Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Hello there!


I saw the IC the other day, but wasn't sure if I'd have the room on the RP list or the time. But well some RPs maybe fading out, and I like the idea of this.

So this is me tossing my hat in the ring.

I'll try and figure something out.
Oakland rolling on the Open Waters

Oakland was just making a turn in her self imposed patrol. When she got the news of the approaching forces, "Main fleet units out here!? Since when?"

Her mental model flickers and she appears on her bridge. She starts to bustle around it, doing the job of an entire bridge crew on her own. Her physical body turning, and steaming to join in Le Terrible's wake, "Oakland at your stern Terrible. As soon as we're in range I'll peel off and unload my torpedo tubes and provide light fire." She speed along. She leaned out one of her windows looking back the way they came, "We're counting on you New York!"

She turned and accelerated. Plotting a course to bring her up beside Le Terrible. Speeding along, and scanning out in front of them, she activated her radar, scanning the skies, "Not reading any aerial forces. Pity. Wouldn't mind shooting down a raider or two." Those words almost a snarl.

She twitched and nodded, "Torpedos loaded and ready! Salvo ready to fire."

Oakland watched from her bridge, sighting the hostile FOG ships fast approaching, "Here we go then." She said mostly to her self.


Doesn't mean you can't be busy!

Oakland was running a slow patrol around the other ships in the Phantom Fleet. It's her job, or so she would say. She needs to keep the other ships and girls safe! Sure Oakland isn't a surface ship powerhouse. Her biggest guns only 5 inches. The other girls ships had guns that were likely to dwarf hers by leaps and bounds. But one thing the petite powerhouse has in spades, is anti air power!

And she's darn proud of it!

As she cuts through the water at a sluggish speed, her many guns swiveling and watching the sky.

But...uh...her mental model, is hanging over the side of her ship, hanging on with a safety harness, about 7 feet above the water as she touches up some of the paint on the side of her ship. She skimmed along the water, listening to the other mental models banter.

Really couldn't do much about New York, and Le Terrible knew what she's doing after all. And well Shinano had the lead her, who is she to second guess anyone. She felt her physical body shift and turn coming back around to reapproach the fleet, "We're not going to have to fight are we?" She called to the others, "We're just a few ships strong right now, and any fighting might alert the main force. I really don't want to face Atlanta and the rest of my sisters again so soon."
@Theyra@Infinite Cosmos@Almalthia

At the Bar with Cori, Nate, Andre and Jericho

Jericho smiled, taking his drink and saluting everyone at the bar, and Nate at the end, "Righteous mi fren dem! Tinait wi jringk an mek laik fiend. Tumaro a tumaro an wi mek it gud!" He starts in on his drink and helps himself to some of the bar nuts on the table top. The night is good and the people are good company. He sips and smiles, looking around the bar, then passing his gaze over Andre, Cori and Nate. It's a good night, glad he came out. Just spend some time with people, strentghening relationships.

Yeah as a guy once said, it just works.


He crested a ridge and then looked back at the tourist behind him. He grinned brightly, "Kom aan nou mi fren dem, wi aalmuos de de, an suun yu av wan a di bes viuu a di ailan. No joke at all." The hikers huffed and puffed, and Jericho helped them up the rise, then jogged to get back out in front of them, handing them each some water to supplement what they have, "Not far at all deh mi fren dem. Not far."

As soon they come out onto a rise, that over looks about half of Isla Zafrio. Casting that half of Zafrio in beautiful sun light. From there they could even see the tail end of the prep for tomorrows big day. One of the tourists after drinking asks, "Hey, so these Azul days, what's it like?" Jericho smiles "Di most fun yuh eva have mi bredda. Drink, food, music an fun. An all di good company yuh coulda eva waan inna all di people dem out deh." The tourist smile.

Then Jericho heads off, "Come on yuh did waan see di cenote yeah? Wi still have time."

And off they trot.


Jericho is closing up his warehouse early. No tours today, no hikes, or boat rides. No fishing he always took a day or two during Azul Days. All for him, time to party. He wanted to get into town, find a place and watch as the party got started.

So he's in town, sitting at a cafe, drinking some lemonade, and watching as people mill.

And as the sun lowers. He watches as the party really gets moving. He joins in with a mill of locals and overwhelmed tourists, dancing in front of one of many stages set up. A local band playing their first album, and taking requests.

Jericho is in the middle of that dance huddle.

But he's joining the surge when the call that the parade is going to start. And on the front line as it begins. People calling out toasts to the late mayor, as the procession begins. Yes this is Island Fun, this is the Azule Island Family right here.
This went ahead? I thought it was dead without a start.

Yeah sure I'll work on something.
The Ronin

Ban stood his ground, the first five circled him, while yet another six had just joined them. The Yakuza, cosplaying as a samurai, swords held high and low stood stoic. He smiles all around, “Yosh, I can work with this.” One of them he’d disarmed earlier of his gun surges forward leading with his knife, held high in a tomahawk blow. Ban moving, shifting to the side, catching the arm on the flat of his blade, twisting, turning and sending the man sprawling into one of his compatriots. With another twist and a turn. Ban shouts, “You! Get over’ere!” A six tanged spear head lances free of his left greave, trailing a line of twisted steel, and slams into one of the back line number. Catching the line, Ban pulls and breaks the separated lines. Shimura cackling, and almost casually over the radio calls, “This spear line works wonders! My compliments to lady Chaos, and her work!”

A yank and stomp the spear dislodging from the enemy soldiers collar bone. And the first head rolls. The stroke of the sword had been so clean. Barely any blood wasted one the floor.

It’s quite then. For a moment. And responds to an earlier radio call to check in, “Shimura responds. I have this well in hand.”

With a leap, he throws himself forward. Rejoining the fight, breaking their reverie.

A stab, he flows to the side, catching it on his greave, turning the man, the sword blow below the armor under the arm.

A flowing twist, the knee, the man goes down screaming at his missing leg.

Shimura stepping back as one man from the back line and two from the front decide to do the smart thing and act as one…kinda. He deflects knife blows, turning hands, pushing men into the line of fire of the one with the gun. Keeping them off balance. Twisting, turning pulling. And again, “Get ova here!” The spear lashing out again pulling the gun toting man into the back of the two knife fighters, throwing them all over balance.

Two strokes. That’s all he needs, one with his long sword, taking a man in the chest, straight through it in fact, the second, takes the other two men across the shoulders. All three drop.

Shimura taking the time to flick both blades, drops of shed blood hitting the floor, “We’re not done yet are we?” He asks as he motions to the last remaining five. He takes the moment to spin one of the discarded blades up off the floor with the tip of his sword and sending floating up into the waiting hands of one of the front line, “Pick it up. Fight.”

The Bastion

Jamie paced down a path, he'd not encountered anyone quite yet. But he could tell the path opens up ahead. And he can hear the sound of fighting.

As he comes out of the path he spots the main compound and the fighting going on. Jamie hums, "Guess I'm rolling up my sleeves for this. And then he broadcasts to any bluefor in the city, "Blues get your heads down." He lets his HUD do it's thing. Targetting clear knots of fighting, and highlight opfor groupings. Incanting to his armor, "Full Barrage, fire for effect. Target positions."

And for a moment he's again enshrouded by smoke and fire. As he again empties his rocket pods. Pillars of smoke, tipped by dark death dealing tops. And then they streak out and impact. Sending Opfor flying. A few of them ended rather solidly by the impact or the explosive or fragmentary aspects of the rockets. Jamie felt a little bad for the situation this had to happen in, but well here they are. They had work to do. Work is work. It's not personal.

So it is that Scion steps into the main compound, walking along one of the main throughfares, HMGs lowered. As Opfor came running out of cover to reengage, a few of them spot the danger, and even a few less then that shout out warning. Before that road is filled with varied kinds of .50cal rounds. Small explosions, clouds of fragments, holes appearing in cover. Now the Opfor know there's a new beast on site, and it's something they need to come up with a counter for. If they can that is.

The Edge Walker


Freya couldn't believe it! Not for a second. Until.

Well until Laura did her thing. That gout of flame. Freya threw herself forward, angling her shoulder, the flames spattering against one of her shield generator fields. And she felt it when it burned out.

"Laura!" She shouted and followed the other big woman. She couldn't help it.

Look Freya and Laura have a history. They'd worked together a couple dozen times in the field in several capacities. And...well she's not about to tell Chuck but Freya's first ever and not the last ever lesbian encounter was with Laura. Dirty secret it'll stay under wraps.

So Freya wanted answers. She lopped off in pursuit, calling back, "I'll be busy a moment."

Into the depths of the plant they went. She could hear the clack-fizz of Laura's roller blades ahead. Freya came lopping around a corner, and came face to face with Laura's jet flamer. Freya threw herself forward and to the side, the high heat jet of flame just missing her, "Laura you bitch! Stop and talk to me! There is still time to talk about this!" The other big woman chuckled, "You got moves yet fluffer butt. Emmm still use that one lotion?" Laura giggled then gasped, out of the heat waves came a blue beam of energy that just missed her, "Laura don't make me do this!"

The THICCC suit and it's wearer took off down the hall. With the Big Battle Goddess racing behind, "Laura stop! Talk to me! I don't want to have to hurt you!" Laura raced ahead around a corner and by the time Freya got there she was gone again, deeper into the depths of the halls and walkways. Laura laughed from somewhere, "Come on Freya baby, this is work. Treat it like that." Freya passed a door then dove again as a jet of flame blasted from the door she passed. Laura cackling, "Oh that was close babe. Come on." And raced off again. Freya taking off at a run. Coming around the corner and staggering as a pair of big slugs from those paired UNICAs smacked into her shoulder, "Laura you're starting to piss me off." An answering, "And what you gonna do about it Red?"

Freya snarled, and then faded away. Her voice echoing down the halls now. Laura blinking suddenly feeling like she went from Hero fight to Boss Battle. Freya called, "Fine, I'll show you. You remember you like to burn things? So do I." A gout of blue-white super heated plasma, cutting off an entire length of hallway. Laura started going in the other. But then the hall on that side go cut off. Laura looked on then laughed, "You made your plasma flamer!? Oh baby I wish I could kiss you! I wanna see the schema UGH!"

She's cut off as Starbreaker slams into her stomach, only her armor keeping her from turning into paste. A second later Frigga appears her cloak going down, and she hits Laura with a lariat. Pitching her onto her ass.

Laura groans and looks up, seeing Frigga with Starbreaker poised to come down like an avenging comet! Frigga saying, "I'm sorry baby."


A big bore shot hits Frigga in the knee. An Artemis soldier with a heavy 12.7mm Anti Material rifle taking her in the leg. Frigga groans, and unclips a smoke grenade, tossing it.

And starts running.

She calls through her comms, "Frigga here. I...had a talk with Big Bertha, she's down but not out. I'm making for the outer walls of the plant, I'm gonna try and make my own exit. May need a pick up!"

The Ronin

Shimura grinned broadly.

Twisting turning and spinning. His swords lashing. Two of the remaining five jumping from opposite sides. He caught a rifle butt on the flat of his blade and slide the other, up and under the other mans arm and armor. A kick shattered the impaled mans knee, and the a skip step sent the man with the rifle sprawling.

A flick and a kick the spear shot out and caught the rifleman in the small of the back. A stomp the spear came free, and the rifle man dropped grabbing his back. ”Boomer, Shimura, say status when able.”

Shimura turned holding his blade out towards the last remaining three soldiers facing him, "Shimura here, I'm nearly done. I'll be rejoining you shortly. I'll fight my way out if I have too." Two of the remaining men facing him raised guns. Shimura made a single motion, he sheathed his blades in a down motion, grabbed two throwing spikes, and jammed the barrels of both guns, which then exploded in their users hands when triggers were pulled. Shimura drew only his long sword this time, taking up a high stance, like the one that the great Kojiro Sasaki would often use in his duels. The last three men drew their knifes, and charged as one.

The first move, deflected a knife stab and caught the man in the shoulder. And it gave him time to lift his sword back up and bring it down, the blow caught the second man from above and nearly took his arm off. But the skillful reverse strike came up from below, the famous Tsubame Gaeshi strike. A downward blow followed by a smooth rising strike. The last blow caught the last man in the chin. And bisected his helmet, leaving him with a cut on his chin. The last two dropped.

Shimura flicked the blade, a single perfect drop of blood hit the floor, and then he slide the blade away.

He then started moving, running for the exit.
The Crew goes slummin

Nico bit through his last spud and bolted thr last of the troll brew. With a hiss and a shake of his entire body he nodded, "Alright then, so Ritchie gets a mark to watch out for'em. Blow hard but you never know."

He got up with the crew stepping away from the table and was nearly perfect with his timing. A turning step and that squeezing sensation as everything raced by. After some time they popped out in Central Park. He straightened his outfit and pulled his beanie down a little tighter. Nico peered about then followed along with Bobby. Drawing his eand as they approached the terrace but kept it hidden in his palm. When the entrance faded into view he huffed, "Pretty ain't it. Who is funding these guys?"

They entered as a group. And Nico's eyebrows crept higher and higher in wonder. The place looked good. Paneling and good woods and stone. All run by the gutter snipes? This isn't right. He whip0ed his wand, and shouted, "Clear out fish." Wordless levitation spells sending trays and glasses flying. The clientele all bolting.

The bartender pointed their way inside.

And then the fun began. First he saw the safe, oh that'd be fun. But the Blood Pqck in the room and the ones coming in had to be dealt with first. He took a step to the side to get out of the way of his cree mates. Then lashed his wand, "Diffindo, Profero, Immoblius Horriblius!" He crowed. Cutting and piercing curses and a body paralyzed with a mild torture curse attached to it. He chained these together adding a bombarda and a reducto here and there to be random. All the while he inched his way across the room towards the safe. At one point taking the legs out from one of the blood pack then casting a cauterzing charm on the stumps. Getting right up on her, "Don't go far. We may need you, then smashed her head into the floor knocking the woman out. By then he's by the safe.

Despite himself Nicodemus started to look the safe over. Even as the fighting continued behind him. He nodded, "Your an interesting thing. Wonder what's inside you." He turned at just the right time catching a blood pack newbie by the collar as they tried to.jump him. He spun them and slammed them against the front of the safe then jumped back as the air is filled with the smell of burning flesh and sizzling of curses going off. He watched as the poor fella is almost eaten alive by the safe and it's curses.

Nicodemus grins, "A challenge then." He turned to rejoin the fight.
Micheal limps...*thump....tuump*

The three gods suddenly caught Mikey.

He let out a hiss as he leaned back into their arms. He chuckled, "I'll bet you it would have gone differently if I wasn't so drained." He grins. And with the help of his friends, they trail along the main group and outside. Not that it's his job, but he and his godly friends take up a rear guard position. Until they are out of the building.

Micheal limps along slowly and tiredly. Once outside the quartet, relax, and seeing an OMR task force come to help out sure takes some stress off everyone shoulders. Praise the OMR, he grins abit.

Nodding a greeting to the new team member, "Welcome to the team glad to have you. A healer you say. Think you can do anything with this?" And he holds out his magic burn borne from over use of his ritual magics. He grins, not expecting much, but can't hurt to ask.
We wait!

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