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    1. CrimsonWarrior55 10 yrs ago


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<Snipped quote by CrimsonWarrior55>

...What about menstrual blood?

Well... you know... blood from the... "unmaking" of a virgin.
'Harder than steel? THAT'S IT!' Jade thought, running over to Nik. "Hey, if he's harder than steel, maybe he lost his elasticity, right? Cutting won't work, but maybe a high-speed impact will. If you can get him to harder a vital part, I can aim for that. What do you think?" She whispered as she helped him up. It wasn't much of a plan but if she was correct it just might work.
Don't forget virgin blood. Can't go wrong with virgin blood


Oh, wait, THAT kind of virgin blood. My bad!
Jade stumbled to her feet, taking deep breaths. "Yeah. Yeah... I'll try that" she said, unsheathing the saber he gave her earlier. Once again, Jade entered her accelerated state and ran towards the warden, aiming to take his head off in one clean sweep. And in that moment she went to strike, Jade discovered that swinging your arm at super-speed, and swinging a metal stick in a wide arc at super-speed were two very different things. Wind resistance quickly took over and slowed Jade's swing down just enough that her opponent was able to see it, and therefore duck it, sending Jade tumbling tumbling behind. "DAMMIT!" she shouted, getting back up to try again, but this time she tried altering the timing of her swing, hoping to fool the marine. Sadly, it didn't work and he managed to block, hard. Jade noticed a split appearing in her saber and jumped back to give herself some room 'If this keeps up, I won't even have a sword to fight with... unless... maybe' She thought, looking at the blade 'What the hell?'. She charged the man again, but this time, she held her blade straight, using it like a javelin as opposed to a sword. Sure enough, it worked, and the metal found it's mark being driven deep into his abdominals. Of course, this led to another problem... Jade couldn't stop going forward, nor could she retract the sword fast enough, causing the rest of it to shatter, leaving her with a poor little stump. "Oh, crap".
Jade laughed as she got up "Seastone collar, remember? I couldn't use my power even if I wanted" she said, dusting her butt off. She followed him out the door, mulling over her new nickname 'JJ... JJ... JJ... I like it' she thought. But her smile quickly faded when she saw who stood before her. The Warden. Jade had never seen the man, but with the strength he was radiating, there was no doubt in her mind of his status. 'But just like his lowly mooks, he stands between me and freedom' Jade began to vibrate 'He will end up just the same!' she thought, darting towards the large old-timer, full-on ready to barrel his ass down. But the second she made contact, she knew she fucked up. Her entire form had begun to sink into his body completely, and even through she tried to stop and change directions, it was too late. The man stretched outward like rubber, and once he stopped, that meant there was only one place left for Jade to go "Oh, shit" she whimpered, as the full accelerated force of her body slam was transfered back to her and she was slung hard back the way she came, all the way into the outer wall of the prison, leaving a nice crater. "Okay... bad idea" she let out, as she slumped to the ground...
Jade came to a halt as well so as to not slam into her new-found buddy. "Hmm? Oh, that. That's should be easy enough" she said, stepping up. And just like before her body began to vibrate. After a couple of seconds, she stopped, her body giving off a slight greenish aura. "Alright boys" she spoke with an odd reverberation to her voice "Try and keep up". And suddenly, she was gone. Well, except for the green image trail she left behind, and the fire-laced foot steps (more like impact craters), and the massive gust of wind as the air rushed to fill the empty space where she just was. But by the time all this registered into Nikolai's mind, Jade was already down ten mooks.

"Holy shit!" "Where'd she go!?" "She's so fast!" "I can't see her!" the panic ran rampant throughout the crowd of marines, but Jade paid it no mind. In fact to be perfectly honest, she couldn't even hear them. Another side effect. When Jade entered what she called her "Accelerated State", she entered her own little world. A world were everyone and everything moved 3x slower than her, giving her a freedom afforded to no one else. This was the power of the Swift-Swift Fruit. And currently, that power was focused on body slamming, punching, kicking, crotch-shotting, kneeing, elbowing, and just flat-out running over any guard who dared stand between her and free-"Oh, shit. Time's half up!"

Within roughly 5-6 seconds, the entire battalion was flung into the air, slamming against the walls, floor, and each other, whereas Jade had tripped on her way back, and was currently sitting flat on her ass 'I have GOT to work on stopping', sliding to Nikolai's feet, trying to catch her breath. "Woo! That felt good. Well, Cap, I think we're good to go, don't you?"...
Jade grinned at his obvious confusion. Despite the destructive side effects of her ability, she did love to show off. Even in a world of abnormal powers, hers was both common and unique. Anyways, the boy gave his name, 'Nikolai, huh? Okay, works for me', and occupation 'Piracy? Excellent. All the better', and finished grabbing his stuff before heading out the door. Jade moved to follow before she noticed a glint in the corner of the wood pile that used to be the warden's desk. 'A-HA! There you are!' she thought, picking up the object. It was a just a choker (although MUCH softer and lighter than that seastone collar) with a locket on it, but it was worth faaaaar more to her than anything else. As she put it on, she saw something else that might be useful, too. A dagger belt, dagger included. "I like this knife, I'm keeping it". Standing tall, she set out after Nikolai "Alrighty. After you, Captain"...
It's fine. Sort of can't do anything until Lady posts anyways.

And now to mention her, just to get her attention. Yoooo-hoooo, @ladyonyx04... where art thou? Lol.
Jade's face lit up like a Christmas tree the minute he handed her the keys. Stumbling through them, she thoroughly tested them one after another until... *click*. She slowly pulled the heavy collar off her throat, the pale skin resembling a choker. Dropping it to the floor, she placed her hands on her head and *CRICK!* "Ooooooooooh yeeeeeeaaaaaah... That feels sooooooo good. You have no idea how long I wanted to do that. Oh, right Eternal Pose!" she said, fingering her softer skin newly unbound. Jade closed her eyes and focused, as the boy became more and more frustrated. She was unknown to him as her body began to vibrate. Suddenly there was a large rush of air *and the sound of a ton of shit breaking* and by the time he turned around, there was Jade, Eternal Pose in her hand with Gourmet written on it "Ya lookin' for this?" she asked, handing it to him "Oh, by the by, what's your name? Mine's Jade."
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