Avatar of Camille Endora
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Camille-Endora
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 263 (0.07 / day)
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    1. Camille Endora 10 yrs ago
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Reia watched as Welkins entered the room, and he waved back at her. He sat down, noting that she looked exhausted. He asked what happened, and she almost started crying right then and there. She lowered her head slightly so her forehead rested in her hands, and she breathed deep and slow to try and stay calm. "I'll tell you over dinner. It's not a topic for class," she said softly, her voice shaky. Welkins then took her hand and tried to comfort her. She clenched her teeth together to hold back tears and then cleared her throat. She almost felt the need to be excused from class, and she wanted to speak with Kalona as well. She wasn't sure though what class held today, and was willing to wait and see before she decided to stay or go.

So far it seemed they would just be working on written work, history of weapons, and other. That was something she could do later on in her own time. She stood up slowly from the table again and looked at Welkins. "I need to go speak with Master Kalona. I don't think I'll be returning to class though. Do you think you could take notes for me so I can get them from you later?" Reia leaned forward and kissed Welkins cheek quickly, her lips barely touching his skin. She left some of her paper on his desk so he could use it for notes, and then turned to leave the class. She smiled very faintly at the instructor, and he simply nodded and allowed her to leave.

On her way up to Kalona's office, she considered what she was going to say. There were many thoughts going through her mind, and before she knew it she was face to face with his office door. Before she could knock, the door swung open and she blinked slightly. "Come in Reia. We have much to talk about," Kalona said, an understanding smile spreading across his face. Reia nodded and stepped inside, Kalona closing the door behind her. She could feel him standing behind her for a moment, and his height made her feel inferior, but she was used to that. Kalona however, was intimidating in every aspect of the word.

Reia waited for Kalona to sit at his desk, and she took in the features of the room again, still amazed by how gorgeous it was. A gorgeous room, for a gorgeous being, she thought. She sat down in the chair on the other side of his desk, and curled her legs up slightly. "Congratulations on your first mission here. I trust things went well?" Kalona asked curiously, though Reia wasn't sure if he was asking because he already knew and wanted her opinion, or because he was genuinely curious how it went.

"Yes sir, things went as well as they could, I suppose. There was one casualty though. But I tried my best, and ensured the safety of Ophelia," she said, her voice sounding strained. She knew she didn't need to say much else about the situation. Kalona would understand. "I see. Well done. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. Either way I trust you will be a great asset to us here. I'm sure you've heard by now that we are setting up extra precautions due to Welkins spotting a possible spy. I can ensure you though, things will work out. Your payment will be in your account by noon today." he added. He looked at Reia with an intensity that she couldn't look away from. She noticed she was holding her breath, and breathed out slowly. Kalona's normal smile turned into one that was much more cheeky, a crooked half smile. Reia's eyes widened for a moment and then she managed to look away, shifting slightly in her seat.

"Master Kalona, was there anything else you wanted to speak to me about? Or should I get going to class?" Reia didn't mind his intensity, but she wasn't used to it really. Kalona stood up then from his desk and moved around to the front of it, leaning against it slightly, looking down at her. "Reia, your grades are fantastic. I'm sure after your time at SPA you could use a couple of days off of school. Take some time to recover, and come see me again when you feel better. I'll ensure I gather all of the things you've missed."

"Are you sure that's okay? I'm sure I can handle it," Reia tried to argue, but Kalona cut her off. "Enough. Now go home and get some rest, focus on yourself for a while..." Reia didn't bother trying to fight him on this. He was the Head Master after all, but the way he said the last bit of his sentence made her blush, whether it was meant that way or not. He handed her a note to give to her weaponry instructor. "Yes sir. Thank you," she said, a gentle smile playing across her lips. She got up, brushing off her outfit to keep it wrinkle free, and headed to the door. She could feel Kalona's eyes on her, and she pulled the heavy door back and stepped outside, closing it behind her. She let out a deep breath when she knew she was out of his eyesight, and shook herself out. What a weird interaction. She wanted to find Welkins and tell him she was being sent home. The conversation with Kalona didn't take any more than half an hour, so she figured he would still be in weaponry.

For some reason now, despite everything that had happened the day before, Reia's mood was lifted after speaking with Kalona. She finally made her way to weaponry. Without knocking, she entered the room and walked over to Welkins, "I've been ordered to take a couple days off of school. Are we still on for dinner?" The blush was still apparent on her cheeks, and she waited for his response. When he finally responded, she brought the note from Kalona up to the front, handed it off and disappeared out the door, heading toward her house.
"No problem. I set everything up so we can go over entry points. Before we get to that though. Did everything go alright? You seem slightly irritated." Jax spoke gently, and Ophelia could feel tension coming off of her sister. She held back a smile and looked at Jax. Her eyes then shifted from her face to the books and the map. She felt annoyed still, her mood on the verge of rude and blunt.

"I don't know. I told him that his bull with Ifrit constantly talking back and forth to him could cost us the mission. He doesn't think so, but I'm not so sure. I also told him that we need to restart this whole relationship and get to know each other, once we get back to SPA. I'm just frustrated with him. But no matter... Let's take a look at this map and figure out the best points of entry. What were you thinking?" Ophelia walked over to the bed and gazed at the map. She knew what the building looked like from the outside, but having the blueprint was even better. Jax was great at planning, so she figured with this combined information, things should go smoothly.

"There's a big where house door along the side of the building, but it was completely boarded up from what I could tell. What other places could we get in through? Should we try and be stealthy, or just burst in?" Ophelia was now in full mission planning mode, asking tons of questions right after one another. She waited for Jax to answer and looked up at her again expectantly, her eyes seemingly back to the blue grey everyone was used to.
Ophelia watched as Roxas stepped out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Her eyes slowly gazed at his body and then went back to his face, and she chewed her lip slightly. He began to speak, but his voice was strained and she could tell he was upset. Her stomach tightened at the thought, instinctively wanting to console him. But instead of immediately moving toward him, she stayed where she was.

“I don’t understand what’s going on with you. You can’t keep talking to him, Roxas. It’s bad enough he’s even in there, you’re making it worse by responding. And you left before our conversation was over back there,” she said, her voice stern and she watched his face.

Roxas looked Ophelia in the eyes. He knew she was right, but this had been going on for close to ten years now. There wasn’t much he thought he could do right now if at all. “Listen. I know you are worried about me, but I’ll be okay. There’s nothing I can do about it right now. If I missed anything then you can tell me about it later. Please just don’t worry about this right now. We’ve got a mission to do.” There wasn’t much kick behind his words, but that didn’t matter to him. It was hard enough as it was to even talk about all this. Roxas just flashed a little smile and said, “Please don’t worry about me.”

She shifted, moving her hands to her hips and her eyebrow raised up slightly as she scoffed. “You have got to be joking, right? You realize that this bastard could completely screw our mission. You just act like he’s your friend or some shit like that. It’s ridiculous. I’m obviously going to worry!” Ophelia exclaimed. It was weird how far away from Roxas she felt in this moment, despite the bond. She was annoyed, stressed, and just wanted things to be “normal”. Whatever that was.

Water dripped down her skin and hair onto the floor beneath her, and she tried her best not to allow herself to get upset with him. She knew there was probably much more to what he was dealing with than he let on, but either way it was frustrating.

He knew he was going to piss her off if things went any further this way so he decided to stay calm instead of get worked up. She didn’t know much about what was going on so he couldn't blame her for all this. “Ophelia there’s much more to this than I’ve told you. We have a deal. I can use his powers for a limited amount of time during battle or just in general. The downside of that is I get to talk to him or hear him in my head every so often. Usually we don’t speak to each other. Actually it’s only been recently that he’s been talking more.” He decided to skip the fact about dying if he uses the powers for to long.

“I know you’re worried about the mission and I can promise you he can’t do anything to jeopardize it. His chains are too powerful to even think about trying anything.” He really didn’t want to make her mad right now or ever for that matter. This was unavoidable though. There wasn’t much he could do about the situation he was in with Ifrit.

Ophelia’s eyes were already fairly dark from being annoyed, and they just continued to get darker with each passing moment. She looked at Roxas in the eyes and stepped closer to him. “Maybe he won’t jeopardize the mission, but you might.” She paused a moment, knowing that would sting, but it was how she felt in the moment. By the time she was ready to break eye contact, her eyes were nearly black. She blinked a couple of times and they seemed to lighten back up again, and she stepped away from Roxas in the direction of the door. “Get some sleep, and please be ready for tomorrow, early.”

Roxas finally lost it. He was tired of everyone getting mad at him for something he couldn’t control. “You think I want this?” He snapped. “I hate every bit of this more than anyone could understand. I have the king of hell imprisoned in my body and there’s nothing I can do about it. You have any idea how many time I have thought about or even tried to kill myself because of this? I don’t get the freedom to choose if I hear him or not. The only good thing about this is that I get to use some sort of power and even then it’s limited.” The wasn’t going at all like he had wanted it to. “I am an abomination! I have no one who understands or even seems to care to understand. Everyone just gets angry at me and says ‘Oh just don’t talk to him, don’t let him in.’ I can’t do that!”

Roxas was on the verge of tears again and this time he wasn’t even going to try and stop them. He had been keeping this in for years now and finally it’s coming out. “I hate every fiber of myself and want this all to be over. I have been living with this for ten years Ophelia. Do you have any idea how that feels? If I die, he comes out and kills everyone. So I survive. I fight and get stronger. You think I’m going to have a tough time tomorrow? Maybe, but you’ll see I will win. I’ll probably get my ass handed to me at first and maybe I’ll almost die, but I will kill that werewolf one way or another.” He knew this probably sounded rude or mean, but he had no intention of it being that way. His voice softens again. “Ophelia I’m not trying to be mean I promise. I just can’t take you getting angry at me for something I can’t control. I’m sorry. If you want to leave for tonight then I understand… I love you.” Roxas starts to turn around to the bathroom again.

While Ophelia had her back to Roxas, he snapped at her. Her eyes narrowed and she let out a low growl, turning back around to face him. “Don’t be an asshole. You don’t get to treat me like garbage just because you’re having a hard time!” Her voice was rising with each word, and she curled her fingers into the palms of her hands angrily. “It was your choice to imprison him inside of you!” She was full on shouting now, and her stance was changing to one of defense, the crouch she had learned to take on when about to attack.

Though as she stared him down, his voice softened and he spoke more evenly. Her eyes were still dark, but she straightened up and took a more natural stance once again. She stepped forward toward Roxas, but he turned toward the bathroom again. She grabbed his wrist and turned him around so he faced her again, and she looked at him. Her eyes once again looked at his half naked body and then she began to speak. There was still tension in her voice, though. “When we get back after this mission, you will be taking me out on a date. And we are going to start this relationship over. The right way.”

Roxas looked down at Ophelia after she turned him around. “This wasn’t my choice…” He said softly. He didn’t want this conversation to continue anymore. It was hard enough to talk about what happened to him, but he wasn’t ready to say anything about his team. “I’m sorry.” He couldn’t think of anything else to say at this moment. He was happy that they’d be able to go on a date and maybe get to know each other better. After a short silence, he finally spoke up. “I’d like that.”

Ophelia simply looked at him and then made her way to the hotel room door again, “I have to go. Jax is waiting for me to go over more details of the plan. Get some rest, and I’ll see you tomorrow.” She smiled very faintly, her eyes grey again. She would need to feed somehow, but didn’t want to risk making Roxas more tired than he needed to be, so she would go to a bank or something else that she knew would be safe while everyone else slept. “Goodnight.” she said again, then closed the door behind her and disappeared into her own room.

“Sorry I’m late, Jax. Okay let’s see what we have.”
Suddenly, before the discussion was over, Roxas said he had to go, and got up and left. Ophelia's brows furrowed together. She caught a glance from Jax, realizing by her expression that they both knew it was Ifrit. "I have faith that you guys will kick ass tomorrow. I don't know what's up with him but perhaps we can finish this discussion in the morning. It's been a long day and I'm sure we are all exhausted. Maybe go check on him before we head to bed? I would offer but he doesn't talk to me like he does with you. I'll meet you back at the room in fifteen and week can go over the maps then." Jax said, looking at Ophelia. Without a moment's hesitation, Ophelia moved towards Jax and gave her a hug. "I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry. Everything will work out. I'll see you in a few minutes. Love you," she said, and got out of the hot tub.

Quickly she made her way to the boys' room, and opened the door. Just as the door shut behind her, Ophelia could hear Roxas shouting "Now get out of my head!" To anyone else, the sound would probably be muffled by the door closing as well as the obviousness of the water from the shower. But Ophelia could hear it clearly, and she frowned deeply, feeling uneasy. She pushed some wet strands of hair from her face and cleared her throat, squaring off her shoulders before moving to the bathroom and knocking on the door. "Roxas?" she said, unsure if he could hear her. Her voice was normally even and calm, but she could tell there was a hint of tension there now.

"Please come out here and talk to me," She said again, this time it wasn't so much a question than a request. She hoped that he would listen to what she had to say. She knew that Jax was concerned about the fact he still spoke with this demon who he supposedly hated. Why talk to him if he hated him? Ophelia tried to keep her mind focused, and waited.
Ophelia watched Jax move her arm, knowing exactly what she was doing and she stifled a laugh and hid her smile. This was time for serious talk, yet these two were fooling around. She paid close attention then to Morthos. He was concentrating for a few moments before a ring of fire surrounded the hot tub. It added an extra warmth and flare to the scene, and Ophelia knew very well this would work to keep the Werewolves contained. Pretty much no one liked fire, unless they were somehow immune to it. She wondered for a moment if Morthos was immune to fire. She smiled slightly at the thought, her fangs just barely touching her bottom lip.

"That will work perfectly, Morthos. Even a short amount of time inside that ring will be long enough to take care of those dogs. They're strong and fast, but I've dealt with them before. I think Roxas and I will be able to handle the Alpha and Beta, Jax. Don't worry about that. We won't let you down," she said, her tone straight to the point. There was no way Ophelia would let this mission fail. She wanted to ensure this group went back to SPA victorious. And working together with a well thought out plan, was the best way to make sure that would be accomplished. The real struggle here, will be meeting with their parents. A shudder moved down Ophelia's spine, and she shifted in her seat slightly, the water and bubbles moving around her to splash at her sudden jolt. Her mind shifted from the plan of action, to feeding. It was always on her mind, whether at the front or not. She would definitely need to feed tonight to ensure she had full strength tomorrow. Feeding tonight would allow herself to be at her peak, as well as everyone else having full rest.

Ophelia moved slightly, so that Roxas' arm was around her waist. She yawned, feeling tired despite not having to sleep.
Reia slowly made her way to weaponry and sat at the back of class. She just really wanted the day to be over, or at least to eat or drink something that might give her her energy back. She covered her mouth slightly, hiding a yawn. She wasn't sure if Welkins would be coming to class today, knowing he had a lot on his plate. After a few minutes, she watched him walk in, and waved very slightly.
"I have no idea what's going to happen but I just hope it won't be too bad. I cant stay long though would you like to come tonight and have dinner with me and we can catch up on the last day?" Welkins said, smiling again.

Reia could tell he didn't feel as happy as he was letting on though, and she tilted her head to the side slightly. She figured she wouldn't say anything in regards to that though, since she knew that he was probably extremely worried about this situation. He seemed to be very in tune with his job.

"Dinner sounds nice, I'll see you then." She smiled softly at him, hoping that her calmness would help relax him. Finally she stood up, despite being so much shorter than Welkins, so she could be more face to face. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek slightly, before turning to head to her classes. She would need to make up for the day before.
Reia listened to the Guild Masters speak, paying the most attention to Kalona. His eyes met hers while he spoke for a brief moment, acknowledging that she had returned safely. Once he finished speaking, Reia waited for the theater to empty out before even considering standing up and leaving. She watched Welkins get up as well as Isara, but Isara left in a different direction. Reia wondered if Isara planned to leave her alone now. Women were unpredictable sometimes though. She shrugged inwardly and then Welkins was suddenly in front of her.

"Hi." he said. He was smiling. She wondered how he felt after what she had said to him the last time she saw him. He was probably more distracted with the fact Kalona thought that they may be on the brink of war. She was still sore and tired, so she simply stayed seated for a minute. "Hello," she spoke softly, just little more than a whisper. Her skin was pale, and she just really wanted to get the day over with so she could rest again. She would probably need to speak with Kalona about her mission details, and would go do that after she finished talking to Welkins.

"So, War huh? Just like you said. Do you really think that patrolling the area more will do anything?" She was curious as to what Welkins really thought about the situation, and her eyes watched his face.
Ophelia listened as Jax and Morthos spoke about the abandoned building, and being followed. She shivered slightly at the thought, not liking the sound of it at all. It was lucky she had good hearing, and the bubbles were loud. No one should be able to hear them in here, like Jax said. When Jax finally asked what the came across, Ophelia quickly organized her thoughts. Roxas had her hand held beneath the water, and she curled her fingers slightly.

"Well, we checked out the forests first. There was this huge tree, which was hollowed out using fire I think. And we found one werewolf, and also a dead child inside of it. You can guess how that ended... We burnt both the bodies. Unfortunately I didn't get any info from that werewolf, but either way we also came across that abandoned building you mentioned. The alpha and beta were in there, but it's mostly boarded up. So obviously the others were out hunting or doing whatever." She stopped for a moment, contemplating her thoughts again. "It's going to be hard to get them all in one place at the same time. We should figure out what the plan will be for tomorrow. We know where they are, we just have to figure out the rest. What do you think, Jax?" Ophelia asked softly, turning her attention to Jax.
Reia woke to the sound of her alarm. She rubbed her face slightly and looked around the room. She still wore the same outfit from the day before, and her body was extremely sore. Her head was pounding, probably from all the crying she had done. She was also extremely famished. She looked at the clock which stood on the nightstand, and she figured she would only have enough time to pack her things and get to the train station. She would receive her pay straight into her account from the guilds, and wouldn't have to worry about that. Slowly, Reia got up out of bed, brushing her clothing out and straightening her hair. She brushed her teeth and packed up her things into her bag. Once she packed everything, she make a mental list of anything she may have forgotten, and went around and checked each part of the room. Finding nothing left, she made her way downstairs to the main foyer. The peppy woman she had met the night before wasn't there, and so Reia silently returned the room key and headed outside.

Once on the train and in her assigned room, she grabbed a clean outfit and went to shower, ordering some room service while she did so. Once she was clean, dry, and dressed, her room service arrived and she ate quietly. Her body was still aching, but felt a little better after having been under the hot water of the shower head. She wondered what was going on back home, and decided to text Welkins that she would be home in a few hours. It was still very early in the morning, and by the time she would arrive she figured he'd be doing something. For the rest of the ride home, she slept. She still was tired, and knew she would have to get right back to her studies once she arrived.

Finally the train came to a halt at the station, and Reia got off with her bag. The walk to her house was a bit, but she figured the fresh air might do her some good. She only wanted to go home first before heading to the Guild, so she could drop her bag off and look over the house. Quickly and without any interruptions, she made her way home and dropped her bag off. Everything seemed to be in place, and a while later, she arrived at the Guild. She pushed the doors open and was immediately greeted by a man who seemed to be ushering people toward a lecture theater. She followed his instructions, heading into the big room quietly. Her eyes grazed the crowd, and she spotted Welkins and Isara next to him. A pang of jealousy washed over Reia, and she frowned, immediately pushing the feeling away. She found a spot at the back of the room and sat down. She saw Kalona at the front of the room, and there was a tension in the air that you could cut with a knife. Something bad must have happened.
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