Avatar of Ciaran
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Joined: 7 yrs ago
  • Posts: 375 (0.15 / day)
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    1. Ciaran 7 yrs ago


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2 yrs ago
Current We got a new Skynd release. Today is a good day.
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2 yrs ago
It's been a few years, but yeah... I'm thinking I'm back
5 yrs ago
Really in the mood for some gothic steampunk right now.
5 yrs ago
Alright guys, I'm back. Will be posting very soon.
5 yrs ago
Estimating about two weeks until I can get my laptop replaced and my posting will be back up to speed.


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Here she is, ready to go!

@PrinceAlexus You want a cohesive party? Clearly, you need the nonviolent psychopath I've been working on over the last couple of days.
Use of the cape in battle. A popular strategy in fencing, but always an annoying one. Typically one would simply move out of the way, as a cloak throw was almost always followed up with an attack. Besides, it's simply stupid to attack through, and leave oneself open to retribution.

Kull was correct in that an injured right leg would slow a backwards retreat from where he was now standing, as putting large amounts of weight on it would be painful. However, Charlotte could bring her right foot, which had been in front during the previous attack, back next to her left, turning her to face Kull's new position in time to duck the cloak before he continued to move in that direction.

The question, then was how to respond. Kull was undoubtedly stronger than Charlotte, so a close melee could not be prolonged in her favour, without an outside advantage. Yet, she could not reliably hit Kull with her estoc, without an outside advantage. Without an outside advantage.

A disgustingly brutal idea came across Charlotte. Not something she'd ever consider doing normally, but Kull had annoyed her, and it might be necessary for her survival. Without an outside advantage. What was her best advantage over Kull? His injury.

Dropping her estoc to the sand, Charlotte leapt up (two feet to two feet, keeping her leg in mind) from her ducking position and jammed her right thumb into Kull's injured eye.

Should her attack work, she would grin, and say to her opponent "You know what might have helped there? A mask."
Commander Nought

10:53 <Commander Nought> He's planning to throw someone to the bugs under suspicion of assisting terrorists. I wouldn't call that less.
10:54 <Commander Nought> Besides, we're being paid to do a job. If we are intentionally given false information about what the job is, our resources, reputations and potentially our lives are being put at risk to achieve something we don't necessarily want. Forgive me if I'm not keen on just sitting back and letting that happen.
Commander Nought

10:50 <Commander Nought> Baines, we need to talk. It's clear that either you or Walsh has lied to us. If it turns out you were the one doing the bullshitting, there's going to be a serious problem between you and me, and I won't intend it to end prettily.
Powers-wise, I'm going for something similar to what Sherlock and Moriarty do in this scene:

That is, predicting outcomes accurately despite a huge number of variables involved. Plus it allow for badass internal monologues mid-fight.
"I'll admit, it's a tempting offer, but somehow you've managed to make me dislike you so much I'd risk my life for the chance to end yours."

Kull hadn't attacked. Typical. Still, Charlotte was uninclined to simply stand around waiting. She couldn't have her audience getting bored, after all. So, after taking a few moments for her vision to finish clearing, she moved forwards lightly and made her attack.

Learning from last time, she avoided committing herself too much to it, so she could avoid a counterattack. Instead she moved forwards so that she could slash at Kull's neck with the very tip of the estoc, standing side-on and putting weight onto her back foot so she could dart forwards if he were to dodge back. The swing was small and quick, moving diagonally upwards and to Charlotte's right, stopping almost immediately after the intended point of contact, while her cinquedea remained where it was, ready to defend as necessary.
Commander Nought

08:35 <Commander Nought> Has logged on
08:36 <Commander Nought> Alright. Once it's deployed my forces, I'll have my frigate take position in firing range of the station, with orders to engage any non-fed ships that leave it. Don't want anyone making an escape.
08:38 <Commander Nought> The units deployed by the frigate will be a troops company and a medical team. The company will secure the hangar and search any non-fed ships docked, making arrests or engaging hostiles as necessary. Once this is complete, the company and medic team will establish a base from which the other commanders may perform their own plans. Any wounded should be brought back to this position if possible.
Just posting to say I'm still here, and my character will be coming soon.
Challenge accepted.

Ricky Hatton's (pro boxer) punch speed - ~25mph
Diameter of a H2O molecule (most common molecule in human skin) - ~0.29nm (0.000000029mm)
25mph = 11176000000nm per second
Deceleration = (0 - 11176000000nm per second)/0.00000000025948461 seconds = -4306999200000000000000000000nm per second per second.
-4306999200000000000000000000nm per second per second = -430699917039m per second per second, or -430699917.039km per second per second.
(If you don't want to read that brick of a number, that's over 430 million kilometres.)
-430699917039m*0.7 (average mass of a human fist) = 301489941927N
(Or three-hundred thousand million Newtons of force.)

So how much is ~300,000,000,000 Newtons of force? Well...

  • About 3300 Newtons will break a rib.
  • About 250,000 Newtons will instantly stop a car moving at 60mph (depending on the car).
  • About 750,000 Newtons are necessary for a rocket to lift off.
  • A 50-kiloton nuke delivers about 450 million newtons of force.
  • And since I'm running out of ideas, it would take about a 34 megaton nuke directly hitting this person's fist to re-create the damage that one punch would cause to them.
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