Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Headmaster: Minerva McGonagall(Order of Merlin, First Class, International Confed. of Wizards, Supr. Cmdr. of the Staffroom Biscuit Tin)
Dear Mr. Alvis J. Hawes,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been awarded the Professorship of Divination at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I suspect you already knew of this, being a Seer, but nonetheless, consider this your official confirmation and congratulations.
Please arrive at Hogwarts no later than August 14th to prepare your classroom and syllabus. Note that Prof. Trelawney left us an impressive collection of crystal balls and crockery, though a duster may come in handy. As is tradition, a soirée with evening walk will be held at the Three Broomsticks before the start of the school year. We look forward to seeing you once again.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Alvis' letter had come,
finally. For the past few days the Auror's office had been abuzz with rumours and gossip. With each passing day Alvis' room became ever more...
clean. He packed suitcases. He started gifting away his quills with foreboding comments. The office's cobweb of magical thought-streams connecting various suspects and unfortunates started shifting more slowly than usual. Even Mopsy, his occasional assistant house-elf, was getting worried when he was tasked with boxing Alvis' mementos - from the ominous prophecy book (Case of the Future Faker,
"I break it open when I'm in a bad mood, hilarious!"), to his bird (Case of the Cursed Quetzal), quizzically looking at him as the box closed around it. Then one day, Alvis opened up one of the office windows, sat himself to face it, and poured himself a nice cup of tea. Three cups of Lady Grey later, and the letter came flying in. And despite Alvis' best efforts to avoid it as he dreamed it would happen, the letter valiantly flopped itself straight into Alvis' face.
"Well that certainly clears things up." The boss said as he saw the wax seal of Hogwarts gracing the envelope.
"Running off to a cozy little school placement are we?" Rumours of the restructuring of Hogwarts had spread throughout the Ministry of Magic, and even beyond. Alvis had applied soon after having heard the call for new teachers.
"One goes where one's needed. Fate doesn't always allow you to have a say in the matter." Alvis responded.
"You know I don't believe that, son. You always have a choice." His boss replied, his gaze aimed straight at Alvis, who sighed ever so slightly.
"It's been quite a while now. And having to face the darkest of magics all the time, it's... I haven't been sleeping very well lately. So I've been thinking it might be time to try out something new. Not all mysteries lie in crime, boss." His former-boss nodded.
"Then we are sad to see you go." A pat on the shoulder marked the end of the conversation. He always did have a curt nature.
Alvis had waited in line for the Ministry's floo network for too long for his liking. His ticket was genuine, but apparently one doesn't simply travel to Hogwarts. Some calls back and forth ensued, and Hogsmeade was the next best thing they could do. Green fire engulfed him. He sneezed. And then he lost some of his baggage, typical! Then a carriage from Hogsmeade took him to the castle, where he unloaded his modest collection of personal belongings, lugged it all the way up the north tower's spiral staircase to the Divination classroom and his new office -he forgot how many steps there were... he should've planned for this! Then, as he started unpacking, a squeaky voice from behind him startled him. For all his foresight, it sometimes still amazed him how even the most humble of things could surprise him like that.
"Excuse me, sir. Lunch is served at the...""Great hall. I'll be right down, thanks." Being back at Hogwarts was strange. Alvis was used to the halls bustling with students. But now, going alone, it was different. A hint of heartache came over him. There wouldn't be his old schoolmates waiting for him anymore. It would be a new start. The doors to the great hall opened. And as he entered, he muttered to no one in particular.
Where feasts are served and goblets clink, there friendships spark with nod and wink...