Avatar of cpldingo
  • Last Seen: 6 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: corporaldingo
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 157 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. cpldingo 10 yrs ago


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8 yrs ago
Current Whats on my mind? Oh just war stuffs...


Former military infantryman. That pretty much means I find myself more drawn toward RPs that have anything to do with modern-ish warefare. ANy thing else just ask, I'm open like the YMCA.

Most Recent Posts

I've been a ghost lately, I had something written up, But I jumped the gun and doesn't seem to work with the main IC post. Then I wrote another one....but hated it. I'm working on another now, should be up soon.

Aw man.... I'm freaking exhausted... Between work and moving I have no juice in the tank. My posts will get better.

I will fix the spelling. I dunno why I wrote Shannon and not Shanon, my brain is half deflated. I need about three shots of whiskey, a bong rip and about 14 hours of sleep and I'll be tip top again. Heh
"Holy shit, it talks." Hirsch said in bewilderment.

"She.." Wolfe corrected, when Hirsch looked to him confused, he repeated, "IT...is a she...and her name is Shanon," Wolfe said with a grin.

"And she's beautiful," he said with a nod.

"Shanon, my name is Matthew Wolfe, and this is Joeseph Hirsch, we're allies...er...friends, your in no danger," he said to Shanon.

He pointed to the gargoyle. "That's Vaughtar, also a friend, and that dog over there is actually a woman named Ariel, also a friend."

"Welcome to earth, a pleasure to meet you," he said.

The comotion done, all the snabbits dead, now just the aftermath. Natasha was still down in a kneeling position in a kneeling position, she seemed to have an injury. Wolfe didn't even realize She was there until it was all said and done. She was too fast for Wolfe, had he known she was there he wouldn't have fired the grenade. He rushed over to her side and helped her up.

"Hey, I didn't see you there, Fuck,  your tough, no wonder you come with such high regard..." he examined her arm, he pulled some pressure dressing from his IFAK, he noticed he was still bleeding through the bandage, but he ignored it to help Natasha.

"Let me get you squared away?" he offered to dress her wound.

Hirsch in the meantime moved toward Vaughtar.

"Goliath! Ma main monster Whats up Knucka!?"

Hirsch didn't realize that his wound had re opened and he was bleeding through his bandage.
Until he held his hand out for a high five.

"Well...shit... This is starting to hurt..."

I'll get a post in tomorrow.

Between having to find and move into a new place, while working weird sporadic hours I have no free time.

I have been awake for 52 hours now.... Stay tuned folks

Name: Matthew "Wolf" Convel

Date of birth: 8/18/1987

Place of birth: Death Valley, Fort Irwin, Ca

Equipment: Standard light infantry T/O.

*OP/UR tactical plate carrier.
*Kevlar tactical gloves
*LBV kit: MOLLE adapter Load Bearing Vest, w/ standard IFAK(individual first aide kit), and "doggy bag" (rifle cleaning gear, multitool, 550 cord, electrical/duct tape, 1 can of Copenhagen long cut)
*Theigh rig.
*Spec Ops DELTA Ballistic Helmet Level IIIA.
*PVNS14 night vision monocle, w/mount.
*Four m67 fragmentation grenedes.
*Ten magazines of 5.56 mm ammunition. Six mags on the vest, four in the Theigh rig.
*Assault pack.(Poncho, broken down MRE, 2 pairs of socks, woobie, personal hygiene bag, batteries)

T/O weapon:
* M27 with DSO/RMR.
* .38 stubby named Angelica

Bio / backstory:
Service Record

Sgt. Convel successfully completed boot camp at MCRD San Diego on 20070106.

Successfully completed training with ITB/SOI on 20070315.

Assigned to 1st battalion 7th marines Bco 3rd plt, 1st squad 2nd team (riflemen)

Deployed to Iraq in support of OIF on 20070820, and again on 20090218.

Deployed to Afghanistan on 20090903 as combat replacement in OEF for  3rd Battalion 4th Marines Hco 2nd plt 1st squad 1st team(SAW gunner)

Deployed to Kandahar, Afgahnistan 20101123 in support of OEF with 1st battalion 7th marines bco 3rd plt 1st squad 1st team (team leader).

Completed INDOC for Marine Special Operation Comand(MARSOC) on 20120104.

Deployed continually to Afghanistan under MARSOC orders


EAS 20161010

Special awards/accommodations:
Rifle expert 5th award.
Pistol expert 3rd award.
Combat Action Ribbon
National Defense service ribbon
Global War On Terrorism award
Overseas deployment award
Good conduct medal
Operation Iraqi freedom 3rd award
Operation enduring Freedom 5th award
Navy and Marine Corps achievement medal
Purple heart x3
Bronze star
Silver Star with device
Jump wings
Black belt MCMAP

***I didn't really grow up in the normal way. Dad was killed from a car bomb in Bosnia in 1987 three months before I was born. Mom died in labor at Ft Irwin, she was army. My grandfather raised me until I was 17, died shortly after my birthday. After being fed up with college and all the other soft students, I enlisted into the Corps, made a few deployments, did some things, saw some things.
After an issue I had in Afghanistan, I lost faith in my government, not my country, but those charged with protection actual Americans and not just profit interests, or fighting proxies just to undermine another power, while at the same time adjusting to the politicization of the military on a whole. I still love Soldering, I just need something more to soldier for.***
The air was fridgid, and seem to still be dropping. Wolfe flexed his muscles attempting to draw blood to his stiffening areas. Hirsch was prone along with Wolfe overlooking the castle. It had been half an hour or so since anything had come over the radio. The sun will be setting soon, Wolfe wasn't sure about the rest of the team, but he made sure Hirsch and himself "tactically requisitioned" two sets of NVGs from the quatermaster. Wolfe distracted the quarter master and Hirsch snuck in and "acquired" the necessary equipment, and batteries. Hirsch may be many things, he is nothing else but methodical.

Hirsch sat staring down his optic on his SAW, looking from point of cover to point of cover.
Nothing, just like the last time, nothing.
'fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, why do I always get stuck on perimeter detail!' he thought to himself. He raised his head and sieghed as he stretched his neck.
As he was going to reshoulder his weapon he felt something sliding up his leg, he looked down. He smiled wide-
"Bunny!" he said as he began to reach for the rabbits head.

***(10 seconds earlier)***

Wolfe thought he caught some movement out in the distance, but the snow blowing around made it difficult to determine what it was. Wolfe was just about to raise his monocular when Hirsch exclaimed-
Hirsch reached for it, just then Wolfe got a sharp feeling that ran from his gut up to his neck, as the rabbits ears began to vibrate, as Hirsch got a closer look at the rabbit, which was not a rabbit but some unholy rabbit snake creature from hell.
"The fuck?-" Hirsch said before the creature suddenly jerked back and snapped its jaws wide showing a wide range of sharp, and pointy teeth. It hissed/screamed at Hirsch before it lunged at him.
"Jesus Christ! RUN AWAY!" he yelled as he threw his arm over his face, the creature sank its teeth into Hirsch's forearm and hand and began to jerk violently, while snapping its jaws for his face and neck.
Wolfe scrambled over and grabbed the creature at its mid section only to snatch his hand away with a snarl, blood began soaking through Wolfes glove almost immediately. Gritting his teeth in anger more than anything else he grabbed the snake like rabbit below its paws and pulled back, while Hirsch who already had his knife free; cut the creatures head off at the neck and yanked the severed head off his forearm, in a fit of rage he threw the head off the cliff and yelled at the corpse.

"Shoulda made that left at Albuquerque mother fucker!"

Then he recoiled in pain, along with Wolfe. Hirsch had a nasty gash on his forearm and bottom right portion of his left hand. After removing his glove and wiping off the blood in the snow, he inspected his hand, which began to bleed immediately after he wiped it clean, but he did notice the blood seeping from tiny holes on his hand. Wolfe wrapped his left hand tight with bandages, and secured a tourniquet an inch and a half above his elbow to stem the bleeding, he helped Hirsch do the same.

"What in the wild FUCK was that thing?" Hirsch wondered aloud.

"No idea, looked like a snake, and a rabbit." Wolfe guessed.

"I fucking hate snakes!" Hirsch yelled.

"Calm down, your gonna need stitches but you'll be fine." Wolfe said as he finished wrapping Hirsch's arm.

"Can you carry your gat?" Wolfe asked.

Standing up a bit slow, Hirsch winced in pain as he shouldered his weapon. He placed the weapon the ground, it's bipods extended so it remained up right.  He grabbed more gauze from his IFAK and began wrapping his hand more, then took out some duct tape and wrapped his hand again. He then hefted the 24lbs weapon, and nodded.

"Yea... I'm good to go," he said finally.

Wolfe was impressed with Hirsch's first aide skills and did the same with more gauze and duct tape, surprisingly holding his rifle felt better now that his hand had more gauze and duct tape for protection. Not a permanent fix but a good temporary.
They both moved to investigate the corpse, using his knife, Wolfe lifted the scales on the body, it was if they were tiny needles, and they were sharp!
Hirsch shuddered, he had a legitimate fear of snakes.

"What bullshit James Cameron Monty Python twisted movie am I fucking in?! Huh?-oof" Hirsch was kicked in the butt and pushed to the ground.

"Stow it marine, get you shit toghether, I'm getting a bad feeling again," As Wolfe finished the radio crackled to life.

"Ember Star to Alpha. Possible movement on our twelve. Can you confirm?"

It was the other operator, Natasha, Wolfe was impressed he couldn't spot her in her area. She seemed locked on and extremely capable. Remembering the movment Wolfe pulled up his monocular, and zoomed in. Sure enough movement ahead, just below the castle and beyond its northern perimeter. His gut feeling kicked off again, It looked like a dog...with six legs, but it wasn't the creature that concerned him, Wolfe noticed many more of those rabbit snake creatures attacking or moving aggressively toward it.

"Copy Ember Star, I have eyes on a creature not of this world, break," he let go of the mic for second and bit his lip, Wolfe always had a soft spot for animals, no matter what they looked like, and he hated seeing things suffer, and right now, he was fairly motivated into hating the cute widdle snake rabbit monsters from hell.
He looked to Hirsch who seemed to be on the same page.

"Let's go fuck start Bugs's mutant family" Hirsch said through clenched teeth.

Wolfe picked the mic back up, "Moving to reinforce the target," he said and then put the mic away.

"Let's rock," Wolfe said as they both kicked off the hill. For the first three hundred meters down the slope they half ran and half slid down the snow embankment. Once to ground level they broke into a sprint, Wolfe slightly ahead of Hirsch. In reality Hirsch was a faster runner in both terms of speed and endurance than Wolfe, however Hirsch was also carrying more weight than Wolfe making him a bit slower.
The creature happened to be 600 meters from where Wolfe and Hirsch had been located, but due to the high winds and the light snow blowing making out detail at more than one hundred meters almost impossible.
The two marines made the trek in just over four minutes, by the time they got there, the creature was under full assault by the snake creatures.
Wolfe attached his bayonet to his M4 while Hirsch pulled his own eight inch blade out, with his weapon slung over his back.
Running up Wolfe stepped on the tail of one snabbit(snake/rabbit) and jammed his bayonet through its head. Hirsch picked one up by the face, keeping its jaws from opening while he slammed it against a rock repeatedly until it stopped moving.
A Snabbit tried to jump for Wolfes neck but was knocked away by the butt of his weapon, teeth and blood flew with it, however another almost sank its jaws into his right shoulder. Grabbing the point of its tail he threw it to the ground, shouldered his m4 and fired five rounds. The damn things were agile, only two rounds struck the creature, but was more than enough to put it down.
The large monster began defending itself with more fervor, for every snabbit the monster shook off Wolfe and Hirsch killed it, either with bludgeoning or stabbing, slashing, and hacking.
The numbers thinned out, but Wolfe got a strong feeling up his spine, when he looked northwest he got a stronger feeling, he focused throgh the blowing snow...
There! He saw it, it appeared to be the opening to a burrow, and more snabbits we're beging to burrow their way out.
Seizing the moment, while Hirsch and the monster killed the last of the snabbits near them, Wolfe removed his bayonet and loaded a 40mm high explosive dual purpose round into his M203 on the belly of his M4. Flipping his leaf sight he estimated the range, flipped off the safety, and squeezed the trigger.
It flew for a couple of second before impacting with a thud directly into the snabbit hole.
Hirsch cheered.
"Yea! It's wabbit season biotch!"

Their attention was immediately turned to the large animal behind them, it looked like a cross between a dog, a lion, had horns, weird sets of eyes, on the side of its head and tongue.

"Shit man I hope we didn't make a mistake," Hirsch said slinging his gun back around.

Wolfe had his rifle at the ready, not directly pointing his muzzle at the creature but it wouldn't take but a twitch for Wolfe to let loose a round or two accurately.
Wolfe did not have any gut feeling when he regarded the creature, it didn't seem to be outright hostile.
Wolfe got a sense for inteligent sentience from the creature. Slowly he lowered his gun, and held a hand up, universal sign of "no threat". Wolfe and Hirsch waited tensley for the creatures response.
Question, what about middle eastern conflicts? Howd Afghanistan fair against the Soviets now that they are still around.

Also the Sept 11 attacks that led to OEF/ OIF how did that go down?
I'm sure you'll be fine, I don't get too bent out of shape for inaccuracies, unless it's a Hollywood movie.
And yea, working with Gunther is more than fine.
You gonna allow any space marines?
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