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James Aka Sliver

Interactions: Venom @Unknown100
Location: Queens New York

James followed Gwen to a back alley way then watched her suit change and morphed into a red dress. James tries not to make a comment about her changing in front of him. He follows her lead and his silver suit turning into his normal clothing that of a simple suit and tie. "The Hand could be involved but I think it would be more that I kicked the hornet's nest when I ran into them. If they are involved helping Osborne. Then again it could be any group really. The hand like to work in secret and are more likely to try to recruit you to aid them against myself. So I don't know if they are truly involved. It could be just some independent mercenary group or could even do with the same person who the reason I left went into hiding for dead."

Straightening his tie up James then gives himself a once over making sure he got his close right then says with a friendly smile, "So where we off to Ms. Gwen Stacy?" Letting Gwen take the lead to lead him where ever. Figuring she also might have a preferred place to go to in Queens.

James Aka Sliver

Interactions: Venom @Unknown100
Location: Queens New York

"I...I am sorry for what has happened to you.", says James with a bit of kindness in his voice and sadness mixed together. As Venom or Gwen continued to talk James felt more like he was at fault for this. As this Norman Osborne character did seem like the more likely suspect but what James went through he couldn't rule out the possibility of those who he was running from himself.

James looks out over the plaza then answers Venom's question that she asked of him, "Well, being dead is a lot easier than running for life away from the New York Police Department. I haven't had the greatest time the last year or so either. I have had my apartment blown up and fought a firing squad of corrupt cops because I questioned around found the name of someone then I had to pretend I was dead for the year. It wasn't for my symbiote I would be dead now. And now." James pauses and takes a deep breath while looking over the plaza James looks around a bit then says, "I only found a single name and it landed me homeless and being dead. A person with considerable influence over nearly aspect of the legal system. This person could be involved but I highly doubt it but I wouldn't put it past him. And there another group which is the reason why I am out of hiding now."

James looked at his hand then says, "All I know is they call themselves the Hand and they could be involved but if they were there they don't leave much trace if it was them. They are more vile then any organization I have seen yet. You saw Shield attacking my friends and I, they are small fry compared to the Hand. I also had a run in with Hydra another group that could be involved I'd rather it be Hydra at this point, at least they arent hunting me down..." James puts his hand over his right shoulder and his suit moves to the side revealing a bad scar that has yet fully healed, "Ever since getting the Sliver symbiote, I have mostly healed from any wounds, my most recent run with the hand has left me with this scar. They are really resourceful I am still fighting off some poison mostly why I am not fully healed yet." James moves his hand away and closes his suit back up. Then continued talking, "They aren't easy to defeat either. I tried to deal with them like I did with those shield guys I fought years ago. Lets just say, I listened to what my other half wanted to do for the most part and that wasn't enough to stop the one who originally came after me. That's how I got poisoned, It took my symbiote in full control to stop the one guy. I assume you know what your other half would do if it was ever fully control in a fight, it isn't pretty..."

Trailing off as James starts remembering what his symbiote did still being disturbed of what his other half could do James then says or rather his symbiote says in control a fusion of James's voice and that of the symbiote comes out, "We be dead if we didn't act. We do what we must to survive even if the host will not. And host could not, so we did. Host was hurt so we do what we must. We regret none. We do it again if we must..." James regains control and says, "Seems my other half is growing fond of you. It seems it is up to talking to you rather than grumble in my head. So it seems we both need some help. So want to go get another drink? Or should we start looking for who attacked your friend?" James asks the question leaving it up to Gwen to answer. He was going to help regardless of his own problems should she decide to take him up with his offer of help.
James Aka Sliver

Interactions: Venom @Unknown100
Location: Queens New York

James saw her almost instantly. He waves at the black and white symbiote wearing girl. Then leaps across the roof tops to meet her. Once close enough James says, "Hello there Ms Venom! Just the lady I was looking for! How long has it been a day or two? It sometimes seems like it was yesterday. Anyhow it is good to see you." James leaped down and sat on the edge of a roof top then patted next to him offering Venom a seat next to him.

James stares across the city. Trying to recollect himself, he actually did feel like he went back two years before everything that has happened to him. He remembered when he said to Venom they should have gone got a drink together sometime. James wished he actually did that instead of going through what has. James says, "It's not every day a dead man turns up and has a conversation with an old friend is it. I'd offer to go get that drink I suggested while back but looks like you already did that." James glances at Venom he could smell the alcohol on her. James then says in a more serious tone while trying to seemed like a concerned friend., "Seems you aren't having the best time either. So what happened? I assume you are having a rough day considering that bottle there your breakfast. So whats going on? Maybe I and my symbiote other half can be some help."

Quickly forgetting the reason he originally went into queens looking for Venom. James feeling more like his old self now then he has been in a while. Only thinking about helping Venom with her problems and not asking for help himself. Right now James could see something was wrong and he truly wants to help knowing what he has gone through himself he only imagine what she has gone through especially with knowing what has gone on in New York city as of late.
Been working on a short term villainous character I don't know if this is any good. Here is the cs I worked on for a bit of review. The character might be a bit too much but it is just something I put together.

James Aka Sliver

Interactions: Venom @Unknown100
Location: Rescue Jet

"Queens huh? Wouldn't have thought it," James says then quickly says afterwards in a light tone, "Maybe you and I should go get a drink or something sometime once they let us all go home." James thinks about what she said about Hammer Tech and Norman Osborne. he really didn't have any comments. His symbiote had some unfriendly comments when Venom says that Osborn believes he has rights over their 'jelly friends'.

James was going to ask more questions before it was his stop to get off of the Jet. He sighs then stands up, "Looks like this is my stop. I don't know if you are going to go with the others or stay here in New York still, but I am still serious about that drink. You think about it, who knows maybe we will run into each other over again." James leaves out the jet. Not sure if Venom will follow or not but he leaps out and prepares to go out and head home finally. After a long night or day or however long this journey has been James was happy to be home and not being shot at for once.

Two Year or 20 months Time Skip

Time didn't pass quickly for James. After leaving the jet and deciding to stay home, his life got harder. That first month James continued to being the vigilante known as Sliver. Keeping his eyes open for hydra and his head down at the same time James found himself in the crosshairs of another organization and a quite a few unsavory individuals in New York. At first James looked into Norman Osborne rather discreetly after his meeting with Venom. Trying to keep tabs on the only other person he knew of in the world with a symbiote similar to his own.

That first month James fought a group a small gang who were running guns into the city from port as Sliver he stopped them. Three days later Sliver was wanted for murder of a cop a friend that James knew when he was training in the academy. James did some poking around as James the former cadet trainee. Only for him to ask the wrong questions and having his apartment blown up by a rather crude explosive. James of course lived and played it off as he wasn't home. Even though he was and only survived thanks to his symbiote.

James then started a more in depth search as his Sliver persona while being homeless. At first James thought of asking Venom for help but he didn't want to burden her with his problems. So he went at it his own way, and after beating up a corrupt cop James found a name. Fisk.
The cop that told James died a day later he was hung. Whether it was suicide or murder it wasn't clear, James assumed the latter. James continued to search for this guy by the name of Fisk and his year went from bad to worse. James was lured into a trap, where Sliver was caught and 'shot to death' by the police while trying to 'resist' arrest. James didn't die though, while he was shot up he only fell into the ocean and wasn't seen coming back up. James managed to catch the slip but was hurt badly.

James let the newspapers and everyone believe Sliver had died. Mostly so he and his symbiote could heal. The year ended with Sliver declared dead, James didn't reach out to anyone. Nobody from the hotel he fought with against the shield agents. James didn't want to drag them into the fire he found himself in. James didn't want to fight cops even if they were corrupt and he wasn't willing too kill. So him being dead was the easiest choice. Or so he thought.

James did keep his eyes on his 'friends' from a far even took a few trips outside of New York to make sure they were alright but was always dragged back to New York. That second year James found another group which made him go cold. This group at first was very fascinating as James thought they were good people. He found a shelter that was helping people and a new place to live so he volunteered. This place he volunteered for was requirement center for the hand. James found out about the hand by accident and thought they were good people. They had plans for dealing with everything wrong in New York city. A few plans James thought weren't bad at first. So James accidentally joined the hand.

James learned how to fight better then he did though, but he learned quickly that the hand were not all what he seen in the beginning. They were full of people he would hunt down as Sliver. They murdered people sold drugs and poison to people they were just making New York worse. James tried to leaving the hand. His actions were met with a very negative result as he was marked for death. James was hunted day in and day out by the hand. Sometimes they were skilled warriors, and ninjas coming after him. Other times they were just kids that the hand recruited and fooled like they fooled him. James no killing policy changed when he fought one member of the hand who was killing everyone in the way between him and James. James used his symbiote abilities for the first time in the year and ran the man through. Another mistake was for James not to remove the mans head.

A little less than a month later James fought the man again who nearly spilled James identity to the whole world and nearly killed James. Using poisoned blades James was stabbed to the point he passed out. To the horror of the servant of the hand the symbiote came to James's aid. When James came to the member of the hand had been ripped apart.

Present Day

Interactions: Venom possibly, and anyone else in New York city after the time skip.

Present Day, James is on the run. Sliver has been declared dead for nearly two years. James missed the that day he was only fighting Shield with his old friends Those times seem so far away from James now. James scaling the roof tops over Queens in New York city. He needed help or at least a distraction from being hunted James changing into his full symbiote attire for the first time in a few years.
'Two years we really should have asked for help from any of the others before now..." James thought back to his symbiote. He gets answered back, 'We no need help. we could do less with the stalking of the others though..." James thought back trying to defend himself from those accusations, 'We weren't stalking any of them. We had to make sure they were all right. Or at least the ones we could find. I mean Fisk just had us killed. If he had any connections with those shield agents that attacked us back at the hotel a year or two ago then they could have been in danger..."

James's concerns now were much greater since he had used his abilities much recently against a member of the hand. The only other person in New York that James knew of what Venom who had the same abilities. If that Hand person talked at all she could be in trouble and James had to make sure she or anyone else was alright. Or at least that is the reason he told himself. For going to Queens.
James Aka Sliver

Interactions: Venom @Unknown100
Location: Rescue Jet

"A generic blond? Oh, somebody is too modest. Somebody is a bit of a looker" James says with a wink a bit light teasingly. James goes on to listen to Venom speak learning she is a scientist, he felt his symbiote feel a bit nervous and agitated when she talked about that. James ignored the feeling and continued to listen and heard the questions asked of him.

James starts to explain his 'marriage' with his symbiote, “Well, I am not a scientist never have been. I was a police cadet before. Then I got shot and dumped in a river. While I should have been dead, I end up waking up with this thing attached to me. Truth be told it saved my life. My daily routine changed quite a bit I'd say. I mean I swing around New York as a vigilante calling myself a hero. A bit different then when I was trying to become a cop I'd say. As for Health, I haven't been healthier, or stronger. I don't know if it is the same with you but my symbiote has granted me with some regenerative abilities, so my health has been good. Finally sleep, well except for the first weeks have been normal. Those first weeks was basically going to sleep and wake up in random locations. Mostly in places that sells food though, this thing was like a child most of the time just exploring and figuring everything out." James takes a pause and a deep breath then resumes talking in a bit of a more somber tone, "The only weird thing has been the weird memories and feelings that have rushed in from my symbiote initially. I don't know what it has been through but before me this symbiote only knew pain and suffering. Whatever happened to it I believe created it, and it somehow ended up in the river that I was dumped in."

James stops then thinks about what he said then says with a more cheerful tone quickly realizing he was getting a bit depressive, "So anyway, that's me. So, where you from Venom? I am from New York myself, mostly from the Hell's Kitchen portion of New York City, and no it isn't as bad as everyone assumes." James continuing the conversation for however long he has left to continue it as long as he is on the ship before it drops him off.

James Aka Sliver

Interactions: Venom @Unknown100
Location: Rescue Jet

"So we are just going to throw the word alien around now? In front of the others? Are you sure that is wise? While we just almost literally fought back to back in that hotel I think we should ease others into this discussion. ", James pauses and sits down almost like Venom except a bit more relaxed then although he flinched a bit each time he moved still feeling the ache in his muscles and over every nerve ending his symbiote suit covered, "Sorry if I am a bit off at the moment, my other half really didn't like those agents' grenades. So let's get to it if you want to have this discussion here. While I rather we have this conversation somewhere less crowded. So let's do this then.

James reaches up to his face and grabs his mask then pulls on it. It pulls off the symbiote material which fuses back into his hand and into the rest of the suit. He then says, "Starting this off with answering your request you had back in the hotel. You wanted to see my face if I remember correctly to see if am still human. Well looky I am human after all. Also if I remember correctly I said i'd show you mine if you showed me yours. Then you called me a creep. So how about it, a face for a face?" James spoke with a smile trying to keep a light tone while a bit in discomfort pain.

James kept his senses paying attention to those around him. Realizing this conversation might not go for long. As he wasnt sure when he would be dropped off out in Hells Kitchen like he asked. New York city was his home and it is the prefer place he wanted to be dropped at. While he wanted to have a conversation with Venom he was at the mercy of time and how long the jet gets them to where they all need to go.
James Aka Sliver

Interactions: Venom @Unknown100 and everyone else on the rescue jet
Location: Rescue Jet

James was fully prepared to fight with the gun he picked up against the shield agents. His symbiote was still feeling the effects of the concussion grenade. After he asked his question about what the plan was . James looked at Venom then at the entrance way then back and suddenly they were no longer inside the room they were in.

At first James was confused thinking he blacked out or was dreaming. James takes his hand away from the gun and punches himself in the gut. The next words he says, "Ouch! Nope not a dream we are in a completely different area." James looks around for a moment he hears the one person talk saying that they were safe. James took that at face value right away, mostly because there wasnt much he could do if that was a lie or not.

James replies to Venom's comment on this being the plan. "Alright new plan, time to go home finally." James still a bit wobbly gets up feeling a bit of his symbiote's strength returning. Along with its fatigue from over use of its abilities. James then says, "You can drop me off in Hells Kitchen. It's about time I return home, water the plants, collect the mail and finally find somewhere were I am not getting shot at or grenades thrown at." James stretches a bit the quickly adds, "But first does this ship or whatever have a kitchen on it? It has been a long day or night or however long we have been at this. Kind of want to get my abilities replenished before we drop everyone off or we get attacked again."

After James said what he did he sticks his finger into the barrel of the gun then pulls it free. The part of his symbiote suit that was on his finger disappeared James using the biomass of the suit itself to disable the gun he took. As the silver web like substance breaks the gun from the inside.

He looks back towards Venom, "Hey Ms Venom, we still need to have a conversation about your other half." James had a serious tone in his voice as he said that last bit. Unlike his joking manner comments at the hotel. James had a few questions about the symbiote that is Venom. As Venom is the first other person just like he was. She had a symbiote and James wanted to know what he could from someone like himself.
James Aka Sliver

Interactions: Alister @Alistar Sabbath Venom @Unknown100
Location: The Hideout

'It hurts! It hurts!!! Make the pain stop. Make it stop.' the Sliver symbiote yelling in James head. He barely even noticed he was moved. Or that anything that actually touched him to move him. All he could feel was pain from all his nerve endings. Slowly James's vision was coming back to him. 'Wait is that the devil?...' Was the thoughts of James as the demonic form came to view in front of him. He heard his voice then he hear a female voice followed by a roar.

Soon his eyes focus enough to see the demon Alister and Venom in the room with him. James then says a bit loudly to talk over the yelling in his head and slight deafness from the concussion grenade, "Thanks...for the save demon thing!" James tries to stand but is still weak in his knees as all he can feel is the symbiotes pain. Trying to bear through the unyielding pain he looks towards Venom and says both in a pained voice and a small joking manner, "See that they don't like you either...so who is on that naughty list now..."

James tries to lift the table that was used as a barrier but his symbiote powers were completely gone for the moment. The symbiote taking a bit longer then he did to recover from the blast. He then says weakly trying to explain his situation, "Alright, I think I am out of jokes now. We need to escape. My other half...isnt doing so well. Shield hit us with a very mean nonlethal grenade...Kind of wish it was lethal, this pain and the screaming wont stop!" James crouches down low and grabs one of the down shield agents' guns. Not knowing when his symbiote will shake off the effects of the grenade James arms himself with the weapons Shield was using against him and the others.

"So what is the plan of escape...any ideas Big guy and Ms Venom? Preferably a plan without getting hit by any more of Shields weapons or killing any of the agents if we can avoid it." As James says he didnt want to kill them in his head his symbiote practically yelling, 'Kill all...Kill all of them...they hurt us they must pay. They must die. Kill them...give us revenge for this pain!' James pushes the pained thoughts from his mind and tries hard to keep in control over the pained and now angry symbiote. The last thing James needed was his symbiote going on a berserk rampage seeking revenge. Especially in its current weakened state. The results would end in ether James's capture or death if he went on a full rampage now. James is going to wait for whatever plan Alister or Venom would make as he is in no place to question any plan that either of the two make. So what he does will be up to those two now.
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