Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
6 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
7 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
7 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts

Westeros Skies

On the way to the Westerlands

Collab with @Almalthia, @Apoalo & @Vanq

The Princess looked like she had no idea what they were talking about. Melyssanthi had this look that said ‘I'm empty headed and sweet’ and she employed it like a Braavosi water dancer employed their blade. “Oh troubled news? Pray do tell Lady Hogg."

Lady Hogg, widower and mother to knights, grimaced before finding herself again to answer the Princess’s question. “The same troubles as have plagued us before, princess. The Faith is unhappy, and my sons will be off again to prove themselves in support of the crown.” She did not look to her remaining son, while Jon had gone off to King’s Landing, at least Baekyn was still here, for now. “Forgive me, but I must prepare for the days ahead of us.” The mother excused herself, leaving the princess to Grandmother Hogg and her stories - embellished or not - of fair queen Rhaenys and of times that fewer and fewer remembered.

Pheynix is tended to and her wound stitched up. After the almost all consuming agony of that torment she was put through the anguish of the pulling of her movements as she bathed. Finally done she is wrapped and dressed in a dress very reminiscent of Lys. She did not complain since it was far easier than the normal Westrosi clothing. “Thank you ladies. I can walk, no need to have him fuss over me.”

If Pheynix thought that sitting up was a torment then attempting to stand nearly made her pass out. The wave of vertigo washed over her and as gently as she could Pheynix sat back down slowly. “Perhaps I was a bit too hasty. By all means let us go get Ser Baeykin, and by us I really mean one of you.”

Pheynix was moved to the bedchamber that was promised and she had no complaints. Well none that could really be fixed more than they had. The Maester had come to check the wound and had gone. She was exhausted and her brother had hobbled up the stairs to sit with her. She was not convinced that it was not due to the physical appeal of their host. While she could admit she had a flutter of attraction it was not to be measured up to what she saw her parents shared. That ultimately was what Pheynix was looking for. Attraction while it is nice and was helpful was not love.

Having slumped up the stairs to sit with his sister, Castor stared at the door for what felt like all night. Before he knew it the sun had risen and was shining right in his eyes as he had fallen asleep staring out at the night sky listening to the even breaths of his sister. His heart caught as he remembered the blood and the fear of almost losing her. He hopped up and stretched his muscles popping and creaking. Having closed his eyes on the satisfying stretch he peeked at his sister to see if he had woken her. He had not. Her face was still turned away and he could see the bright snow white patch of hair that marked their family. A birthmark that passed on through the rarity of the jet black hair that ran in their Valyrian line. Smirking Castor reached over and gently yanked that patch of hair.

He had been obsessed with it when he was little and it became a way to get his big sister’s attention. She let him know if he pulled too hard, normally with a fist in his eye. Girl could scrap and he blamed Luna and Hesp. Those two were always throwing punches or rolling in the dirt, and normally Luna that started it.

The hand that raised gently brushed his arm away so she could sleep more. Castor smirked as he sat down on the bed and tapped her cheek till he heard her grumble and she turned her head, opening her left eye slightly. He grinned and blew in her face.

The light was bad enough but the blowing in her face was enough for Pheynix to want to sock him in his eye. “By the Old Gods!! You would kill a dragon with that breath!!” She turned her head and sputtered. “The Black Dead is less foul than that!! What privy did you lick?! NO DON’T ANSWER THAT!!!”

The full bodied laugh from her little brother made her reach out blindly and smack. Unfortunately for her Pheynix only beat the bed covers. He grabbed her hand and she turned and glared at him.

Smirking, Castor kissed his sister’s hand in consolation. “Shall I send a maid in to assist with your absolutions or do you think you can do it yourself?” He raised an eyebrow communicating that the latter was not really an option for he would be sending a maid in.

She rolled her eyes but Pheynix knew that it would be far easier and quicker if she had assistance. And the Princess was not going to be one to dilly dally. “Send one in please.” She watched him hobble to the door. “Not so crippled as your sister, eh?”

“Not so foolish as to get stabbed, dearest sister.”

Pheynix stuck her tongue out and sat up slowly shooing him out of the room.

Melyssanthi was bright eyed, bushy tailed and a cheerfully irritatingly pretty morning person. Her hair braided and contained so that she was not a mess when they arrived at their destination. She was in a pair of red riding leathers that were covered in black chainmail. Gold gauntlets with an open palm were mirrored by a golden link belt.

Watching the brother and sister come down the stairs, Melyssanthi looked concerned. “Are you sure you can ride cousin?” Pheynix did not look as bad as she had yesterday and thankfully did not look like she had a fever either. The older woman’s hair was braided simply and someone had raided Ser Hogg’s old clothes as the woman was clothed in leggings that were a deep blue and hugged her frame. The blue matched the trim on the deep gray tunic. Her brother was clad in the reverse colors.

“I am fine cousin. No need to worry.” Pheynix smiled warmly at Melyssanthi making the other girl smile as well. Looking at Ser Hogg she graced him with a brilliant smile. “I thank you Ser Hogg. I shall repay your kindness in time. I know not when but I shall repay you.”

“My sister and I both thank you for the use of your clothes and your… ladies’ clothes.” He said the ladies with a slight question. “As she stated we shall repay you.”

Ser Hogg smiled broadly in response. It had been a late night and early morning, though you couldn’t tell it from his demeanor. “We would do anything to help our Princess, and her friends.” He finished his mug of warmed wine, something to remove the chill from his bones that early morning work which seemed to linger longer the older he got. It had, though, not been an uncontentious night with his mother. The woman was displeased no matter how much grandmother had been beside herself with joy at their company.

Neither woman was present now though, and the gentle giant of a knight rose from his seat and approached the princess. “My brother is a good man who feels that the king will call upon his service again.” He looked the princess in her eyes, youthful and innocent, but he thought now he saw something more beyond that. He knelt, though the act barely brought his head below hers.

“But I swear myself to you. I will follow you now or will wait for your word if ever needed.” He paused in his simple vow, head bent as he considered how to be clear on his point. “My mother is not wrong that these are dangerous times and I think you have known that already though I do not ask for details on what led you to my door.”

He glanced at the Rahl siblings, they should not be moving again so soon. But they had his respect for doing it. “If you must leave now, I will see you off, a final escort until needed again.”

Leaning in Melyssanthi tilted Baekyn's face up. She looked deep in his eyes. “You warm my heart with your words Ser Baekyn Hogg.” She embraced him, placing a kiss of welcome on each cheek. “I will be delighted to call you my personal champion. Unfortunately we must leave. Know that I have started to build my court, and you are the first of many like minded individuals. We will make changes and go far.”

The grace with which the Princess accepted the fealty sworn to her made Pheynix and Castor smile.
Yes Vanq. Aphrodite and Psyche.

Mentions/Tags: @Pilatus

Rising from the sofa where she had been petting Shadow and Grim; who both looked put out as cats do when they know their owners are going out to do hooman things. Alese came back out of the shower then poured a shot and Chandi grinned at the thought that Alese was going to not get drunk. “So adorable that you want to commit to that. I believe you believe that. Right now in this moment.” Chandi poured herself a shot of gin and threw it back. “I hear that every time we go out. Then I hear groaning from my guest room and bargaining with a higher power and the…” She looked thoughtful. “Is it the I’m never drinking again… yes that is the line that falls from your lips every time.”

Not letting Alese really protest she took the older woman by the arm and walked her out the door. Chandi stepped into the elevator with Alese in tow. “Sheila engage the lock for apartment Chandi. My voice is my password. Secondary voice password for Alese that you have on file. If anyone else attempts entry contact authorities please.” She smirked at Alese. “Yes I am evil because you have to sing that phrase you hate. ‘Alese, Alese, the queen of the streets. She can enter the room, if she sings a sweet tune’.” Chandi’s sing-song was more on tune than Alese would have been.

As the floors shot by Chandi was smugly silent till they got to the eighth floor. Chandi tapped her wristwatch. “Jeremy inform the good ol’ boys of my plans for the evening.” Looking over at Alese she smiled. “Ready or not here we go bestie.”

Chandi’s attitude switched up the moment that the door opened to Vivian’s. A smug smile graced her lips. Her head up and back shoulders squared and the step said Who runs the world? You’re looking at her. “Milo. Excellent. Gin and tonic double with a real cherry and real lime wedge. Get that for me, pet. Oh and get us two shots of Lust, Pride and…” She tapped her scarlet lips. “oh yes Wrath from the S7s. The shots you can bring at 30 minute intervals.” She ticked off her fingers counting off what she wanted. Milo could handle it. He always did. Dependable Milo was. He had to be to keep his job. “Meanwhile Alese needs a Windy Sail with an orange, pineapple wedge and a mango curl. Curl at the bottom…” Milo looked like he was going to perspire on the way to the bar.

“Is Vixie here? Yes? Good. Tell her that the head bitch and her crony want their usual.” Milo looked like he was going to ask more questions. Chandi held up a finger to his lips. “Yes, pet, the real kind. Nothing that those crazies say tastes like the real thing. Oh and what are you out of the dress code? Put your tie and suspenders on. Ancient Roman skeeves me out. That Vico bitch thinks she is in charge. There is only one HBIC and that is me. Even Viv doesn’t play me. Go on pet. Kiss.” She presented her cheek and he kissed her on the cheek. Then he turned and she gave him a kiss on the cheek then made a gentle shooing motion to Milo as she kept Alese as an extension of herself and walked over to their booth passing the other heirs who were slumming it with the plebs.

@Silver Carrot@BigPapaBelial@Kumbaris@Thayr


Mentions/Tags: @Pilatus & @BigPapaBelial

Chandi waltzed back to the car with Alese in tow after the woman grabbed her clothes. They slid into the backseat of the car. Chandi practically stared a hole in the side of her head. When Alese finally looked at her Chandi raised an eyebrow.

The creamy pale skin reflected the neon lights of the city as they rode in the car. Chandi let the silence hang in the air and just as Alese looked like she was going to say something Chandi cut her off. “Pack? Really Al? Badge is not exactly the worst company I suppose.” Chandi leaned back and crossed her arms and looked out the side window. Her red lipstick looked liquid black in some of the lights. She sighed and gave Alese the side eye. “And what about your dad’s car? You know I'd bring it up. You should talk about it. Not right now. Later. Tonight is about fun.”

The trip to the Spire itself was short. Along the way a billboard flickered, catching Chandi's attention. Her lips twisted in thought. She had been raised to catch little things. She texted Jeremy about it and immediately that was followed by On it. as a text response.

Looking over at Alese she asked. “Did you see the billboard?” It was more of a way to fill the silence. Alese knew that and it was a testament to their friendship that Chandi said it and Alese allowed her to. Chandi said it because she needed to hear it aloud. She held out her hand for the clothes that Alese had brought with her. As she received them she studied each one. “That'll do. Though I really want to try out the fashion tabs. I'm thinking if they work on clothes that might break me into clothing design and open that up for luxury patterns. Then work on different textures in turn you'd be able to wear any pattern; including ancient art. Open source blah blah blah. It's just an experiment.”

As they moved out of the car Chandi listened to what Alese had to add, nodding while the staff of the Spire let them through. The lift to her apartment was silent and the quiet rush of the assent allowed the ladies to reflect on thoughts. Chandi waved her hand with the micro implant and the lift doors unlocked. Opening to the opulent suit lobby Chandi let Alese go ahead then turned and pressed the button to close off the lift doors from opening to this floor. The lobby had couches, a small table with chairs; everything was black and white themed and the whole room balanced perfectly. Clean, modern and utterly lacking in Chandi's personal touches.

Once past the lobby Chandi's apartment opened into a massive vast open plan kitchen living room with couches and furniture that was cat friendly. Shadow and Grim immediately started stalking and chattering at the two women and Chandi murmured back to them. “Let me take care of them while you clean up. You know where everything is.” 


Mentions/Tags: @Pilatus & @BigPapaBelial

Smiling at Alese’s utter focus on work, Chandi nodded. “I swear you would leave your head lying around if it weren’t attached.” She wiped her hands together as if clearing that thought from the air. “Well, let's see what you’re working on.” Looking around Chandi smiled at the parts and things. Something about this place calmed her. Perhaps since Alese was her best friend and had been since she was fourteen.

Walking with a purpose around the counter Chandi passed Alese with a sharp tattoo snap of her stilettos. She brushed past briskly walking to the back. Alese was always there and Chandi was sure there was something she had been working on before Chandi pulled her away. The sharp tattoo cut off suddenly. So suddenly that if Alese was following she would almost barrel into Chandi as the taller woman stepped aside with so much grace that she almost seemed to glide; to catch Alese by her arm gently. “Alese… why is there a robo stuffie…” Her eyes narrowed at the… “Honey Badger?”

Raising an eyebrow, Chandi looked at Alese. Alese was here alone? Surely that is just a bot… Chandi looked around, and yeah the shop was empty. “You know what this looks like right? If you need a good BOB I can get you one. If you buy any off the street you have no idea who has touched it. It’s new? It doesn’t look new.” If that thing was a pack member Chandi was packing Alese up and getting her away from here.

Moving closer, Chandi tapped on the mask gently. After all she needed to know that her bestie was safe. The mask felt like metal that she rarely touched anymore. She was all about the designs, not the textiles. Turning back to Alese the dismissal of the bot had her looking her friend over. “This will not do. We’re going to go haunt Vivian’s and have some fun. Come on, we still have time to get you properly attired. Yes, yes, yes and comfortable with it. Yes, yes before we get there.”

Past objections were waived away with her exquisitely manicured nails. Chandi tapped her chin. “Leather pants? Tank top? We can keep the converse but please a pair that doesn’t have stains. What do you think Alese?”

Mentions/Tags: @Pilatus

“Does the sun still actually rise or does some program turn the Earth so that we all continue to keep the illusion alive?”

That was truly the pathetic line he thought was going to inspire lust in me? Seems like nowadays no one has looks and brains. It's one or the other. Why is it that Spire men are so… uninspiring?

Lips curved as a perfectly manicured hand lifted a flute filled with a magical concoction they called a Mimosa. The selection of drinks the Salon provided all came in pretty little crystal glasses. The sip was a soundless delicate one. The fact that there was no one else in the Salon except the workers plus a tall curvy leggy redhead was not unexpected either. “Classic French polish please.”

The artist nodded and complied. There was no chit chat or conversation between the redhead and technician who was focused on his work. He was meticulous about his lines and his client, the redhead, didn't attempt to distract him with conversation; or telling him how to do his job. As he finished up the redhead said, “Your work is always flawless Raul. Nails or paintings.”

Raul inclined his head at the compliment. It was a rare thing from the lady Miss Chandrilla Jocelyn Rae Thibodaux did not often dole out praise so this was a very special occasion. “Jasper please pay the man and give him a generous tip.”

An attaché peeled himself away from the wall. He was a man you'd forget the minute he wasn't in sight. Jasper excelled at being average in all ways and invisible to everyone. He handed over cash in a hefty sum for Raul's services. Raul took it without counting it till the entourage had left; nearly having a heart attack when he did. Thankfully he did not have a heart attack but he did cry.

Walking out with her entourage, Chandi took one step in her strappy, iridescent Jymmie Choz flashing smooth, toned, creamy long legs that seemed to go at least a mile up to a jet black beaded micro mini skirt. Her top was a pale pink sweetheart neckline cropped three quarter sleeved sweater with a black bolero jacket made of silk woven with iridescent thread. The chunky buttons undone in the jacket so that it merely framed the outfit. Her red hair a flame in the sunlight as she held out her hand to have Jasper put a pair of chic sunglasses in them. “Thank you Jasper.”

The first of the piranhas that called themselves paparazzi ran around the corner as Chandi put on her sunglasses. Nodding and smiling pretty for the camera the din almost drowned out the question she finally heard. “Miss Thibodaux! Do you have any information or an opinion on the body found in the Spire?”

Stopping her banal “No comment” comments or her patronizing smirks Chandi focused on the questioner. “Why Mr. Argyle from the main news outlet; what - pray do tell - are you doing hanging around with my lovely little piranhas?” The other men chuckled. She'd had them eating out of the palm of her hand since she could coo.

“Boss put me on a gossip rag.” He hung his head.

A dark deep throaty chuckle came from Chandi and more than a few of the men stood straighter, sweated a little, went glassy eyed with arousal or all of the above. “Welcome to my little school. Give Jasper your contact information and we will inform you of all my public movements and you can come to what you wish. Everyone here knows that I do interviews on my time, not yours and if you behave yourself then you might get one. Honestly your boss did you a favor. Ask any of these gents and they will tell you they live better than your average newscaster… on air.” She smirked and pointed to Jasper as she pivoted to leave her stilettos tapping out a steady tattoo to the car that she'd used from her flat to the Salon. She'd done her duty. The warning was there just wrapped up nice and pretty. Flat out saying, stay the fuck away from me and mine only made it harder to get them to go away.

Getting to the car Chandi pulled out her phone texting her parents that she was on her way. She thought about sending one to Alese but the thought of scaring her best friend was too tempting.

After a nice meal with her parents they went to work and she tossed around ideas for a new look. The department heads nodded and took notes to take to the associates to start writing the code. She left them at 4 PM with the plethora of designs that she had dropped off earlier in the week.

Getting in the car she put up her sunglasses. “Alese’s work Max.”

“Yes Miss.”

The chauffeur pulled up to the shop and Chandi swung out putting her sunglasses back on as she walked into the shop. “Alese dearest are you still not done yet?” Chandi came up to the counter. “Jasper you know the drill you’re off for the day.” Chandi handed him money to get home.
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