Avatar of Cotton
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  • Joined: 4 yrs ago
  • Posts: 99 (0.06 / day)
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    1. Cotton 4 yrs ago


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Welcome, Welcome! I hope you're having a good day, and welcome to my Bio!

Allow me to introduce myself. My name's Cotton! Why is my name Cotton? Because it is!

I have a few years' worth of experience with Roleplaying, primarily as a GM but also as a player, in both groups and in one-on-one RPs. My interests include Magic, Fantasy (Medieval/Steampunk), and more!

Feel free to ask me stuff or talk to me!

Either way, have a good day, dear reader!

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Character Rules:

  • No characters that are permanently 'huge'. This means no dragons and the like. Characters that are just... tall are fine, especially if you take their height into account properly and they have to duck and stuff to get under doors.
    • An exception to this is characters that can shapeshift into a bigger size. They will not be able to grow to their full size indoors because of size issues, but they're otherwise fine.
  • No invincible characters. You should be able to get hurt in fights if they break out. Agelessness is fine, as long as your character can still be somehow killed.
  • No omnipotent/omniscient/etc powers. There should be a limit to your character's powers.
  • Please use common sense when creating your character. Nobody's perfect, weaknesses are a thing and they're both good and fun to have.
  • I reserve the right to ask you to change things to your character, or reject them, if they do not fit or are too overpowered in some way. Engaging in a discussion about this with me in PM is fine (preferable over discussing it in the thread), I'm open to talking about such things, but if I insist on you changing something and you refuse then I won't accept your character.
  • If you want some, or all, of your character's details/info to be kept a secret from the others, PM them to me so I can approve them in private!
  • Please post characters in the OOC tab until I approve of them, at which point you can post them in this tab!

Character Sheet:

Note: It's not mandatory to use this exact sheet, it's more of an example/guideline thing. Feel free to add as much or change it as much as you want.

Appearance: (Description, Image, or both)
Good day, dear reader. I hope this letter finds you well.

Worry not about how this message got to you; I am a mage, and have used my powers to ensure these letters only reach the intended recepients. I, like you and many others, am one the humans deem to be a threat, and have as a result of this had to go into hiding. I have since constructed a large home, one away from the prying eyes of humans, and have come up with an idea.

If many of us were to live in one place, we could easily protect ourselves against the humans. That is why you have received this letter. I am inviting you to come live within this manor, alongside others who have received it. Everything will be provided for, including food and other necessities.

On the back of this letter you will find the location of this manor. If you choose to come, you can rest assured a room will be available for you. If not, then I shall wish you the best.

This is the letter you found when you woke up one day, with no idea how it got there. There was nobody around, no sign of anybody having been around. It was just... there.

Whether it was out of curiosity, out of a desire to be safe, or something else entirely, you chose to follow the instructions on the back.

And now, here you are, at the front gate of a large manor secluded in some forest you've never heard of. What kind of new life will wait for you on the other side of those doors?

Only one way to find out.

Current Map of the Manor (to be updated as rooms are discovered and/or things change):

The area around the manor is mostly forest, the building itself being hidden within a large clearing. It lacks a front yard, but there seems to be a rather large garden behind the building. There's a short cobblestone wall, about waist-high, around the edge of the manor, seeming to mark the edge of the manor grounds.
Okay, here's the thread!

Gotta the IC tab with the map and the char tab with the sheet and some stuff, but the thread's up, at least!

Haven for the Inhuman

A place for those hunted by humans to hide.

Good day, dear reader. I hope this letter finds you well.

Worry not about how this message got to you; I am a mage, and have used my powers to ensure these letters only reach the intended recepients. I, like you and many others, am one the humans deem to be a threat, and have as a result of this had to go into hiding. I have since constructed a large home, one away from the prying eyes of humans, and have come up with an idea.

If many of us were to live in one place, we could easily protect ourselves against the humans. That is why you have received this letter. I am inviting you to come live within this manor, alongside others who have received it. Everything will be provided for, including food and other necessities.

On the back of this letter you will find the location of this manor. If you choose to come, you can rest assured a room will be available for you. If not, then I shall wish you the best.

This is the letter you found when you woke up one day, with no idea how it got there. There was nobody around, no sign of anybody having been around. It was just... there.

Whether it was out of curiosity, out of a desire to be safe, or something else entirely, you chose to follow the instructions on the back.

And now, here you are, at the front gate of a large manor secluded in some forest you've never heard of. What kind of new life will wait for you on the other side of those doors?

Only one way to find out.

Hello, and welcome, reader! Welcome back, in case you've read the interest check!

This will be a slice-of-life RP centered around a group of non-human characters living together in a rather large manor, away from the humans that seek to make them be not-alive and stuff. There will be plot from time-to-time, but mostly focused on fun and interesting character interactions and things like that.

Some basic info on the world; it is a medieval-fantasy-style world, though with some modern amenities provided mostly by magic. This mostly includes things like running warm water, plumbing, cold storage but not things like electronic devices and the like. I'm not aiming for a historically-accurate medi-fantasy setting, more something where we can have fun without having to worry too much about staying accurate. Quite often, automated devices are powered by "Mana Batteries", which can be recharged by magic users. They're rare among humans, though, given how there are few mages that are fully human and thus safe from prosecution.

Besides that, I'm giving plenty of free reign regarding races and magic to make sure you, the player, get to build and play what you enjoy most. There will be a character application process, however, just to keep things from getting too ridiculous and overpowered. I do want to be able to introduce plot things from time to time and not have them immediately get resolved by a handwave from an overpowered character. But generally, if you keep things reasonable, I'll be fine with it.

What this means is essentially that magic is not free, using it expends some form of energy (be it mana, lifeforce, blood, something else), and cannot do everything without effort. Furthermore, I'm also not allowing characters that have massive forms - dragons, leviathans, things like that. We're supposed to be living together in a manor, after all, and no way is a dragon going to fit. Being able to turn into something is a different story entirely, but don't expect to be able to transform into something huge inside your bedroom, for example.

More about character rules will be put in the character tab, but below are the 'code of conduct' rules, so to say.

  • The GM has the final say in things.
  • Respect each other and be civil, we're here to have fun, after all.
  • Make sure to seperate players and their characters. Just because your characters don't get along doesn't mean you have to not get along out of character either.
  • No killing off others without express permission from the player. Fights between characters aren't banned, but please keep this and the previous rule in mind.

Beyond that, just... have fun! If you have any setting-related questions, or just... questions in general, don't hesitate to ask! Just shoot me a PM!
Yeah, this is still going, but things got in the way for a bit. Should be able to get the thread out today, though!
@Aristocles@LazyBoy I'm ceratainly still open to and accepting new players!

I intend to get the main thread up before or during the weekend. It'll contain the map of the manor, among other things~
Hello, reader-person, and welcome to this interest check thread of mine.

Inspired by a different RP on a different forum, this RP will be a casual slice-of-life RP with the occasional hint of storyline and plot. Set in a medieval-fantasy-esque world, it will revolve around our characters, all of whom are not quite human (or not human at all) living together in a large manor. I have yet to fully settle on exactly how everyone will have been invited, though I do know the why of it all.

Humans (the dominant species in the world) really don’t like non-humans, often preferring to hunt them down and sometimes try to figure out whether or not they were friendly afterwards. As such, it’s not particularly safe for non-humans to roam the world.

The manor, however, offers safety. It is rather secluded, allowing the inhabitants to hide from the prying eyes of humans. It is also quite comfortable to live in, which is also nice. And having multiple people there means that the inhabitants will get to enjoy strength in numbers, making life safer even if humans were to ever discover them.

Regarding the world itself, as mentioned before it is somewhat medieval-fantasy-styled, though more modern amenities certainly do exist. There will be proper plumbing, baths, and perhaps even a pool in the manor - the focus is to create a fun place for character interactions over a realistic and gritty setting, after all. But don’t expect modern things like computers, the internet, things like that. Devices/machines powered by magic exist as well, often powered by ‘mana batteries’. These can be refuelled by magic users when they run out, but often don’t last particularly long. Fully human mages aren’t particularly common, though, so the average peasant would have no use for such a device, unless they live in a city where they can pay to have their batteries recharged by a mage.

When it comes to species, I intend to let you, the players, mostly have free reign, though characters will have to go through an approval process of course. The full limits will come later, but will likely not be particularly restrictive. However, I will not be allowing massive creatures - they’re supposed to be living in a manor, after all, and a dragon isn’t going to fit in.

As for magic, I’m giving plenty of freedom there too, though there are some ground rules. Using magic always drains energy in some form (like mana, blood, doesn’t really matter, as long as it’s not free). It’s also almost always present in the form of ambient magic, though some areas have more ambient magic than others (often making magic easier to cast than in areas with little ambient magic).

The final design for the manor itself is still WIP. Feel free to suggest what kinds of rooms I should add; I already have a lot of ideas, but more are always appreciated. Similiarly, suggestions for the scenery around the manor, as well as other ideas in general, are always nice to have.

Let me know if you're interested, or have any questions!

Questioning things was, in all honesty... not quite Charlotte's strongest suit. She was more the type of person to just... listen and do as asked of her. Sure, this made her a bit easy to manipulate... but she was at least smart enough to tell the difference between orders she shouldn't follow and those that she could follow without getting into trouble.

It was this lack of questioning that had brought the former noble to where she was now, listening to some guy - Lanniver or something. Charlotte hadn't quite caught his name - explain what it was they were supposed to do exactly. Her goddess had sent her here, told her this was what she was supposed to do, and so she did as was asked of her. For if there was anyone the cleric trusted, it was her goddess, for she gave her her powers.

Fortunately, she was at least good at listening. There was something about werewolves... and an attack... something about abducting kids... Bad stuff, to say the least. Their job was to get the kids back, kill some werewolves. Get rewarded. Charlotte had no experience in fighting werewolves. Or rescuing children. But she had faith in her - and her allies' - ability to handle themselves.

Speaking of her allies, they were quite a varied bunch. Charlotte was certain she'd get to know them at some point, but now wasn't quite the time to start making smalltalk. There was brief talk about the reward, first, but the cleric... wasn't too worried about that part. Money wasn't her motivator for coming here, she was instead here because her goddess told her to be here, and so the reward was not much more than a bonus to her.

Shortly after, the conversation came to an end, and the group began heading towards the forest. The guard captain seemed to be in a bit of a hurry himself, leaving no time for questions - though Charlotte didn't even have one to begin with.

Charlotte stayed quiet during most of the journey towards her forest, spending her time instead observing her travelling companions. They were all very different compared to each other. Some were tall, others were short. Some were human, and others... clearly not. Her thoughts were currently occupied on the question of who to approach first when she was interrupted by a wolf howl.

The cleric hadn't realized that they were already at the edge of the forest. She had been so preoccupied by her thoughts that the journey had barely registered for her, and she briefly wondered if she'd missed any questions aimed at her. She could be a bit of an airhead at times, after all.

It wasn't long until they were in the forest proper, the creepy trees putting Charlotte a bit... on edge as they travelled through it. She was expecting something to happen, the forest seemed like a perfect place for an ambush, especially with this thick fog obscuring things...

It was then that the wolves made their presence known, growling at them and seeming ready for a fight. Unfortunately for them... her allies seemed ready for a fight too! There was a strange, loud noise, followed by a loud roar. Her companions were quick to charge into the fight, it seems. Fortunately, Charlotte was too.

Grabbing her mace, she waited for one of the wolves to charge at her - or otherwise get into range - before stepping to the side and bashing it on the head with one of the silvered spikes of her mace, hoping to - at the very least - give it a major headache.
Hope I'm not too late to throw a character sheet in here too!

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