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    1. Bassummoner 8 yrs ago


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@Daxam accepted, of course. :)
I'll post it in the character section when I'm on my laptop.
Same, haha. @Ogobrogo

Final Fantasy X
The Crystals Awakening

500 years have passed since the defeat of Sin. Spira has grown immensely; its fear of Sin being replaced by its acceptance of Machina. Yet, the world is still divided into the same two groups. The Yevonists, and the Al Bhed Faction.
The Yevonists believe that Yevon was always a holy deity and that his teachings are law, even though there is no evidence that he exists anymore. The new Church of Yevon believes that it has the divine right to rule because it aided in the destruction of Sin in the old world and held the country together in such trying times.
The Al Bhed Faction, on the other hand, are academics and scholars who believe that sin and the pilgrimages are a myth perpetuated by the Yevonists to stake their claim for monarchy. The Al Bhed believe that Yevon is a foolish, outdated concept. The vast majority of Al Bhed believe in sciences and the furtherment of humanity, rather than focusing on a deity that doesn’t presently affect their lives in any way.
The use of Magic has dwindled since Sin has been defeated. The few who still practice magic have to work extremely hard to get half as powerful as mages once were. The sending ritual for spirits has been discontinued. Unsent spirits are no longer turned into fiends; instead, they are forced to linger in a purgatory on Spira between life and the Farplane.
As an all-out Holy War begins to break loose between the The Yevonists and the Al Bhed, two great beasts rise from the land and sea, wreaking havoc amongst all of Spira and its large cities. The two groups are forced to put aside their differences and fight for their lives against the all-powerful beasts.
Just when all hope is about to be lost, special, rare crystals are found in the old ruins of the temples of the Fayth. These crystals seem to enhance the power of anyone’s magic skills. This is useful of course, but only very rare, special people can unlock the full power of the crystals. These people must be chosen by the crystals. Those who are chosen are given the ability to summon Aeons that haven’t been seen since the time of Sin.
It is up to the Summoners, Mages, Al Bhed, and Yevonists, amongst other groups alike to fight for survival against the great beasts ~ and whoever may be behind them.


- Follow the guidelines of RoleplayerGuild (so no Godmodding, etc.)
- As GM, what I say goes. I'm not typically very hard to deal with, and as long as everyone is respectful to everyone else, everything should be fine.
- Inactive characters WILL be killed off
- I'd prefer nice grammar with decent detail and Character development. I'm just asking for at least a paragraph or two per post, at least.

I need one Summoner, and I'd like for anyone who would be interested in a villain role to message me for details.

Character Sheet:

Faction(Yevonist/Al Bhed/Other(Explain)):
Weapon of Choice:
Special Abilities (Preferably within the FFX realm):
Character Flaws:
Yayyyy! I'll be sure to tag you when I make the actual post.
Final Fantasy X

I have a plot idea that I think will be really cool, but I'm going to need a few open minded people who are willing to deal with a bit of a spin-off/post game RP.
So, Hear me out.
I'm going to post a bit of a summary of the big idea that I'm planning out, but I want to make sure that I'll have a few people who are interested before I really get the ball rolling.

So, it's been about 500 years since Sin has been destroyed. Cities are much more prevalent because the fear of Sin has faded; People have embraced machina and even incorporated it into their everyday lives.

The Yevonists believe that Yevon was always a holy deity and that his teachings are law, even though there is no evidence that he exists anymore. The Al Bhed believe this is foolish, and that it is an outdated concept.

The vast majority of Al Bhed believe in sciences and the furtherment of humanity, rather than focusing on a deity that doesn’t presently affect their lives in any way.

The new Church of Yevon believes that it has the divine right to rule because it aided in the destruction of Sin in the old world and held the country together in such trying times.

The Al Bhed Faction, on the other hand, are academics and scholars who believe that sin and the pilgrimages are a myth perpetuated by the Yevonists to stake their claim for monarchy.

As an all-out holy war/civil war between the Yevonists and the Al Bhed breaks loose, two enormous behemoths rise up out of the land and sea and wreak havoc amongst the people and large cities of Spira.

I have reasons as to why these things are happening, but I would really prefer it if everyone found out during the story. I know it doesn't sound like a Final Fantasy Game just yet but when the big plot points start happening and when stuff starts getting crazy is when it's gonna get really interesting. I promise to be giving a LOT more detail when I have a few people who are in on this.
Not gonna lie, ever since we started this I've started playing Story of Seasons nonstop.

I know it isn't technically Harvest Moon, but melikes.

Freya sweetly shook Naoto’s hand. ”It’s very nice to meet you, Naoto. I’m Freya, and I’m opening the General Store in town.” She smiled graciously and scanned the room, taking in the sheer amount of people. Part of her enjoyed being around people, while the other part of her was a social-anxiety ridden mess. Wow, I haven’t been around this big of a crowd since I lived in the city.” She went to take a sip from her glass, only to realize that she had finished that drink as well. She chuckled, her face turning red; probably because of how quickly she had finished both her beverages. “I will say that most of the townsfolk are probably better company than most of the people I’ve met in the city, though. “
She set her glass on the table and sighed. She raised her hand for a server, and politely asked for any vegetarian dish, along with a new, strong drink. ”I know that you’re super busy, so please take your time helping me. I’m very patient, so if you’re running behind, just help me when you first get the chance.” She grinned at the server, trying to assure them that she preferred to have the others in the room to be helped before she was helped herself. She turned to look at Naoto, realizing how rude she had been. She blushed again. “I’m sorry if I seemed rude to order food in the middle of our conversation. It just smells so delicious."
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