Avatar of BilboTheGreat
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  • Posts: 322 (0.09 / day)
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    1. BilboTheGreat 9 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Oh, I remember T-Shirt weather.


My name is Billie. I love music. That's the most important fact I can think up about myself.

Catfish and the Bottlemen,
Arctic Monkeys,
The Kooks,
Rat boy,
The Streets,
Jamie T.

These are my favourite, which are among many many more bands/artists I adore.

Most Recent Posts

I'm going to start working on my post today, sorry for the delay. Anyone want Natalie to come across them?
@Ozerath They only make up a small part of the population as the number of non-followers is low, but I'd say all or most of that group would try to leave. So while there isn't loads of them, there would be a moderate amount, enough to notice.

@JuliusCaesar They can follow Dracrekhi, but the Union may not like it if they can't supervise it properly. If there weren't any Rothan priestess' (as these are a major part of it) or a Union presence they wouldn't like it. It could either foster a great relationship or a very tense one as the Union wouldn't like it being changed or not followed properly.

My WIP nation. Thought I'd post it here so I can join in on discussions.

@Ozerath The Union will probably have some of it's non believers flee to the Concordat, if that's okay? The church doesn't really like non believers.

If any of you have a religion you want to spread because of Space-Jesus Deus Vult, please do tell. It would make for a very interesting dynamic all things considered.

I think my people would be very happy to spread their religion to the Quxikotl if you don't mind. Give them something to do rather than fight and die.

Interested, I'm going to start thinking about things.
She seems... scary.

Anybody wanna meet Natalie?
Does anyone think it's worth creating a discord/chatzy for this?
Name: Natalie Mansfield

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Nationality: British

Sexuality: Bi-sexual


Mother - Unknown
Father - Unknown
Brother - Unknown
Sister - Unknown

Past occupation: Drama Student

Personality: Natalie is rather laid back. She tries to keep from most conflicts and hates to see splinters start to form between people she knows, but would rather sit back and relax than get involved in the petty fights and arguments. Although if she feels somebody has done something really wrong, then she will get involved. She doesn't hold much of a sharp posture. Natalie secretly feels very lonely. Sure, she had friends, but they weren't people she could really get on with or connect with. They were people for her to go out and cause trouble with, as she did for much of her life. Sure, she cared for them, and they cared for her, but they all knew that it wasn't going to last. She grew up lonely, causing trouble and searching for connections to fill the gaps. This sometimes causes her to get too involved into new friendships, and why she hates being alone, which ties in with her old party girl lifestyle. In the apocalypse, however, she would surely go insane if left on her own for too long.

Natalie is sensitive. She cares what people think, much more than you would guess if you had been around her for ten minutes. She hates being judged for who she is, where she's from or how she acts which is why she may seem either more reserved around new people (but this wont last too long), or try too seem more intimidating. However, the latter rarely works. Natalie is a victim of having an addictive personality. Once she tries something once and enjoys it, she will usually go out of her way too keep that thing in her life. Not even she knows if this is just her natural shitty personality, or if its a way too keep her happy and hide what lies deep below, buried below the nights out, drugs and cigarettes. She can be very dependent, and will use whatever she has to keep people around.

Natalie grew up in East London on a council estate nicknamed 'Concrete city' because there wasn't a single brick house, just lots of tall concrete flats piled on top of each other. She moved here at the age of three, because her dad lost his job and both of her mothers part time jobs weren't paying enough to keep up with the bills of her much desired old suburban home. Concrete city was a mess, full of gangs, violence, drugs and alcohol and all of the things that you don't want your kids to be brought up around. Her parents were well aware, and tried as hard as they could too keep her away from all of it, and for her first eight years in the estate it worked.

She finished Primary school at Eleven, and started Secondary school after summer. This is when things seemed to quickly change for her. Natalie got involved with the 'popular' crowd. The troublemakers. First off it was nothing bad. She was just going out a little more. Then her grades started falling. She started staying out later, despite her parents wishes. Phone calls home from school became commonplace, because she was either there and misbehaving, or she wasn't there at all. Things carried on like this for the next couple of years, not getting worse, but not getting better.

Her and her friends started hanging out with the older girls on the estate by the time they were thirteen. She discovered alcohol and parties and wondered how on earth this had been missing from her life before. She saw the older girls smoking, and she wanted to be like them, so at the age of thirteen she picked up her first cigarette. At the age of fourteen she smoked weed for the first time. At fifteen she got an older boyfriend, and started going to even better, wilder parties.

She barely passed her GCSE's at sixteen, graduating secondary school with a pass in maths, english, music and drama. Everything else was failed. A month after she got her results, her father got a job offer from a company in America. Her parents saw this as a new start for their troubled daughter, and took the job straight away. But this was a new start that she didn't want. She moved too this new place, and instead of starting again, quitting the drugs, alcohol and fags, she just made new friends and did it with them.

Five months before her Eighteenth, Natalie passed out at a party. She got Alcohol poisoning (among other things), went to hospital, had her stomach pumped and was horribly ill for a week after. After this, she decided that enough was enough, and tried her hardest to stop her self-destructive lifestyle. Although she still went too parties now and then, she tried her hardest too keep her alcohol usage low. She still smoked, cigarettes and marijuana, but had effectively managed to cut out all other drugs from her life.

A natural talent in acting an a newfound interest in doing well managed to get her a place in an drama college in New York, where she would attend for the next two years until the outbreak. When the outbreak happened, she and her best friend managed to hold up in a small abandoned apartment above an old pizza shop. A month ago they went out for supplies, and were attacked by infected. Her friend was killed but she managed to escape and has been hiding on her own in the apartment ever since.

What's in their bag: A spare change of clothes and underwear, a machete, a flip knife, three boxes of cigarettes, one full two litre bottle of water and one nearly empty, a few snack bars and cans of food, matches, some marijuana and seven spare bullets (she does not know what kind or what gun they go with)

Weapons: Machete, flip knife.

Other: Excellent actor.
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