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In Primality 9 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Walking down the old-fashioned brick path, Paige was lazily making her way toward the rest of the larger buildings. She had completely ignored the loudly announced 10-minute warning that had everyone else around her quickly getting their asses into gear.

I mean what were they going to do if she was a few minutes late? Put her in a prison school for freaks? Oh wait, they already did that.

Scoffing, she let her boots do the walking as she boredly watched her surroundings and the hurrying people past her.

As she passed the older brick dorm hall, she finally saw someone else who did not seem to be in a rush to the ceremony. Maybe it was her wanting to see how far she could push her luck by being even later, or maybe it was her curiosity about why someone else wasn't running on orders. Either way, she meandered over to where the broken and burnt man was hiding from view.

Hitting the wall with a soft thud, she leaned up with her wall against the cold brick as she stared down at the smoking student. Looking through the lavender purple hair that threatened to get in her way of studying the man, she asked, "And here was me thinking that was against the rules."

Her words might have been harsh, but a teasing smile played on her lips as she tried to provoke the stranger. Who may or may not have noticed that the smoke from his cigarette was softly flowing away from her direction.
In Primality 18 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
<Snipped quote by Aeolian>

Mainly I was referring to the fact that the AI gives him two functioning eyes lol

Hmmmm I wonder if anyone could heal it. Like water and healing abilities tend to go together in fiction.
In Primality 20 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Legs dangling off the edge of the brick wall, Paige gave no thought to the drastic drop of at least 100 feet down to the ground. Instead, she let the wind ruffle her hair as she sat serenely in the little alcove of the clock tower and watched the students and staff below. From this height they seemed closer to scattered ants, milling around on the lawn or quickly walking from one place to another.

The longer she watched, the more she could start to see them all heading for one building in particular. The big hall.

Sighing, she could already tell that if she were able to look up at the big ticking clock it would tell her she was supposed to be getting her ass down to the same place for the opening ceremony. Yet she found herself with no such motivation to get up just yet.

This was the only real place she was truly calm. The only place where she felt safe. Not safe from others, though let's be honest she had already wondered how putting dozens of students who can't control their powers together in the same place was a smart idea. No, up here, it was safer for others. Up here, she could be herself and no one was going to get hurt just because she couldn't rein in her own emotions.

It seemed like all she had really learned in the last couple of months of being at this 'institute' was to hold her breath and count to ten. All good that did when she felt like her whole world had been stripped from her.

The wind started to rush past her with more strength, playing at the loose tie that either was done up by someone who had no idea how to tie a tie or just didn't care enough to even try.

"Yeah yeah, I know," she said to who appeared to no one in particular.

Slowly standing up, she stretched out her arms behind her. The sleeves of her fancy school uniform were pulled up to around her elbows, and there was no jacket in sight but otherwise, she had conceded and worn the starchy dress pants and dark vest. Nothing short of a miracle was going to make her wear those dress shoes though and they and her jacket had been conveniently gotten 'lost'. Instead, she wore some boots with just a little extra heel that gave her just that bit of extra height.

She lazily began her descent down the stairs.
In Primality 20 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Figured I'd make some character banners people can put at the top of their posts. I like to use them, as it helps with immersion, but feel free to use it if you want, or not. LOL It was fun making them either way, so no biggie if its not your thing. Some are not as accurate as I'd like because Midjourney can be a bit of a prick. Some reference images work better for MJ than others. Cheers! 🐸

These are amazing! Thank you so much!
In Primality 27 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I would be in
In Primality 28 days ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Added one more CS to my sheet list; only 9 more so far that we're waiting on. Three more days to get those sheets in after today.

I'll hopefully see about going over stuff I missed earlier tonight when I'm on break or lunch. That includes PMs, but I'll focus on the public questions first.

Are we going to be able to fit all (possible) 18 people? or Is there a plan to hand pick certain ones?
<Snipped quote by Chrys>

I had a go myself :D
Tried to capture the light lavender purple hair I first imagined her with.

<Snipped quote by Chrys>

Ahhhhh! Thank yooou <3
<Snipped quote by AWildSquirtle>

@AWildSquirtle You didn't ask me to do this, but I really just thought your character was so cool, so I made some AI art of her just for the fun of it! lol Cheers!

Where did you make it? They look so good and I would love to make some for Paige 😁
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