Avatar of Chairman Stein
  • Last Seen: 3 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Chairman Stein
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 541 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Chairman Stein 10 yrs ago


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This song has kind of been my anthem lately... It's been a bad week, to put it simply.
To be honest you could play it off as time being somewhat irrelevant. Most of the activities you can do per-turn can be done in a time frame ranging from a few days or weeks to upwards of a year or more. I'm just kind of writing off time as a concept in this RP. Pretend it's a Total War game and you're more in a era than a time.
The Bonesnapper Tribe

E) Explore

Upon seeing the great heights of the western mountain, Nagrub smiled wide. This land had beasts of strength and size to give even one as great and fierce as him a struggle, what other wonders did this new land hide in her vastness? Raising his mighty war axe, or 'choppa' as orcs tended to call them, and pointing the great weapon in the direction of the western peak, Nagrub loudly proclaimed that the Bonesnapper tribe would see what lied there and beyond. For it was a sign from the green gods! Surely anything that laid within the shadow of that great height was worthy of a orcish brawl.

Thus, with high spirits and a hope for a good fight in their hearts, a expedition was sent with Nagrub himself leading the warband. In his abscence from Iron Rock, Wurtag the Greenseer would administrate the camp and ensure stability while the Warlord was away. What the mad Shaman would get up to without the domineering presence of his warboss was anyone's guess, though from the mad look in his eyes and his obsession with spiky, and thus orcish, architecture gave the boyz around him an idea of his intentions.

The Bonesnapper Tribe

A) Improve Food

Greenskins, like most orcs, become restless without a strong leader willing to bash some 'eadz' and yell orders. Thus, the Warlord was right to work. Within days of their arrival and establishment of Iron Rock, Nagrub organized small warbands to scour the immediate surroundings of Iron Rock for wild game. However, the Warlord made it very clear to his "Unter Boyz" not to kill their prey. After bashing the heads of any orc that questioned his order, Nagrub explained to his boyz the necessity to create a stable supply of meat for the tribe. To ensure the boyz stayed to their task; tribe Shaman and Advisor to Nagrub, Wurtag the Greenseer was assigned to oversee the hunt.

While the warbands scoured the land, Nagrub himself oversaw the construction of a vast 'boar pen' suitable for his new encampment. If the tribe was to thrive in this new land, their stomachs would need to be filled and their encampments properly organized to both defend themselves and to run day to day tasks. In Wurtag's vision of this new land the Shaman saw 'camps fit for the mightiest warboss' and Nagrub would ensure that the mad Shaman's vision would become reality.

It did not take long for the hunters to return, and within days passing the makeshift boar pens began to fill with brutish and furious looking beasts with tusks already dirtied with the blood of orcs foolish enough to anger them. Soon, these boars would breed and more boars would fill even bigger pens. Perhaps a feast would need to be arranged to honor this new home for the green tide and thank the pantheon of orcish gods for this new land. But most of all, to honor the great orc host Nagrub for his strategic brilliance in... Capturing animals. In the Warlord's defense, these boars likely were of the same intelligence as many of his boyz.

I have no orcish brethren on the continent! Oh well, MORE HUMIE SKULLS FOR ME

also more spikes
Any chance we'll get a channel on the RPG Discord to talk amongst each other?
To be honest I'm mostly going for Warhammer Fantasy Orcs but I'll probably end up using some Warcraft orc art too just because there's not enough Warhammer art. So in the end it'll be a strange mix of the two most likely.
I'm sure orc architecture will be stunning forms of... Straw and wood huts covered in gore and bones. But at least they'll be structurally efficient huts of gore and bones!

The Bonesnapper Tribe

For ages the Greenskin Tribes of the southern sands have remained in their vast and limitless deserts and steppes, fighting amongst each other for supremacy of a rather literal empire of dirt and sand. For the northern realms this was a blessing, as they could focus their coffers on other affairs than maintaining a military force capable of dealing with the greenskins. However, times have changed...

What brought the Bonesnapper Tribe is anyone's guess. Perhaps their tribe was forced into a rout by a rival tribe, or perhaps the tribe shaman had visions of a land of plenty worthy of Nagrub Teefsmasher's conquests. Regardless of the reason, the great Orc rallied his greenskin tribe for a great migration north through the desert. This long march lasted many seasons, and the Bonesnapper tribe's population fell to numbers pitiful for any supposed warlord. At last, however, after great trials and tribulations the greenskins poured out from the south-eastern forests and mountain passes in a green tide... The Orcs had arrived in the realm.

Seeing a land of rolling hills, amber pastures, and plentiful vegetation and resources, Nagrub demanded his 'boyz' to establish camp at the crest of a great hill just north of the southern forests, where the trees meet the stone. This camp, now known as 'Iron Rock', would be the capital of the Orc Warlord's new realm; and all who opposed him would meet his wrath. For this new continent did not belong to any other races or creeds. No... This continent was green.

Honestly if you guys want don't wait on me, I can take the turn hit it's not a big deal. @Theodorable
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