up, Gavin." Then, the boy had the audicity to grab her wrist. She was fuming, and didn't even hear a word he said. She stopped and turned towards him, her face inches from his. "Do not touch me again. It will be the last thing you do. Even if I have to die to make it happen." The boy had no clue how volatile Clara was, and he would soon find out if he wasn't careful.

Of course the boy wanted to play 20 questions. Apparently advice on not just causally talking to the enemy never came up in his training. Clara wanted to get home, not talk to the Grimm scum. She looked at him with annoyance and spat "I really don't want to talk to you. However, if I answer your questions maybe you'll get lost. My deal is you are a Grimm. I don't care enough to bring my monsters anywhere. If they made it there then good for them. I summon and let them do whatever if it's not for a fight. And I've been here a day or so. Happy?" Clara kept striding forward, the boy would have to keep up if he cared enough.

@bluetommy2 there I threw a post up

Clara beamed. They won! She smiled and smacked her cousins hand. "My parents will be so happy!" But then her celebration was cut short by a red headed girl, a few years older than her. Clara's confidence was built up, but she knew her limit. "Fine, we're out of here. Or I am at least." And with that Clara turned on her heals and started her walk home. Gavin would catch up if he wanted.
@SaikaAnge @bluetommy2

As K.C. Was dealing with Gavin, Clara conjured a small troll "Da mihi formidulosis beasti." She was then encased in a fiery dome. Now she was just getting agitated. Why couldn't this boy be defeated.

"I swear if this fire burns my hair there will be hell to pay." She spat with annoyance, crossing her arms across her chest. She discretely nodded at her newly summoned troll, which charged after K.C. while she was talking and distracting him. The troll wasn't too big, but still a dangerous foe.
@RangerOfTheRit hmm I was thinking of her conjuring a troll. (Like a small one. Nothing like the one Jack encountered. She's not in the right mindset for that. )
@RangerOfTheRit I know I was teasing
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