Avatar of Chuuya
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 696 (0.46 / day)
  • VMs: 1
  • Username history
    1. Chuuya 4 yrs ago
    2. █████ 4 yrs ago
    3. ████ 4 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Some things are just certain. Like death, taxes, and lying in the Mystery Dungeon personality tests.


No, I can't believe how little all this means to me.

I'm a long-time Roleplayer looking to do something with my life. My name is Chuuya, Chuu, or Oliver and I'm a 23 year old that lives with relatives outside Tampa. I like 2D fighting games, discovering new music on the daily, and I'm about as much of a weaboo as the next guy. At the moment, I'm currently in the middle of guerilla warfare with the roaches in my bathroom and the dumbest thing I've ever done was fly across the country for work during a national crisis. I like listening to people's problems and I sometimes think about the fanfictions that I'd like to write too. I'm also pretty good at reading people, but other than that, I'm actually pretty boring.

I don't have a preference for Roleplaying though I tend to bore very easily and get distracted by the next shiny plot that comes along. I'm open to about anything though I'm too inexperienced for smut (I have to know my partner for a minimum of a year before I feel comfortable writing it anyway). I've been Roleplaying for a little over a decade now and I'm mostly adjusted to "chat-based" Roleplays (i.e. Discord), but I'm open to new experiences. That's all I can think for now, but ask me anything and I'll be happy to share.

My best friends, @Lyly and @Tiger, also use this website.

  • The Collision Games
  • Starfall Hollow

Most Recent Posts

I'd be glad to drop what I prefer to write, and thanks for asking @Chuuya. It's listed in my bio that I pretty much exclusively do dark fantasy and science fiction but thinking on it I'm pretty sure I should probably elaborate on that here. When it comes to dark fantasy I absolutely love incredibly real and morbidly human types of stuff. I know that sounds a weird and might be a bit difficult to understand so an example would be Berserk, as in the manga. My favorite dark fantasy settings are probably the Souls series due to the hard atmosphere and vague lore. Sci-Fi is where things really branch off. I've done gritty futuristic synthwave type stuff but on the same end I've done out-of-this-world balls-to-the-wall Gurren Lagann type stuff. I am very open to trying new genres though, detective genres have been grabbing my eye and I've been meaning to try some more lovecraftian type stuff.

It's been a hot minute since I've run into any of that on the Guild, but some of it tends to pop up from time-to-time in Casual, Advanced, and even 1x1. Hopefully you're able to find what you're looking for and enjoy the time you spend on here. If you have any questions though, then please don't hesitate to drop me a DM. I'm usually around and happy to help. You can also visit this section for useful guides or this section for asking questions further as well. Hope to see you around.
Welcome to the Guild, @calliope. What are you looking to write while on here?
Welcome to the Guild, @Inedible.

Based on what you wrote, I think that this section is the best fit for you though you might also find a Roleplay here, here, or maybe even here. If you have any questions while scrolling about, then feel free to drop me a DM or visit this section for more information. You can also pop by the official Discord which can be accessed through the top sidebar to come say hi or ask any questions that you might have! Questions can also be asked here too if you can't find what you're looking for and/or are feeling too shy to drop a message.

I think that's it for now, but I look forward to seeing you around. Hope you find what you're looking for and enjoy the time you spend on here!
Welcome back to the Guild, @Nova Belladonna.

I'm sure that you already have an idea as to what you're doing considering you've been here before, but if you have any questions, then please don't hesitate to ask. I'd be happy to help you however I can! On a side note, I saw that you posted your cat in the #pets channel on the Discord and I just wanted to say that they were very adorable.
In uh hi 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the Guild, @Edie.

Is there any questions that we can answer to help you get started? It looks like you've already begun to explore the website for yourself, but we'd be happy to help you however we can. You can also visit here and here or stop by the Guild's official Discord for more answers too.
Slightly strange icon.
Welcome to the Guild, @Triptophobinos.

Discord Roleplayer here as well though I'm still struggling to adjust to the forum format. It works pretty well if you're patient though (which I'll admit that I'm certainly not). What do you generally prefer to write if you don't mind me asking? Also don't worry about grammar or formatting. We've seen much lazier introductions anyway.
I'm also stuck in the south and I want out. It's too hot here for my northern sensibilities.
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