Avatar of Brodie
  • Last Seen: 3 mos ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 689 (0.21 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Brodie 3 mos ago
    2. █████ 9 yrs ago
  • Latest 10 profile visitors:


Recent Statuses

3 mos ago
Current Sheesh back from the dead.
8 yrs ago
Man, idk why but new years is one of my favorite holidays of the year.
9 yrs ago
Bought my tickets
9 yrs ago
Any body see that suicide squad trailer.
9 yrs ago
Omg Starbucks
1 like


Really chill nerd, likes all things star wars, lord of the rings, game of thrones, e.t.c (there is a long list).

Most Recent Posts

Hey are very interested.
@Gurren1 it will follow the show and the comic, I have an idea of how to mix the two.

Shadow Wars


After Hydra surfaced and was defeated, S.H.E.I.L.D was left in shambles. Governments of the world are bringing the secret organization to trial for spilling their secrets and telling lies. Nick Furry has gone missing, the Avengers are piecing themselves back together after the Ultron incident, and Agent Colson is was appointed the new head of S.H.E.I.L.D. But just because the big eye is no longer watching does not mean the threats of the world have stopped popping up, Hydra has grown its heads back and began a new campaign in Europe and the Middle East. A.I.M & H.A.M.M.E.R have publicly announced their interest in Iso-8, which has become a big concern considering both organizations recent activity, and a villains have been tracked moving together in a organized fashion (The Syndicate).

With all of these threats on the rise and S.H.E.I.L.D in the dog house, Colson decided that a new form of defenses was needed to help combat the evils of the world. He appealed to the UN to re-activate the S.S.R and make them a separate, more "controlled" organization. With great reluctance, the UN signed off on the 'Project Reincarnation' who's primary goal was to create a S.H.E.I.L.D like organization to act as the "White SHEILD" for the world while its darker sibling cleans up its mess. S.S.R is co-lead by S.H.E.I.L.D and the UN, using S.H.E.I.L.D technology and resources, thee target and threats are found, while the UN supplies the troops, agents from intelligence organizations across the world, and "permissions". The new S.S.R will work independently from any other organization (CIA, MI-6, USSR, S.H.E.I.L.D etc.)

The Strategic Scientific Reserve (S.S.R) was re-activated for one purpose; to handle everything S.H.E.I.L.D is unable to at the moment.

[hider=S.S.R Encrypted Database]
Click Below to access de-classified file of S.S.R Agent (Your Characters Name Here)
[hider=Click Here]
[h2]Insert Name Here[/h2]
Appearance: Photo and short description with the basics(height, weight, key features, body type, etc.)

Alias: What else are they called?
Affiliation: S.S.R, (and any old organizations in parenthesis)
Rank: (Leave this blank until Accepted)
Eye Color:

In-Depth Psych Report: (A good paragraph or two about your character. What habits do they have, what are they known for, how do they act towards others, how do they act in battle, etc.)

Biography Report: (What did they do before S.S.R, who were they, were did they work, what about their family, how did they come to get picked for the job, what made them stand out. Build them a life, it does not have to be super long but at the minimum hit the questions given.)

Abilities: What kind are they proficient at, you agent only gets three abilities. (Think of what all special agents are good at, Hand-to-Hand, WetWork, Long Ranged Firearms, etc.) A good example of how to list your three would look like this:

Espionage Expert(Some kind of cool title): (And then a good description of what they are known for or what they have done in combat, think battle report)

Weapons: (I am not going to put a limit on this part, just don't go over board , you know what your character can cannot carry to be effective, and have the pictures in links.)

Extra: Any thing else you can think of or just get rid of this section.
I am interested in the fairy tail, or Pokemon rp.
My WIP will get it finished in the next day.

In --- 8 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

When Joar snarled at him she chuckled, but got a little upset with the hair on her dress. Shu would get him back for that. When Niall helped her out of the tunnel she stretched her arms a little bit and yawned. She was wondering how the party was going, and what that would mean for tomorrow. The staff are definitely going to tighten up some things around here, and that sounded like a drag. Plus what would they do about the human? His presence was sure to cause some problems as well, but Shu was happy to have some new friends to make it great.

"Thanks Niall. Now lets go have fun!" She said with a smile while she brushed her dress off.


Cimi had left the 'ball' extra early. Only staying long enough to get a plate then he scrambled back to his room and put on a t-shirt and basket ball shorts. While he was alone he read a few books and ate the food, but something felt off. Cimi knew it had to do with the ball, and that it was something dangerous.

"Maybe someone died." Cimi said with a shrug of his shoulders.
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