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<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

The Ambassador nodded. "Acknowledged." he said to him. The ambassador sighed once he was gone. "I sure hope I have done good..." he muttered to himself, thinking about what will happen to the Federation in the future. The Veilletes Republic would be a good Ally to the Federation, though this Modernization process will likely take a good amount of time, plenty of land to Modernize in the Federation.

The Ambassador sent a letter to the Commander and his associates about what the Ambassador has managed to work out with the Veilletes Ambassador. Once he arrives at the capital he can see that is large and grand, and many people here seem to live a 'lavish' life style in luxury. Though he and his associates are met up by a few officers and soldiers who show them the way to the Commander's building, named the 'Laxion Building'. Named after one of the great warriors who fought against the Yahupi when they invaded and enslaved his tribe, he survived and managed to foil some of their invasion plans, but unfortunately he was killed by a lone Yahupi soldier a few years ago.

In the Laxion building the Veilletes Ambassador and his associates are met by the Commander's guards who are in black and white military uniforms. These guards inform the Veilletes Ambassador and his people that a meeting is scheduled soon. Once the meeting starts a little while later they are taken down a hallway and to the right. 2 big double doors, in very elegant style are entered on through. Inside is a large round table. The Commander and his associates were there along with a few advisors. Guarding the doors to another room were 3 guards.

The people sitting at the table looked at the Veilletes Ambassador and his associates as they sat down at seats they were directed to. The Sub Commander, Charles Backhouse took a sip of a glass of water before clearing his throat.

"So...about this 'modernization' process? How do you invision this process to begin?" he asked, politely.

(I hope I am not overstepping my creative freedom here.)

Right at the Laxion Building on a certain meeting was held, the Resident General eloquently spoke about the steps on how to modernize a nation. But before he can do anything about it, he's going to have an introduction about himself as a Resident General.

"Don't be a little rash my good sir, as for which it is I, the Resident General. Also you can called me Darston for advising you, the leader of The Federation in a momentarily wits to becoming a newly acquired civilized nation in just like the rest of us by an accordance to our findings of the world." as the Resident General stood up and presented themselves at the meeting.

He'll then proceed the idea of government and social reforms.

"In order to become a better world of tomorrow my sir, you should have started with a most important key to get as many of your people to adapt. Social and Government Reforms are the first step. You can't simply sweep everything under a single rug with every introduced things that you find sir, as it takes time for everyone in your nation to slowly learned a new ways of becoming a newly modernized nation." told by the Resident General.


Veilletes Expeditionary Navy has enroute to Yahupi Island.

The Veilletes Expeditionary Navy approaches at one of the island's strait in an aftermath of Veilletes - Federation treaty to acquired new colonial territories for expanding their free naval trade networks to the Veilletes Republic.

The armed forces of coming towards that said island consisted of at least 8 undefined warships in between a large class gap from destroyers to battleships, and 4 large armed transport ships containing at a minimum of 8,000 maritime infantrymen with a standard assault packages, along with a light amphibious vehicles that are suited for a naval invasion.


<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

"This is a Trogo Naval Service Patrol. Prepare to be searched under the Foreign Intervention Act. Acts of aggression will be not tolerated."

"Understood, you may inter-search the Veilletes diplomatic ship, but don't ruin anything inside alright?" said by the captain.
<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

The ambassador nodded to these proposals. "The Federation would deem these proposals acceptable. Though for the 2nd one, based on how the Yahupi action's are. The land will probably have to be under strict occupation to keep any dissent under control. We will cede those lands to the Veilletes Republic when the time has come, and it will arrive shortly due to our most recent advancements." he stated, and signed a few of the papers he has had, deeming these proposals to be offical actions.


The Yahupi at this point are at a major loss. They kept firing on the VNMS Trionator as it left the Yahupi straight, though they gradually turned around and went back to the port they came to get repairs. On that island that was fired upon by the VNMS Trionator, reconstruction begins there.

"Very well. I'll gladly send you some latest equipment of the Republic in pursuing the Yahupi Confederacy for the national prosperity. Also, the Resident General will be committed and arrived to your capital soon in a given advice on how to modernize the country. Listen to him closely and choosing a right choice will made a progress of your nation, but as long as the people aren't pro-traditionalists or anti-modernization of course." taught by Veilletes Ambassador while orderly placed his documents into his file bag.

In the meantime, we're currently lacked a field of our doctrine, the land military and thus unable to send a margin forces to seize control of those islands. So don't expect a sizable reinforcements from the Republic and only given a small allocation of troops by 25,000 volunteering infantrymen to the colonial front, excluded the navy and the airforce." Told by the Veilletes Ambassador about their army standing.

"Lastly and before I'll return to an office of ministry, if you need more fighting capabilities against the natives, there was some mercenary contracts from Alfieq's Army that I do bring along during this negotiation trip, where foreign paid soldiers are willingly to fight for food and money in return of their military services. So, if you need more manpower, you may ask the Resident General to set the contracts for those AA mercenaries to combat against the Yahupi, but as long as your economy might've able to sustain that long enough to defeat them before crashing down... All right, that's all I could've asked for, and see you in the next diplomatic event." said by the Veilletes Ambassador explaining about Alfieq's Army MERC contracts before he packing up and leave the capital.


The Convoy Approaches near Lanist Khaganate waters.

The Diplomats of AA and Kronfurter has sent 3 unarmed transport ships along with a destroyer escorts for a daring return to a same area where the Kronfurter's Third Expeditionary Fleet and Force were recently once held in a dispute. They're all raised with an actual Alfieq's Army flag along with a fully white with a middle blue stripe as secondary to show their fleet was coming for a peaceful neutrality and not wishes to cause any further, deteriorated relations between the AA and Lanist Khaganate.


Veilletes Ambassador's New Mission to Trogo Kingdom, from The Federation.

The Veilletes Ambassador has entered their own transport ship to set sail directly at the Trogo Kingdom for another unusual proposals in order for the Veilletes Republic to stay reverent and recognizable comparing to their bigger dissents, the Alfieq's Army whom only manage to contact one foreign nation at the moment.


Alfieq's Army Expanded West to Integrate More People of a Former Empire.

Recently, Alfieq's Army has expanded its influences to their western parts of the territories. Nothing has much to explain about that time except 'to increase weapon productions' and 'to introduce a revolutionized military education' as told by one of the officers under Alfieq's Army military HQ.


Canal Project continuing to work as planned.

The great Canal Project to link the island lake and the ocean was going all right at the moment. "This will ensure the economic flow for solely to bring ridiculously cheap materials and crash resources market all over the oceania like there's no tomorrow, as once it was completed that is." reported by Soldier #622.

Map Update:
<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

"What may these proposals be?" the Ambassador asked, leaning a bit forward in curiosity.


One of the ships was rammed and another was badly damaged but made it out fine enough, though they will probably sink sooner or later. The various people on the deck of the ship try to board the VNMS Trionator while shooting at anyone they saw there. Chances are these people got shot too though they did whatever damage they could. The ship was completely a wreck in the water a few seconds later and all hands were lost. The other ships barely managed to get out of the way and they slowly redirected course. As they redirected course more muskets and flaming spiked cannon balls were shot at the VNMS Trionator.

The Ambassador of Veilletes Republic had pulled his documents containing the proposals and presidential degrees for the Federation.

"The proposals of premises to the Veilletes Republic were unconscionably stated as follows:

First proposal, opening ports and sea for our merchants to get through the strait, and the establishments of Veilletes Shops and Markets at your coastal cities. In return of accepting this proposal will not only granted access to our wares, but also granted permission to set afoot at the Veilletes home ports (e.g Erksterm) and thus so your people can start a business there with a minor foreign control.

Second proposal, the requisition on claiming some island pieces within a strait for setting up a Veilletes trading ports by under our rules of governing. Here is the bastion demand of the Veilletes Republic as the map crossed for a future compensation:

Third and a last proposal, the insertion of Veilletes Resident General at your government body. His/her duties within your government is to become an advisory, and the representative figure of the Veilletes Republic as to reduce the time needed for communication inbetween two distant nations. He/She is also responsible for overseeing the progress of modernization to your country, but at a cost of limiting your power on foreign relations with other nations/factions if you've accepted this proposal." said the Veilletes Ambassador.


The only thing that the Yahupi soldiers can only harmed the VNMS Trionator was their sailors roaming around the ship. Not their best moments of combat nor the Veilletes sailors at the VNMS Trionator, both were on a stiff close-ranged combat between a manned automatic cannons, sailors with rifles vs the Yahupi muskets ravaging all over the ship. Unfortunately for the Yahupi soldiers boarded at the VNMS Trionator, many of them were killed by those said weapons and even worst, they're highly disorganized when attempting to fight against a ship that can carry up between 1200-2000 crewmen onboard, and half of them are complemented with a basic self-defense weapon (e.g rifle) to ward off incoming boarders.

After with some bloodshed, the VNMS Trionator had lost a few numbers of their crew, around 80 men died to a Yahupi boarding raid. But with a swift ramming by the VNMS Trionator has managed to escape from the Yahupi infested strait and now on their venture way back to the colonial state from the north.

Map update (Veilletes minor colony expansion):
The Officer nodded to that. When the time arises and once that ambassador has arrived at the embassy building he was directed to he is met by a representative at the government. Apparently those soldiers had told the others about these explorers they have encountered. The representative is a somewhat short and stocky man in a red and black uniform. His name was Daniel Withboro.

"Ah, its good to see you. Please sit down." he says, making a motion for him to sit down at a small table with 2 chairs. The room has various maps and stuff of the nation, the Ambassador's personal items and other such things.


The soldiers and men stationed on that island had no time to react, the last thing they heard was a big booming sound of the missiles and such exploding. The entire island was decimated and all of those people dead. The island was left a smoldering ruin. Those of a nearby island see this from the distance in shock and anger. They know this will happen to them if they attack, but they have got to do something, a letter is sent out to Cheif Tutanabo personally.

The chief was extremely angered by this assault, and he ordered a few warships to infiltrate the area where the the VNMS Trionator came from, though they make landfall nearby to the southern territories. These ships look like harmless trading ships however they are manned by various skilled individuals and these ships are loaded with fire throwers of sorts. They don't attack yet.

"I don't know why you're interested to see me for the first time, but nonetheless the case, I have three proposals for you on behalf of the Republic." said by the Ambassador while searching through his file bag.


The VNMS Trionator has repositioned itself and going for a formally retreat by attempting a ramming speed through those fireships. It's may be a worth of a risk, but it's the only way to exist the Yahupi Strait in a short amount of time.

The ship whistle has horned, the crew are position themselves on bracing for impact, and the small caliber cannons are ready to dissuade the Yahupi fireships. The VNMS Trionator has started its full swing and suddenly throttle towards them without warning.


<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

The officer informed them that their capital was due to the southwest and gave a description of it. It was a large and industrialized city, and very well defended. He also gives very precise directions to get there.


The Yahupi didn't like how this ship was driven deeper into the straight. The leader of the forces there declared that all trebuchet's shall be aimed at it and fire upon this vessel. The trebuchet's turn and start firing their flaming cannonballs at the VNMS Trionator. Sometimes some of them have spikes. The leader also ordered them to fire upon it, and muskets started firing at this ship.

"Alrighty then. I'll send the messenger back to the southern colonial government to send an ambassador.. for.. something.. in return of having a good relation while possibly an access through the east indie." said by the Veilletes Explorer.


The flaming cannonballs does eventually hit directly at the VNMS Trionator, but being bounced off with a small scratches on its metallic surfaces and a splintered fracture of a wooden deck. In other words, no damage has been taken from a ship by an outdated siege weapon in two eras behind. The Yahupi muskets doesn't fare too well against a metal battleship as everything were reflected off by the plate of armor, some of those shots landed inaccurately onto the surface of an ocean, and ultimately in the end, just only manage to wound a single sailor openly exposed from VNMS Triotanor side deck.

"THAT'S IT! These natives just have scratched my fudging 2 days paint job already!" Angered by the captain.

"Captain! We've reported that one of our crewmen has been hit by a gunshot! He's now carrying back to the medical ward for tendering his wound." Called upon by the 1st Commanding Officer.

"Attention to all gunners, manned all the secondaries, prepare to return fire at those flaming weapon devices and smoldering the rest of their inhabitants!


Manned all the secondaries, prepare to return fire at those flaming weapon devices and smoldering the rest of their inhabitants! Over and out!" Ordered by the captain while ringing by the ship's alarm.

The VNMS Trionator rotated their secondary guns at the facing of one of Yahupi islands and beginning to fire High Explosive rounds at them without mercy. This eventually causes some destruction of natural floras and faunas of the island as after taking a few land hits, turning a whole place into a conflicted zone.

<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

The officer nodded to this story. "Thanks for the information, sounds rather interesting. I'm sure the Federation would be willing to establish an embassy and a trade relation of sorts. However I'm not the person to talk to about that. You would have to contact my superiors." he stated.

Another soldier addressed the question that the other explorer had. "Allow me to explain. They are governed over by a hostile religion called the 'Cult of the Sun'. They worship the sun and do various rituals associated with it. They use slave labor for many things, and have a policy of guilty before proven innocent. They burn people in public and they have a very harsh treatment of any foreigners within their lands. They are hostile expansionists and seek to spread this 'Cult of the Sun' wherever they may find land to. They are lead by a central Cheif, Cheif Tutanabo. They also use what they call...Solar shields in combat, to block musket fire and fire in between them. They are horrible people, and need to be stopped. They don't surrender, and fight until their dieing breathe." he said, telling them of the location of the Yahupi Confederacy, and the Federation in general.


The Yahupi stopped firing their trebuchet's at the plane as it flew away. They are currently weary about any further encroachment onto their lands, and they keep watch over the battleship nearby.

"Delay but surely. Where is your capital by the way?" said by the Veilletes Explorer.


The VNMS Trionator was driven deeper into the Yahupi strait as only to gather a small information about those underestimated native tribes. In otherwise of their sensitive and aggressive behavior towards the Trionator's recon pilot, no courses of counter actions were made by the VNMS Trionator, as fighting against the inferior natives were viewed as the abuse of superiority weapons by the international view.

The crew of VNMS Trionator were still continuing to stroll around the strait as to update their charters in the meantime.
<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

The officer hesitated for a second. "We are from the Federation. We are in an armed conflict with the...barbarians to the south of us, the Yahupi confederacy. My name is Edward Horward, I am the Officer of the squadron stationed here." the officer replies. "Tell me of this...Veilletes republic." he said.


The Yahupi Confederacy spot this vessel as it arrives through one of the nearby straights. They can't really do anything about it until it makes landfall, however they believe it may be from the same origin as the other Ferry that has arrived in another location. The Yahupi prepare for battle incase this might be another new thing the Federation has come up with, or just prepare for battle anyway.

The plane flies over these islands, discovering they are inhabited. There is plenty of various buildings and structures and what seem to be troop movements down below. There are various dirt roads, and no airfields or anything that would signify they are advanced beyond basic industrialism.

"FIRE!!" a Yahupi officer shouts, upon seeing the plane. He directs his soldiers to fire at this thing to the best of their abilities.

A trebuchet fires off a few flaming cannonballs in the direction of this plane, they miss but others start firing at this plane. It is certain the Yahupi do not like to be flown over, if they even know what a plane is. They probably don't.

A Veilletes Explorer within a party was explaining on how and what formed the Veilletes Republic on a short and an oversimplified backstory.

"It begins as the small kingdom called the Veilletes Kingdom. Then there's merger union of two kingdoms with an unfortunate intermarriage of our royals, and thus formed the megalomaniac empire along with the Militarian that spurs beyond within our vision. However, we're officially split up into two stable nations right after the great Militarian Revolution to finally ended the idea of serving under a royal family, and probably one of the largest empires to date. That's probably about it, I guess." told by the Veilletes Explorer.

Another Veilletes Explorer has asked a single question about the Yahupi Confederacy.

"Who was those barbarians called the Yahupi Confederacy? If they are barbarians, then how they have manage to form a basic government idea of confederation?" said by another Veilletes Explorer.


The Recon Plane was attempting to evade the flaming cannonballs by doing some flying, defensive maneuvers.

"This is Triotanor recon seaplane reporting. We've been flunged by a flaming ball of steel. Can I have a permission to disengage and returning to ship, over?" radioed calmly by the recon pilot.

"Affirmative, you may abort your mission and returning to ship, over and out!" radioed by Triotanor's radioman.

The recon plane was heading back to the sea and goes for a landing onto an ocean before being picked up by a ship's crane.
<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

These Explorers come across the nation of the Federation, who appeared to be ready for battle for someone. The Federation soldiers pointed their muskets and rifles at these explorers and then lowered them. Realizing they weren't of the Yahupi confederacy. A few soldiers walk up to them, followed by their Officer. The Officer looks at these explores as the Soldiers part way for the Officer to approach these explorers. The soldiers wear all decked out in green and white uniforms. Rugged and tough uniforms. The officer wore a more finer, elagant uniform yet it was still like the others, an orange line across his collar marked his rank aswell as his hat, which was like a standard commander hat.

The soldier took a good hard long look at them. "Who are you?" he asks.

The explorers glanced over those people surprised and confused for a moment, then suddenly one of them has given a response of their arrival.

"We're the Veilletes Expeditors of the Republic. Who and where are you from, strangers?" said by a Veilletes explorer from the south.


An wild Undefined Veilletes Battleship has arrived at the strait of Yahupi Confederacy. Nicknamed the VNMS (Veilletes National Marine's Ship) Triotanor, a modernized version of an old battleship class Erksterm was currently on a mission to scout the whole area by the orders from a provisional government of the Veilletes Republic (newly established southern colony). Armed with three triple-barreled 16.7 inches main guns and 8 dual-purposed secondary cannons at both of its sides, it would have been more than enough to threaten any city centers and ports near the coast. Equipped with one of the best rangefinders for a cannonade ship, making Triotanor the one of the most accurate cannon ship ever improvised and also can be effectively against any other ships of its class.

During Triotanor's modernization, it is also fitted and reconfigured with a more powerful propulsion (hence a bigger smoke stack was easily presence at the ship) but sacrifice armor for becoming a fast & mobile battleship so they can relocate much faster if the situations were needed elsewhere. Additionally, few of the old AA guns were replaced with the CIWS turrets to protect against even moderate ships, combat patrols and jets that are armed with a targeted, tactical missiles & torpedoes.

Unfortunately in its process of modernization, the VNMS Triotanor's seaplanes are reduced from 3 to 1, mainly because of replacing the seaplane hanger to an engine room for requisitioning a faster speed on its ship.

The captain of the VNMS Triotanor has ordered his crew to deploy a reconnaissance seaplane for overlooking through inland of those islands within the vicinity of seaplane's service range.

"Recon Airborne!" yelled by the petty officer at the deck close to the seaplane's catapult.

"Take off successful! Proceed to do our intelligence report, over!" radioed by the recon pilot

As the Third Expeditionary Fleet have done its mission of exploring from the east, they have returned back to their home port of an island lake, AA's home base of operations. The reconnaissance reports from the Kronfurter has given the Commander a surprising mood and tell his subordinates to bring the expeditionary leader, aka the Kronfurter to his office at once!

At the scene of the Commander's office and after the Kronfurter has entered though a door.

"You're wishing to speak with me, commander?" said by the Kronfurter while standing tall with a salute.

"Yes." reply by the Commander without any elaborate introductory. "Do you know why I'm putting you here for today, officer number 11?" said the Commander.

"To my understanding sir, I think you are talking about my mission, right?" said the Kronfurter.

"Correct, officer number 11. I was going to discuss about this.. familiar faction.. called the Lanist Khaganate." said the Commander.

"What? Do you have the knowledge about them more than we do?" surprised by the Kronfurter.

"Yes... Even more intriguing that this report has stated the Lanist Khaganate forces were opening artillery fire at our third expeditionary force. Either those time has been changed from our own eyes, or this is just a false and misunderstood information, officer number 11." grudged by the Commander.

"Sir, this is a correct and up-to-date intelligence information that we're foreshadowing at the eastern segment. There's no deprecation of any wrongful information under my watchful command." objected by the Kronfurter.

"In that cases, there is something wrong with Lanist Khaganate chain of command." doubtful by the Commander. "I will sending the adversaries to the eastern portion for diplomatic reasoning to gather as many senses as possible! You'll be there as well, officer 11! If you came back here with no resolutions of the Militarian Army, you'll be demoted to a Sargent, nonetheless of those cases!" proclaim by the Commander.

"Yes sir, I will try and not let you down sir!" said by the Kronfurter while trying to impress his commander despite it will be his terrible consequences for the first act of his mission.

The ships at the AA home port are beginning to prepare their diplomatic mission to the Lanist Khaganate, and currently has yet to voyage from there.


<Snipped quote by CmdrAlfieq>

"Simply put, we'd like to development and make weapons for your nation. Yathon specialises at doing so, and we already have large stockpiles we are willing to sell to your nation. If you are interested that is, of course."

"How good was your quality of weapons comparing to our local ones if you have decided to open trade with us?" - Relation Officer.


[Waiting for a response at the Veilletes Ministry of Foreign Relations and Intervention]


Another chunk of territories from the western part of AA has been integrated into their cause, and their canal project was going smoothly as planned.

The Veilletes Republic have made some progresses at the south and thus beginning to expand their region in order to exploit more resources for competing with their old rival, the Militarian Army. However, as their explorers and settlers have started to encroach deeper into the south-eastern proportion of the continent, they've stumbled across as some sort of a newly discovered civilization. It's seems that the Veilletes Republic colonization of the south were started to wane by that point, after finding more unknown nations than anything but a hindrance to a plan of establishing the 'Dominion of the Republic'.

"Unidentified outpost. Designate yourself."
a radio transmission is broadcast on most frequencies on repeat.

"We're the Veilletes Expeditors, and we're here to take a strong claim on this inhabitable area of the southern continent in the name of the Republic." transmitted back by the broadcast of same frequency.

Apparently, the Veilletes seems to put most of their jobs with '-ors' at the end of the word as to distinguish their cultural language by the Veilletes people.
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