Walking down the old-fashioned brick path, Paige was lazily making her way toward the rest of the larger buildings. She had completely ignored the loudly announced 10-minute warning that had everyone else around her quickly getting their asses into gear.
I mean what were they going to do if she was a few minutes late? Put her in a prison school for freaks? Oh wait, they already did that.
Scoffing, she let her boots do the walking as she boredly watched her surroundings and the hurrying people past her.
As she passed the older brick dorm hall, she finally saw someone else who did not seem to be in a rush to the ceremony. Maybe it was her wanting to see how far she could push her luck by being even later, or maybe it was her curiosity about why someone else wasn't running on orders. Either way, she meandered over to where the broken and burnt man was hiding from view.
Hitting the wall with a soft thud, she leaned up with her wall against the cold brick as she stared down at the smoking student. Looking through the lavender purple hair that threatened to get in her way of studying the man, she asked, "And here was me thinking that was against the rules."
Her words might have been harsh, but a teasing smile played on her lips as she tried to provoke the stranger. Who may or may not have noticed that the smoke from his cigarette was softly flowing away from her direction.