Avatar of Brithwyr
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    1. Brithwyr 8 yrs ago


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5 yrs ago
If a horse runs too fast, it bleeds from the lungs
5 yrs ago
Alright. Let's take this from the top.
5 yrs ago
The Nation RP scene is dead right now... When does it pick up!?
5 yrs ago
Don't cut yourself on that edge, Andreyich.
5 yrs ago
The shovel may have broke new ground, but it was the hot air balloon that took humanity to new heights


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Infuriated as he was over the inbred comment, Caora didnt see that Davis had just shot down his own theory. It took a little negotiation from His Fangesty to point out just how that theory couldnt hold water.

Caoara slammed his hands down on the podium. A heroic wind blustered in out of nowhere, raising his skirt and blowing his hair. With righteous fury, he pointed at Davis and cried out "I spy with my little eye... A GREAT, FAT, STINKING LIE!"

Cue the music!

"You just PROVEDED that Krissie couldnt have done it! She was bonked out! If she had done it, how did she clear up the footprints when she couldnt move? There be no footprints, so unless Mr Monk somehow hurt Krissie AFTER she beat him and cleaned up his footprints, then she couldnt have been the one to clear them up! And the only other option is..."

He slammed both hands on the podium. "There must have been a third person in tge cave at the time of the crime! Someone to clean up footprints or knock out Krissie! Which means that Krissie is INNOCENT!"

"So if somebody once told me the world was gonna roll me has been in the cave just to knock out Krissy or protect Mr Monk... Why havent they said anything? Whoever it was doesnt want us knowing they were there! Either Krissy was bonked out BEFORE Mr Monk was killdied, and couldnt have cleaned up the boot prints, or she was bonked out AFTER he was killdied, which means someone else, like, must have bonked her and isnt saying! So, like, Krissy TOTALLY couldnt have done it!

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, "Perfection"

Caora wasnt quite as easy to upset this time. "Well, duh! Cause he gpt ambushed himself! He got ambushed before he could ambush! Like, a double ambush! Counter ambush! A big, green leafy ambush! That would -"

Wait a sec. There was that word again. The one the doctors used after Mama and Papa got in trouble. The one the nurse said was just between him and the Hospital.

Only a pretend investigator..?

Yeah... that made sense... who was he to think he could help anyone..? He was useless... a dumb, stupid brat who thought he knew better than everyone else... a biological waste... everyone would be better without him...

The boy trembled. His face darkened. His body sagged, like the very act of keeping himself standing was an effort. He wasnt even holding on to Fang...

"Heh... you... Big... dumb... STUPID MORON OF A NUTMEG!" The fury in his voice was unprecedented from someone so small! "If it was only Krista and Mr Monk, then where are Mr Monk's footprints, huh? Mr Monk's footprints arent there, but the other two are! Why would someone want to wipe away his footprints when they knew they couldnt get him out? The only reason that someone would wipe the footprints away... was if they didnt want anyone to know they had gone in there in the first place!"

The fire returned to the boy and he stood up straight. He had it! This was the right track! "The only reason someone would wipe away footprints is to stop someone knowing they went in, right? And Krista isnt a dummy like you, Mr Conquest! Mr Monk's body was still there, but so were her footieprints! Why wipe Mr Monk's away when she knew that he was gonna be there anyway, and not wipe her own? That's waaaay too dumb! Since Mr Monk couldnt be moved... the only person who would have wiped Mr Monk's footprints away was Mr Monk himself!"

He gasped at his own theory. Was he really saying what he thought he was saying
"If his footieprints are wiped away, but he is still there, then he would be found anyway! The only reason to wipe bootieprints away would be to look like you wasnt there! So...if Mr Monk went in, wiped his prints and went out, wiping his prints again, then no one would ever know he went in there! Not only that, but by wiping his prints in going in, he made it look like no one was in the cave, and luring someone in cause they think the cave is empty, like a fish! Mr Monk is the only person who would have a reason to get rid of his own footprints and not someone else's!"

"Krissy, the one who attacked you was none other than Mr Monk himself! If Mr Monk attacked Krissy, someone might have heard and ran in. If they saw Krissy knocked out, they might have tried to save her... and killed Mr Monk! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Unless you have some reason why Mr Monk's footprints werent there, Mr Conquest?"

Caora couldnt believe what he was hearing. He tried... He really tried to stop himself. Oh, who are we kidding? He wasnt holding back at all. He just absolutely flipped out, temporarily forgetting the trial.

"Hey, you big dumb meanie! Nanna was doing her bestest!" he squeled in that lyrical, girlish way of his. "You didnt help Mr Monk either! You shpuld, like, think about trying to find the guy who bonked him instead of being a dumb, smelly, stupid BULLY!"

The little crossdresser had turned bright red. How DARE she speak to Miss Buckley like that!? She was being super rude and mean and nasty for, like, no reason! Wasnt the game to find out who beat up Mr Monk, not to be the dumbest meanie!

All the blood rushing through him got his mind buzzing. And when his mind started buzzing, funny things started happening. All the others would see is him clutching the side of his head and whimpering.
"Shut up... Shut up, shut up, shut UP!" he repeated to himself...

Caora growled. Darn it. It didnt look good for Krista. Even he had to admit, that sounded a solid theory. More solid than Mondatta, as it had turned out.

But something was wrong.
"What do you think, Fang?" he asked of his stuffed companion. He listened closely to the sheep - it always had sage advice. It was right kore often than it was left! Hmm... Yes, that worked! Of course!

"Hang on, Mr Conquest. If your number thing is right, then who does the second footprints belong to?" Thank you very much, Fang. "Mr Monk was super big and heavy and these feet... They dont fit. There are four feets here, but Krista onlt has two! And Mr Monk's feet dont fit either. So... Someone else was in the cave!"

Eh? What was that? Oh, speak up, Fang, you're so quiet! The trap gasped. No way! That was so conspiratorial!
"Fang has a theory! He says... He says that someone was waiting in the cave! Someone hurt Mr Monk and waited for Miss Krista! Then she comes in, they bonk her on the head and drop the knife! All it would take is to hide the knife wrapper in Krissy's and wait for Mr Monk to be founded! If Krissy really did try to hurt Mr Monk with the knife.... Why are there two footprints!? And why is the knife still super sharp!?"

This was daft! And Mr Perfection was being the daftest!

"Yeah! Why would Krista hurt herself? And how would she hurt him with a knife? It says on the packet, it cuts meat and vegetables, not people! And stabby things make holes, so where's the hole? And..."

He paused for a minute, talking to Fang. It didnt make sense for the musician to be responsible. It didnt! How could she break his big suit? And why was she all beat up? It was super hard to beat yourself up!

"Like, we dont have any proof that Krista did it. If it was her she would have to, you know, get through the suit, hurt herself, and clean the knife. AFTER she hurt herself, which means she would have dripped blood everywhere! So, like, how?"
Good! Because with the end of college and my drama group, I find myself sitting on an increased amount of free time - meaning I may, may rejoin
<Snipped quote by Vocab>

despicable damsel and occasional trap snatcher

You wouldnt happen to be planning anything against my dear Caora, would you?
Sup, my dewds?

Surely not EVERY Mao or Avem is enslaved..?
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