Avatar of Daxam


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10 days ago
Current Just read an idea of a horror movie or game where the protagonist is a criminal of some sort with Batman as the "monster" and now I want that
3 mos ago
One thing I really appreciate about the Fallout show is how well the dark humor of the games carried over
4 mos ago
Just learned about a certain status effect pawns can get in Dragon's Dogma 2. This game just keeps getting better
1 like
5 mos ago
Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama
5 mos ago
I think this newest episode made Frieren my favorite show


Welcome to Hell (AKA, the mind of an idiot)

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<Snipped quote by Damo021>

...we'll be having a run-in with the Classified Crew soon enough...

"Come on, let me at 'em! I haven't let loose in ages!"
Personally, I think 1 or 2 makes the most narrative sense. If you go with 2, maybe have her hitchhike into town?
"Yeah, they're all with me. They should be finding their way inside any time, now."

As if on cue, Vincent's companions found themselves at his booth. "Cait's right. I'd have kicked you guys out of the truck ages ago, otherwise." He chuckled and moved farther into the corner of the booth to make room for Cleome as the others sat on the other side, then picked up one of the menus. He browsed it for a few minutes, keeping in mind the meager remains of the winnings he earned from the last fight he had been in, before telling the tired-looking employee, "I'll take a burger with some fries and a chocolate shake."

He passed his menu and waited for his friends to make their orders as he looked out the window, his chin resting palm. While it might look like he was just idly staring out the window, in reality, he was keeping a close eye on their surroundings. After spending so much time out on the streets and on the run from the law and government, he had developed a rather acute situational awareness. He felt confident that he could spot a cop or government agent no matter how big the crowd and, given how small Eureka Springs seemed, spotting someone out of place should be even easier.

"So long as we head out of the country," he said after a while, still looking out of the window. "I don't mind what direction we go. Europe, Japan, Canada, anywhere's gotta be better than here."
Gotcha. I'll just go ahead and hold off on posting, in that case
I'm probably gonna post tonight unless someone else was planning on it
Vincent glanced at the blunt and raised his hand to decline. He didn't have anything against weed or those who smoked it, he just wasn't one of them. "I dunno about any skateboard shop," he responded to Cait and Anita as he pulled in front of the dented gas pump, "but even if they've got a mechanic, there's no way I'm letting them touch Bertha. I've been doing a good job keeping her going all this time, I don't need anyone messing with my work." To Cleome, he added, "I don't blame them. With how hot it's been, I'd be in hiding, too."

He climbed out of the truck and stretched his arms over his head with a groan. After sitting so long, he was eager to move around. Crossing his arms, he leaned against the front of the truck as he looked around. He spotted the two vehicles, visibly recoiling when he saw the paint job on the Jeep, and glanced into the diner, where he saw what he assumed were the owners of said vehicles, the pair chatting away like they knew one another. It was such a peaceful, every day scene that he didn't feel any reason to be on guard, but he still decided that the one who can make his skin bulletproof should be the first to approach, just in case. Pushing himself away from the truck, he told his companions as he walked toward the door, "I'm gonna go grab some food, then I'll see about getting the AC fixed."

The door opened, accompanied by the cheerful ringing of the bell mounted on the frame overhead. The two men paused in their conversation as Vincent glanced at them, then found a seat in one of the empty booths, far from the counter.
Vincent drove the old truck down the interstate, one hand on the wheel while the other drummed on the outside of his door in time to the music that played over the video. It had been quiet for the last hour or so on the road, the silence filled by the music and Vincent's voice as he quietly hummed along, only slightly off-key. His dark hair fluttered in the wind that blew through his open window, the AC in the truck having long since given out, something Vincent had meant to look into repairing, yet never got around to. I'll take care of it at the next stop, he had always told himself, only to be interrupted by something else, like a more pressing repair or a hasty exit from whatever town he and his companions were in.

Eureka Springs, next right. Vincent had been so absorbed in his thoughts and the music that he barely noticed the sign as he drove past it. He glanced at his companions, then decided he felt that he could eat. "Alright, kiddos, as the driver, I'm making an executive decision, so we're gonna be making a pitstop," he called out as he flipped on his turn signal before changing lanes. "We can stretch our legs, grab some food, maybe figure out where to go from here. Old Bertha could use some gas, anyway."

Location: Kobra Base, Everglades, Florida

Vincent's fist was about to make contact when he suddenly felt a powerful force pull him back down to the ground. He landed in the mud on all fours as the ground around him cratered slightly from the force pushing him down. "The...hell...is this?!" he muttered as he lifted his head to look at the floating man, feeling as though he had weights strapped to his head. From the one time he fought a telekinetic in the ring, Vincent thought that his current opponent's power felt similar, but something about it was off. Rather than affecting him directly, it felt like the man was influencing the space around him. Carbon spread around his body as he reinforced himself and used his power to rise to his feet. "This is...annoying," he grumbled before he threw himself to the side, outside of his opponent's influence.

The relief he felt was immediate, but he didn't have time to enjoy it. He shot forward as another crater appeared in the mud where he had been standing. He glanced in Daphne's direction to find that his spear had done nothing to take out the glowing orb and regretted putting all of his steel into it, as it reduced his available options. He circled around the man, doing his best to flank him from the right, then leapt again, only to be sent flying again. He turned in midair and landed feet-first into a tree, the bark splintering underneath him. Vincent threw himself toward the ground, out of the influence of the man's power just as the tree snapped, and sped forward once more.

This time, he positioned himself directly underneath the man and shot straight up, as he figured that the bald man wouldn't be able to use his power if Vincent were directly underneath. However, he wasn't able to get in close enough to strike before he was sent back to the ground, this time on his back. He sank into the mud as he felt an invisible weight press down on him. He tried to lift his head, but the weight suddenly increased, sending him further into the mud as the bald man slowly descended with a chuckle. "It was amusing at first, but I've had quite enough of you darting around," he said as Vincent felt the pressure increase once more. "I'll finish you off, then take care of your friend in the clouds."

As the man held his hand out toward Vincent and the weight on top of him began to steadily increase, he felt his ribs began to strain as breathing became harder and harder. Trapped underneath an invisible force, unable to do anything despite his best attempts as flashbacks from the harbor and his childhood assaulted his mind all over again, Vincent felt frustration and anger sweep over him.

Then came a familiar, unforgettable sense of pressure in his head as he felt his implant begin to whir on his back...
Yeah, I agree. That'd be easiest for everyone, I feel
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