Avatar of BassDropp
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    1. BassDropp 8 yrs ago


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For those of you who don't know, I changed Alex's ability. I wasn't able to put his old magic into words but @Scio and I talked and I created a new form of magic for Alex. Here it is, if you guys have any advice or critisisms I'm more than happy to listen.

  • Name: Inox Skin
  • Type: Transmutation
  • Description: Alex's ability is quite simple, it allows him to transform his body into a lightweight, organic steel substance. This ability gives his enhanced strength, stamina and durability. While in this form he can't float. Another weakness would be extreme, fast, temperature changes. Steel, when exposed to extreme heat, and then extreme cold, causes extreme damage. If that were to happen while he was in his Steel form, he would be in a world of pain for a long time. At the present time he can only transform two body parts at the same time. With practice he hopes to be able to perform a full transformation at some point, as well as be able to create steel constructs from his own body. When he can do full body transformations, he will weigh considerably more than he does in his human form. While he is fully mobile and his strength is proportional to his size, his weigh can cause problems if he's on weak ground and such.

I never caught the name of it either, I only heard it called a screening device of some sort. @alexfangtalon

<Snipped quote by January>

@Scio Same here, buddy.

I also feel the same.
Jesus christ is this even necessary? Especially something as condescending as that? @Sodium

This is a fucking role play bro, we're just trying to have fun. Its about fucking magic in an anime setting. When has complex science ever been in an anime about magic?
Alex Kaplan

Just in case you didn't know, jet lag sucks. The trip from America to Japan was less than savory and quite a bore to one individual at Four Winds. He had entered the campus quietly, smoking a cigarette in an attempt to ward off his tiredness. He had arrived just late enough to miss the initial greetings, but not late enough to miss anything significant. Despite not outwardly showing it, Alex was seriously excited. He was finally going to be somewhere that he belonged, with other misfits like himself. He could finally have real friends, that he could confide in and trust. His pessimistic side, the cynical, logical, one butted in though. He had to be vigilant, this was an academy after all. This wasn't just fun and games he was here to learn and become stronger. This meant that the best idea at the moment would be to stay silent and observe. And by God, the people before him did not disappoint.

He noted every face and filed it into his near photographic memory. He also made sure to note any odd features, such as a tail that was a part of one girl, who seemed to be bustling with energy around a calmer looking guy. Alex couldn't quite read that guy with the sunglasses, nor deduce was his ability was. There were obvious displays of powers though that he made sure to analyze. Like the shapeshifting girl and the boy who could "fuck with powers" as the tasteful guy who had slammed said boy into the ground not seconds earlier. Kaplan noticed a girl who looked like she was part bear? Wow, there really were no limitations on magic around here was there? One of the more peculiar displays of abilities he saw was the fog surrounded girl that donned a gas mask. Alex was sure to stay away from her, originally thinking that the fog was detrimental to the lungs. He was proved wrong when two other guys got close enough to the fog to be in contact with it. Why the gas mask then? He wondered...

Before he could even start introducing himself, he was interrupted by a loud noise coming from the building. He was instantly on alert as grey clouds or some sort of smoke billowed out from an open window. Alex took a defensive stance, wondering what was going to happen. His questions were answered when magic doves manifested from the clouds. They flew gracefully until they struck or came close to a student. Alex registered this fairly quickly and prepared to dodge the one flying right at his head. He side stepped out of the way right as it flew by. Unfortunately, it was more versatile than he expected, because it exploded before he had time to react and he fell into the same hypnotic state as everyone else.

Alex was concerned at first to say the least, but he calmed down when the head of the academy's voice rang through his head. It was basically an introduction, but damn why did he have to fuck with his head in order to get the message across? With the physic hold no longer on his brain, Kaplan noticed a new teacher had entered the fray. He did not look friendly nor happy. The teacher boasted something of a test and that they were all to follow him.

Alex cursed himself for arriving late, all around him people were beginning to group up, and now he was alone once again. If this test was a group activity then he would surely lose. He told himself to stay calm, he could make this work he'd just have to take it slow and make a plan...
Okay sweet, I'll drop it in the character bin and try to get a post up but no guarantees lol.
Edited his ability so it's a 5 meter range of control, effectively halving the distance. Does that sound reasonable?
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