Avatar of Bea
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  • Posts: 206 (0.11 / day)
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    1. Bea 5 yrs ago


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Current <o/
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4 yrs ago
Nothing like GMing a solid Star wars RP with good old friends, then being invited to join back in on an old Witcher RP with another good group <3
4 yrs ago
Alexa, play "I'm Deranged" by David Bowie for someone who thinks I stalk them, ty. Then follow it up with something along the lines of "Only Because It Bugs You". Thanksss!
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4 yrs ago
As a crazy plant lady, this outbreak and quarantine is not helping my random online buying sprees... I'm gonna live in a jungle by time this is over.
4 yrs ago
Oh hell yea 🔥🔥 roleplayerguild.com/posts/5…



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Wᴇᴇᴋ 7, Dᴀʏ 3

Ever since their arrival, her interactions with Dash had been few and far between. The only reason they saw each other at all was because Dash was able to sneak around and find Mahree during her schedule. And the classes? Mahree cared less for those. It was punishment she received when she did not attend, but the younger girl refused to simply fall into the new lifestyle she had been forced into.

She did not want to conform, she did not want to behave. She hardly wanted to live. What life was she to live now? One of obedience and hatred? Was she to forget everything she had known before this moment; her family, her friends, her old life?

Sitting in the small chamber that was supposedly a room, Mahree was curled up in the corner, her head in her hands, knees pulled up to her chest. Her head moved ever so slightly every few moments, the shock collar that was locked around her neck was anything short of comfortable to wear.

Dashara ducked in and out of shadows, avoiding any light possible. Her eyes strained looking down one end of the corridor then the other. Darkness greeted her, but nothing more. A breath of relief expelled from her lung while she cautiously continued down the winding hallways. Red carpets baring the black Empire symbols became wrapped nightmarish visions at night. Each step echoed across the air, threatening to summon the nightly patrolling Overseers and their sadistic punishments. The thought caused Dash to touch her bruised eye then flinched, withdrawing her fingers. A consequence when she crossed the wrong Overseer’s path during her escape yesterday.

She knew it would happen again. It always did and would continue until she perished.

When the hybrid stopped at Mahree’s door, she paused. The tension caused her to stop, her breath held in her chest, and she listened once more. Nothing echoed throughout the hallways allowing Dash to breathe. She hunched as she worked on slicing the lock. Her force rotated the screws off and dropped them into her pocket. With determined and limited skill, she began to work through the numerous wiring. Several heart pounding hours ticked by until the lock clicked. With a silent, but quick movement, Dash opened the door and shot inside. It hissed close leaving her standing across from a huddled Mahree.

“That was fun.” Dash said in clear sarcasm.

As Dash worked hard in those hours to splice the wires and gain access to Mahree’s room, the girl could sense her friend nearby. It must’ve been the Force that enabled her to do that, or so Mahree figured. Her suspicions were proven correct as she heard the door open. Looking up to see a small figure slip through into the dimly-lit room, Mahree stood slowly.

“Dash?” She mumbled quietly after hearing her friend’s voice. The fear that sat in Mahree’s heart receded for a moment, and feelings of being calm and hopeful resurfaced. Mahree ran up to her friend, wrapping her arms around Dash in a tight hug as light tears ran down her cheeks.

Dashara winced as she thumped against the door, her own arms returning the hugs.

Mahree was scared, there was no denying that. The girl had no one in this world but Dash, and it seemed the Overseers had figured that out and separated them, on purpose. Dash was her rock, the only one she cared about and probably the only being who cared for her in return. Without her friend, Mahree was constantly fighting hopelessness and fear as dark thoughts fought their way into her head during every waking moment. Without Dash’s fearlessness and determination, Mahree was slowly becoming lost in a sea of fear and self-doubt.

Dash sighed then slowly wobbled both herself and the younger girl toward the bed. She gently pried off the arms to breathe. Her eyes looked in the frightened expression causing her to sigh again.

"Easy with man-handling me. I'm still a bit sore." She half joked. The latter obviously clear from the small limp and healing bruises on her body.

A finger brushed away a strand of Mahree's hair as she continued.

"So rumor is that you stopped leaving your room. What did we did talk about back in the ship?" Dash's voice became firmer.

At Dash's stern question, Mahree took a few steps back to sit on the small bed. One hand moved up, fingers tracing the thin contraption around her neck. It had only been activated once, and that's all Mahree remembered. She knew it hurt, she knew why they had forced her to wear it and why it had gone off; because of the friends standing right in front of her.

Eyes looked down at the floor, fingers running across the collar, thoughts racing here and there as the fear swirled in her heart.

"Why does it matter?" Mahree asked, head turned down and away from Dash as her voice wavered.

Dash instantly stiffened. Her expression melted from shock into anger, her eyes hardened at the question. She gritted her teeth enough to stop the fury from speaking for her. Seconds ticked by in silence while Dash closed her eyes and collected her patience. She crossed her arms before she let her words rip it a part.

“Really, is that your excuse to simply roll over and die? Cause it doesn’t matter? That’s a weak one to me.” Dash snapped while she still glared at the girl.

"You've seen what happens to others like me, Dash. I don't know how to fight, I don't know anything about the Force or alchemy or anything."

“But you can try to learn, can’t you? You’re not stupid! These bruises on me aren’t because I rolled over and accepted my fate! I learn, adapt and keep trying.” Dash bluntly countered, her figure still standing.

"And if we don't accept our fate? Then what? We are supposed to become Sith, what happens if we keep fighting?"

“At least you can die on your feet than die in the way they want you to. Like an animal that isn’t worth giving a damn about.”

"They don't give a damn about us anyway," Mahree countered, her eyes still focused down and away from Dash, "We're just their pawns in a game. We have no meaning except to be turned into a fighting machine. I don't want that fate. I just want it to end."

“You are not the only one that’s had a miserable life and you won’t be the last. I lost my parents at ten, nearly got killed by a bounty hunter, and treated like an object until about a year ago.” Dashara leaned over, fighting the pain flooding her system, as she put her hand under Mahree’s chin. She pulled the girl up to face her.

“Do you think I survived that by acting your way? No. It’s not easy, but it’s possible to beat the system. You’re just too sucked into your own depression to see it.”

"And what about this?" Mahree began, fingers running along the device around her neck. "If I fight back, if we fight back, this comes on, right? I've stayed in my room and it hasn't bothered me."

Mahree grew quiet, pulling her chin from Dash's fingers finally as tears welled in her eyes. "I thought I was going to die. It hurt so much… I don't want that pain again."

“I don’t like getting hurt either, but while you’re alive, there’s always that risk. There’s always going to be people out there to hurt you, emotionally or physically. Shutting down resolves nothing and gives them the win.” Dash’s eyes seemed distracted as she turned away from Mahree, unable to retain eye contact now.

“The reason you got the shock collar was to keep me from escaping. It seems our ‘host’ realized I had gotten attached to you and Overseer Genbit is using you to keep me in line.”

Mahree listened to Dash's words as she explained why she had received the collar in the first place. Fingers still lightly traced the device as her eyes moved to her friend.

"If you find a way out… you'll come back for me, right?" Mahree suddenly asked, shifting where she sat so she could face Dash more. Her friend had already tried to escape once, did that mean she had a plan in case Mahree couldn't be with her next time?

If Mahree fought to stay alive, she wanted to be alive with her friend. They had to leave together, neither one would leave the other behind, or so the girl hoped.

“Right now, I’m testing the boundaries. If I can find a weak point, we can make a plan to get out. However, while we’re doing that… I figured we can learn other skills. As I said, I’ve been in this situation before and those skills are useful.”

Dash smiled at seeing the small spark of life in Mahree.

Mahree stood from the bedside to face her friend. Eyes still watery, but with a weak smile on her face.
"I'll try… for you, Dash." The girl said, her tone wavering as eyes closed and her arms wrapped lightly around her friend in another hug. Her head rested on Dash's shoulder as her heart and mind came to terms with what the older girl had said.

“Don’t try for me, try for yourself. I can’t help you if you can’t find motivation to go on. Something might happen to me and I don’t want my last thoughts being worried about you living on. Promise me, you’ll find a reason to keep fighting.” Dash pulled herself from the hug after a few moments as she looked at Mahree.

“Promise me.”

Wiping tears from her eyes, Mahree nodded her head to Dash, indicating she understood.

A few moments of peaceful silence filled the air. Mahree took a deep breath to calm herself as she dried her wet eyes with the sleeve of her shirt.

There was a split second as a small, red indicator light illuminated on the device around Mahree's neck. It wasn't another second later before blue currents of electricity started winding their way sporadically around the device. Mahree screamed suddenly, as the voltage was forced into her body through the shock collar. Her fingers grasped at the device as she stumbled backwards, hitting the wall opposite her room door and sliding to the ground. Her breathing was quickened as the voltage ceased, her fingers just barely grasping the device as she sat there, her body trying to cope with what she had just endured.

The door to Mahree's room opened, and through it stepped Sith Overseer Kilian Haryss. A tall, slender yet finely built figure with messy blonde hair that fell to his shoulders. His black armor reflected the red overhead lights as he stepped through the door, followed by two younger apprentices.

"My my… what have we here? Young Horizon outside of her room past curfew? And with young Mais-ede, nonetheless?" Taking a few more steps inside, he moved closer to Dash, his eyes scanning the room and finding the younger Mahree not far away on the opposite side, trying to recover from the shock he had just administered.

"Tell me something, anything. I'd love to hear your excuse for being here, and putting young Mahree through a world of hurt."

Dashara took a regretful look toward Mahree then faced Overseer Haryss. Her eyes closed to rein in her anger and actions, pushing her fury to the back of her mind. She opened them to lock looks with the Overseer while biting her tongue.

“I couldn’t sleep so I needed to clear my head. I heard rumors and thought I check in on how truthful they were.” She mixed in truth and lies, her words filled with care in their presentation. Neither threatening or cock in tone.

Kilian glanced at Mahree, then to Dash.

"Rumors huh?" He scoffed, smirking as his hands moved to meet each other. One moved and pressed a small button on his left gauntlet, and Mahree was forced to undergo another few moments of agonizing torture. He stopped again, watching the girl writhe for a moment, "Sounds reasonable."

Dash tensed again. Her head turned away so not to see Mahree in pain. Instead, her glare remained fixed on the Overseer and she strained to hold herself back from reacting toward him.

“It’s the truth. It’s your choice to believe it or not, but I got nothing else to explain my actions.” Her fingers tightened into fists at her side as she stated each word.

"I can feel that anger, that hate. Don't hate me for what your friend has to go through. It's your own actions that caused your friends pain."

“Last I checked… I didn’t press the button.” Dashara countered, failing to bite her tongue fast enough.

The look on Kilian's face darkened at Dash's words. His head tilted back at her small challenge. His head tilted towards the two apprentices at his side. "Little girl wants to challenge, I'll give you a challenge."

Kilian turned and stepped out of the room, just outside of the door before he looked back. The apprentices both moved in, each one grabbing either of Dash's arms before the moved to walk her out of the room.

Dash looked over her shoulder, a concerned glance flashed at Mahree. She struggled a bit against the two apprentices’ grip before letting them march her outside the room.

Slumped against the wall, Mahree's head raised ever so slightly to see Dash being pulled out of the room. A tired gaze watched her friend, her heart and mind fighting back the fear that wanted to flood back.

As the two apprentices led Dash down the hallway towards the combative area, Kilian turned and held up his hand and wrist again, in pain view, for Dash to see. He said nothing, a smirk still held in his features as a finger went down on the same small button again. A faint blue glow could be seen coming from Mahree's room, followed by screams as her body was flooded with electricity.

Dashara jerked and pulled again, the apprentices ready for her resistance this time. Her expression curled into a pissed one.

“Fucking bastard.” She cursed at him.

The apprentices paid no mind to the screams or Dash’s struggles. They merely tightened their grip while they hauled her around the corner and into the combat room. Feeling them release, she took a seat as they waited for Overseer Haryss to arrive.
19 🤷‍♀️
Collab with Fallen x Bea

Xid leaned into the metal wall of the cramp speeder craft. His eyes closed and the vibrations rattled through his body. It gave him a sense of oneness with the machine. The ill aligned gears subtly grinded into his mind, drawing his attention and compassion. No different than a human with a disjointed shoulder to him. Xid bit his lip, ignoring his urge to fix it. It could wait until the mission ended. His hands rested on top of Navi who nestled into his lap. The little droid appeared offline, but he knew better. Rarely did Navi ever take that risk.

Lazily, his right eye opened. The iris drifted from right to left, eyeing up Sela then Master Rothul. Sela hadn’t gotten a decent night’s sleep and decided to doze off. He knew any sudden change in her surroundings, she’d jerk wide awake. Xid sighed before he turned his attention to Rothul. A curious little item settled in his hand as he listened to the holographic human on the other side. A pre-recorded message, Xid realized when Rothul set it onto repeat.

“What’s-” Xid began, until Sela’s voice interrupted him.

“Xid, please don’t bother Master Rothul. You don’t need to know about every single piece of technology that crosses your path.”

Dominik sat in silence as he listened to the recording. Most of it was just talk from the Council about their mission; checkpoints, hotspots, dead zones. Do’s, don’ts, intel, and warnings, all wrapped up into segments in which Dominik studied closely before their mission, and even now as they moved to their next checkpoint. Should anyone make out the features of his face in the dimly lit interior of the speeder craft, he looked concerned, puzzled, and in deep thought. Certain information the Council had given him had matched up, such as the terrain; rocky with blackened and dead forests. Their path was an old road that traced the edge of a clic. But other pieces of the Council’s info had been completely out of line since the mission had started. Had the holo-recording been tampered with? Was their intel incorrect?

Hearing Xid speak up, Dominik’s trance was broken, his mind returned to the here and now as he listened to Sela chastising Xid. The older Jedi glanced to Sela, then to Xid, watching their dimly-lit figures as the speeder craft shifted and creaked.

“He’s fine, Sela. His questions keep me alert during these long hours,” he began, before his gaze moved to Xid again, “it’s a holo-pad communicator, Xid.”

Dominik pressed a small button on the side of the device and shut the recording off as he returned the device to a pocket in his robes. “Usually they’re used to communicate to your allies on the battlefield. Out here though, I’m using it to help refresh my memory with key points of the mission in which the Council briefed me about.”

Xid looked at the small communicator. Something nagged at him, his eyes narrowed and his teeth bit his lower lip again. For a moment he toyed with the reasoning before he made a request.

“May I see it? Something is bothering me about it.” He held out his hand, hoping the master would allow him to take it apart.

Dominik hesitated for a slight moment at the odd request, but he ultimately reached into his pocket and pulled the holo device back out.

Sela opened her right eye, seeing the exchange, then sighed.

“Xid’s going to dismantle that. Either it has a malfunction or he is curious. I hope it wasn’t important.”

“There’s plenty more where this comes from, Sela. Not to worry.” Dominik said, handing the holo-communicator to Xid, playfully dropping it into the boy’s hand. “I’ve got the details memorized. But I’ll admit I’m stumped at the lack of things that match up.”

“It could be a malfunction, like Sela said. However, I need to get inside and determine what’s the matter.” Xid stated as he adjusted Navi.

The little droid buzzed then clicked his displeasure at being a makeshift work table. Despite it, he never moved. He stayed surprisingly still while Xid began to dismantle the holo communicator. His fingers nimbly found the seam and coaxed it apart, gently tearing the sealant. He frowned suddenly. He reached in to pull a small, circular disk from within.

“I don’t know what this is doing here… but it doesn’t belong.”

Dominik moved to stand from his seat, balancing carefully as he took a single step towards Xid to better see what the boy was talking about. There were sounds of a loud explosion before the speeder craft suddenly lurched to its side. As the vehicle caught its own momentum and began to rollover Dom attempted to brace himself, holding onto one of the seats for as long as he could. Meanwhile Sela and Xid had little time to react. Xid flew from his seat while Sela gripped and held on with more success. The craft must have hit a large object because it came to a very abrupt halt, teetering on its side before finally coming to rest. The frame of the craft rocked slowly as its momentum caught up, threatening to push the vehicle over the edge of the cliff that traced along the edge of the road.

Dominik’s eyes opened slowly, finding himself tangled between two seats. The Jedi stood slowly, looking around the cab as troopers moved; the world spinned as the men attempted to crawl out of the craft. Dominik heard shouting of a cliff, and the craft losing its balance. The Master looked around for Xid and Sela, catching a glance of the female Jedi as she followed the Republic troops out to defend what was left of the convoy. Screaming and shouting filled the old Jedi’s ears as he frantically searched for Xid as he tried to make his body move quicker than it wanted to.

Navi buzzed and clicked, shook itself free. Its small legs began to crawl over the few corpses left by the explosion on one side. The red slotted eyes scanned for signs of life. Frantically it roamed up and down, weaving through the carnage near the back. Finally it found Xid. The boy was passed out cold underneath about three dead troopers. Blood trickled down his forehead and stuck to his blond, curly hair. Immediately, the little droid whistled for Dominik’s attention.

Dominik heard the whistle loud and clear, despite the chaos of the ambush just outside the craft.

“Watch yourself, Navi!” Dominik instructed. The Jedi hurried over towards the small droid, his mind and his limbs finally working together. Despite the pain he felt aching through his body, nothing else mattered more than securing Xid and getting out of the speeder craft. He could sense Xid’s essence, the boy was still with them. But neither of them would last much longer if they remained there. Dominik could feel the downed vehicle swaying and assumed they were dangerously close to the cliff’s edge.

He hauled the dead soldiers off of Xid’s body and gently picked the young Padawan up, wrapping his arms around Xid’s chest and pulling him towards the opening just a few feet away.

Navi began to scramble ahead, moving easily over the debris. The weight in the craft suddenly shifted and tilted farther back, the little droid off before it realized what had happened. It slid down into the sheer drop of the cliff face.

Dominik suddenly felt the weight of the craft shift. His heart dropped as gravity suddenly took over, throwing him off-balance within the cab of the vehicle. One arm wrapped tightly underneath Xid's arms and around his chest, the other arm going out, that hand held to Navi. Dominik gave the little droid no time to react before he was suddenly pulled into the Jedi's grip through use of the Force. Navi, caught off guard by the sudden jerk, buzzed and clicked in protest. Dom held on to the little droid tightly, his other arm securely holding Xid as he fought gravity to maintain his balance.

They had been falling for a few seconds now, and Dominik knew they had little time. The Master positioned himself in the opening of the craft before taking a leap of faith, pushing himself hard and trusting the Force as he leapt.

The trio landed hard on a small rock face not far from the bottom of the canyon. Dominik landed with force and rolled, losing his grip on Xid and Navi as they hit the surface. Not two seconds later there was the sound of metal colliding with rock, the vehicle meeting a fiery explosion on the floor of the canyon in which they fell.

Xid rolled a few feet, coming to rest on his face and abruptly stirring to life. A cough rattled his chest as he rose up, his body folded into a small upright ball. His hand cradled his head while he shook off the grogginess. Meanwhile, Navi managed to land mostly unharmed. Unless you count its dignity being important. The little droid tucked its legs in and skidded across the gravel, coming to a halt with a quick spin. It rose upright onto its legs as it wobbled right then left before adjusting its balance. If it wasn’t for the fact it was a droid, one might’ve thought Navi was drunk.

“Fuck, my head… what happened?” Xid asked in a meek voice.

"We- were ambushed." Dominik responded, pausing as he slowly rolled onto his knees from the ground. The older Jedi was breathing hard, a mix of adrenaline and exhaustion lacing his words as he spoke. His face donning multiple scratches and bruises, he looked to Xid before glancing up towards the top of the canyon. The man took a moment as he shifted his body weight from both knees, to one, and then to his legs and feet as he slowly stood. He walked slowly over to Xid, attempting to keep an even gait and a painless look to his face.

Dominik kneeled down next to the boy, his hands moving to gently caress his head as old eyes examined the wound upon it.

He asked for no permission and expected Xid to sit still as he turned the Padawan's head gently, looking at the gash and the blood that ran through dirty blonde hair.

“Owww,” Xid fought not to flinch at the touch. Despite being a male, he had a low tolerance to pain compared to most.

“It’s just a scratch.” He gave the master a weak smile.

"That disk- the one you pulled out of my holo-communicator… what do you think it was?" He asked as he continued to examine Xid's head. At this point, Dominik had his fair share of ideas, but he wanted to test the Padawan to see if what he had woken up to gave any clues as to what may have conspired.

“I didn’t get a chance to examine too well. I know it didn’t help the holo-communicator. It was like attaching a piece of plasteel to a lightsaber. Pointless. So I assume it had another purpose.” Xid admitted, but didn’t confirm Dom’s suspicions.

Gradually Navi strolled over to the others. It clicked twice, beeped and finally clicked again. It appeared worried over its master while it sized up Dominik.

“It’s all right, Navi. It’s just a scratch. Master Rothul is checking to make sure it’s nothing more.” The boy reassured his creation.

“As for what I think it was… I would say it was designed to collect information.”

"Very good observations." Dominik replied as he stood again. He wiped the blood on his fingertips against his robe, satisfied for the moment at how the cut was clotting. "Sometimes you must be able to observe and make decisions in the blink of an eye. You must trust what you saw and trust your instincts."

Although what had happened was not ideal, it was a good moment for Dominik to reflect on what had happened and pass down his knowledge to Xid.

"We won't be able to scale this canyon wall. So we'll follow the canyon in the direction of the rendezvous point. Hopefully, we can meet up with Master Kythor there." He instructed, holding out a hand to Xid as an offer to help the boy up.

No doubt the both of them were in pain. Dominik refused to let his demeanor reflect how he felt, for if he remained hopeful and unbroken for Xid, he hoped his Padawan companion would try his best to do the same.

“I just hope she stays safe.” Xid spoke his thoughts out loud. Gradually he rose onto his feet, letting himself ride out the vertigo before he checked for his lightsaber. He exhaled a breath then turned to the Master Jedi.

“Which do we travel? I can take a guess, but my sense of direction isn’t perfect. It might be incorrect.” Xid’s eyes panned the cavernous inside of the canyon they appeared to have become trapped in.

Dominik gestured in the direction that they should go, before pointing up towards the canyon edge where the road was. "We'll follow this edge, the road skirts along it for quite a distance. If all goes well Master Kythor will know to meet us at the rendezvous point." Dominik explained.

They would eventually have to traverse down to the canyon floor, but for now the rock face they both stood on followed the canyon wall for quite a distance.

“So, why do you think the holo communicator was bugged?” Xid asked, his curiosity sparked by the memory. His hands folded into his sleeves of his outfit. Navi scrambled at his feet, having little issue keeping up with the pair. Its eyes scanned the canyon walls, paranoia filled its beeps and clicks.

“I think we’ll all right Navi. They might suspect we didn’t make it.” Xid assured his droid.

"Even so, never let your guard down. I'm not sure who we're up against, Xid. It's best to keep your head down and vigilant."

Dominik sighed as he walked, working hard to keep his gait even as an old injury pulled at his hip. "As for the communicator, details haven't matched up. The Council briefed me on this mission, every checkpoint, hotspot and dead zone. Some points have matched up perfectly, but areas where we should've seen resistance, we did not. That road up there, that was supposed to be friendly to the Republic forces. That's not the case."

“That information makes me concerned. It sounds fabricated. Who do you think could’ve done it?” Xid knew he should stop, but his questions continued to come. Navi seemed to buzz in annoyance before looking around again.

He continue to follow Dominik through the winding walls.

"I could not tell you. I didn't receive the communicator directly from the Council. So that's our first clue. It was given to me while I was travelling back here. I'd have to sit and meditate on it." The Master Jedi explained, glancing over at Xid for a moment.

Xid smiled then abruptly stopped in his tracks. His smile fell and was replaced by concern, something gnawing at his force sense. It took him a moment to realize the cause. His hand reached for Master Rothul’s sleeve and pulled him toward a shallow impression.
“Stay here. There’s a droid patrol coming, I got an idea. Can you be bait?” A pleading expression appeared on his face as he begged for Dominik to trust him.

The tug at his sleeve caught Dominik off guard, but he followed Xid easily. The Master Jedi was puzzled at first as he listened to the Padawan's words. If they were droids, then that explained why Dom sensed nothing in that moment.

After smirking slightly at the boy, Dominik nodded. "What's this idea?"

Xid exhaled as he explained.

“I’m going to have you draw their fire and keep their attention. While they are focused on you, I’ll take them out quickly. When all of them are down, I can use the parts to transmit a signal for help. The Republic can pick us up rather than us risking encountering enemies. It also takes out some enemy droids. Win-win.”

He paused to see what Master Rothul thought of his plan.

A faint smile found its way to the Master Jedi's lips as he listened to the Padawan pitch his plan. No doubt the boy was confident about this. He pitched it flawlessly and obviously knew what he was capable of when it came to machines.

"Alright. I'll keep them distracted for you." He said with a nod. The Jedi didn't wait for a moment longer before he turned, igniting his saber and rushing out from the crevice that they had in.

"Right here you rust buckets!" Dominik called, his heart beating fast as all six of the Mark I droids looked to him. They weren't fast, but with two blaster cannons on each arm, they still packed a punch. Dominik went immediately on the defense, waiting until Xid was ready and pulling their attention away from the younger Jedi. His saber moved quickly as he deflected the blaster bolts that came at him, easily sidestepping and avoiding the rest.

As Dominik drew their attention, Xid looked at Navi.

“Ready?” The droid buzzed in an eagerness, ready to rumble.

Xid smiled then shot out of cover, his feet moved silently across the gravel. Like a shadow he gained ground on the rear droid and Jumped. His feet touched onto the back. His lightsaber ignited then sliced off the droid’s head in a swift movement, his other hand gripped the back shield. It crumbled as its companion looked into his direction. He wasted little time. Xid’s hand jerked out and disabled the droid with the force causing it to shut down instantly. Meanwhile, Navi rushed for the next one. Its magneted feet latched onto the plasteel surface then climbed up. The little droid sat on the center with its laser pointed down and began to burn through the chassis. The Mark I began backwards, its arms reached for its back. Xid moved to the next one. One by one, the droids began to fall before Xid’s skill until he beheaded the last one.

His hand turned off his lightsaber and strapped it back to his utility belt. “So, how did I do?”

Just when he asked, one of the still standing droids dropped to the ground.

Dominik watched as Xid went to work, quickly disabling the droids as he held their attention. Deflecting the blaster bolts became easier as less and less droids remained standing, which allowed Dominik to observe Xid as the boy moved. A smile found its way upon his face as he finished off the last one, the boy turning and innocently asking how he did. The Master Jedi chuckled as the last droid collapsed, turning off his lightsaber and walking over to the young Padawan.

He laid one of his hands on Xid’s shoulder and smiled down at the boy before looking up at the droids.
“Not bad at all, Xid, not bad at all. Although next time you could help an old man out and disable their turrets first.” the man joked before he took his hand and moved to inspect one of the downed droids.

Xid shuffled and commented, “It’s not easy even when they are moving slowly. I had to take one out at a time.”

“So, how about you show me how you’ll use these piles of junk to send out a signal. I’m sure I could learn a thing or two from you.”

At the encouragement, Xid smiled brightly. He began to float several droids into a central location and get into work. He used Navi to precisely cut into the chassis of each one. Reveal tons of wiring and circuits, his attention lost in the task.

Dominik kneeled down as the younger Jedi went to work, disassembling the droids and looking for what he needed. Master Rothul kept a vigilant eye out, however, as Xid worked. Glancing up and down the canyon, observing the walls, even glancing up at the edge to make sure no one was looking down upon them. If this patrol was noted as missing, no doubt there would be someone to come along and investigate. He just hoped they had time before that happened. Fighting at the bottom of the canyon was not something Dominik wanted to experience.

Several hours passed. Xid was doing the final preparations on the signal before he started up the machine. Confidence oozed from him while he rose upright, dusting himself off and coughing the fumes from his laughs. He turned to Master Rothul as he spoke.

“I’m about ready, but I am not sure how strong it will be. I wish there was some more droids in that group because I could use more power cells.”

The smile that was on Rothul’s face slowly faded and the older Jedi was staring intently down the canyon. One hand moved to the saber on his belt and he took a couple steps forward. “I think you’re about to get them,” he began. His saber ignited and he glanced back at Xid, “stay back,” he instructed, “don’t go for the droids unless you know it’s safe.” A squad of Imperial troopers and Mark 1 droids approached their position.

“Navi!” Xid shouted behind him, the little droid peeking over the discarded gear.

The Master continued walking forward, his saber held at his side. From afar, Dominik could hear as one of the troops called out on a communicator. “Two Jedi, sir- yes, just two. At the bottom of the canyon. South at two, eight. Mark three five.” Suddenly the communicator shook in his hand and was pulled with force. With a hand outstretched, Dominik claimed the communicator in his own, crushing it and letting the pieces crumble to the ground.

“I want you to focus on me, and only me.” Dominik taunted, holding his saber at the ready. Droids and Imperial troops alike rained fire down upon Dominik who stood his ground. Saber moving in a flurry of blocks and parries, Dominik began deflecting the shots back towards the enemy squad, aiming to disable some of the closer droids and hoping to push the Imperials back.

Xid swallowed his desire to help. A useless tactic since his compassion rose up and soured at the back of his throat. His hand summoned his blade to it as he watched the fight. Dominik moved from one side to the other, grace produced by his years of experience. Blaster bolts darted back to their sources or through the dome of the Mark 1 droids. Their bulk crumbled in the middle of the conflict. As the master advanced, Xid darted in to jerk out the power cells and retreat back to his project.

He began to rewire the transmitters into the new set of power cells. Navi scrambled to his side, soldering what he needed into place. Xid glanced up long enough to see about five troopers advance on Dominik, supported by three droids.

Dominik held his ground as the Imperials and droids approached him. Saber held tight in his hands, the man rushed the group as shots flew past him. All he was worried about was keeping them focused on him and not on Xid, not on his transceiver; all eyes on him.

The Jedi moved quickly, his strikes and parries fluid, each with purpose. One hand held out to keep a droid at bay while an Imperial trooper rushed him. Dominik pushed his saber through the man’s chest and blocked an incoming shot. He moved fluidly with each passing movement, his senses heightened as he worked to avoid the enemy fire but also to hold back the troopers just before him. One blaster bolt to another and two Imperials were down. A quick jab and slash and two droids disabled.

Sidestepping quickly, he avoided a well timed shot that flew just past hid head. He ducked and weaved, trying to give Xid time and space for him to work on his device. Adrenaline fueled his movements while the Force guided his hand and kept the sensation of pain and exhaustion pushed far to the back of the Master Jedi’s mind.

Seeing Master Rothul handled himself well, Xid pressed the button and sent out a homing signal. Gears whirled and gears grinded, working in unison. He smiled while the current wave started to thin out. Xid knew he couldn’t help, but it wouldn’t stop him from trying. He seized a few of the leftover droid parts to work on crude turrent. Reinforcements would be here any moment to overwhelm them.

“How’s it going back there, Xid?” Dominik yelled, ducking to avoid a blaster shot before he finished off that last droid. Reaching out with the Force, Dominik grabbed the last trooper remaining and pulled him in, hard. Lightsaber at the ready, Dominik left the trooper with half a saber through the abdomen. The body dropped to the ground, lifeless, and the Master Jedi stood still for a few moments. Breathing in and out, he staggered once before he regained his balance.

“Let’s hope that if the Imperials can call for backup, that our remaining forces will get your signal.” the man said. He glanced back at Xid before looking further down the canyon. He sensed nothing, yet, but he knew they were coming. Dominik withdrew his saber as he slowly lowered himself to the ground. After a few long moments, he positioned himself in a meditative form, his saber rested on the ground next to him.

Xid looked over to spot the Master resume a meditative posture. He paused in his work to explain his current task.

“Well, we don’t know how far away they are. I’m currently working on a few of these blasters from the droids and making cruel turrent. They might help buy us time. However, they are going to be easy to destroy.” He began to mount the adapted weapon on the droid’s three legs hobbled together.

Dominik’s eyes closed as he worked to calm himself, breathing in and out slowly, deeply. He reached out with the Force, reaching as far as his experience would allow; he hoped he’d sense Sela, Commander Mak, any of their allies. They could not run from this fight, for there was nowhere to run. He had to hold their position for as long as possible if they were to live to see help arrive.

Minutes turned into hours among the hazy surface of Balmorra. The dead forest remained silent and showed no life between the darkened shadows in the distance. Xid had finished his last turrent before he took to mediating beside the Jedi Master. However, his mind refused to settle. The restless worry over their situation and Sela’s status bogged down his peace. It sank into his stomach where it disappeared. Unable to remain sitting for much longer, Xid pushed up to his feet and checked the machine.

“You shouldn’t let your worry distract you, Xid.” Dominik muttered as the young Jedi walked over to his machine. “Trust in your machine, trust in yourself, and trust in the Force.” he advised. His body aching, head pounding, Dominik let the Force flow through him freely. He would need to focus and allow the Force to guide him if they were to live to fight another day.

“And if I tell you to leave the machine and run, you run.”

“ I can’t promise that.” Xid said firmly, his attention turned to the Master.

The older man stood slowly, taking his lightsaber hilt in his right hand and ignited by the time he stood fully.

“That is an order.” he stated, glancing back at Xid for a moment before his focus turned back to the approaching Imperials in front of him.

Xid flinched at the older man’s voice and answered with silence. A silence that refused to submit.

From beyond the carnage of the last squad of droids approached more Mark I’s, another squadron of Imperial troops, and a Sith.

“Apprentice Daeden,” Dominik called out, recognizing the aura coming from the opposing Force-user facing him, “I thought you died, during the fighting on Alderaan, along with your Master when we sent hellfire raining down on your position?”

“Only a fool would believe a Sith to perish under that sprinkle you call hellfire. The strongest will survive.” came his muffled voice, his words laced with anger and hatred towards the very Jedi he faced.

“Where might your master be then?” the old Jedi taunted.

There was a moment of silence before the Sith pulled out his saber hilt, igniting it and showing the red, double-bladed saber in front of him as a taunt.

“The same place I’m about to send you.”

Blaster fire erupted towards Dominik as the Jedi Master held his position. He knew better than to charge an enemy that outnumbered him far greater than he could handle. He used the heavy armor pieces of disabled droids to block incoming shots, and sent smaller pieces hurtling towards the blaster fire in an attempt to take out Imperial troops and droids. The Sith warrior charged Dom quickly, his saber staff twirling in his fingertips as he pushed the Jedi aggressively. There was a flurry of red and green as Dominik met the Sith head on, not allowing himself to be pushed back towards Xid and Navi.

Their sabers met each other non-stop as they fought in a sea of blaster fire. From Xid’s side, the mounted blasters 5kept the Imperials from advancing, and drew the droids in closer to them. Enemy fire flew past Dominik in an attempt to catch a weak spot in Xid’s defenses, with no avail.

Dominik worked to disable the Mark I droids as they came close, all while keeping the Sith Apprentice from finding an opening. They danced around the battlefield, their fighting styles all too similar, making it difficult for one to outmatch the other. Dominik sliced through the chassis of one droid as he maneuvered past it, using the droid’s metal body as a projectile and utilizing the Force to throw it at the Sith. Creating distance between them, Dominik took the offensive and rushed the man again. He placed a hard kick square in the Sith’s chest, receiving one to the back himself not a few moments later. The Master stumbled, rolling in order to catch himself and standing quickly. He turned and caught the red blade blade with his own.
A hard kick to his side and Dominik moved sideways, narrowly dodging a blaster bolt to the face before he parried another strike from the Sith. He felt the Force pull at his focus as blaster fire from the troops became focused on him. Some of them moved in closer while others fell to the mounted blasters on Xid’s turrents.

Another kick to his chest and Dominik tumbled backwards.

“Remember what I told you Xid!” Dominik yelled, his voice cracking and laced with exhaustion as he fought hard to block the enemy Sith’s attacks coupled with the blaster fire that came his way.
“I remember,” Xid shouted back over the mounted blasters firing. He ducked when another blaster headed for his head and blasted into a temporarily shield.

“I got other ideas in mind.” He said under his breath.

“You will do as I say Padawan Terrik!” Dominik demanded, ducking to avoid a strike and stabbing backwards, disabling a droid. Dominik went to parry when the Apprentice moved in again but was caught off guard as one of the Sith’s hands grabbed his wrist. His free arm went out, blocking the saber strike and feeling the grip on his wrist tightened.

The Master Jedi suddenly felt a surge of electricity as the Sith unleashed Force lightning into his body. Dominik cried out as the lightning surged through him, Eyes closed tightly as the Sith’s grip tightened. He craned his neck to see Xid, blaster fire still soaring around the battlefield.

“You will do as I say!” he reminded Xid, head turning back as the Sith chuckled.

“What is that saying? Master Jedi? There is no death, there is the Force?” The apprentice taunted.

Weakened and attempting to reign in the pain, Dominik felt himself lifted up, his chest tight as the apprentice held him there momentarily. Suddenly his body was thrown towards the canyon wall. Dominik hit the stone wall hard, his body falling to the ground immediately. With the strength he could gather, he attempted to stand before spotting the metal chassis of multiple Mark Is hurdling for him. The hilt of his saber dropped and both hands went out in an attempt to cushion the blow Dominik knew he would take.

Pushed back into the surface of the canyon, Dominik felt as the heavy metal bodies of the droids weighed down his body. His chest rose and fell, his breathing fast an erratic as he tried to breath despite the weight sitting on chest and torso. His head spun as he saw his vision fading. He could feel multiple spots that the sharp metal had punctured into his body. He fought to stay awake, his thoughts on Xid as his mind threatened to fade away into nothingness.

Xid had finished a small, primitive flashbang grenade out of blaster parts. His defenses began to fall as the Imperial troopers took them out in a strategic fashion. Feeling the pressure build to protect his allies, his mind came up with a rash plan. At seeing the Apprentice toss the chassis of the droids at Master Rothul, Xid rushed over the barrier protecting him. Navi scurried to follow.

The little droid raced against his master as it shot a cable at the Sith’s leg. Sensing it, the apprentice jerked his foot out of the way and sliced at it. A perfect distraction when Xid came into range. He released the small grenade as it rolled to the Sith’s position. His eyes closed to protect them while his hands pressed to his ears. Abruptly a blast of light and sound exploded out. It caught everyone within fifty meters, leaving them blind and deaf.

The distraction would only last a short time.

Xid’s hand extended. He ripped off the chassis one by one off of the Jedi master before shouldering the Jedi Master’s weight. Navi went for the nearest Mark 1 and began to slice into it. In moments, the droid was no longer under its own control. It turned to help Xid haul Dominik away. Navi leapt off to move onto another droid gradually increasing the ‘friendly fire’ among the Imperial troops.

“Come on, we’re not done. Get moving!” Xid hissed, his strength not being his strong suit. His lightsaber floated to his hand and batted away any stray blaster fire coming in. Slowly, the droid and him walked toward the barrier.

The SIth apprentice turned to Xid after he had dealt with Dominik, but what he didn’t expect was to be blinded and deafened in just a few short moments. Before he could move to stop the younger boy, some of the Mark I droids turned and began firing at him, forcing him to take up a defense. The apprentice slowly made his way towards Xid as the boy tried to get Dominik to safety, simultaneously shaking off the disorienting effects of the bomb Xid had set off.

Meanwhile, Dominik felt the weight on his body life, taking in a stifled breath as his chest was allowed to expand fully. He was in and out, but sensed Xid nearby, eyes opened as he felt someone pick him up and attempt to support his body weight. The Master moved his legs slowly, trying to help the young Padawan as Xid lead him back to the makeshift turrents.

“I told you-- to leave.” Dominik mumbled, forcing himself to remain awake as his body wanted to do the opposite.

“I’m getting tired of being helpless and watching my allies die. You and Sela think I should be protected at all costs but I disagree. I feel my life is only worth if I gave it to protect others. Now,” He spotted the apprentice gaining ground.

His head turned to the droid and made the orders. “Keep moving him toward the transmitter. I’ll see what I can do with the Sith.”

He slipped from under Dominik’s arm to face the Sith. A few stray blaster bolts flew at him, his lightsaber batted them away easily. His lungs inhaled before he rushed at the incoming Sith. He stepped onto a fallen Mark 1 using the droid for a boost in his jump. Both hands grip the hilt while Xid shouted a war cry, bring it down into a vertical slash onto the head. The Sith raised the left end of his saberstaff to catch then slap it away. The sabers hissed on contact. Xid, mindful of his footing, took a step from the Apprentice. His blade twisted back to the starting position.

“So now they rely on children to protect their Council? My my how the Jedi have fallen.” The Apprentice mused at Xid’s attempts.

“At least I can make better droids than the Empire. These Mark 1s seem more like toys than war machines.” Xid countered, not expecting his taunt to get a raise from the Sith.

The Apprentice smirked. His lightsaber staff flickered out with a horizontal slash at Xid’s left side forcing the Padawan to block. Back and forth, the two exchanged blows. Xid was clearly out of his expertise with each parry, block and attack he made. His eyes scanned the battle field for debris. Small chunks of scattered about giving him an idea. As the Sith made a swing for his legs, he jumped up. His arm extended and pulled a large chunk, followed by several smaller ones, toward him. At the peak of his jump, he shoved them at them at the Sith.

Holding on to the droid as it hobbled back to the defensive position did had created, Dominik let go and dropped to the ground once they were close enough. His body wanted to give in and his mind wanted to fall into a realm of nothingness.

He watched as Xid pulled debris from the battle towards the Sith apprentice who drew his saber in defense and blocked most of the projectiles. One of them slipped through his range of motion, striking his lightsaber and effectively destroying the inside mechanism. Holding an arm up to shield his head from the rest of the incoming debris, he immediately looked to Xid. One hand reached out, and through the use of the Force he took the boy by his throat. A few of the remaining projectiles stuck him in his side, drawing a sharp breath from the Dark-sider and immediately tightening his hold on Xid's throat.

“You will never escape the inevitable, Jedi!" He screamed, pacing towards Xid as he lifted the young Padawan into the air.

Xid’s eyes widened in surprise. The force tightened about his throat when he was jerked into the air, his feet left dangling above the ground. Air remaining in his lungs burned up. He struggled as he tried to escape, but couldn’t. His lightsaber dropped from his hands while darkness edged into his vision. Gradually his body became limp and still.

The Sith had sensed the life slip from him. A victory swelled in the enemy as blaster shots faded, the battle drawing to a close. A blue light shot through the dust and plowed into the Sith’s shoulder. It knocked him back causing him to drop Xid. The Padawan crumbled into a heap. The Apprentice hissed in pain and glanced up for the source. In the background, behind the barrier, several figures began to file out of a speeder craft. Republic troopers. Among them, a lightsaber lit up and a woman’s voice shouted over the chaos.

“Step away from my Padawan, Sith.”

Seeing the tide had turned, the Apprentice glared then began to make a tactical retreat. All the Imperial troops began to fall back leaving the reinforcements to set up a defense and check on the survivors. Passing Dominik, Sela raced toward Xid’s fallen form. Two field medics followed in her wake to assist. Navi hovered over its master, clicking and beeping with panic over no signs of life. Sela immediately floated the droid to the side to prevent it from hindering them.

The medics checked for vital signs. Confirming them, they revived Xid with a snap of smelling salts. He suddenly sat upright then gasped, inhaling fresh air. His reaction brought her a peace of mind. Even in his condition, his mind inquired about Master Dominik’s condition.

“Is ...Master Rothul ... alive? Did he … make it?” He struggled to properly speak past the coughing fit.

“Take it easy, Xid.” She turned to Dominik’s direction, seeing a few medics check him and one flashed her a thumbs up. A signal the master still lived.

“If I know Dominik, he’s tougher than his age makes him appear.” She chuckled then monitored the surroundings as the medics loaded up both Jedi.
The journey from Tython to Nar Shaddaa had been anything but eventful for Bryethe. She had spent most of her time meditating upon her encounter with the Dark sider, Selene, and the words that were exchanged during that encounter. Her mind wandered over everything she had learned as a Jedi Padawan, and reflected upon her time under the tutelage of Satele Shan. She trusted the Grandmaster with her life, and would fight her hardest in return for one of the few people she could call a true friend. But words ate at the back of her mind like an Anoobis hound would to a fresh kill.

Should she speak to Satele about the conversation with Selene?
What would this knowledge do?

Many of these troubles were pushed to the back of her mind as the Starshine emerged from hyperspace above Nar Shaddaa; Brye thought it best to leave her concerns for another time. She knew Satele had much more pressing matters to deal with.

Following closely behind Satele as they entered the casino, Brye paid no mind to the guards as they walked past, knowing very well what Satele had done in a split second to allow their small party entry. Adjusting the robe over her shoulders, Brye made certain her lightsaber was hidden as they started to meander through the crowd; pickpockets were never fun to track down.

The Padawan couldn’t say she had been to very many casinos, some would say that she needed to get out more. In truth the world of gambling and drinking was never missed in her mind, it only distracted from reality and was a breeding ground for greed and lust. She had been in her fair share of casino’s whilst she completed an assignment on the planet of Coruscant. Immersed in the gambling and thieving underbelly whilst chasing individuals she’d rather not be acquainted with. There was a reason Brye looked as though she hated her life in that moment.

"You two go find Roana. I don't know how many are with her."

For a split second, the Padawan eyed her master. I don’t know how many are with her. While she wanted to argue, Brye simply let that uneasiness settle in the bond between them. 'I thought we were only meeting her.’
Not much more was said between Padawan and Master before her back turned and she joined Knight Balthasar, the duo disappearing into the casino crowd.
Bryethe felt a few long moments of silence as she walked alongside Balthasar, her ears open and listening to the people and conversations around her. Arms held casually behind her back, saber hidden beneath her robe, Brye attempted to fit the part of party-goer. She was more oblivious to the fact that she was not fitting in one bit.

She cleared her throat before glancing over at the Knight beside her.
“So, erm, Master Balthasar-” Brye started, but her thoughts were interrupted as a large Ithorian nearly backed into her, causing the girl to step back and walk behind Balthasar for a moment. “How long have you known Satele?”

Balthasar smiled. It was a big, earnest, easy going smile with just the right amount of restrained amusement. "I am no Master. I am a humble Knight of the Order. I take no Padawan. I had a number of Masters, personally, but..." The Jedi trailed as his gaze flicked about the totality of the casino floor with the suddenness and quickness of a candle flame caught in a breeze. Every glance was purposeful, from the direction of the first glance to the time it took him to reach the second glance, and so on. His long robed arm pointed out, to the western wall: lifts with signs that read "Rooms" on it.

Set upon their new direction, cutting through a honeycomb of quick lever games, avoiding a cocktail waitress, Balthasar dipped his head a touch and rubbed at his chin, as if he hard considered his next words. As if words much harder to him than smiles. "They died so quickly during the war. Our losses were horrifying. Combat became my obsession out of necessity--personally I'm rather fond of my connection to plant life, but it's less renowned a skill than my connection with the Force when it comes to combat." Big brown eyes looked over to the Padawan.

"That is how I met your Master. I was one of the many who followed her. Some nights she and I would talk technique, spar, and discuss our minds and hearts." Some nights, it went unsaid by the Jedi Knight, Satele Shan was kept preoccupied by Jace Malcom. "She more than any other is who I would consider a Master--but then what is a master but a friend you can share wisdom and knowledge and duty with?"

Brye snickered at the words of the Knight, her feet leading her around a Twi’lek who lay passed out on the Casino floor, drink in hand and snoring peacefully.
“Words well said, she is a Master but indeed a friend as well. I see her as both, especially considering what she has done for me. There is a time to be a friend and a time to be Master and Padawan, and she has shown me both.”

Bryethe reflected upon her time as Satele’s padawan as the pair walked, her eyes set upon their new destination. No doubt she exaggerated at times, but being the Padawan of the Grandmaster did make Brye feel like there were many eyes on her at times, watching, judging, expecting something more; and other times Brye forgot just who her master was. Satele treated her as any other Jedi would; she received no special treatment aside from the fact that she was able to learn from the Grandmaster of the Order, something the Padawan did not take for granted.

Despite the loss she had experienced, she was thankful for the will of the Force.

“Sometimes I find myself taking a step back to look at all that has happened. I try not to get too sentimental about it but I’m grateful for what I have learned and I feel indebted to her as a friend.”

Brye grew quiet as they approached the lifts, attempting to avoid any eavesdropping from those coming off and those loitering around, trying to decide if they were done drinking and gambling for the night; but for many, the night had only just begun.

“The war is not over. I would take the chance to reflect while you have it; I fear soon we will have few chances to do so.”

Balthasar smiled softly at the end of the sentence, trying to soften the blow perhaps? Not that there was much softening their current goal. The lift they shared with a quiet green skinned alien couple, “pro-am” gamblers judging from the few words whispered between the couple. The couple got off at the 7th floor. The Jedi remained until the 20th.

When the door hissed open the Jedi Knight’s eyebrows perked. He saw six Mandalorian warriors in the hall. “I don’t believe the one we want is among them.” So the Jedi Knight smiled wide and bright and waved his hand, palm out, towards the group. “Howdy fellas.”

The Mandalorians just glared, until one of the taller amongst them piped up, pointing at Brye, “It’s the Padawan. Jie, tell Roana they’re here.”

The hotel room door closest to their informal gathering, allowing the sounds from beyond the door free, desperate screams and impossibly deep moans, the sound of skin on skin. The Jedi Knight found himself blinking. “I don’t think they’re sparring in there.”

“She’ll see you. Come on.” The Mandalorian he presumed to be Jie motioned them closer, a half cape and full beskar armor, as he hung half out the door himself. When they arrived the sounds had mostly stopped, save for a naked brunette human woman covered with only a sheet upon the bed, covered in sweat, panting, and still allowing tiny moans to part high glossed painted lips.

Roana emerged from the bathroom, hair flowing long and wavy, her tall and strong figure covered quickly in a robe, a thin layer of sweat still clinging to her skin just as hotly as the scent of sex did.

Roana took a quick swig of something on the coffee table between couches in the small lounge of the Casino hotel room. Something that burned, given the sudden short lived wince her face provided, before it was gone fast as it had arrived, green eyes burning holes into the Jedi. Her lips slipping into a smile at the sight of the Padawan, body leaning back into the corner of the couch, legs crossed under the robe, side of her head resting on a hand as she grinned.

“Come for a different kind of training, Padawan?”

Jie chuckled as he slipped out, back into the hall. The woman on the bed simply stating in a weak voice, “I just need a minute. Oh, God…”

Brye took Balthasar’s words to heart. Her suspicions were confirmed, not that it was that difficult to guess the direction of the war. Dxun had only solidified what Brye thought of it.

The younger Jedi was slightly alarmed at the sight of the six Mandalorians gathered in the hallway. At quick glance, she knew none of them were Roana. The one Brye could only guess as Jie was instructed to let Roana know they had arrived; but moments later Brye’s head was filled with sounds she preferred to have not heard at all.

“I don’t think they’re sparring in there.”

The Padawan heard Balthasar’s comment but her mind was too busy trying not to imagine what was actually going on in that room. Those screams and moans, that brunette hair; suddenly Brye found herself walking into the room behind Balthasar. She blinked at Roana’s question.

More training? But, you’re a Mandolorian, what could a Mando possibly-

The woman’s eyes darted to the other woman on the bed, her body covered by a simple bedsheet, but also covered in sweat and the smell of love and lust. That smell filled the air of the room, a musky, thick smell that made the nose wrinkle a little. She took in a sharp breath as she realized just what Roana was getting at. She began coughing as she choked on her own saliva. Her cheeks blushed in embarrassment, covering her mouth as she coughed once more.

“No, we- uh, we came to find you because Satele asked us to. She’s down on the casino level.” she replied. Brye’s eyes darted around Roana, refusing to keep eye contact for a period of time due to the simple fact that she was very embarrassed.

"Everyone but the Jedi out."

The words were spoken so gently they might have sounded strange coming from Roana. The girl on the bed moved slowly and even more carefully, shot a glare towards both of the Jedi, but moved out of the room just the same. Roana knew the girl's "clothing" was in another room, but to the Jedi it might just look like the Mandalorian tossed the girl out unceremoniously. Didn't matter to Roana in the slightest. Her focus was singular, or so it might seem, as the Mandalorian woman stood from the couch and moved to the Jedi in just a few strides.

The smile on her lips was crooked, and part grin, her darker red hair long and smelled like sweat and soap as she got close enough to the Padawan for the girl to smell it. Even without armor Roana was taller than Brye by a good clip, though Balthasar had more than a few inches on the Mandalorian out of armor. Yet Roana's posture said she towered over both, and it did so as casually and naturally as the woman breathed.

When the room was cleared, Roana's smile played at the corners of her mouth, her tone more serious but her eyes a drunken mix of the playful and the serious. Green eyes that dove from Brye's jawline, to her neck, to her chest, to her midsection, hips, thighs...all the way down her eyes went. There was no effort to hide it, to be subtle about eyeing the Jedi Padawan up and down. Or the grin that resulted from it.

Withouth warning the woman ducked in closer to the Padawan, her lips so close to the Padawan's ear the girl would feel Roana's lips vibrate against her ear when the whisper was voiced. The Padawan would blush again, and Roana would pretend not to enjoy it quite so much as she really did. Roana suddenly stepped back, making a wide sweeping motion with her right hand, towards the holoscreen in the room.

After a quick button push on a small remote, the image of the casino floor played. "The one without eyes is one of you Jedi. He got here before your group did. Your Master Satele Shan you know. This one," she said, an unpainted nail pointing to the masked man in black robes, "is Darth Marr. When it comes to the chain of command of the Sith Empire, Marr is pretty close to a true second to the Emperor as exists. Shan and Marr speak a little, then quietly stare at another for twice as long--a conversation among thoughts is our thinking based on the eye contact she tries to make with his mask, and the way his face angles, even if just barely, right...there. Like he's trying to look into her eyes, too, and read her."

Her tone changed the moment her eyes moved from Balthasar to Brye, the Padawan. Roana reached out and grabbed Brye's hand, tugging at it gently, demanding the Padawan's eyes. "We're going out on a limb doing this. Sure it's paying off for Clan Madog, but you can't blame us for watching..." Roana leaned in close again, whispering again, though her mouth never got nearly as close to Brye's ear. This time. And this time even Balthasar could hear the whisper.

"And you can't blame me for wanting to show you something I found interesting."
Welcome! Glad to have you! 🤟

🔷As a player, what is your preferred writing level?
🔸Several paragraphs
🔸Long stories with heavy collaboration

🔷Is grammar and depth of writing important to you?
🔸Extremely. I always look forward to reading about how other characters feel in the moment, and what they're thinking. Depth of writing is something I love, and something I'm working on myself.

🔷Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring?
🔸A n g s t

🔷Is there anything you really dislike and want to avoid like the plague?
🔸Not at all.

🔷Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character?
🔸Not at all.
🔷Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character?
🔸Writing him as an Overseer, finding his personality, expanding upon my characters, playing around in Korriban.

Approved! Just need one more!
As Sela and Dominik disappeared around the bend, Xid pulled his eyes away. He let out an audible sigh and returned to examining the console. They would find the power source. At least he hoped they would. His hands moved quickly through the wiring and circuits, repairing parts and soldering down new connections. As he finished up, his hands pressed the cover back into place. He looked to the Command who nodded then activated his wristlink.

“Xid got the console fixed, we just need power now. How are you progressing on that?”

"Coming in a few seconds." Came Dominik's voice through the comlink. Just a few moments later and the power to the outpost surged through its frame of wires, cords, and power cells. A deep rumbling could be heard as some conveyor belts whirred to life, creaking loudly as they slowly started to move.

Xid smiled. The machines began to hum and pulse, their movements rattling through the cobweb filled outpost. He loved the sounds of their miniscule ticking. The very noise seemed to deafen others, but for him it just vibrated inside his core. The sensation reminded him he wasn’t isolated from something bigger. Like a gear or circuit in a great machine, he had a purpose to serve. For a moment he lingered on the sensation until one of the troopers nudged him.

“Sorry,” Xid automatically uttered.

He received a slicing tool. The hand was long with a long rod at the end, which he inserted into the receiver port. The device whirled and clicked, indicating it was connected. His fingers clicked across the keyboard as he began to dive deep into the system. Firewalls provided only a small obstruction to his search and were easily dismissed. It was second nature to attack the wall’s weakness rendering it useless. After a few moments, Xid smiled. He found the map. He downloaded it into the data stick at the end of the slicing tool before ejecting it.

“Got it!”

As Commander Hoss started to speak through the comlink, his words were stopped in his throat. His eyes widened and his hands clawed at his throat. Xid stepped back, frightened by the sudden shift in the Commander’s behavior. That’s when the darkness began to crawl into his awareness. Xid’s eyes followed where the other troopers already looked.

The Sith lord clapped his gloved hands in slow applause. “Job well done, Jedi.”

His apprentice, the young woman, had her hand out strength with a clawed gesture. Her lips curled into a malicious smile. She tightened her grip causing the Commander to lift in the air before she threw him against the far wall. The man’s body crumbled like a ragdoll.

Xid immediately bolted for the tunnel that Sela and Dom had vanished down. Just as he was about to make it, he jumped to the side. A chunk of the barricade came flying at him.

“Not so fast, you stupid boy.” The male apprentice sneered, his hand returning to his side.


Sela’s eyes widen as dread filled her, the emotions not her own. Her head looked back down the tunnel. Sounds of a brawl faintly echoed from it.

“Xid,” her voice cracked. Without another word, she rushed back the way they came.

Dominik turned just as Sela did, feeling a surge in the presence of Dark side of the Force, and it was close.

“Sela, wait a second- Shit.” Dom cursed, as Sela was already good and gone, but for good reason. The elder Jedi took a deep breath to calm himself. His eyes scanned the metal walkway for a few long moments. He looked ahead, and then behind him. If the outpost was similar to most others, the pathways might loop back around and reconnect, perhaps back to the main room. Dominik withdrew his lightsaber and mounted the hilt on his belt before heading down the hallway in the direction he and Sela had been going.


Oh shit, oh shit… Xid thought as he faced the three Sith looking at him.

Realizing the shitstorm they were in, the troopers immediately opened fire on the three. Xid looked down the tunnel where Sela and Dom disappeared. She was coming. As if realizing what he did, the Sith lord’s body stiffened. Three lightsabers continued to deflected the blasters, one its way back to the source. One trooper found himself nailed across the shoulder while the other got it on the chest. He crumbled, never to rise again. The rest kept blasting as the Sith began to advance on them.

“Your master won’t make it.” The lord’s words chilled Xid’s spine down to the bone.

The padawan’s eyes took another glance and hoped to see Sela appear shortly. Everything happened so fast. From the corner of his vision, he spotted one of the last trooper’s grenades being tugged from his belt. Xid’s gut directed him to the female apprentice. Seeing him looking, her pale face smiled wickedly. She mouthed goodbye.

“Run!” Xid shouted. His telekinesis seized the grenade and tossed it down the tunnel. His master would sense his intentions and get clear of the blast. His hands shoved the trooper toward the nearest stairs leading up, pushing the trooper ahead.


The buzz of a lightsabers were cut short when the explosive went off.


The explosion was not missed on the levels above, for Dominik heard and felt it. It reverberated through the metal walkway, the Master sensing the emotions of all below after the explosion settled.

The man quickly took to finding a way to the upper levels. There were parts of the outpost where it was an open balcony and you could see one to two levels below. Finding his way to one of these balconies, the Jedi moved his gaze down, hearing footsteps and sensing the emotions of the Force-users below.
Not a few moments later Dom spotted Xid below, running from the same Sith he and Sela had fought outside.

Wasting no time, Dominik turned down the closest tunnel, aiming to find a way to meet up with Xid, or to get ahead of him.


Xid’s breath grew show and shallow. He ran across the metal catwalk toward the ladder. His head darted behind him, spotting the Sith apprentices give chase and gradually gained on them. If he became cornered, it was over. His mind recalled the map while he lead the remaining trooper down the corridors to the command center.

“You can’t escape, Jedi. Stop and accept your fate, we’ll even make it quick.” The lord’s voice echoed behind them, leisurely following his more eager apprentices.

The moment the female apprentice came into range, she leapt and brought her lightsaber own on the last republic trooper. He turned to fire at her. Her blade cut down on the blaster slicing it into two. The gun crumbled having never fired a shot. Xid’s feet skidded to a stop at seeing this. His lightsaber flickered on, bright green in color, then rushed to block the next swing.

“DUCK!” Xid shouted.

The trooper crouched down when Xid’s blade came up, stopping the Sith’s horizontal slash in its tracks. Trooper would’ve lost his head if the padawan didn’t. Xid gritted his teeth, trying to push and keep her back. The female chuckled.

“Such a weak attempt.”

She gripped the handle with both hands and pushed harder. Xid dug his heels into the metal, feeling his strength struggle. Her blade tilted at an angle and trying to force him to take a knee.

Dominik was silent in his approach to the scene. The master was utilizing the Force to mold light around himself, almost as a cloak would do to its wearer. The focused inward, reigning in his presence, making it seem as though his being had simply disappeared from the world entirely.
The older Jedi walked, steadily and slowly so as to allow himself to remain focused, yet so he was aware of his surroundings. Dominik was a few feet above the scene on an overhead railing, watching as the female apprentice slowly forced Xid down. He took a deep breath before placing a hand on the railing and throwing his body over it, falling down and aiming to land next to the female Sith. Dominik revealed himself moments before his saber drew upon the female, his body seeming to have faded in from nothingness.

The female Sith released her challenge from Xid and raised her saber to block Dominik as he drew his, striking down on her hard as he landed directly next to her and Xid. A flurry of sabers ensued, Dominik pushing the female hard, taking step after step in an attempt to overwhelm her and catch an opening.

Seeing the Jedi appear out of nowhere, the male apprentice growled in frustration. His eyes darted between the padawan and master. The female appeared to be struggling to keep up with the rapid movements of her opponent, but let her rage boost her skills. A debate tumbled in his mind before he reached a decision. Seeing Xid start to rise, the padawan was easy prey compared to the master. A quick kill.

His lightsaber slashed at Xid. Seeing the attacking, he stepped up and slapped it away. The apprentice was about to counter when Xid whipped his hand at him. A loose pipe ripped off the side and slammed into his side. The Sith uttered a curse while he raised his lightsaber, severing it into two. By this time, Xid’s ally and him were rushing into the opposite direction.

“Come back here you little shit!” The Sith hollered then chased after.

Dominik focused intently on the Sith apprentice he was fighting, aiming to take out one more problem from his equation. If his dwindling group was to succeed in their mission these Sith would have to be dispatched, and fast.

Dominik pushed at her harder and faster, finally coming to a stop as their sabers crackled against each other, the Jedi Master pushing his enemy down in an attempt to get her to her knees, just as she had tried with Xid.

The sith’s face turned into a scowl. Her fury filled the air and continued to push against his advancements. Gradually her strength began to wane. Her right leg buckled underneath down to knee while her hands pushed against the plasma pushing toward her head.

The Sith Lord’s steps hastened when his eyes spotted the Master materialized from thin air. His lightsaber out and ready as he closed in.

Dom grew fiercer with each passing second, knowing time was running out, and knowing he needed to protect Xid. He heard as the kid ran off with the male apprentice following, but his focus was pulled as the Sith lord closed in and went for his open side. A speedy and precise slashing movement. Dominik's left hand went out suddenly, his right still holding his saber against that of the female's. Focusing on what he had learned and channeling the Force as it ran through him, Dominik's palm stopped the Sith Lord's saber mid-strike. It was obvious at the look on Dom's face that what he was doing was taxing. With every moment that passed by Dominik could feel his focus slipping, as on one side he had the apprentice, and the other was the master.

With the master’s attention divided, the Sith apprentice began to use her rage to push back. She gradually rose from her kneeling position. The Lord’s weapon pulled back and drifted toward Dom’s back, reading another slash.

His attempt was short lived as a cable shot at his legs. It wrapped about the feet causing him to adjust his attack. His lightsaber shifted directions and severed the anchor point. The surprise attack distracted the Lord enough for Dom to make a move.

Dominik took advantage of the sudden change in the Lord's behavior, noting the cable that had distracted him and allowed Dom a moment to regain himself. He met the female's rage with his own determination and pushed against her momentarily before noting the opening he had. A quick foot to her chest and the apprentice was sent back, hard. Master Rothul had no time for their games anymore.

Dominik turned quickly and struck at the lord with his saber, his movements quick and agile as he attempted to catch the Sith by surprise and stall the fight in order to catch back up with Xid.

The apprentice skidded back, narrowly avoiding tumbling to the seemingly endless pit below. She clutched her chest where the kick was made. It felt like the impact might’ve bruised her as she tried to regain her second wind. However, her master didn’t fare so well. In his carelessness, the Jedi master managed to slice through his lower calf. The Sith Lord let out a blood curdling scream from the pain. His stance collapsed underneath without its support. Realizing the wound sealed his fate, he released a full force Lightning chain against the master. Purple energy surged from the fingertips to wrap about the master.

In the background, the male apprentice had finally gained the upper hand. He rose Xid by the throat in a force choke and walked him to the edge of the catwalk. The younger Jedi struggled as his feet frailed and kicked. Ignoring his victim, his eyes turned to Dominik. Just when the Sith had been about to call for surrender, a dark haired figure thumped onto the catwalk behind him. Sela. Her weapon slashed at his arm. It dropped on the metal causing him to drop Xid instantly. Another scream filled the air.

Surprised and unprepared, Xid fell. His hand reached out and managed to catch the metal’s edge. He grunted as he came to a sudden stop. Gradually, he tried to pull himself up.

The Force lightning overtook Dominik's body in a few short moments. One of Dominik's hands shot out to catch himself with the metal railing. The man reigned in all of his strength and pushed through the pain from the lightning. He put a bottled foot down hard on one of the Lord's arms and plunged his saber into the Sith's chest, pulling it back quickly and pointing it towards the female apprentice, the last one standing.

He rushed her quickly, holding his saber to her neck threateningly. He knew Sela could handle the other downed apprentice and help Xid, so now he chose to ask a question that was taunting him.

"No more games!" He yelled, a little louder than he had intended, his ferocity and adrenaline starting to slow. "How did you find out about this, tell me now."

The female breathed hard. Her lightsaber held at her side, but didn’t strike. The man held the advantage as she tried to tame her rage and frustration. After a few moments to collect herself, she smiled a venomous smirk.

“You’re going to have to be a bit more specific, Jedi. Your demand covers a lot of ground to explain.”

The fighting in the background began to die down. Sela had managed to slice off the Apprentice’s head without mercy then proceeded to assist Xid up. Not far from the pair, a little hexagon shaped droid began to scramble out of the nearest hole in the wall. It bolted for Xid, climbing up onto his lap. The padawan smiled as he held the droid close for comfort. He rose to his feet and followed Sela, who stepped around the dead apprentice’s body.

"It's a simple… question." Dominik growled, breathing slowly, forcing himself to calm down, reigning in the adrenaline from the fight. With Sela and Xid nearby, Dominik knew he had to control his temper and reign in the lasting emotions from the fight. "How did your masters know there were going to be Jedi here. Four petty Sith don't just decide to show up to an old outpost without good reason."

“My master spotted your ship when it landed. We didn’t know Jedi were onboard until we spotted you walking off, then we knew the outpost had to be important. So we took a few Imperial troops to gain position first. They should be reaching the command center soon.”

Her eyes stared hard at the master. It was clear, she knew what happened in wartime.

“Now that you got your answers, do your worst. There is no mercy in war and the three of us know it.”

"Sela, take Padawan Terrik and resume looking for the central command. I won't be far behind." Dominik said, looking sternly to Sela. He knew the Knight would understand, and Dom did not want to expose Xid to anymore violence today if he could help it.

Sela nodded. Her hand ushered Xid away from the would be execution, her words soft and kind.

“Xid, where’s central command room? You did download the map, right?”

“Yeah,” he hesitated, trying to glance over his shoulder. Sela immediately discouraged that with a firm grip on his shoulder.

The Sith chuckled, a bittersweet one. “So… you’re too much of a coward to let him see what the price of being in the light truly means? To know you must kill to-"

Dominik did not glance over in the direction of Xid and Sela before his arm moved and there was naught but silence where the Sith stood. There was no hiding the truth from anyone, and he expected questions from the young Padawan later. Dominik was not often one to hide the truth of war from anyone in the Order; yet there was still that guilt of allowing their young to endure so much violence and bloodshed. If it could be avoided, Dominik would do so.

He took a deep breath, his mind pulling away from deep thoughts as his eyes closed. The man heard the head of the apprentice hit the metal floor and roll off the catwalk. The man withdrew his lightsaber, but kept the hilt held firmly in his hand. Mere moments went by before he turned away from the scene and moved to follow after Sela and Xid.

When they entered the command room, a gruesome scene greeted them. The doors were wide as the Jedi walked in. Bodies of Imperial soldiers were scattered across the room. Some hunched over the console and others lied on their side, all dead. Burn marks criss crossed over the chest of some, neck of one or two, and one had a hole in his face. Sela crouched down and examined the nearest one. He had a purple black line around his neck. Skin had a lavender tint and eyes were bloodshot, indicating he had been strangled. Sela instinctively looked to Xid for an explanation.

Xid then looked down at his creation in his hands. Navi whistled, clicked and beeped in his personal dialogue. The padawan paled slightly at whatever the machine had revealed to him before he looked toward Domink and Sela.

“Umm… Navi says he took care of the Imperial Troops. He let them in and laid an ambush, eliminating all threats to me.”

Sela didn’t say much, but glanced at Dominik. It was obvious this was part of the dark issues she spoke of earlier.

Dominik caught Sela's glance as he walked into the room. Resting the hily of his saber back on his belt, Dom paid the glance no attention. Though he now understood Sela's concern, now was not the time nor the place to talk about it.

Dominik moved past the bodies on the floor, stepping over or around them as needed. Approaching a large, raised console near the front of the room, Dominik glanced out the wide window ahead of it. They were on the upper levels of the outpost, which gave an impressive view of Balmorra's landscape below. Dominik’s eyes, however, moved to the battle that was growing ever closer with each passing moment.

"Xid. Is this console what you need?" He asked, turning back to look at the Padawan.

Xid nodded as he put Navi down. Immediately the droid scattered past Sela and onto the nearest counter, finding a perch it liked. Its red slots for eyes watched the trio with a mix of curiosity and disinterest. He looked at the consoles, his eyes alert and happy at being able to be useful. His hands touched the keyboard then flew like they memorized the access codes. The machines seem to react to him. They hummed to life and seemed to pulse with something mimicking life. After a few moments, Xid’s fingers simply stopped typing but the machines continued to follow his orders.

Outside, the outpost’s turret defenses began to shift. Dust fell from their forms as they stood upright, preparing their weapons to blast the incoming Empire troopers.

“There, I think we can secure this post until reinforcements arrive.”

“Good job Xid, you’ve saved many lives today.” Sela’s words caused a smile to spread across Xid’s lips.

In the background, Dominik had managed to get an old holoprojector to operate. It was a simple fix considering it was tech that the man had worked with throughout his life as a Jedi. The Republic base that their group had originated from needed confirmation that the team had managed to get the outpost up and running. However, due to the nature of the operation, no images or words would be spoken.

Dom insulted a string of numbers and letters into the small datapad that lined the holo projector's surface.

They would have to wait for reinforcements to arrive. Luckily, an extraction by air was not required due to the outposts fully functioning defense systems. The Jedi would, however, need to wait until forces arrived in order to fully secure the outpost. Now, it was a waiting game.

Sela began to pick up a body and start a pile outside the command room. Her attention distracted, Xid edged over to the older Jedi. His eyes filled with hesitation and concern while he approached.

“Master Dominik? What… what did you do to the Sith?”

At Xid's question, Dominik's fingers paused on the keys of the datapad. His head raised slightly as a map of the outpost expanded to fill the holo-projector.

"Padawan Terrik," he began, his head lowering before he glanced at Xid momentarily, "you remember your teachings on the Jedi Code, correct?"

Dominik grew silent as he let the question sink in, allowing Xid to think about the code and what it stated.

“Yes, I do.” Xid stated calmly.

"The Jedi way is a guide for all Jedi to follow. Throughout their lives, especially during wartime, many are forced to make difficult decisions." Dominik paused again, his mind flashing back to the apprentice, to how he refused to watch as he killed her; to the Sith lord who he'd impaled. "Each decision they make, they make for the greater good, and for the good of the Jedi Order."

He paused again, momentarily, "A Jedi must put the needs of the community above the needs of one individual." Dominik looked back at Xid after these words were spoken. He watched the young man, observing him in that moment, measuring his character and his feelings. "I do not enjoy killing, no Jedi should; if killing that Sith meant that you, and Master Kythor, and our troops live to fight another day, then I would not hesitate to do it again. You must act for the greater good of your allies and your fellow Jedi.” Dominik paused one last time before his eyes moved back to the holo projector. “There is no death, Xid. There is only the Force.”

Xid wasn’t sure how to react. He shuffled a bit, his head logically placing pieces together. Finally he asked another question.

“So if there was another way, would you still have killed her? My master says that Sith bring harm and destruction to the world. There is no such thing as a good Sith. Is that true?”

“All Jedi have different experiences in wartime,” Dom began, glancing over at Sela for a moment, his voice quiet, not attempting to make her feel singled out, “and these experiences change our views on certain things. If that is what you want to believe, Xid, then I will not try to sway you. That is what your master feels, but is it what you believe?” Dominik’s eyes remained upon the map of the outpost, but his focus was definitely on the conversation. He decided not to bring up what experiences shaped his beliefs, not unless the boy asked. Despite what had happened to Dominik in Sith hands, he held a belief not common among the Jedi.

“I don’t know what to believe. Part of me wants to believe they feel isolated and alone. So they lash out. The other part of me knows it’s a choice. Logically, some individuals are more drawn to it by various factors. Factors that can’t be changed.” Xid looked down at the floor, unsure if his thoughts would be acceptable.

“That is what you want to believe, Xid. I cannot force you to think one way but feel another. Your experiences as a Jedi will help shape your view on the galaxy.”

Xid nodded, but couldn’t find a proper reply. “I wish I knew what to think of it. I feel like a person looking through a window and unable to connect.”

As if sensing Xid’s meaning, Navi promptly picked himself up and walked over to the young padawan. He brushed the leg gaining his attention.

“It’s why I built Navi. He was my first friend that I connected to.” Gently Xid bent down to pick him, his hand cradled the small droid in his grip.

“Navi is a brilliant, Xid. I’m glad to see he’s helped you, and your skills have developed tremendously since then. But you must understand, he may not always be at your side. He is not capable of helping you through your journey as a Jedi. There are some things a Jedi must do alone. You must not rely on him to be with you every step of the way.” Dominik said, a slight smile on his face, his voice calm and soft as he spoke to the young padawan. There was more he wanted to say, but now was not the time nor the place. He preferred to speak to Sela first, as well. But that, too, would have to wait.

At the mention of Navi being absent from his side, the boy’s smile weakened. He sighed and nodded, understanding the meaning.

“I know this. I should be stronger. I want to succeed, yet I seem to fail more. Sela tries to be supportive, but I can see her disappointment.” His right shifted from underneath Navi, showing the blisters and developing calluses’ from long sessions of combat training.

“I understand machines so much better than organics. They make me feel less alone.”

“You are young, Xid. You have many years of growing and learning as a Jedi ahead of you. There are many who will help encourage your talents and strengthen your weaknesses. You are never alone.”
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