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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Is he still alive?

Efforts to purge the orkish infection of Pentious were going at a relatively smooth and timely pace. Or at least as smooth and timely as any effort to expunge the greenskins from a world in which they had managed to dig their fungi roots into could statistically go. The orks were naturally trying to fight back, but with the forges and their resources torn from their vile grip, the remaining brutes had suffered something of a degradation in regards to weapons and technology... which to orks, were largely the same thing.

This wasn't an overnight development and a fighting force less experienced with fighting orks could have easily missed the signs. First the more alien and exotic weapons that the orks could field started to disappear as they were being lost as their wielders were killed and destroyed, but not replaced. They were a rarity to begin with of course, but the lack of solders and wreckage torn apart from the inside out by an insane, teleported squig was largely considered an overall boon to morale.

Then the more advanced pieces of the orkish arsenal started to vanish from the field of battle. Battle Wagons had become a rarity after the death of Warboss Kracker'Lacker and the reclamation of the forges saw the only Orkish tribes who could build and maintain them disappear off the planet, their mechanical abominations torn apart and melted down to be purified of the xenos taint. The 'Killa Kan' also started to disappear from the field, alongside the variety of tanks that were both looted by the greenskins at some point or built by the brutes from scratch; Considering just how destroyed something needed to be before the orks couldn't rebuild it in some fashion as a war machine, even the raising paragon of Rik couldn't figure out what some of the captured ork armor had originally been.

Orkish 'Shootas' (because calling them either a gun or a firearm hurt the soul) remained a common sight on the battlefield, but due to the policy of assassinating high target orks such as the Mek Boys, an increasing number of greenskins were resorting to more primitive weapons to arm themselves. Most were melee in nature, through slings were not a strange sight... and after a number of injuries and deaths caused by the discover of just how effective and dangerous orks were when it came to lobbing rocks at something, became a factor calculated into battle plans.

The plans themselves were crafted and put into practice on the field with machine like efficiency and brutality. At this stage, emotion had to be tempered least the tunnel vision of hatred and rage allowed something to escape in the moment. But it was on the scale of the operation were the flames of righteous fury would be allowed to fuel the furnace. Every Ork. Every Gretchen. Every single misbegotten wretched creature that was apart of the orkoid fungi family tree in some fashion was hunted down, put to death and had their bodies destroyed with radiation and flame.

Once the physical creatures were gone, radiation and flame was turned on the planet of Pentious itself. Sector by sector, the planet was scourged of every last trace of the ork fungi or their wretched spores until a burned and slightly irradiated Pentious was purified of the xenos taint. It would be many years before terraforming attempts could be restarted as they had been before the orks arrived, but the delay was considered acceptable in the face of being free of future greenskin outbreaks.

When the final sector of Pentious was undergoing purification, every man, woman and child on the planet was allowed to listen in on the vox-call as completion of the operation was confirmed.

There was a silence that covered the whole planet afterwards. As if everyone believed, for just a moment, that they were sharing a collective dream. That the slightest noise or sudden movement would cause them all to wake up to the reality of yet another day fighting the long war... or worse, awaken to the nightmare that Warboss Kracker'Lacker was still alive and about to lead the final siege of Forge Alpha and that all they had seen and witnessed was just their mind torturing them with a beautiful but impossible what if.

When the dream didn't end and the reality dawned on them... the roar of jubilation echoed all the louder due to the silence that came before it.

Pentious was free of Orkish kind. Pentious was purely a human world, their world once more.

Their home was free. Their home was at peace. They were at peace.

That would change as all things did. But for this moment in their embattled lives, the people of Pentious didn't care what loomed in the future, for the present had given them a gift many never dared to consider possible for decades.

They had a future.
If it's open, I would love to join.

I will admit, of the various major gods, I feel like Ares and Hephaestus might be the two who remained the most... awake? Aware? Industry and War were always rather closely tied to humanity after all.

I'm still debating characters but... Prometheus would be interesting.

Going to be honest: Raiden killed Konrad back in 1945. It wasn't anything personal against Konrad himself so much as Raiden needed to directly intervene due to the occultist site in question being too great a danger not to. The best way I could word what was happening at that site is 'Imagine a tribal human smacking an unexploded but armed thermonuclear warhead with a piece of flint repeatedly because they found that it made great fire starting sparks'. The kind of thing that Shang Tsung and Quan Chi would trick someone else into doing because being in the same realm as it is a terrible idea.

EDIT: I'm kind of interested in learning more about the world in general before I sit down and write a history.
@Queen Arya

Should be.

Since Bob had voiced his concerns to Robin, the gentle giant focused on his cooking. Scrambled eggs didn’t take that long to cook after all… through the sheer bulk of what he was working with, it would still take a little while. Looking over his shoulder as he looked at his team leader and team mates, he tilted his head slightly as he asked “Somethin’ ma’ic afoot, Robin?”

In a one bathroom one conjoined kitchen/general purpose room in one of the more run down parts of Jump City, Pandor reread the email one of his burner alias accounts had received while laying on a single bed with a cheap laptop. It wasn't his favorite place to hunker down for a while by any stretch of the imagination, but on occasion it was good to physically have someone staying in the place so it didn't have 'safe house' vibes about it. Miss Angela Gabby, original name Mr Andrew Grimes, was a hard core career driven woman who tended to be in and out of Jump City enough for her profession that it was generally better to have a small, shitty apartment rather then fight for a hotel room every time she was in the city for a while... through thinking about it, Pandor needed to double check what job he actually gave their alter ego.

But that had all simply been a distraction from the email he had received.

He hadn't responded yet because he was considering his options. By all rights, he digitally should appear to have opened the email somewhere in Germany... but whomever had sent the email had been talented enough (or at least had access to enough resources to find someone talented enough) to uncover one of his burners. He could simply not respond and disappear: It wouldn't be the first time, plus he had the benefit of being able to trickle feed sales of bitcoin to get the money he had originally taken from Lex Corp over a period of time to set himself up somewhere new as someone completely new.

However, as he shifted around and moved some red cloth out of his line of sight... a part of him was curious. A dangerous thing to be sure but... if things started to get hairy, slipping away and disappearing was second nature to him. Plus he was going to have to burn the laptop just for opening that email anyway.

Email From: $_$
Re: Subject: Burglar

Welcome to Corporate America, the holy ground on which tens of thousands of human life and untold suffering is offered on the alter to the divine Economy on a day to day basis. I can confess to a degree of curiosity to see what you have to offer. Not promising anything, but I'll hear you out. Where and when?
@Crimson Flame

I think it helps that Bob wasn't asking him to stop. Just that there was some sound proofing so he didn't have to hear it.
@Crimson Flame

Sounds like something Max was making a point of sneaking around about then. Slipping a boyfriend through the tower's security system.
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