Avatar of Black Ninja
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Old Guild Username: Black Ninja
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 579 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Black Ninja 10 yrs ago
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4 yrs ago
@littleone - No. The world would not be better off without you. Those who know you will greatly miss you. Hang in there. Sometimes it might not seem like it but you mean a lot to those who love you.
4 yrs ago
I'm alive. I'm going to see if I can get back into a bit more active. I have a good feeling about this year but then again, it just started so :/ lol
1 like
5 yrs ago
Currently alive....for whatever that is worth.
6 yrs ago
I'm in the process of moving so I'm currently a bit CrAzY at the second. Hopefully, I'll be back to normal reply schedule soon (after the move and the insanity of getting basic unpacking done)
6 yrs ago
Been sick for two weeks. Not fun at all :/ Just FYI


Current Status (updated 12.6.21):
I've quit my job and am currently job hunting. I'm hoping that and a few other things will help me enjoy life again.
I am around a bit though better to discuss on discord.

I'm not looking for new partners/stories at this time.

Most Recent Posts

Weddings were always wonderous occasions though Abigail always had a bit of mixed feelings about them. In some aspects, she loved the whole concept - thinking it was romantic and beautiful, and wonderous - but she also didn't like the stifling dress, the polite conversations, the foreboding that reminded her that one day it would be she who was to be the pride. Which, when she was younger was a romantic concept. She fantasized who would it be, how handsome he was, how would he act, how she'd act - all the stuff that most young girls romanticized about. But as she grew older and realized how many marriages were more conveniences and matches than true love, the more weddings made her feel nervous as the thought of marrying a stranger just didn't sit well with her.

Elizabeth's wedding was even more so. Not only did Abigail know that even now her parents were looking for a suitable match for her but she also knew that Elizabeth was not really in love with Commodore Norrington. In fact, her love was someone that she'd never be able to have due to status. And that made her sad.

Still, being the daughter of a wealthy British lord, long accustomed to putting on a societal mask, she smiled, was courteous and acted like everyone else.

The location was amazing, breathtaking even, but in tight corsets and with the warm tropical sun beating down, it was a bit warm and as the ceremony dragged on, it got warmer and harder for her to breath. The crowd pushing in around her made her a bit claustrophobic and didn't help.

Sighing as she watched the priest yawn on and on. Apparently, he forgot a bit that this was a wedding, not a sermon. Moving slightly back, she made her way through the crowd to the edge of the battlements. Not only to get a bit of fresh air but to maybe help her restlessness but getting a view of the sea again.

She loved the sea. Always had and hopefully always will. She didn't know what about it called to her but she'd rather be on the sand with the waves lapping over her feet and ankles than be in town. She'd rather stand on the deck of a ship inhaling the sea air than any societies balls and galas. Her mother would be so disappointed.

Spotting movement on the ship below, she frowned, attention diverted. She couldn't really tell what was going on but her curiosity was peaked. She moved slightly forward, forgetting where she was, when she slipped. Startled, she didn't even have time to scream before she plunged off the battlement and toward the ocean below. Those who had been around her, screamed on her behalf even as she hit the water, the heavy skirts pulling her down even as the contact with the water from such a height disoriented her a bit.

"Just once more." Will's polite smile never faded as he looked back at Elizabeth. He knew his answer didn't please her. Nor had his more recently distancing of himself from her. She wanted to be friends and though he wouldn't mind spending time with her, propriety demanded something different. Not only looking at the cultural aspect of an unmarried man and woman but also the financial class difference, which would guarantee that he'd never be able to marry her even if she was interested.

He stared at her for a moment before the governor's voice kicked in. Giving a nod back, he wished them a good day as well before leaving.

Abigail made her way into the carriage, her hands moving up to her hair at her uncle's remark. It wasn't that bad, was it? She had done it first thing that morning but then again, that was before she went out onto the beach and enjoyed the wind her hair and face. Hanging back a moment, she quickly brushed the sand off her feet and ankles so she could put her shoes back on. Accepting help into the carriage she quickly fixed her hair best she could.

The carriage ride down the little mountain wasn't that long. They passed the walking Mr. Turner as they wound their way further down. Abigail watched him for a brief moment before her eyes shifted over to her cousin. She knew there was something there, had been for some time, and was a bit more than even her cousin realized. However, she also knew that life rarely went that way. Raised in London society, the concept of love was a romantic aspect that was played with but no one ever took seriously. One did not marry for love - ever. Love might come after the fact but it was never the deciding factor in an arrangement. At least not in the upper classes.

In a way, she figured Elizabeth knew this. She was marrying the Commodore. Though, how much was it she was following tradition and how much was it she didn't realize how much she loved Will?

It was a bit amusing and sad almost to see something her own cousin didn't fully accept or notice herself. Abigail wondered if there was anyone she actually loved but was too blind to see it. Not that it mattered.

The carriage arrived at its destination. The wedding was going to take place at the top of the fort battlements, looking out over the bay. A beautiful location.

Abigail put a polite apologetic look on her face at her uncle's lecture. She was glad her skirt covered her ankles otherwise, the sight of her sandy feet and ankles would undoubtedly cause even more concern and possible lecturing. As it was, he seemed exasperated with them. Then he turned, getting a bit sidetracked and complimented Elizabeth on her dress.

Abigail kept the smile from appearing on her face. Good. They weren't going to get into any more trouble or have a punishment. The fact Elizabeth was getting married today - something the dress obviously reminded the governor of - would probably wave any annoyance with their escapades. Keeping her shoes behind her back, she watched the slight exchange and then almost grinned again at Elizabeth's response - not to her father but to seeing Will. As well as her fumbled attempt to put on her shoes right there in his presence.

Will, ever the gentleman, kept his gaze on Elizabeth's face, keenly aware that her father was right there as was her cousin. Having been notified of his station before, he kept his expression polite and gave a slight nod to both ladies. "Miss Swan. Miss Ashe."

He had been like this for the past few months - longer in public - whenever he saw one or the other. His feelings for Elizabeth hidden from view as he tried to maintain the cultural requirements of their respected stations. The fact that she was also about to marry also tied into it. The days of calling her by her Christian name was gone.

Abigail, the apex of grace and social mannerism, inclined her head politely back, addressing him just as formerly. "Mr. Turner."

Though they had interacted a bit when she was younger (he and Elizabeth had hung out a lot whenever she came and visited - at least the earlier years), the two of them hadn't really grown close or anything. They had a mutual friend and did things together through her but at the same time, neither really interacted on their own. If it wasn't for Elizabeth, Abigail highly doubted Will would have much to do with her.

Not that he didn't like her. No, he was polite, friendly - or had been - and easy going. But there really wasn't much there. Not like what she and Elizabeth shared or what Elizabeth and Will shared.

So it was no difficulty for her to fall into the polite social structure. Well that and the fact, she had been raised extensively in it all her life. London was a lot more sophisticated and had higher expectations than Port Royal.

Still, she watched her cousin, hiding the slight amusement as the 'country' girl didn't seem to care for social structure OR her father being right there and engaged Will as if they were equals and good friends. Also ignoring the fact that both were now adults with that whole set of rigorous societal expectations.
There was a sense of pride, accomplishment that Will felt when the governor complimented the sword. Of course, he didn't show it. From the governor's point of view, it wasn't Will who had done it but his master. And that was fine. He kept the charade. "I will, Sir." He gave a slight bow.

He lingered slightly hoping he might see Elizabeth but he doubted he'd see her. It was her wedding day and she probably had so much to do. Besides, it was probably for the best. She was getting married. It never really would have worked for him. He was a blacksmith and she the daughter of a governor. He was an orphan washed upon the beach, she was a princess, raised like royalty.

"Congratulations on your daughter's wedding," he said not really feeling it but being polite. With another slight bow he left. Again, it was probably for the best. As much as he'd love to see Elizabeth, talk to her, he knew there was a level of propriety expected. She could never know he has feelings for her. That he cared for her. And now that she would marry, he had to ensure she'd never know.

He left the governor's mansion and started the long walk back to the village below.

~ ~ ~

Abigail bit her lip. Her gaze turned seaward again. It was strange seeing her cousin, someone who always was a bit of a rock in her life, be nervous. But at the same time, it was probably expected. Every bride to be was nervous. She wasn't even betrothed to someone yet and already her nerves were on edge. What would he be like? Would he be kind? Gentle? Loving? Or would he be harsh? Stern? Would he be old and unattractive or young and gorgeously handsome?

That was one thing Abigail knew Elizabeth had going for her. The Commodore was attractive. He was also a lot older than her but that wasn't uncommon. Though she knew her cousin's heart was really more set on someone else, though neither discussed it and the older girl would probably deny it if confronted. Still....

She sighed as Elizabeth stood and told her they should go. Going over she found her shoes though she didn't put them on yet. Her feet and ankles had sand on them and she would need to clean them off before putting her shoes on. The fact they were wet didn't help any. Not that she was complaining. In fact, she would do it again if she could.

As they headed off the beach and up toward the house Abigail saw Will. A smile formed on her face, not so much for her but for Elizabeth. She personally didn't know Will too much. They interacted while she was in Port Royal but they didn't have the friendship he and Elizabeth had. She nudged her cousin and inclined her head. "Look who came to visit." Her eyes danced as she knew he was the someone her cousin liked.
Will quickly moved away from the candlestick as the governor could be heard coming. He straightened, brushed his jacket down and waited. He gave a slight bow as the man walked in. There was power radiating from Governor Swann. Purpose. Despite the fact the man had been there when he had drifted on the shore, there really hadn't been a lot of connection between the two. Oh, he owed the governor thanks for arranging a place for him to stay before setting him up with an apprenticeship. For that he was grateful. But there was no relationship beyond that. The man had never been an integral part of his life. Despite the fact that Will and Elizabeth had been friends.

"Governor," his tone was polite, his facial expression respectful. He offered up the case. "Just as you requested. My master sends his regards."

Not really. The other man had been drunk that he wasn't really cohesive. But it was all part of the whole act. Nobody cared. Though anyone who really paid attention and came by the shop quickly realized that the older man was barely cognitive and active. It was really Will who did the work. But the charade continued. They'd ask Will for his "master" to make something, he'd tell them it will be done. He makes it and then lets them think what they will.

It was far kinder than he should be but it was something he was used to do. It had started when he was a bit younger and he hadn't wanted to give away the secret. First off, it was a bit humiliating. Second, despite everything, the drunk man had taken him in and taught him. Though still, it was amazing he knew anything.

"Created just like you requested. May I?" He asked taking the sword from the governor. "Perfect balance." He showed the craftsmanship off slightly. He was very proud of this piece. Probably one of the best he had done. He handed it back to the governor. "The Commodore will love it."

~ ~ ~

Abigail tilted her head slightly to hear her cousin. A smile grew on her lips at the reply. She didn't mind. In fact, she could probably stay here all day. The waves, the sand on her feet, the breeze, the smells, the sights - all of it was so much. She had missed this so bad.

London was nothing like this. You had the rare smell of the ocean but most of the time you had other smells: fish, tar, people, smoke - there were so many other odors in the air that it destroyed the perfect smell of the sea. And then of course the riverbank had no sand. And even if there no people around, you dare not walk barefoot due to getting a splinter or hurting your foot on the wood. Not that she would go barefoot there.

As it was, just going barefoot here would have caused her mother to have a fit. It was completely unladylike and improper. But she loved it. Couldn't resist it. And would dreadfully miss it.

Turning she headed further up the beach to where Elizabeth was. It was amusing her cousin didn't go too close to the waters. If she knew she could get away with it, Abigail would wade even further out and let the waves crash against her. But it was difficult to do so with an overly bearing dress and others would then know what she had done. And that would take away any chance of her coming back here.

Elizabeth knew but they both understood her father would not approve. Nor would Commodore Norrington. Pausing beside her cousin, Abigail looked up at the woman who she considered a sister, someone closer than anyone she ever had known. Even her 'friends' - if you wanted to use that term - back in London held no candle to the relationship she had with Elizabeth."

"Lizabeth," She said, using her nickname for the other girl - the one she had called since first meeting her so long ago. "Are you nervous?" She looked over curious and a bit afraid of the answer. She had yet to tell her cousin that her family had already started looking to engage her and that this would be her last trip out here.

She had meant to but things happened. And of course, the news that Elizabeth was getting married had carried over everything.
Port Royal. The main British port on the island of Jamaica, it was an essential supply post for the British navy - and any other vessel in this area (excluding the Spanish of course). The governor, Weatherby Swann had overseen the British colony for near nine years. He had taken the position after his wife had died, giving himself and his young daughter Elizabeth, a chance at a new place - without all the memories. He had married a bit later in life and though he wasn't fairly old, he was older than most were with a nineteen year old daughter. A daughter who which was set to marry the Commodore Norrington - Governor Swann's chief military advisor and expert in these areas.

The wedding itself was what put the port in a very festive mood. Elizabeth Swann was well liked by most of the inhabitants of the colony. She was sweet, kind, and beautiful. Her wedding to the Commodore was something that the entire colony was going to celebrate.

Well - the entire colony with the exception of maybe Ms. Swann and a certain young blacksmith.

Will Turner stood outside the governor's mansion, the box of the commissioned sword under his arm as he waited for the door to open. He - well, actually his "master" - had been tasked to make a sword for the wedding. It was actually a masterpiece of a sword and the drunken fool who was his master hadn't done a single thing.

The door opened and the servant let him in. "I will inform the governor that you are here." The man said with polite coldness. "Wait here."

Will nodded and stood there patiently as the man left.

~ ~ ~

The sun was still fairly low in the horizon as Abigail felt the waves lick at her bare feet. Digging her toes into the sand, she couldn't help a grin as she glanced toward her cousin. Having recently arrived from England for her summer holiday, Abigail was glad to be here. It felt like home almost. Though not for long. With her cousin marrying and then her own wedding probably planned in the upcoming year, this was truly the last either of the two would be able to do this.

As it were, neither were really supposed to be here on the beach. But this was a more private area, where not that many people would even notice - presuming any noticed at all.

"I've missed this," she said with a slight sigh as she closed her eyes, the sun warming her face.

She wished she could stay like this forever. On the beach, the waves lapping over her feet, the sun shining down on her. But life wasn't always what one wanted. It was a hard lesson that she had just recently learned herself.

Her eyes opened. "When do you have to get ready for the wedding?" She asked, not really wanting to leave but knowing they'd have to return.
Heavily infatuated probably.
I'll have to see how she goes.

Though as she matures and grows, he'll find she isn't as manipulative. lol
Well the whole John Silver thing was more of an infatuation if I remember what we discussed.
He is a bit older and not really the best for her lol.
But you know kids Meh. We'll do what we want.
*evil laugh*
No. She's going to run away with pirates. Isn't she? lol

If I remember correctly I thought we had her engaged in our last adventure. Thus why I put it.
Or maybe they were looking at it? I can't remember.

But no. At least that's not the plan.

Name: Abigail Ashe
Age: 18
Short Bio: The daughter of Lord Henry Ashe, Governor of the Carolinas and overseer of the Royal Navy in the new world - Abigail has been raised basically in a life of privilege. Despite the fact her father is a governor in the Americas, Abigail has spent a good portion of her life in England or visiting her cousin in Port Royal.

She is pledged to marry an English Lord in the very near future.
Her trip to the Caribbean would undoubtedly be her last as a single woman.

~ ~ ~

Name: Will Turner
Age: Twenties
Short Bio:
Washed ashore at a very young age, his family presumably killed by the sea, Will Turner works as a blacksmith apprentice, fences in his free time and pines after the governor's daughter: Elizabeth.
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