Avatar of Camille Endora
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Camille-Endora
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 263 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Camille Endora 10 yrs ago
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Reia was still seated on the train. She looked at her phone for the time, and the train would leave the station in about ten minutes. She placed the folder back in her bag, figuring she had absorbed enough information for a while. Reia's room on the train was gorgeous, and she knew it was because it had been booked by the Guild. It sported a double bed, a table with chairs and also a small bathroom. The windows gave an excellent view and Reia peered out of the glass quietly from her seat. She remembered then, that even though this trip would take a while, they would probably be serving her dinner, and no one really knew her diet. She still had a few minutes to go mention it to someone, but wasn't sure who to tell. She crinkled her nose and got up, locking the room door behind her with the key that was provided, and then quickly made her way off of the train towards the office again.

The man spoke gently, curious, "Yes miss?" Reia smiled apologetically and began to speak, "I realize that dinner will be being served at some point. Who do I let know about being vegetarian?" The clerk grinned and then nodded in understanding. "Don't worry, they're already aware. Everything has been taken care of, Miss Stone. Have a safe trip." Reia looked at him gently, blushing a little that they had already been informed of her vegetarianism. "Thank you!" She turned gently to head back onto the train then. She felt like they were making a big deal out of her, for some weird reason.
Reia was welcomed into Welkins house, and she stepped inside gently, placing her bag down by the door. The lace shoulders of her black dress showed her pale blue skin, and she swept her hair from her face slightly, twisting it into a neat bun at the top of her head. It stayed up easily with a pin, and she looked at Welkins gently. "Hi. I'm sorry I didn't see you much today, I had a lot of things to get done before I could leave. The train leaves the station in about half an hour, so I wanted to come say goodbye before I went. I should only be gone for a couple of days, I think." She spoke softly, her blue eyes cool as she gazed around the room for a moment. She thought for a second and then continued, "Would it be alright if I left my house key with you? I'd really appreciate it if you could check on it while I'm away. I don't have any animals or anything, but still." Once she handed him her house key, she moved to sit on the couch gently.

"Did you talk to Isara?" she inquired, even though she figured she knew the answer already. "How did it go? I feel bad that I might have ruined your friendship with her. It wasn't my intention." She sighed softly, looking out the window slightly before resting her eyes on Welkins' face again. It seemed like something was bothering him. His aura was dull, and she could feel some sort of negative emotion in the air. She realized he hadn't smiled at her as big as he had the last couple days as well when she arrived. Maybe he didn't like her after all. Reia thought maybe then that her going away for this mission might be good. Give him some breathing room.

"Anyway, thank you again. Here's my cell in case anything happens," she smiled gently, writing down in cursive her name and cell phone number then handing him the paper. "I should get going so I'm not late. I promise I'll keep in touch while I'm away. I'll be back before you know it." Once Welkins took the paper from her, she reached out and hugged him gently, then brushed the hair from his face a little. "I'll see you later!" she picked up her bag and showed herself out of his house, moving quickly toward the train station. She could feel his eyes on her back while she walked away for a couple of seconds, and then she felt alone, mostly. There were people still around her, but none she really knew. Some from Galia, some from other places. She handed the clerk a piece of paper which held her ticket information provided by Kalona, and the clerk simply nodded and motioned to the train. Reia smiled, thanked him, and proceeded to board. She breathed out softly and found an empty section so she could focus. The train ride there was only a few hours, and she should arrive sometime later in the night. Enough time to get some rest before she had to get to work. She felt nervous and took the folder out of her bag, going over the case again and memorizing the information she would need to know.

Almost right after she accepted her mission, she decided she needed to go purchase some sheathes for her daggers, stop at home to pack up a bag, and do a few other things before she could even think about setting out. She wondered whether she should stop by Welkins' place before heading out, figuring she might not see him in a couple of days at least. She wasn't sure how long this task would take her, but by the sounds of it, it could end up being pretty intense. She made her way to the market and found a shop which sold weapons and accessories. She browsed for a few moments before getting some sheathes made to fit her thighs. Her daggers fit into them perfectly, and they were snug against her thighs. She paid for them and then took them off, making her way back home with the sheathes inside of a small cloth bag. On her way home she saw Isara walking, her head down. She looked upset and figured that Welkins had probably talked to her. Reia frowned a little, feeling guilty at the fact she might have honestly ruined their friendship. She sighed, looking at from Isara.

Finally she neared her house, and she saw Welkins shortly after seeing Isara. She slowed down, figuring she would at least ask if she could stop by before she left. She shoved the folder into her book bag and looked at her daggers for a moment, approaching Welkins. "I'm just letting you know, I'll be gone out of town on a Mission for a couple of days. I saw Isara on the walk this way. She seemed upset. Is it alright if I come back later before I leave, so I can say goodbye?" When he agreed, she waved and disappeared towards her house, going inside. She decided to eat a quick dinner, and went to pack her bag. She figured she might need something to fight in, just in case, and packed a specific outfit for the job. The rest of the outfits she chose were just casual. She changed into something more appropriate for the trip, and packed anything else she thought she might need. She had never met the person she would be joining up with once she arrived, but figured it would be fine. Finally once things were packed, she left the house, locking the door snugly behind her. She had her daggers sheathed to either thigh beneath her dress, and they stayed close to her skin so you wouldn't have guessed she was carrying a weapon with her, let alone two.

She arrived at Welkins house just after dinner time and knocked on his door, then waited. She placed her bag down on the ground while she waited.
"Continuing our earlier discussion, I will take a look at what's haunting you later tonight when the boys are asleep. Also, I will call Mom and plan a dinner or something for tomorrow. Might as well get it out of the way early." Ophelia stared at Jax silently for a moment before Jax continued. "I know, but Dad will be excited to see us. You know he can't get enough of you so don't be too perturbed. I will do my best to keep mom busy with me..promise." She thought about this for a couple moments before responding, her voice even. "Okay. You're probably right. I know he probably misses us. I trust you. I can send Dad a text asking if we can come over tomorrow if you like."

Finally they walked toward the lobby of the hotel, and Jax began going on about where they should all go for food. It had been a really long time since they had been back here, so Ophelia was sure that this had changed and expanded in the time away. "They say there's a new seafood restaurant on the pier but I think we should go to Antony's Pasta Bar. They have the best Tiramisu and gelato!" Ophelia couldn't help but laugh. Jax always talked like Ophelia still ate normal human food even though it had been years. "Sure, we can go to Antony's if you like. I'm sure the guys will enjoy it!" As she spoke she saw Roxas and Morthos walking towards them. Roxas was wearing something she hadn't seen before, and he seemed to be greeting women who looked at him. Ophelia's eyebrow raised slightly, wondering when he got the outfit. When he approached he seemed to just have finished laughing and he greeted them. "Hey girls how are you? Anything on the werewolves yet?"

Ophelia looked at him gently and shook her head, "Nothing that we know of really yet. But we are going to go to Antony's pasta bar for food, hopefully that's alright with you two?" she asked the boys. While she waited for the three to agree on the place to eat, Ophelia reached and took out her phone. Luckily her Dad had a cell since the girls lived elsewhere. "Hey Dad. Jax and I are in town on a mission with our group... Can we come over tomorrow for dinner?" Quickly she received a response with a simple "Sure sweets, 5:30pm."
They walked through the flowers and Reia listened to Welkins talk about his mother's death and about being unable to find Isara. This seemed weird, since from what she gathered, Isara was extremely close to him and spent lots of her time with him. Reia wondered if maybe she scared her away. It wasn't her intent to drive her away from being friends with Welkins. She simply wanted Isara to leave her alone, or at least be a little less rude. Reia was aware she could be abrasive too, but she had never been rude to anyone she didn't know like the way Isara had.

Finally Reia's thoughts were interrupted by Welkins speaking. "Reia I've had a really good time with you today. I hope you feel the same. I know it was a rough start, but it's going to be better from here on out." He turned to face her and he smiled. She wasn't quite sure what to say. She was still getting a feel for him. Hell, she was still trying to get used to being in a new place. "Thank you for bringing me here. I know this place must mean a lot to you," she said gently. It was beginning to get later into the evening, and Reia kind of wanted to get home. She was planning on getting a mission from the guild tomorrow if she could, and knew she'd need the rest. "I don't want to sound rude, but I want to get a decent amount of sleep tonight. I am planning on obtaining a mission tomorrow," she said gently, looking up at Welkins gently. She felt tired from the day, her muscles and shoulder still sore. She smiled a little at the thought of a hot bath, and began to walk back to the picnic blanket.

Finally once they made it to their houses, Reia waved gently at Welkins, smiling. She had thanked him for the date and kissed him on the cheek softly, but left it at that. Once inside she instantly went to the master bathroom and ran a hot bubble bath. She slowly unwrapped her shoulder, looking at the damage that Isara had caused. The slash wasn't too deep, but it was long and jagged. She cleaned it with alcohol and then sunk into the bath. Her mind went completely blank for a while. She didn't know for how long exactly that she was in there, and once she got out, she went right to sleep.

Once she woke up in the morning, she got dressed into a simple relaxed outfit and brought her book bag and her daggers with her to the Guild. She went up the stairs and found the main office where the Guild masters were, waving at Wendy as she went by. Right as Reia was about to knock on the heavy wooden door, it opened, and she could hear one of the Guild masters speaking gently. "Come on in, Reia." It took her by surprise slightly, but knew that with the vast variety of magic users and such, it wouldn't be rare for someone to have the Sight, or intuition abilities. She stepped inside the room and moved to sit down in a big leather chair. The room was warm, both in temperature and environment. The office was gorgeous and huge. She sat in the chair and the Guild Master looked her over gently. It was a bold move to try and obtain a mission this early into her studies, but she didn't want to waste time. This guild had the same ranking type system as SPA did, but for Reia, she wouldn't fight in battles to get to the top. She would ace her classes and do well on missions to climb the ladder for ranking.

The Guild master, whose name was Kalona, kept his gaze focused on her still for a little while. Finally before she could say anything, he handed her a thin folder. She could tell by Kalona's eyes that he was a Vampire, but something about the coloring was off. She wondered what type of powers he possessed. He smiled at her gently, and then spoke evenly. "That mission was given to you only because I am aware of the affinity for Spirit that you have. No one else here at Galia has this affinity. It's very rare, and very specific to this mission. I trust you'll be able to handle it on your own. I am aware of your reputation at SPA. Don't let me down." With that, Reia smiled softly at Kalona, nodding. "I won't disappoint you, Master Kalona."
"Anyways, after Roxas gets himself cleaned up what should we do? It's only mid afternoon, we have the rest of the day ahead of us," Morthos said, which was a good point. It was only lunch time technically, they'd need to get more information about the mission. Things like where specifically the werewolves were, if there was a pattern with their killings, ect. Ophelia decided though that they would all figure that stuff out later. "Maybe we can grab some lunch and talk about the plan of action while you guys eat?" Ophelia suggested. She didn't wait though for a response right away from Morthos. Instead Ophelia reached out towards Jax's bag and her own as well, taking them easily. She smirked slightly at Morthos and then couldn't help but laugh. "Do you even lift?" A grin spread across her face, and she disappeared into the room her and Jax would be sharing.

The room was actually fairly nice looking compared to how much older the town was. They weren't quite caught up yet with the city. She placed the bags on either of the beds and opened hers up. She had lots of fighting outfits, a couple of nice ones, and a few casual outfits. She didn't pack any shoes, like usual though. She was still wearing Roxas's shirt and the shorts. She decided to change into something casual. She sat down the bed and waited quietly for Jax.
"This is where I wanted to take you today. It's one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. I come here a lot when I'm needing to think or if I just want to be alone. Not many people in the town know about it, but I wanted to share this place with you. Somewhere you could go to think and be alone too." Welkins said, putting some food on a plate and handing it to Reia. She looked at the food and double checked that whatever he had given her was vegetarian, which it was. "Do you not eat meat either?" she asked him curiously. She hadn't mentioned the fact she was vegetarian at all to him. She ate quietly for a while and looked around the area. There was one single tree on top of the hill they were on, with flowers surrounding it. There was a slight breeze, and it rustled Reia's loose pieces of hair. She tucked the pieces behind her pointed ears, and looked at Welkins gently. He kept looking at her, and she was unsure why, but he eventually turned his gaze to the flowers and seemed to be thinking.

She finished eating finally and felt full and content. She put the plate down gently and laid the fork on top, wiping her lips with a napkin. "What's on your mind? Is everything okay? Did you get a chance to talk to Isara?" she asked curiously, her eyes still on Welkins face. His ears were slightly pointed, not as obvious as hers were though. She reached out gently and took his hand, pulling him up and heading towards the tree and the flowers for a walk. She wanted to experience this entire area to get the feel of it.
By the time the end of the day arrived, Reia felt fairly tired. She made her way slowly to meet Welkins, walking down the stairs of the institute to the main foyer, where Wendy sat at the front desk like usual. Reia could tell Wendy had said something to Welkins, but he didn't respond to her. Once she was in front of him though, he asked "Are you ready to go?" He was smiling like he had just had the best day of his life, and it was pretty cute how excited he was for this date.

"I'm ready," she said, looking at him gently. She knew they had to stop at his house first though, to pick something up. She was curious what it could be, and began walking in the direction of his house. She could feel eyes from others on her, probably wondering what she was doing with Welkins. She kept her eyes on the ground for most of the way to his house, and waited once he went inside to grab whatever it was he needed.
Reia's face turned from pale blueish, to deep pink when Welkins mentioned that the instructor was talking about lucking out with Welkins, and not lucking out by winning her fight against Isara. She felt stupid and embarrassed, and sighed again. "I think you should talk to her, and at least find out what the source of her issue is. I'm not going to let her bully me," she said seriously, her expression neutral. Welkins gave her a tip about trying to shut Isara up, but that felt childish and Reia didn't want to act like that. He reached out, grabbing her hands, she figured to try and make her feel safe. He then mentioned his excitement about the date. Reia hoped that Isara didn't hear him say they'd be going out. That's the last thing she needed.

"Where will we be going?" she asked, unable to keep her curiosity at bay. In a way, she didn't want him to spoil the surprise. She hoped it would be something amazing. She smiled softly and looked up at him after looking at their hands. She still felt a little hesitant, but was willing to give things a try. Hopefully everything would be okay. She did think things happened for a reason, after all.

Reia watched Welkins fight closely, noticing he was extremely fast. His skills were pretty impressive, but just like herself everyone could improve. Eventually the fight ended with a win for Welkins, and he made his way back over to the rails. He didn't even seem out of breath, which was astonishing. Reia didn't have that type of speed. But what she lacked in speed, she gained in spiritual intuition. Though to the naked eye, she would seem harmless and weak. Welkins leans up and kissed her softly, and she stared at him. She didn't kiss him back, only because the instructor walked up moments later to congratulate Welkins on his win. He then looked to Reia and spoke gently, though with a light heart. "Hey new girl. You lucked out with this one."

Without missing a beat, Reia looked him dead in the eyes and spoke evenly, "She deserved it. That woman had it coming, I'm sure." Without responding, the instructor walked off. Since the rest of the class would be sparring the instructor, or Isara once she was better, Reia sat down on the bench and waited for Welkins to sit beside her. Once he was seated, she turned her body to face his slightly, slipping her heels back on. "Isara was spying on us last night, Welkins. I just thought you might want to know..." she said, her blue eyes on his hazel ones. "She also called me a tramp, and said she deserved to be with you, and that I don't." Reia sighed softly, letting her gaze fall onto her daggers which were placed in her lap now.
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