Avatar of Blue2
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  • Posts: 233 (0.10 / day)
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    1. Blue2 7 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Just popping in to say hi!


Hi and welcome!

I started roleplaying about 18 years ago and have recently returned to it because I missed it. I most like adventurous sci fi and fantasy, or more slice of life to action action filled modern day magic and mutants. I'm not into fandoms anymore and I'm not looking for romance roleplays either.

Often people create dark characters with heavy pasts. I do that sometimes too, but my character will then have a 'that's just life. Deal with it' attitude instead of feeling sorry for themselves. I also enjoy playing characters without such a heavy past. I enjoy the sciences so playing a scholar or mechanic is right up my alley. I also practise martial arts, but thougg I oike playing fighters, they are more the stealth characters than the muscled ones. I don't like hormonal (teenage) characters. I don't take death lightly so unless I'm playing an assassin my characters will look for ways to avoid murder.

Lastly, I love being a GM and controlling an entire world. I have some sci fi and modern fantasy worlds in my mind which I would like to play out here. I'm also a regular player, mostly casual where description is limited to what's necessary rather than describing every step, scent, bite or thought that occurs.

So that's a little about me. How about you?

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They did send you another blast, trying to take oit your engine before they rushed off, both ships heading in a different direction. Hensen caught himself as the ship shook, then made his way to the back.

"We won't die if we use these." He said, opening a cupboard and pulling out aomething silver and white. "Space suits. They can keep is warm and breathing for a couple of hours. Think you can get that message out? Cuz I'm not sure but I don't think these suits are that fancy."
Big girl followed the boy on his heels. She ducked out of the way of the despised doctors and ran as fast as she can, which appeared to be fast enough so far. She'd never dared to try this before. She'd dreamed, but not dared. And now she was daring. She had to succeed. The ones who failed disappeared through the door from which no-one ever came back. Not the experiments at least.

She saw the boy bang in to te door to try and open it, but the door didn't budge. She arrived as he tried and failed a second time and saw him panicking. She pushed him aside and grabbed the bar on the door, lifted it as she had seen the smoking doctors do with a similar door back in the room she was allowed to clean every now and then. It took her a few hasty, nearly panicked tries but then the door suddenly shot open. Freedom suddenly truly lay ahead of them.

Her heart burst nearly out of her chest from fear that the delay would be their downfall, but she started up again and ran. She ran as fast as she could, begging for that freedom to be real.
Name- Big Girl, because she was always a little fat. But she remembers once being called Hannah

Age- 5 was the last birthday she had. She's a young adult now

General appearance- 1m72 (5'6), brown hair, greyingsh blue eyes and a slightly large nose. She's no longer fat, she grew out of that but still isn't thin either, despite the circumstances she lived in. She has several scars from the experiments done with her, especially on her arms because they sometimes had trouble finding a vein. With the haunted look in her eyes she must look like a drug addict, though she knowa nothing about that.

Likes/desires- Cleaning. Freedom

Dislikes- being locked up. Large, noisy crowds. Grown men with blond hair and glasses (because her main handler had that).
Lol yeah you mamaged. @prussianblue How much freedom do I have? Can I let Hannah figure out how the door works?
Except that when you came to the console you saw the shuttle that had been in front of you had moved up to the sbip behind you and was docking it. They weren't going to leave their ship behind.

"Leave them." Hensen said to you, clutching his side. "Please. We'll get an emergency message out when they're gone." He figured out how to disarm the weapon and put it in his bag, with his convention props, then grinned. "Maybe I should make a superhero comic based on you. That was pretty cool."

BEEP.. BEEP.. 'Life support failure imminent.' BEEP.. BEEP.

You had about ten minutes before the life support system would give out.
The man holding the weapon to Hensen's head laughed. "You'll get to a pod, will ya?" he said mockingly. "I don't think so, missie. You attacked us, you can go down with your ship." He dragged Hensen to the back of the ship where the life pods were, in the meantime kicking his injured partner. "Get off that lazy ass, Jace. Ye'r not dead yet so move it!"

The second man responded to his partner with a grunt, but then started pushing himself up. He was struggling, but he managed to make his way to the back of the small shuttle as well. The first thug, all the while, kept his eyes on you, making sure you weren't making any funny movements. He used his elbow to open the hatches of the life pods and the second man all but fell into one. "Oi, Rutger." The first man said. "Two pods are about to be launched. Pick them up."

Whether or not someone replied you didn't hear, but the man seemes satisfied. He shoved Hensen straight at you, then dove into the pod, closed the hatch and launched them both. Hensen tripped from being shoved so hard and fell into your arms. "Ouch."
Tnx! I pm'ed you
The second man was siriously injured by your reflected blast, but not dead. He was writhing in pain. But the first man was definitely overpowering Hensen now. The boy tried to kick and scream but the pirate had a pretty good grip on him.

The man looked down at his companion as you shot him. "Damn, you are a load of trouble, little girl." He said

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The beeping was getting louder now. 'Life support failure imminent' sounded a robotic female voice. 'Life pods are being prepared. Life support failure imminent'

The man swore and looked over at his companion, then at you two again "Drop your weapon, little girl, or we all die. This one first." He put his gun to Hensen's head and kept out of your way, so your pole could not reach him again.
The second man went to the ground as his feet were surprisingly swept away from under him. They were swearing, both of them. Hensen managed to get a few good punches in, but then the men's eyes recovered as well and the first attacker was actually getting a grip on Hensen, still not a fully grown man. The pirate was effectivrly starting to fight him off.

"You little cunt!" Your attacker had regained siggt as well and you had now pretty much lost your advantage of the first attack. You'd have to make the difference now or you'd be in trouble.

Meanwhile on the background the console continued. Beep. Beep. Beep.
The warning is for this shuttle only

Warp is the wrong term. That applies to faster than light travel done by a space ship. You mean teleportation (short distance).

You can write Hensen's part as Pria would only see him dive onto the one before she attacks the other. She'd be too occupied to pay attention to exactly what he does.
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