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Student, RPer, videogame and anime fan, movie guy. Also memist, but that's par the course. In other words, your garden-variety nerd. Not much else to say, really.

Yeah, I'm a rather bogstandard individual, sue me.

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David Rios

Riverside Cottage

He moved with a sort of deliberate slowness, perhaps still tired from the events of the night prior. Though he had managed to do as he had wished even after the setback, he had to admit — it had still been a night he had spent somewhat on edge.

He knew that other Servants scouting — or even assaulting this place — were a risk, but that was a known factor, unlike whatever it was that Lancer had met. Still, it would not do to keep losing sleep over the detail when he had so little to go on, so he simply focused on the day ahead and thought of how to best spend the daylight hours.


“Ah, that’s right.” He muttered before taking a sip from a mug filled to the brim with coffee. He had mentioned one thing yesterday night that it would be best to take care of as soon as possible, hadn’t he? It was hardly an absolute necessity, but he figured — might as well make a good impression, right?

Noting that the mug was already empty, he left it at the counter and started walking, picking his jacket on the way out. Opening the door, he had to close his eyes, if only slightly, due to the sunlight reaching them.

He grumbled to himself. A morning person, he was not — he sighed as he recounted this little fact about himself.

“Lancer,” He called out. “We are going to meet the Overseer — better to get the official registration done as soon as possible and then perhaps spend the rest of the day scouting the city at large.”

Perhaps he was foolish, going by himself instead of sending a familiar, but manners were much too valuable to ignore them so. With that thought, he started walking again — should nothing happen on the way there, it would be a relatively quick affair to get there, meet and greet and get out.

Come to think of it, this would be the first time he stepped foot in a church in a long time, wouldn’t it? Ah, well — matters for another time.


Shinto Streets

The Servant nodded. There were no more words exchanged as he closed his eyes for but an instant before gazing upwards, resolve of steel gathered. His grip on his weapon's handle tightened, then slackened slightly and he reared back, as though to swing.

Such thing was foolishness, of course. Siegfried was not so mighty that a mere swing would send a current of razor wind towards the demon, nor would Balmung enlarge like a certain staff in order to reach the opponent that high up. Besides, he had already acknowledged that a normal swing wounding it was an impossibility at most.

But that was fine. After all, Noble Phantasms were meant to achieve something that should have been an impossibility, the true trump card that propelled Servants above their station.

Wisps of energy akin in color to a waning sun emerged from the pommel of the greatsword, more specifically, the jewel embedded on it. This was something unknown to this world, which had left that part of its history behind — the Fifth True Element, Ether from the Age of Gods. It wrapped around the blade, coalesced as though an espectral sword that sought to overlap with the one Siegfried held.

This was the weapon that had once bathed the world in twilight, the sword that had struck down the Evil Dragon, Fafnir, in a time long past. His muscles tensed as coiled springs, ready to release, and he spoke the words

Phantasmal Greatsword - Felling of the Sky Demon!


Twilight expanded as he swung, a crescent of raw, undiluted power with the sole purpose of destruction. This was the second Noble Phantasm the Dragon-Blooded Knight possessed, a weapon able to rend armies with little difficulty. The beam was directed upwards, seeking to engulf its master’s enemy, to leave behind not even ash.

In these circumstances, the Demon’s position was indeed a fortuitous one — were he to have unleashed it in any other direction but upward, while it might not called as much attention, there was little doubt the land would have been razed beyond repair. As it was, it would miss the buildings and simply vanish into the night sky.

@ConstantlyComic@Moonlit Sonata

Shinto Streets

Landing on his feet and tearing up pavement in the process, Siegfried looked up at the demon as it buzzed in the air, former strategy discarded. Maybe he was just much too cautious, but launching himself towards it — at least at this moment — simply did not seem like the best of ideas.

It is the same maxim that rules ballistics, after all. A bullet cannot switch targets after being shot, and in this case, Siegfried would be that bullet. Without footing, he would be without the advantage afforded by superior dexterity whereas the flying creature would be unimpeded, and leaving his Master alone in the ground seemed as a terrible idea, so instead he endeavored to make his way back to her as fast as he could, ready to lash out in her defense if necessary. Taking note of the height and the position, he could not help but note, in the back of his mind, that the situation was ideal to minimize collateral damage went if he used that.

...Of course, using that came with its own share of risks and potential problems that would arise, but if anything, his mind reached two possible paths of action open at this time. Certainly, there were probably more, but those two were the most straightforward of the lot. Without turning to his Master, he spoke.

“If I try to reach it, I will be at a disadvantage in the air and you will be left unprotected. There is also no guarantee it won’t just fly away and then come for you, Master.” His grip tightened, and were Balmung a normal sword, the handle would have broken under such duress. But it was not, and so, it did not. “We can attempt to make a retreat — but it has already proven its speed, and I cannot move at full throttle if I am to carry you, so that would leave the option of me covering for you until you reach safety and then withdrawing, but that also assumes it will not target you. At worst, it may slip by and reach you if that were the case. At best, we just manage to move this fight somewhere else.” There was a pause. “The other option is for me to use my Noble Phantasm. It would be orders of magnitude above a standard attack, so assuming the rejecting force is the same, it would not be enough to save it. But there are witnesses or spies to consider.”

Siegfried’s Noble Phantasm — the true strength of the Phantasmal Greatsword which could raze an entire opposing army if used with no restraint. Normally, he would not consider wielding it in this area — if let loose, it would cause great harm. However, with the enemy so willing to place itself on the skies…

Well. Its title was appropriate in this circumstance, to an extent, was it not?

Yet at the same time, it implied taking a great risk, for, should any be gathering information from the battle at this moment, the very instant he spoke the name the entire veil of anonymity that helped Siegfried keep his greatest weakness secret would come undone. No, even beyond that, if even a single individual, regardless of involvement in the war, was gazing in the wrong direction the moment he let it loose... Well, it was not a subtle thing.

Few Holy Swords were, really.

“If you have any other idea, Master, I will listen.” He said. “If you wish that I enact any of the plans, I will. But I ask that you give the order promptly.”

@ConstantlyComic @Moonlit Sonata

Shinto Streets

Siegfried’s mouth twisted, thinning even further.

‘Knock it down hard enough’. Really, easier said than done all considered. He had struck full force earlier, and that had been warped and negated — if it were so easy, he would have already done it. His raw strength alone was not enough for that — unless what was little more than a weak tap was a deadly strike to it. No, he would gain nothing from swings alone, he had to plan.

And, catching the buildings around them, one began to form. He was certainly faster, more dexterous, so maybe…

First things first, he had to get away. It would not do to be caught up in another useless exchange, that would only waste energy he could not afford to be careless with — but such a task was easy enough. He might not have used it much, but breaking away from engagements was certainly something he knew how to do. After all, it was a key aspect of dragonslaying — retreat to better ground to set up a more favorable engagement.

...Or so he would like to say. But that hardly mattered right now. A backstep, followed by another one as if reeling, putting as much terrain between them as possible in the shortest amount of time — certainly, if it followed, he’d possess enough space to repeat his earlier feat.

But that was not really the goal, was it? It had already proven such strategy would fall flat. So something different was in order. Keeping an eye on his Master, he continued propelling back — towards the side of a building, to be more precise. At the very least, he would be able to use that as a pivot. Instead of allowing the demon to come for him, he would shoot towards it like a bullet and swing thus. Perhaps added momentum would allow a greater force to reach it. Who knew.

“Sorry for the damages.” The words were muttered under his breath — the feat was likely to bring about many problems to plenty of people, and even in this situation, he could not help but feel some guilt.

...Considering his circumstances, aren’t those priorities just a tad skewed? Then again, maybe that is just the result of ‘Siegfried being Siegfried’.

@Moonlit Sonata @ConstantlyComic

David Ríos

Mion Riverbank

The magus sighed. Then looked around and sighed again. Though it was a setback, he would admit it was not really something worth stressing over. Lancer had reported something, whatever it was had left — simple enough to understand. Adjusting his jacket, he listened to Lancer while gazing down at the river and the soft rays of moonlight reflected by the water.

“Well, it is not really a bad wish.” He interjected, calm and hoping to sound reassuring. “To be certain, I’m almost relieved. I had been expecting something unreasonable like ‘to conquer the world!’... Heroes usually dream big, or so I assumed. But I can respect simplicity, or being content with the life one has lived, even if I will likely never achieve it. Like an author revising a quote and thinking how he could have worded things better, I doubt I will ever be satisfied, so in that regard I envy you, Lancer.” He allowed a small smile to appear in his features, amused at the nervousness of the Servant he had contracted with — perhaps uncharitable, but slightly comical nonetheless. “At the very least, I hope you will get your wish of worthy foes — though I also hope you will forgive me when I say I would prefer ones easily dealt with, after all.”

Silence once more, but it was broken the moment he turned on his heel and started retracing the steps they had taken to come here.

“Do not worry overmuch, Lancer, even if it is not here, at least we managed to learn of its presence before something unfortunate happened. Since it is rather clearly gone, however, I do not think we can achieve much by standing around. Let’s go back — I still need to finish preparations and I would like you to keep an eye out just in case. We can meet the Overseer tomorrow.”


Sorry, but I might take a little longer to push a post for David, didn't see you had posted Lancer's PoV (that one's my fault for not checking). I only got to my computer a while ago and prioritized Siegfried because of the 24h requirement when in combat, but I should have one for you soon ;^^

Shinto Streets

The half step forward slowed to a complete halt as the Servant of the Sword was suddenly assaulted by the insectoid being. For one that reeked of such fear, it was certainly quick to jump into the fray, wasn’t it? Steps were retraced, Balmung moving like a flash of silver and Steel, not to cut at the offending appendages that sought to harm him, but rather, to place itself as a second barrier between the attacks and his own body. His baleful glare did not diminish in intensity even as his feet moved back, an attempt to dodge the volley of hits – it had already proven capable of making him reel even through his invincible skin, and that was with Balmung as a medium. Letting it score a hit was not something he looked forward to.

However, the situation was still salvageable. After all, his skill in defensive battles was not something to take lightly.

…Possessing an ability that allowed it to almist nullify physical blows, prowess on par with a Servant’s and capable of launching blows that would give even him trouble. Disgusting as it was, the dragon-slayer would at least admit that this enemy was not one he could dismiss so easily. Nonetheless…

Maybe there was a limit to how much it could withstand. Though the blow had not made a dent, he had definitely felt feedback corresponding to it connecting. Perhaps a normal physical strike would be able to do it if it possessed enough kick behind it, but as it was, his own limits seemed to place such a feat beyond his capacity. Nonetheless – there was more to Servants than such things.

He could use that.

Certainly, it was above standard Parameters by orders of magnitude – assuming the reduction he had felt was the standard, there would still be more than enough leftover, and though he might have held the idea that ‘unveiling it so early is overkill’ there was a small,darkpart of his psyche that whispered that it deserved such.

Still, he was reticent – if only because of the implications it could have if it was a mistake, ori f it failed. Even success right now could prove their undoing later if the circumstances were not optimal, all considered.
As expected, though he would have liked to do things by himself, it seemed that he was falling back into the habit of letting others decide for him. His lips thinned as braced for the oncoming assault.

“Any ideas, Master?”

The words were spoken softly, but even if lost in the buzzing, Siegfried’s tense – almost frustrated – expression was rather clear. He had never faced something like this in life – and though he did have a facsímile of what might have been a plan…

Well. Second opinions are wonderful things.

@Moonlit Sonata@ConstantlyComic

Shinto Streets

His glare towards the putrid thing in front of him did not diminish in intensity for even an instant, even as his body still reeled from the aftershock of the clash. In any other circumstances, the sensation would have been met with perhaps fear, perhaps excitement – the sting of pain after so long was an almost alien feeling to Siegfried. However, in the current circumstances?

This was not some mighty hero, sorcerer or ruler of legend. This was not some terrible villain, witch or tyrant. This was a disgusting thing that dared stand before a hero in spite of what it represented.

The blood in his veins boiled, so unlike him that if he would step back and observe from the position of a third party, even he would have found it baffling. Green eyes illuminated by the moonlight and the soft glow of Fafnir’s sigil carried a strange sort of enmity towards this thing that was too similar and also too different.

“Why are you here?” He found himself asking despite the fact that he shouldn’t, that he would have normally kept silent even in such circumstances. “Run off and hide in a cave, dredge. That is all you are good for.”

A sickening creature it was – both in appearance and in what it represented. His stomach lurched as he observed it, both disgust and rejection mixing in a very potent cocktail of emotions. But why did he despise it so much? Not even he could fully understand. Perhaps it is simply a result of the core being too similar – a reality not even Siegfried wanted to accept.

Balmung was kept in a defensive position, held before Siegfried – for whatever good it was worth. The thing had already proven it could make it through his swing, no matter how much pride the dragon-slayer held in his own ability or that of his sword. Even if he managed to repeat his earlier feat and send it away the next time it tried to rush at him, it’d all be the same.

…Don’t you understand? Go away. You are nothing but a wretched creature that has no business here. You are not wanted here. Leave and never return, demon. A hero is one who conquers what you deny, he has no need of you.

His grip in the handle tightens just so as he waits for the being to make the next move. He has never been one for offensive engagements – and, in this case, it would prove a fruitless endeavor at the moment.

Perhaps not even he wants to admit it, but in a way, even heroes feel fear – and though the creature in front of him does not scare him, what it embodies is a different story. After all – what else is there to Siegfried once the evil dragon is taken away?

He pauses and takes a slow breath he does not need, trying to calm himself and analyze the best path of action, even though not much comes to a mind that is distracted with thoughts of destroying the demon before him, rejecting everything it is and everything it embodies. He takes half a step forward, Balmung shining under the soft moonlight, then another step and then another, blade readied to answer any sudden attacks and to attempt to find a way through the monster's hide.

Perhaps he is, indeed, afraid of whatever this is.

But that was fine. He did have a history of killing things he was afraid of, after all.

@ConstantlyComic@Moonlit Sonata

Shinto Streets

“I suggest you stand back, Master.”

So it was that Siegfried would meet his first quarry in the war. Not in the quiet night, softly exchanging greetings before letting their vaunted treasures sing the melody of steel clashing against steel. Not a fight of heroes, of skilled warriors without peer.

But rather, a battle against the putrid thing that revealed itself before him. He could not say it was the most expected event, but he would also not complain.

He was a shield and a sword. That was all there was to him, that was all there was to a Servant. Though his wish had been ‘to take the reins of his own life’, he must also not forget his place. And so, if this was the enemy, then he would cut it down.

…You, who are afraid. Do you think you are alone? Foolishness, for bravery resides in conquering one’s fear. He had been afraid, as well – the moment he had been tasked to defeat the evil dragon, he knew nothing else but the sheer terror that he had felt as he approached Fafnir’s lair. Yet, he had carried out his duty as a hero nonetheless, even if he did not remember how.

You, who deny that which incites fear, why do you show yourself before a hero, wretched thing? You, who wishes to flee from terror, why do you stand against one who would fight against it?

Ah, this body, bathed in the blood of a creature most terrifying, these veins through which runs the blood of a being that would have made lesser men shiver in their boots and surrender themselves to the end.

A smile parted Siegfried’s lips. A growl escaped his throat. It was unnatural, so unlike ‘the hero, Siegfried’ to show something other than a dispassionate façade even in the face of battle with this otherworldly being. Yet the blood of the dragon may sometimes prove that it has not been as diminished as some would think.

Balmung arose, reflecting the rays of the moon, an otherworldly shine to the Holy Blade of the Nibelungs. Muscles tensed like coiled springs, ready to release and do battle against that which was akin to him, yet not. Wait, wait, wait, now is not yet time. Let it approach a tad more. He couldn’t dodge, his Master was right behind him, after all. So all he could do was meet the assault head on.

It suited him just fine.

The moment it reached optimal distance – the falling comet would be answered with a rising star as Siegfried’s blade started its upwards swing, the full strength he could muster. Against lesser creatures, it would have perhaps stepped out of the realm of cutting – perhaps more akin to ‘obliteration’. But against this one, not even he could be certain.

“…Come, then. If you so wish to escape, then let me offer you deliverance.”

The words were spoken – but perhaps not even Siegfried could truly know what prompted them. All he knew was that the thing before him was an enemy. And, as such, it would be slain.

@ConstantlyComic @Moonlit Sonata

David Ríos

(Southern Miyama, Riverside Cottage)

Hm. His Servant had posed the big question, hadn’t she? What did he wish to attain out of this entire affair, what would motivate him to enter this deathmatch with only one victor?

He was rather surprised it hadn’t come up earlier, really. Stepping out into the streets, he paused for a second – theatrical, perhaps, but that was just how he was. Allowing his features to relax, he decided to merely tell the truth.

“My wish is rather simple, truth be told – I seek only to further my family’s interests… Is what I should say.” He let the words hang in the air for an instant before speaking again. “Do you know the desire of Magi as a whole, Lancer? To reach the Root, by whatever means the deem necessary, through whichever path they have chosen. It is a timeless task and a thankless one – each will further the family focus as much as possible, and then pass on their findings and the will of our ancestors to the next descendant. Repeat, repeat, repeat ad infinitum or until one of our descendants manages to achieve that goal.”

There is a certain bemusement in his tone of voice – perhaps even a touch of annoyance, as though he dislikes the very notion.

“Can you understand, Lancer? My very family expects me to be yet another cog in the wheel. They don’t require anything from me except that I do my duty and quietly pass the mantle when the time comes.” His tone is more heated with each word. “As if. What is the point of being ‘just one more’, Lancer? Why not be ‘the one’, when the chance so tantalizingly presents itself before me? If the Grail is truly what they have claimed it to be – then, at the very least, even witnessing its effect will propel my work to new heights, let alone what victory would avail me, no?”

There is another bout of silence as he realizes he has spread his arms wide, as though to seize the whole world, coat billowing behind him, and he carefully returns to a calmer position, coughing into his hand in an attempt to retrieve the levity he had lost.

“Well, I suppose in the end, you might as well call me a selfish, ambitious magus – but I make no secret of what I am.”


Shinto Streets

Following his Master just a few steps behind in Spirit Form, Siegfried had taken the time to observe his surroundings – being restricted to that suite for most of the day had been tiring, but at least this would also allow him to start forming a mental layout of the area, which would likely prove useful.

…It was also most definitely less boring than being cooped up inside a room, even if his Master had requested that he stayed immaterial due to subtlety and energy concerns. But that was fine.

Thinking about such things, he scanned the tall buildings of the district, in a way fascinated by the contrast between this era and his own – it was one thing to know of them, another to see it. He’d have to ask his Master permission to scout on his own – probably come morning.

…But that would, indeed, have to wait. Something prodded at the corner of his vision, some figure approached from the skyline, making a beeline for both him and his Master – and whether it was another Servant or something else, the small unease that had built up told him not to take risks.

So he stepped forward. Whereas he had previously stood incorporeal behind his Master, now motes of light converged and gave shape to the Saber-Class Servant, powerful strides echoing in the empty streets as he placed himself between the one he was to shield and whatever it was that approached them. His right hand closed its grip around Balmung’s handle as he pulled, the massive great sword leaving its sheath to the tune of metal scrapping against metal – a discordant cacophony that matched the buzz of insect wings reaching his ears.

“Master, it seems we have company.” He said, bringing his weapon to bear in front of him – a defensive stance, at least for now. “I suggest you stay behind me unless you have your own plan.”

His grip tightened, then slackened as he realized he was holding it much too strongly. His heartbeat quickened for the briefest second before returning to a normal pace.

It was a common occurrence. After all, his was the invincible skin that had been granted through baptism in dragon’s blood. The chances of finding an opponent that could meaningfully harm him were almost none – and so, even the one thing he had taken pride in lost its luster.

Still, in this battlefield of heroes, perhaps hoping would not be a wasted effort…

@Moonlit Sonata@ConstantlyComic
David Ríos

(Southern Miyama, Riverside Cottage)

The day had proven relatively fruitful, as far as he was concerned. He had acquired the clothing his Servant had desired – which seemed to have been enough to curry some favor, adding to his attitude during the summoning. That was good, at least. Indeed, having problems with the very individual he would have to entrust his life to in this war would have meant he would have been off to a less-than-stellar start.

However, the night was young, and the tasks that needed to be done knew no end. Lancer had left to scout the area, and he had not objected to such – though being separated from his Servant was certainly somewhat worrisome, he had managed to make do with a rudimentary Bounded Field to alert him to undesirables that would enter his property. It meant little in the way of defense, but he hoped that his following preparations throughout the remainder of the night would manage to make his base of operations a moderately safe haven, and if not, it was always nice to know when to make a run for it – useless as that would be if a Servant was hunting him down, it was human nature to struggle even against something so inevitable.

His idea of how he would spend the time until the morning – continue setting up his defenses, analyze whatever report or input Lancer would give him, make plans for the following nights, perhaps stake out advantageous locations and pay a visit to the Overseer for formal registration afterwards. How sad such quiet plans are always rudely interrupted at the worst moment.

Lancer had come back unexpectedly early. Though he doubted she would have taken overly-long to begin with, her abrupt return was still surprising – and she seemed to bear no shortage of concerning news.

A presence at the riverbank? Considering just where this small cottage was located, it was a bothersome thought indeed. Regardless of what it might have been, making absolutely sure of its nature and intentions should be the first step, he thought as he prepared himself to abandon his plans for the night.

“Though I appreciate your promptness in informing me, Lancer,” he sighed, exhaling as his eyes swept the room, finding his jacket and briskly donning it. “I would not have minded if you had investigated on your own before returning or alerting me. I did give you leave to do as you thought appropriate. But, well, that matters little for the moment.”

He walked toward the door, yet did not reach to open it. Signaling to Lancer, he motioned for her to take the lead.

“Let us go. I will accompany you for now, both to ascertain the presence and to avoid leaving myself open to an attack – though your Agility is certainly top notch, it would not do to send you away if a potential enemy is out and about and has possibly followed you here – this place is still much too open to attacks. I trust you to protect me should the worst situation occur, Lancer.”

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