Avatar of Blue2
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    1. Blue2 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Just popping in to say hi!


Hi and welcome!

I started roleplaying about 18 years ago and have recently returned to it because I missed it. I most like adventurous sci fi and fantasy, or more slice of life to action action filled modern day magic and mutants. I'm not into fandoms anymore and I'm not looking for romance roleplays either.

Often people create dark characters with heavy pasts. I do that sometimes too, but my character will then have a 'that's just life. Deal with it' attitude instead of feeling sorry for themselves. I also enjoy playing characters without such a heavy past. I enjoy the sciences so playing a scholar or mechanic is right up my alley. I also practise martial arts, but thougg I oike playing fighters, they are more the stealth characters than the muscled ones. I don't like hormonal (teenage) characters. I don't take death lightly so unless I'm playing an assassin my characters will look for ways to avoid murder.

Lastly, I love being a GM and controlling an entire world. I have some sci fi and modern fantasy worlds in my mind which I would like to play out here. I'm also a regular player, mostly casual where description is limited to what's necessary rather than describing every step, scent, bite or thought that occurs.

So that's a little about me. How about you?

Most Recent Posts

Someones powers are cancelling out powers! Ohhh, you..... Will have an interesting dynamic with my character on a personal level, I feel.

Yeah I read your character sheet and was wondering how that would work if they met.

I'm interested if you're still accepting
Rachel sighed. Clearly you weren't listening. "No, all it takes is not one nice meal." She answered, a little exasparated. "There is no 'all it takes'. You need to be in good shape. You need to be well-rested, well-fed, or you'll block up. You don't nees to be bloated, you'll block up. You need to be comfortable or you'll block up. You can try and try and try and never acchieve anything because you're not comfortable with the idea or because you're getting frustrated for failing. You need to..." She aighed.

"Look, magic is not a parlor trick. It's not something you can just do one day. If you want to practise it, do so at a time when you feel like you could easily run a couple of miles without being all out of breath. And if you get frustrated becauase you're not succeeding, stop and try again later when you're feeling better again."
Mom shook her head, looking at you sadly. "I knew the day would come that you'd want to leave. It's normal for kids to grow up and move out. But I just don't see why you can't move out around here. You're not just talking about moving away, you're talking about leaving the planet! How is that staying in touch?" She had tears in her eyes now. "I won't be able to come over for coffee, just to talk. I won't be able to hold you and comfort you when you get your heart broken. I won't be able to get to know the person you'll chose to spend the rest of your life with. Not really anyways, because I will only see him every now and then from a screen. And one day you'll get me some grandkids -not for a while, because I'm not old enough to be a grandma yet, but way, WAY in the future. You'll get me grandkids who look just like you and I won't be able to see them grow and develop.

"I don't want to lose you, Pria." She said almost desperately, tears pouring down her face. "I have loved seeing you grow and I want to be involved in your life, stay involved in it. I want to see how you develop into a young woman. I don't want you to come home one day and find we have nothing to talk about anymore because you've lived this whole other life I've never been part of."

Mom was doing her best not to sound angry as well as sad, but she clearly felt like you were abandoning her. Like you were saying 'thanks for everything, I'll leave now and give nothing back.'
Well, if she didm't very much like her family in law, momcould be angry about him leaving. If she feels that Pria and herself should have had priority as his new family she could be angry. If she wants to stop Pria from going and she's despetate to do so she could pretend to be angry at him (emotional blackmail happens very often in these cases sadly), although I didn't picture her as doing that to that extreme from your description. I figured she would try a little, though. If Pria is all she has, it's natural to try and make her feel bad for leaving. Most of the time that kind of behaviour is done unconciously.

I was personally going for them getting pregnant not being planned and while her dad tried to do the right thing, he just found it too hard to have to settle down and lose his freedom like that. Whatever reason he would have to go off fighting a war, her mom saw it as an excuse to get away from a life he felt he was too young to have. In that case any excuse could do.
"'Do the whole belief thing?'" Rachel repeated your words. "Owen, you don't 'try to do the whole belief thing'. You either believe or you don't. And when you believe, you believe unconditionally or you fail. And you say you moved a mug. Sounds like a pretty decent 'hello' to me."

She looked at your plate and saw you were only nipping your food. "If you want to develop your power, you should start by taking better care of yourself. You look tired, you're not eating. Performing magic costs energy. You need to be well-fed and rested when you practise. Otherwise you'll fail for sure." Sensing your foul mood she added "I'm sorry, but that's just the way it works." Kind of a 'don't blame the messenger' type of comment.
That could be possible. As for a reasom, perhaps his family lives on the planet where the war was at that moment. He could have moved away to be with Pria's mom, but feel the need to try and protect his family back home.
81 posts

in 9 days


"Ye'r lucky I spotted ya when I did. If yer'd flown on like that yer ship coulda blown up before yer'd made it ter the ground." The stout shipyard owner glanced at the battered ship which was smoking ominously and rubbed his large belly. "Well, good riddance I say by the looks of it. No offence ma'am but whoever sold you that piece of crap musta been hopin' ter make some easy buck from ya. But ye'r in the right place now, I tell ya. 9500 credits yer said, eh? Well, I got me three ships that fit yer budget."

The shipyard owner waved his dirty hand towards his business and you could see ships of many different sizes all over the place. Most looked quite a bit larger than the ship that was smoking behind you and from the brand names you could see you gathered that this man dealt in the more luxurious kind. He even had what looked like a brand new Mattiz grande, the kind of ship high-ranking gouvernment people chose for transortational purposes. For most of these ships you didn't even have to check the price tag to know they were well beyond what you could afford.

The shipyard owner was a fat, balding man who, by the looks of the very tight suit he wore, believed himself to be a lot thinner than he actually was. His hands were smudged with grease, but his face was surpisingly clean. He was also definitely the talkative kind, for you couldn't get a word in while he took you to another end of the yard. He kept pointing at the ships, telling you with some exageration what kind of buyer he expected for that model and what features it was equipped with. He was obviously quite proud of his business.

He took you to a hanger in the back and opened the large doors. Inside you could see several ships, each much smaller than the ones outside. This was obviously the hangar where he kept the vessels he deemed not suitable for public display.

"There's my first option fer yer." He pointed at a small, black ship on his left hand side. "A Vixen 3001." He explained rather unneccesarily as the name was painted in red letters atop the metal. "She's not too great looking from the outside, but they don't come more reliable than the Vixens." He might exagerate here and there but he spoke the truth this time. This Vixen model was easily fourty years old, but Vixens were known to make it to fifty years without breaking any engine part. They had all sorts of troubles with bolts and screws on the interior, the 2000 model had had computer problems, but whatever happened, a Vixen would keep flying. It's space-folding capabilities were not great, but with 2.01 lightyears a day you could do worse.

The Vixen 3001 was a small ship, though. It had 3 cabins, so you could take two passengers and with some creative remodelling you could carry as much cargo as your previous ship could. The price -2500 credits- was reasonable. With this ship you could continue living the way you had previously, but it was definitely not an upgrade.

"So whadda yer say? Wanna check the inside or move on straight ter the next option I got fer yer?"
Sure it can be both. Fighting for the freedom of a repressed people so his daughter can grow up without fear. Perhaps the planet was still on the outskirts of the warzone when Pria was born, but uprising began among factions of their world and her dad wanted to prevent their planet to be involved?
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