Avatar of caliban22
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 2022 (0.55 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. caliban22 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Current Sorry for disappearing. Some stuff came up that didn't allow me to access the site.
6 yrs ago
Sniggty snakes
6 yrs ago
I am genuinely shocked my adult card hasn't been revoked yet.
6 yrs ago
Over time pay day is a good day.
7 yrs ago
To all those who have been waiting on me I was unexpectedly without a way to access the internet...sorry.


Just kinda a dude who does stuff from time to time.

Most Recent Posts

... this looks great. I'm in
Looks cool send me a pm if you are still looking for some RP partner action.
I'm in looks like some fun on a bun.
Forward operation base San Francisco Presidio California 0300 2nd tactical brigade
In the early cool morning within the blast resistant Bremer wall in the main staging area 30 men and women covered in blood dirt and grime of combat stand at attention to pay their respect to the fallen as they are carried to their final resting place. Seven Spartan battle crosses stand solemnly at the heads of seven freshly filled in graves. The dog tags of the seven deceased jingle in the San Francisco Breeze.
For each Spartan lost was a crippling blow, each Spartan represented a seasoned veteran. In the days before all this A Spartan was some what replaceable as prior service would trickle in along with promising citizens for basic training. Now the only ones to replace them were some civilians from the militias and the brave individuals in the refugee camps.

At the head of the 30 ragged survivors of the leader of the group stood second lieutenant Maria Santiago. Since the arrival of short humanoids and synthetic pale constructs The Spartans have lost more and more troops. The enemy has become smarter often trying to mimic the weapons and tactics the Spartans used. The seven dead Spartans were the out come of an enemy ambush and artillery bombardment. All over the Invaders have become more aggressive and tactical in their fighting
As the lieutenant stood softly say a prayer for the fallen. her radio squawked in her ear.

" Hostiles have engaged friendly forces in the mission district, third rapid response team to your UH-60s. Platoons three and nine to provide Ground support...second platoon sit this one out, the rest of the company will pick up the slack." The company command said in his ear

As Maria finished up her prayer and her platoon left to take care of their own things she could hear the scuffs of five" individuals boots as they walk her way.
"Ma'am you got some new blood...Commander Vega said you took a hit today... sorry" An exhausted E4 said unceremoniously as he pointed to three men and a women dressed in brand new uniforms standing at attention. before Maria could say anything the E4 quickly left to Maria quickly looked over the name tags on their chests.
PFC Jackson,Allen,Ramirez and Nakano respectively.
Before any of them could say anything Maria walked away with an annoyed sigh
"Alright all of you are in 1st squad...they got it in the nec..

several hours later

"Platoons two, twelve, and six mount up the Presidio Militia forces have made contact with a major enemy element. 2nd and six platoon You are to ride along with the Bradleys and the second armored platoon and 12th armored platoon respectively... Twelve you are going in via UH-60 "

As soon as the orders came down then men and women of the 2nd platoon found themselves boarding And traveling in the IFVs with 1st squad, even with the noise of the engine the compartment was deadly silent.
Ay what's up? Just checking in. Letting you know I'm not dead of alcohol poisoning in a Vegas ditch somewhere... Though I feel like I should be. My Discord isn't working on my phone for some stupid reason. Working on that...anyways happy new year and marry Christmas,hanukkah,kwanzaa,festivus and whatever you choose to celebrate.
I would be willing to do a Slow romance.
I'm still here when ever.
Thank you.
Yes please if you wouldn't mind copying the message. I'm still unable to use the discord. Again sorry I didn't expect this to happen.
Hey long story short I was without WiFi or even a phone or computer. So sorry about that... I would have warned you if I had known I was going to be gone so long. Also I am still trying to get on my discord so sorry if anyone needed me on there...
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