Avatar of Cottonmouth
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    1. Cottonmouth 9 yrs ago
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Nemo leaned forward, checking the areas around him as if to see if anybody was watching before softly replying. "How did you know?" in a tone of faux-paranoia. "Yes, I'd be somewhat of a fraud if it wasn't. To me, the color white is like a canvas waiting to be painted upon. It represents possibilities. I like that." Nemo explained.

"Tyrian purple is a close runner up though. It originated as a highly valuable dye secreted from predatory sea snails originally known as Murex. And I've been known to be fond of the color black when it comes to attire." He added. "What about you? Oh, and I've been wondering. What do you prefer with weapons besides the sword. Firearms and knives."
"If you're here because your sense of honor dictates it, we have something in common. I'm sorry for my inconvenience, but I'm afraid I don't think I'll be dropping dead anytime soon. Until then or the end of this 'waste of time' it looks like you'll be stuck with me." Nemo replied, munching on another one of the snacks. "Either way, I think it's time to move onto a brighter topic. All this dreary mission talk is gonna end up giving me a headache." Nemo suggested, tapping his head with his palm.
"My employer, that's what he is now. Sure, Felix sent me on an early vacation, but I can respect his mettle. If he is able to get over the deaths of multiple of his friends and master at my hand and ask for my help, then I'd be a real horse's ass to keep a grudge over that time-out he gave me." Nemo explained. "I'm here because this is where I want to be, and I have a job to do. It's as simple as that. I'm an assassin, not some uncivilized cutthroat."

"You're here under the same circumstances as I am Raiya, if you think I should leave why shouldn't I be expecting you to take off soon?" He asked.
Nemo grabbed a couple of the snacks from the canister. "Oh, that's simple." He said, eating one of them. "That all falls into the policy of how I work. When I'm contracted to do something, I will see to it that's it's completed, regardless of what happens. I take loyalty very seriously. And Felix has tasked me with helping him gather all of the paragons, he just didn't pay with money, he paid with my freedom. So until we do my services belong here." Nemo explained, eating the rest of the pub mix he had afterwards.

"You're right though, as a collector the Paragons are quite a fetching prospect. But I can never let my desires get in the way of my work." Nemo finished.
"It's not exactly a sponsorship every establishment desires, but some of the best art houses, theaters, and restaurants wouldn't still be here today if it wasn't for my assistance. Artists help other artists. And as a matter of fact, I'm a anonymous benefactor to multiple orphanages around the world, ones that don't treat children like prospective soldiers. A family is something I never had, I'd like to see as many kids avoid that fate as I can." Nemo replied. "But I don't expect you to trust me, a person like me doesn't deserve something like that. That's the price I've been paying since I was born."

Nemo downed the rest of the Umeshu in his glass before replying. "Of course I want the group to succeed. In fact, I don't just want, I need us to. Failure here would be a stain on my record, and that's just something I wont allow. Felix's mental state is something that means nothing to me. We've already found one paragon, and we already know that the Catholics are gunning for the rest of them. To dismiss all that as nonsense would just be naive. And even if it was, even if these Paragons were just shiny rocks, it wouldn't matter to me. Because powerful people want them, and conflict with powerful people is what keeps my gears turnings."
Nemo's head cocked to the side. "You don't think I'm charitable?" He asked, most of the softness in his face and voice had faded by now. Nemo made a small motion with his forefinger, causing the bottle to slowly levitate over and fill his glass halfway. Using magic for such a menial task was something he would usually avoid, making the act seem somewhat out of place.

Nemo took a sip of the drink before replying. "I don't like lending out my toys, but I'm sure she'll give it back once we're done with the next mission. Think of it like a sample given to a customer to warm them up to the big bucks."

"What am I playing at?" Nemo repeated with a small scoff. "If arming Zoey increases our teams effectiveness, then I am only doing what I was brought here to do. My purpose is to serve, I like to feel appreciated. I like helping, and I even like giving gifts, is that so hard to believe?" Nemo asked

Nemo looked down to the table, rhythmically rolling his right hand's fingers on the side of his head, not replying to Raiya or Zoey. After letting out a small sigh he leaned back in his chair, now looking up to the ceiling. "Yeah, that would be me." Nemo finally replied after a couple seconds of silence.

He then turned to face Zoey. "I am a smith, but the things I create are custom, akin to a bespoke suit. And not unlike a bespoke suit, the weapons I make take time. Perfection can't just be spawned willy-nilly at the last moment, it has to be crafted over time. But it's as you said, you don't need something fancy. And luckily I think I have something that fits the bill with your requirements." Nemo explained, then spawned a pistol in his right hand.

The pistol he summoned was a chrome plated 380. ACP Walther PPK/S with a ivory grip. Attached to the barrel was a matching chrome plated small pistol suppressor. "I haven't done much work on this one since I acquired it after a encounter with a British intelligence agent. But it should shoot-" Nemo paused, ejecting the magazine from the pistol and bringing the gun up to his ear. He pulled back the slide a few times, carefully listening to the sound it made. "-just fine." He concluded. Putting the mag back in and tossing the gun up into the air. He caught it by the suppressor and extended the gun out to Zoey with the handle facing her. "Don't forget the spare." Nemo added, conjuring a extra magazine with a sleight of hand trick in his other hand. Judging by sight and weight, both of them were already loaded with ammunition.
Nemo took a drink from his glass as Raiya replied. While he wasn't exactly excited at being called an annoyance, the thought of knowing someone who didn't fear him and considered him an equal was an attractive notion. Attractive enough to douse out his competitive spirit for the time being.

Raiya's response about instructing her gang not to investigate any further intrigued Nemo. "I understand, in fact I can respect that. If someone were to challenge me, I wouldn't want any unnecessary help to defeat them either. But sometimes it is necessary, sometimes bringing the full force of your resources down upon somebody is the only way." Nemo replied. "If your parents were talents, it's likely that the killer is as well. And there's no telling how powerful that person could be now. By choosing to do it alone, you'd be making the same choice I've made countless times. That's why I can tell you how reckless it really is. By putting myself at the greatest disadvantage, it only makes my performance all the more sweeter. Every dance could be my last, without those stakes it wouldn't be a real show. That's all I have to make me feel real." Nemo explained, finishing his drink and placing the glass down on the table.

"That's why I worry for you. If something were to happen to you, well, what would that say about my merit as a partner?" Nemo joked. "While bringing retribution upon this person might make things even-steven, it's not going to make you happy. The end will never be worth the means used to obtain it, especially if the end also marks your own. I'm not saying you should give up on your task altogether, but don't be foolish in the way you do it, don't lose sight of what you can do afterwards. This thing you've set out to do shouldn't be your last act." Nemo finished.
"To Japan." Nemo repeated before clinking his glass against Raiya's, quickly downing all the alcohol afterwards in one swig. Afterwards, he poured himself a refill and placed the bottle down in the middle of the table for anybody to use.

"Shiro-oni huh? I suppose that's one of the more chic nicknames." Nemo commented. "And what do you think? Do you find me frightening Raiya?" He questioned. "But then again, I haven't had much chance to display what really got me all those monikers yet anyways."

"I see... Couldn't you just have your 'connections' continue to investigate for you while you're away?" Nemo asked. "I'm sure our time together wont be completely unproductive, after all, if the world ends that would make finding your killer a tad more difficult." Nemo finished, drinking a bit from his glass.

Nemo walked down the hallway towards the stairs. "Even so, it doesn't surprise me that you haven't heard of them. They were only relevant when you were much younger. I'd like to say the reason you've heard of me is because I'm just such a natural star, but it's probably just because of my confrontations with Felix and rough history with the Arcanocracy." Nemo replied, taking the stairs down.

"It might be worth your while to invest expand your presence in the magic underworld more. If your goal is to find your parent's killer, it certainly wouldn't hurt. That is, unless you plan to leave the society altogether once you've done that. Speaking of which, how goes that endeavour, if you don't mind me asking? Do you have any leads?" Nemo asked, sitting down at a table in by the kitchen.

"Yeah, I was fearing you might say that. If you don't have any tea I'll feel like an odd duck. If I want something Japanese, and you want alcohol, I suppose there's only one solution." Nemo said, putting his hands together, and then separating them vertically, slowly revealing a bottle of a alcohol in magic trick-esque fashion. The bottle had multiple various Japanese characters on label, and a fancy paper cover fastened with cord over the cap. It was unopened "Umeshu, my favorite drink from Japan. This one is from my personal collection." Nemo said, placing the bottle down on the table and spawning himself two ornate crystal tumbler glasses in a magical display of sleight of hand.

Nemo unfastened the cord and took the paper topper off, he then twisted the cap off and filled both glasses half full before placing the bottle back down on the table. He slid the filled spare glass over to Raiya. "I like sweet things, so Umeshu and me were a easy match."
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