Avatar of cunfuzzler
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  • Old Guild Username: cunfuzzler
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It's too quiet in here.
I've always tried to distance myself from thinking about them in an actual geographic sense. Because they're fictional and every new writer has a different vision for the world they're writing. Except Gotham, I find it hard to separate it from a real geographic setting, but that is DC's fault for naming it a god damn synonym for New York!
Name: Inoya Minimura
Clan: N/A
Village: Takigakure (Village Hidden by a Waterfall)
Age: 15

Abilities: Inoya has an affinity for Earth abilities and possesses the Crystal Release Kekkai Genkai. She is well versed in ninjutsu, and genjutsu as well as having an at least passable affinity for taijutsu.
Weapons: Inoya carries shurikens on her person at all times.

Personality: Inoya is painfully shy, in social situations her first reaction it to make a beeline for the nearest corner and hope noone talks to her. That said when she does have to deal with other people she is genuinely nice. Friendly and caring for all those she meets, she really enjoys socialization with others but has yet to meet someone she truly trusts. Fighting Dreamers

Back Story:
Alrighty, works for me. Makes sense lorewise and doesn't seem too convoluted. Thanks for the info!

I'll have a CS up soon.
Yeah, they're the super powerful aliens.
Well, we came up with something. Have you seen Naruto? Makes it easier to explain.


I haven't watched every episode, but I've seen enough to know the story, at least until Shippuden.

Edit: Not that I don't know the story of Shippuden, just not the stuff from 2014 and beyond.
I haven't done a Free RP in like five years, but this sounds interesting, I might write up a CS. I gotta ask though, is there any plot elements planned for this, or just the chunin exams?
Gotham City, Gotham Museum of Antiquities

Katarina rappelled from on of the museums many skylights in absolute silence apart from a breathy sigh she let out as she considered though about why she was there. Despite going 'straight' she had found out real quickly that vigilantism did not pay the bills, and working a 9-5 just wasn't in her. As she touched the marble floor a timer began in the lower left of her vision. It was now counting down from 5:27. She had cased the place several times in the past month to get that operating window. It represented the time until Gary one of the museums night watchmen would reach the room she was in. Since he was doing his rounds the motion sensors had been deactivated, and since it was the third patrol of the night it meant that his partner who would usually be watching the cameras was off getting a bag of chips from the vending machine. Still, she had to be careful to not trip any of the still active security measures.

The timer had ticked down to 4:28 by the time she reached her quarry, a small jewel encrusted golden idol depicting a feline. After stepping over the velvet rope between her and it's case she pressed her right hands clawed fingertips against the glass and rotated her wrist, the reinforced glass made a faint irritating sound akin to removing tape from a hard surface as the prometheum claws cut into it. Once she finished she wasted no time flicking her middle finger against the glass forcing the circular piece of glass into the case, though her hand followed and caught it with a supernatural quickness before it could fall. Then in one swift motion she grabbed the idol and placed the reinforced piece of glass on the pedestal it had once stood upon.

With the idol in hand Katarina glanced down at the timer once more, 3:43 plenty of time. She took her time walking back to the rope hanging from the ceiling near the center of the room. And with one quick tug she was being pulled up. She looked down through the skylight as she replaced the glass panel and removed her winch, latching it to the hip of her suit. Noting the guard entering the room as she finished, while the temptation was there to watch his reaction when he got to the now empty case she knew she was better off putting distance between herself and it.

So Katarina rose to her feet and turned to set off, noting a police helicopter in the distance. She paused for a moment before glancing down at the idol in her left hand. "Curiosity killed the... Well you know." she spoke with her gaze still locked onto it before she began to sprint in the direction of the helicopter, she detached the tail from the suit and extended it's claws fully as she leapt from the museum roof. The mechanized whip found hold on a lighpost as she fell and wrapped around it before slinging her upwards towards the top of the adjacent building. Her claws dug into the masonry at the lip of the buildings roof before she pulled herself up onto it's roof.

She continued across the rooftops of downtown Gotham towards the helicopter, hoping it would be something worth her time, maybe even a chance for her to do some good. She didn't feel bad about her theft, but it would be nice to do some crime fighting to even the scales as it were.
Alright, I'm starting on a post finally.
Gonna go ahead and skip to the island when everyone is ready so we can get this truly underway.
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