Avatar of Cultural Titan
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    1. Cultural Titan 9 yrs ago


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In this world there are no humans, only anthropomorphised animals. However, not all animals are created equal. Pigs, Cows and other farmyard creatures are consider not even animals by the majority. They are put to work as a slave class. Working farms to grow crops to feed themselves. Fattening up for consumption by the animals. You see a real animal only eats meat.

Uskary is a poor state ravaged by a war from ten years ago where it became a battleground between the Ardesh Empire to the west and the Old Kingdom of Escal to the east. Neither state survived the war, but each side ravaged the countryside of Uskary and it has not yet fully recovered. As such the livestock, which normally would feed the whole population are unable to grow fat enough to suffice. The nobility have for the last decade enacted the harvest, in which animals are chosen to be carved up and fed to the rest of the populace in order to fight the growing lack of meat. Officially this is supposed to be done at random, but in reality the nobles just choose on their own whims, be it to eat a succulent looking subject or smite down some up and comer in the world.

All around nations have industrialized and adopted new governments since the end of the great war. Meanwhile, Uskary has kept a feudal system well past its lifespan and is significantly behind the times economically, militarily, socially and politically. Most of the populace has in secret blamed the old aristocracy for being petty, self serving and slow, but upon the death of the old King, his son, prince Oskar, declared that the government would change. An election would be held to decide who would lead the country and whoever won the election would have free reign to create a constitution to lead the country into the future. Oskar would be overseeing this election personally, but not running in it. He wholeheartedly believes that the people would decide what was right for them.

The elections are to be held at the end of the year where all animals would gather to the cities to submit their ballots. Before then though the leaders of all prospective parties would need to gather in the capitol with at least five hundred supporters to be recognized by prince Oskar as a valid contender in approximately two months.
Many grassroots movements have sprung up in the wake of this announcement, but surrounding countries have taken this as a time to expand their influence over a neighbor. Despite the damage done to Uskary during the war up and coming political parties in Ardesh are making an impact on various levels of Uskary society and the new dictatorship in Escal is sowing dissent for the nobility and exporting the cult of personality for their own leadership. Meanwhile, to the south, the coastal Nation of Veska wants desperately to trade with Uskary to bring its untapped natural resources to a world market and hopefully enrich themselves.

The race is for Uskary’s future. Success will surely guarantee a life without hunger and failure may well see you on your opponents’ plates.

Some work still needs to be done, like coming up with a real name, making a map, describing any important regions and probably some other things that have escaped my mind, but I got a little impatient and decided to push the interest check out early.
well there would be a woman if ruler ever came back. *shrug* I cannot guarantee the difference between characters. That's kinda up to everybody else.
try to keep it around the abilities of a first level dnd/pathfinder character and it should be alright.
So Is anyone still interested in this. I've sorta been waiting on there being more characters to start, maybe just one more, but we can start now or let it die or whatever

Sounds fine then. I'll put him in the character's list. Accepted.


That sounds fine. The devil will be in the details. You may notice my earlier analysis of Infamous Empath's character. Admittedly the exact bio I was critiquing at the time is no longer there. Regardless it is not inherently a problem.

No no, magic is fine, I just wanted to know how you intended to use your alchemy so I could make sure it was not going to cause problems. Anything up to the capabilities of a first level adventurer should be fine and some more extravagant abilities may still make it in for fun. Particularly in your case, a simple explanation of not having the right materials would keep the character in line with everyone else if need be. Still what do you want to be able to do with alchemy and how quickly?

As a side note I am quite fond of the alchemist as presented in pathfinder.
@Infamous Empath

I suppose you are right, but I am surprised that you would be happy with a single sentence.

I will update the sheet though to at least a paragraph.
@Cuccoruler It could be cleaned up a bit, but otherwise its fine. If you could do a second draft of the character sheet i can probably accept it.

@LeonVon A bit longer than you may have wanted, but about the least I wanted to accept. No problems with the character at first glance, but I should ask in advance how you intend alchemy to work?

@Infamous Empath And now it is also super lame and definitely too short.

@Infamous Empath

So a few issues. I assume that these will all stem from me not explaining enough in an attempt to leave things open ended. So when the emperor's men captured Daren's loved ones they would almost certainly have been shipped off to Hurica as exiles. The emperor is just doing this to all criminals and political opponents regardless of how good or bad of an idea it may be. So they would not actually have been around to bargain for. In the same vain they probably would not have spent much time torturing him unless he was someone with valuable information or something. Again standard practice is to just exile prisoners and be done with them. If the continent doesn't kill them they will be too far away to do anything. As such they also would not really care to send someone to assassinate someone who they had already exiled. That person would already not be an issue.

So I think there are ways to work with what we have. If his loved ones are the most important part for the character then perhaps he gave himself up as a traitor to the realm just so that he would be sent to Hurica where they were. Perhaps then when he get's there one or both of them are missing.

Alternatively if you were really going for the assassinating a guy angle I can work with that, but it will have to have been something he decided to do on his own accord or perhaps a task given to him by some other organization other than the new empire. Perhaps a thieves guild wants him to punish a traitor for them and he is loyal or personally scorned enough to give up his future to do it.

Obviously use your own details and mix and match things as you wish, but as he is right now he just does not logically fit.
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