Avatar of Conmhara
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 45 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Conmhara 10 yrs ago


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Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Penny

Zami gave Penny a reassuring nod to show he'll cheer on the guild too. After he stared at the lacrima screen to see what Penny was glaring at. Zami many things happening, but his new guild mate seemed concerned for one wizard in particular. Zami pointed at Amelia and looked towards Penny with a quizzical look to show his curiosity in this person. "I'm rooting for her yeah?" was scrawled into the air in front of them as she answered.
And posted. For the record I decided that from now on I'll be using yellow text for anything Zami writes in light pen. Inner thoughts will remain in orange.
Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Jamie & Penny

Zami narrowed his eyes briefly after Jamie told him how to use a light pen as if he didn't know. However he knew no offence was intended so he promptly wrote in front of him "I didn't want to write backwards in mid air between us or turn my back to you to write which would have been rude. Also...", Zami began to make various hand gestures which in sign language meant "I'm very rusty but I know sign language". Afterwards he repeated it with the light pen in quotes.

Jamie beckoned over Penny and introduced her. She seemed friendly. Zami nodded with understanding as she spoke and when she asked if he had questions he thought for a moment then shook his head. If he did have questions, for some reason he couldn't think of them at the moment. He did feel he should give her the customary "It's nice to meet ya!" in light pen. Then he finished with "I look forward to supporting the guild as best I can."
Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Master Jamie

Happy to see how friendly the master was, Zami gave a big smirk. "Are these guys really that accepting of new members? I have good feeling about this guild". He had to put some thought into his answers about his preference for his guild mark. He debated with himself whether or not to get it in grey or orange but then decided a teal-blue colour would better represent his magic since that's typically what his magic circles look like. As to where, he knew very much what he wanted.

With a proud smirk showing his conviction, he wrote onto his left forearm with the light pen. Then Zami raised his right fist in front of him, pulled down the sleeve and pointed to his right forearm before revealing his left which now said "TEAL-BLUE" in light pen.
Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Master Jamie

Zami's nervousness was briefly subsiding while he panned around looking for Isla but it would come back whenever he looked back towards the guild. To try keep his nervousness in check he kept switching between looking around and looking at the guild. It would seem that while he looked around once more he failed to notice that Master Jamie had approached him and greeted him with a friendly smile. The smile put him at ease and then Jamie asked him about his interest in the guild. Zami took a moment to process how easy this made things before nodding and returning a smile. He then presented Jamie with with his letter. The letter was a full page in size with half a dozen paragraphs explaining his situation, interest in the guild and his abilities. As he watched the master read his letter Zami realised something that perplexed him greatly. "What the hell is this person? I can't tell what gender the master is! Now he/she is gonna think I'm stupid and may get offended and then I can't join the guild and I'll have to try one of the other guilds OH GOD HELP ME!". This left Zami with a silly expression on his face that he wasn't aware he was pulling. When he snapped out of his stupor he reached into his bag for his light pen so he could respond to any questions Jamie may have after reading his thorough letter.
Zami - The Bubble Magician
Grand Magic Games

Zami had spent his evening and following morning preparing a carefully worded letter for the Master of Phoenix Wing. An application essay more so than a letter in all honesty. It couldn't be helped though since he had so much to say as an introduction. He sat in the stands reading over what he had written over and over again. He was a bit nervous, getting even more so as the crowd waited for Phoenix Wing to show up with their team.

After what seemed like an eternity, Games Master Sheldon bellowed an opening speech as the guild finally showed up looking ready for the challenges ahead. "OK, Zami...you can do this. Just go up when the guild master has settled down to watch the second event. There'll be some time between then and the event starting." Zami couldn't sit still anymore because the guild showed up so he decided to wander the stands while waiting for his opportune moment to give the master his letter. He looked around to see if Isla* was around. He felt he might calm down a bit with the familiar company.

* @liferusher
@liferusher Twas a long time coming but I managed to post. Yay me! *goes back to sleep*
Zami - The Bubble Magician
With Isla

When Isla said that those people were from the guild Phoenix Wing, Zami had to process that for a moment. He found himself trying to get a feel for what kind of people they were. It's at this point he was basically gone. He had forgotten that Isla was there, right next to him. His eyes taking in any detail he could. He felt oddly compelled to find out more about these people. Maybe it was because they were apparently famous and he was completely oblivious about it until now. Maybe he was more impressed by Damian than he thought. Regardless, there was a sense of destiny with that guild and he felt it was maybe a part of his also. Question is, would they accept him? Would they mind having a mute, who can't really fight, within their ranks?

A minute of this distraction went by before Zami started paying attention to his immediate surroundings and noticed out of the corner of his eye, Isla next to him looking frustrated with his little moment and was about to paint on his face again but he swiftly left the bubble on the seating between them and grabbed her wrists, not too tight but firmly, just before paintbrush touched skin. He looked into her eyes with a stare more serious than before. This seemed to catch her off guard a little. With her at attention, so to speak, he smiled once more. This time a softer smile, one with purpose. He then moved her arms back to right in front of her and he released his grip only to place the bubble in her hands. Then he placed his hands on the bubble to make the paint swirl into multiple phrases. *swirl* "Sorry but I have to go now" *swirl* "It was great to meet ya and I hope to see you again soon" *swirl* "Take this gift as a souvenir". The paint then scattered along the surface into many different shapes, swirling into colourful patterns. Zami's eyes were now open and concentrating entirely on the bubble. It began to get warmer, then more solid, then smaller as Zami pushed the bubble against Isla's hands, colours swirling randomly as they got stronger and more vibrant due to the smaller surface area. Within seconds, Isla was holding a colourful orb made of what seemed like solid glass, almost like a giant marble the size of an apple.

Zami got up onto his seat, gave the Phoenix Wing guild one last look full of determination before he hopped off and ran off to find a pen and some parchment or something. He needed to write a letter for the guildmaster...and his trusty light pen was not gonna cut it.
There hasn't been one het

I meant a time skip in relation to what Zami and Isla get up to since we're still having an interaction after the Damian and Hyun fight while the rest of the thread has moved on pretty far from the looks of it. I was sick over the past few days so I have fallen behind a bit and I'm a slow reader so I'm sure I have missed opportunities to interact or even react to other happenings at the games.
Man you guys are so active. Stuff happens quicker than I can catch up. I am slow reader -_-
@liferusher Maybe you can cover the time skip for us? I imagine you are more up to date than I have been able to be. That way I can just go straight to my response and then you time skip.
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