Avatar of BubblegumQueen
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 452 (0.17 / day)
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    1. BubblegumQueen 7 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current *tap tap* hey, is this thing on?
3 yrs ago
this is probably a bad idea buuuuut screw it, i'm back!
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3 yrs ago
internet was out for a few days buuuut i’m back and desperate for writing!
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4 yrs ago
Wow, I'm back on the Guild! Ah, I've really missed it here~ Excited to jump back in!
5 yrs ago
Gonna be out of town for the day for a last minute thing - Will respond to my partners tomorrow!
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Fun Fact: I am horrible with confrontation.

Most Recent Posts


Sorry for the long post, everyone. Didn't mean to take up much room...


“Sir, is there anything else you need for the night or am I dismissed?” Polite, professional, and to the point with just the right amount deadpan that demonstrated just how dead she was inside. Something she'd mastered over the years, down to the complete absence of light in her eyes. Besides, she was British. She just naturally sounded polite.

Vince looked up at her from his tablet, looking her dead in the eye as he took a deep drink from his timber of bourbon. If he wasn't such a cunt, I'd be impressed with his drink of choice. She thought idly, face remaining impassive. Honestly, Ivory remained primarily in her thoughts throughout her work day, it served as a nice distraction... sometimes. Well, it kept her from jabbing her pen into her charge's eye and making off with his expensive bottle of bourbon.

So... definitely necessary.

It took a long minute before Vince responded, eyes briefly flickering over her office attire, lingering a bit too long on her exposed legs before his gaze dropped to his tablet. He simply waved his hand, grunting a little in his usual form of eloquence speech. Resisting the urge to jump up and down, Ivory gave a small bow of her head before quickly walking out of the room, uncomfortable but used to the feel of Vince's gaze on her ass as she walked.

Maybe he's stuck in primary school, then? The whole thing where the boy pulls on the girls pigtails and is an asshole to her yet it apparently means the boy likes her? Well, in this case, it means the boy wants to fuck the girl but it matches up all the same. Stepping into the elevator, she lightly pressed the button to the lobby, practically falling against the inside interior in her exhaustion.

Tablet held limply in her right hand, she used her left to rub at her eyes, most likely smudging her mascara but far too uncaring to really give a shit. She blinked up at the slow-moving lights that slowly blinked down, green eyes flickering to the camera in the corner of the elevator where a small black camera was installed.

She didn't linger.

Head leaning back against the wall, her eyes glazed over a bit before closing her eyes. She allowed herself to run through the events of the day quickly, focusing on every backhanded compliment, leer from businessmen during meetings, 'accidental' spill of coffee that made her white blouse a bit see-through until she could excuse herself to kneel in the female bathroom under a dryer. Every time Vince told her to get him coffee at some faraway, super-fancy coffee place that required her to waste gas, only to come back and have him not even drink it and have it go cold, meanwhile she's left watching from the corner of the room, contemplating throwing the coffee in his face and playing it off as a supernatural occurrence.

Her lips turned up a little at that thought.

But, through all of it, apart from some pangs of annoyance, anger, even smug amusement at some points, she didn't really feel much about her situation. She didn't whine to her friends over the weekend about it, she didn't complain on Twitter or Facebook, she didn't cry into a wine glass about her unfair job and shitty life, or really anything like that. There was always this kind of apathy that clung to her like a cape, never softening apart from small moments where something interesting happened. Even when shitty things happened, at least something happened. Something to lessen the mind-numbing boredom she'd been experiencing for years.

Well, she had a therapist for these sorts of things. No sense in getting too far into her oddities until Thursday.


Finally, Ivory thought somewhat impatiently, stepping out of the elevator and walking as fast as her heels would allow her towards the doors that led to her freedom, of a sorts. Passing by the man at the front desk, she tossed a routine 'Night, John' to the man on her way out, managing to just hear the stuttered response of, 'Best of luck, yeah?'

If she was more focused like she usually was, she would have stopped and stalked over to the man, pressuring him for answers and asking about what he'd done. She knew enough about him and people to know a guilty man when she heard it. But, she was just too... tired. Vince had been even more grating this past week, constantly having her ripping and running around to get him everything from coffee to tea (Which he doesn't even like) to fancy sandwiches and expensive watches. Turned her into his glorified errand girl instead of utilizing her skills as a personal assistant. Grating but she figured he was on his man-period or something of the like and trudged through. Regardless, it led to a lot of late nights like this where she wouldn't leave the office until after 12 and wouldn't get home until about 1.

It was her exhaustion that pretty much sealed her fate. She still beats herself up about it to this day.

Stepping out into the crisp and biting city air, she cursed herself under her breath for leaving her coat at home, grumbling under her breath as she stalked across the barren employee parking lot to her jeep, already having plans to crank up the heat on her drive home.

And it was when she was almost at her car to the point that she could touch it that she felt an uncomfortable chill go down her spine. Straightening minutely, she didn't pause in her automatic actions, unlocking her door and slipping inside, tablet and purse going to the passenger seat. As she put on her seat belt, she took that time to have her eyes dart around, looking for anything out of the ordinary. And it was through her stares, that she noticed the figure in dark clothing watching her from inside the building near the front desk that she could see through the glass of the building.

Starting up her jeep, she saw out the corner of her eye, the figure say something to the front desk, receiving a shaky nod in return before the figure pulled out a phone, pressing it to his ear, speaking quickly.

The beginning stages of adrenaline began pumping through her, her heart beating quicker than it has in... a while. Smirking a little, Ivory quickly pulled out of the parking lot, gunning it down the streets, paying no mind to stop lights or stop signs, breezing through them, having to make a quick turn to prevent a collision with an SUV which was close but she barely reacted to it, thoughts running amuck as she thought of a plan.

They found me. Of course they found me. Her lips curled up into a somewhat cruel smirk. Took them long enough, yeah? What took them so long? Jaw ticking with how tightly it was clenched beneath her plastered on smirk, she pressed harder on the gas, the rising number bring her an odd sense of comfort.

I wonder if they'll kill me? Before she could even finish that thought, her head twitched a bit, the thought dissipating. No, no. That would be a kindness. No, they will capture me and take me away. My dad told me this would happen. He never wanted it to but he knew it would. Come on, Ivory. You know how this is going to go. You have an advantage, you got lucky. You know they are attacking you tonight. It has to be tonight.

Her hands were so tight on the wheel, her knuckles were white, especially as she saw the familiar paleness of her building. A nice apartment she was able to afford with her sizable paycheck every week. Guess the powers finally caught up and fucked me over, hmm? She thought idly, pulling into the attached garage.

To be transparent, she had been practicing with them when she was at home, moving stuff around her apartment in her bored state until her entire apartment was alive with movement as things floated around, going about their business all controlled by her while she sat and drank wine and did Vince's paperwork.

Guess I was prepping myself, hmm? She continued mentally, stepping into the elevator in the half-empty parking lot, pressing the number '8' for her floor. 2 large apartments for each floor, she was glad for her space, after all. As the numbers quickly ticked by, her adrenaline increased tenfold. I wonder if they're waiting to ambush me and I get no chance to fight back? She thought morbidly, thought ablaze with outcomes, right as she reached her floor.

Stepping out of the elevator, she was met with stillness that felt rather disconcerting now that she was so on edge. But, she didn't falter, walking down the long hall to the end where her apartment was. Running her keycard over the sensor, the green light and beep allowed her to take a breath before throwing open the door, ready to try and push herself and toss some people... and she was met by an empty apartment.

This only bothered her more.

Closing her door behind her and locking it in some small attempt at protection, she threw her tablet and bag onto the kitchen counter, kicking her heels off and pulling off her thin blazer, tossing it onto the couch as she entered the wide open space of her apartment. She knew she didn't have much time, because as she peered out of the large wall of mirrors that made up half her apartment and gave her such a nice view of the city, she saw a multitude of dark jeeps that looked eerily similar to her own cherry red once.

Suckling on her bottom lip, ruining her nude lipstick she was sure, she turned from the window, eyes flickering all over her apartment. Hands going to her hair, she pulled out the chopsticks and safety pins, her hair falling to her shoulder in their usual light waves. Letting out a shaky breath as her heartrate increased, pounding so hard in her chest she felt pangs of pain, she let her eyes settle on the two ornate chopsticks in her hands, eyeing the sharp point at the end she remembered sharpening with a file whilst waiting in line at some deli.

Eyes remaining on them, she slowly moved her hand away, the chopsticks twirling in the air at her command. Her eyes then flickered around her, looking for anything odd that could be used as a weapon. Seeing nothing immediately, having just cleaned her apartment, she instead turned her gaze to the kitchen, eyes settling on the assortment of cooking and butcher knives she had on display. Hearing the sound of thundering footsteps, Ivory gave a jerk of her head, and the knives came towards her quickly, pausing and turning around to face the door. It was a bit of a strain to have them all as she hadn't been exercising her powers like she should've been these past 2 weeks. But, she gritted her teeth and bared it, especially as the sounds came to a stop outside her door. And she watched with anger as the door became unlocked. Who else was in on it? She thought darkly, but didn't have time to linger as the door burst open, black filling her pale apartment.

And before she lost her control or wits, she attacked first.

1 year and 4 months later

Knock! Knock! Hiss!

Ivory's blank eyes moved over the 3 men standing outside her room. She didn't say anything and they didn't say anything, she already knew how this went. Standing from her criss-cross position on the floor, she felt a small pang of annoyance for being interrupted from her meditation but didn't let it show on her face in any way, stepping out of her room, the 3 men forming a triangle shape around her, before they all walked towards the common room.

Ivory knew she was a bit of an... oddity, even among the odd. She possibly had one of the highest body counts of those imprisoned in this... place. Having killed 13 of her assailants and injured a couple of more before taking a couple of darts to her legs and stomach, she... was treated rather harshly admittedly. Or maybe they all were treated like her and she just used logic to explain it. Well, it didn't matter much. It had been 1 year and some even months later and she was as... used to this, as she could be. As soon as her 21st birthday came, she knew that there was no way she was getting out of this... alive, at least. She considered going wild, a few times. Just using her powers and killing as many people as she could and trying to escape to die in the process.

Then again, this is the most interesting series of events to ever befall upon me. She thought idly as they reached the common room, the 3 guard's eyes falling to her. Ever since she was captured, she'd been rather placid and calm, whether because of the pills or her own apathy, it was up to anyone's guess. She thought it was both, honestly. The only real argument for it being all her own apathy was her ability to still have witty thoughts and dialogue whenever she met with the doctor.

Nodding, Ivory allowed the men to open the door, stepping in without them following after her. Guess being placid had a couple of advantages, She thought idly, immediately seeing what was happening. She recognized all these people, having seen them before in the very rare instances of her going to the common room, even if they hadn't seen her.

Let's see, uh, edgy teen making some ripples. Guy who looks thirty who reminded her of those jock assholes she saw in highschool, far too much for her liking. Aaannnd, the chick who likes like she would like to stab everyone in the room. Can't really judge so I'll leave that at that. Having taking a few seconds to eye everyone in the room, she simply internally shrugged, silently moving over towards one of the bookshelves, over to her usual chair where she would read. She usually stayed in her room, able to keep herself entertained without having to be around people. But, she would come to the common room if given the chance every once in a while to read and give herself some new material to chew on, even if she'd already read most of these. And who knows? Maybe a fight will break out. Those are always fun. She'd betting on edgy teen to cause some shit. Appearances aren't always deceiving and she's curious.
Heh... this should be so much fun. I see quite a few characters that are gonna be fun to play with...

Ivory Christina Howards

General Information

name:// Ivory Christina Howards
age:// 21
birth date:// 11/10
gender:// Female
occupation:// Personal Assistant at Tech Company

height:// 5'8
weight:// 112
hair color:// Dirty Blonde
eye color:// Green
tattoos, scars, piercings:// 67 tattooed on her index finger. No scars. Ears pierced and a tongue stud.

ability:// Troubadour

personality:// Ivory was always the quiet type. Preferring to just go by her day and by her own beat. Would wake up, spend all day following after a selfish CEO and doing her best to make him look good for a shitty paycheck, and then return at night with sore feet to a cup of ramen and a cigarette. She was able to hang out with her friends on the odd weekend but mostly spent her time alone. It was a lonely existence but at least it kept her busy. She hated boredom more than she hated her job.

Then, she moved a pencil. Just knocked it off a table after staring at it in silent boredom for the longest. For the longest time she'd thought she'd gone mad. How else would she explain it? Eventually she started picking up on patterns of when she was able to use it the easiest but it didn't really mean much. She was a normal woman with a normal job and a surprisingly low grip on her sanity. She didn't want some superpower she'd never really get to use, didn't think it did her any good at least. All it did was further isolate herself and put her further off tempo then the rest of the world. I mean, could you see the headlines?: The Incredible Assistant! What will she do next? Get her boss a coffee probably... with her mind!

She likes to think that she's a pretty okay person, polite at least, if a bit curt and short. But, she already had 3 really good friends. What else did she need, really? There was no point to her being nice... nothing good came from it, she found. It would hold no baring on her life, at least. She had more important things to worry about than if she was cold to a random passerby on the street. She's not a good person but she's not a bad one either. She prefers the term... neutral.

family history://
  • Francine Howards, alive, no abilities, somewhere in Flordia last she checked
  • James Howards, deceased, Troubadour, location unknown

Miscellaneous Information
Ivory hates sweet things, much preferring spice and sour. (Unless it's ice cream because... ice cream.)

Ivory was actually mute for almost 5 years after her pet dog Jamie died.

Ivory is almost constantly in a state of boredom, and finds most people to be boring. Hence her disconnect to most of the world around her.
@KipsatekingSweet! Why don't you toss me a PM and we can discuss something together?

Had to change her power last second BUT it still works, heh. Would've gone with Paladin BUT... *shrugs* Have a bored PA.
I'll try and get a CS up tonight~
Definitely interested.
Hesitant bump~
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