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    1. DancingEagle 10 yrs ago


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Current See you Space Cowboy.
8 yrs ago
In other news, a solider missed a 97% shot and now he's dead. Never change, XCOM 2
8 yrs ago
Quick interest check: Combat-focused action RP in Steampunk world where PCs are airship pirates.
8 yrs ago
Also started replaying Dishonored for the first time since 2012-3. Still love the world and atheistic. Stealth route is not as satisfying but more fulfilling.
8 yrs ago
I started playing through XCOM 2 for the first time since Feb. There's a lot of BS still going on, but it's addictive as ever.
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Indie Game Dev Sometimes | Graphic Designer | Video Editor & After Effects Person | IRL Dungeon Master | Does Stuff for halalit.tv

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Protip: Rhymezone is your God here.
"You Are All in an Inn" (Intro)

(Fade in to a shot of a wooden inn)

(Guitar strum, slowly:)
You are all in an inn
With some glasses of gin
And water and beer or some tea~
The place's pretty clean
And the atmosphere's serene~
(Guitar strum, pause)

A great place to RP!

(Rock track starts)
Join in: Character introductions; 1-2 verses (4-6 lines each) about your character

If you don't think musicals are baloney
And/or want to win a Tony
Come be a part of something really corny!
Come on, it will be funny
I'm not asking you for money
It will be a weird thing indeed!



Songs and Sorcery (Also: RPG: The Musical) is an affectionate parody of fantasy RPGs (mainly D&D and Pathfinder): its tropes, characters, plots and rules, by way of a Broadway musical.
An innocent party of newbie adventurers is forced to ensue in a legendary journey to save the world from an evil cult who wishes to harness the power of a mythical dragon and rule the Earth with an iron fist. Expect lots of cliches, fourth wall breaks, and songs. Lots and lots of songs.

How To Sing

You, dear player, don't need to physically sing anything. Your character does, though. Here's how it works:

  • Any character can start singing a musical number at any time (so long as they don't overuse it) by just posting an IC post with lyrics. Doing so will give your character their time in the spotlight for a solo musical number.
  • If you want to give details about the actions your character does during the song, how it is sung, or the backing track, you can do so in parenthesis, for instance: (Piano riff), (Sudden pause), (Quick)
  • If you want other players to join you, simply write instructions at the bottom of your post about what exactly you need under a "Join in" label. This could be anything from number of lines, number of verses, the character(s) who may join in, etc. Others can quote the post and add to it.
  • The songwriter decides when a song is done by simply moving on with the plot (or by posting OOC). However, if a song is too long, I might ask the songwriter to cut it prematurely.


  • Tone. The tone should be kept light and comical. While violence can and will occur, it is exaggerated and used for comedic effect. Blood is either ridiculous and exaggerated or absent, depending on the situation. Graphic descriptions are, however, forbidden unless they are somewhat generalized ("heads on a wall" for example). Dark and mature themes should be left out, although dark undertones are fine.
  • Profanity. Generally fine, as long as your character's vocab doesn't consist entirely of it. It is also worth considering that the dramatic effect of, say, dropping an F-bomb, is severely reduced if your character does it all the time. "Keep it at a PG13 level" is pretty decent advise: keep the F-word to a minimum, S-words and dick jokes are fine generally.
  • Fourth wall. The characters are all aware that they are in a musical, and they're also Genre Savvy, meaning that they have extensive knowledge of the tropes and cliches of the genre. The characters are NOT aware that they're fictional, and they're not aware they're in an RP. I would not advise leaning on the fourth wall frequently, as the joke might get tiresome.
  • Archetypes and Personality. On par with the previous point, and with the fact that this is a parody, characters should be exaggerated and quirky. This includes everything from personality to backstory. While using "established" and popular D&D archetypes is recommended for the full parody experience, it's not mandatory. I also recommend making parts of your character intentionally generic (e.g. a "family was killed" backstory).
  • Combat. Resolved by making flashy moves rather than dice rolls (feel free to make dice roll jokes though).
    There is no initiative or combat mechanics - canonically, everyone acts at the same time, and whatever they say happens (of course GM has the final say, and can veto you if you do something impossible or unreasonable).
    Your average mook can be defeated by a good Rouge backstab; your BBEG? Well, that's a few more posts.

Note: it is possible that plot developments in the RP may override or contradict with some or all of the above guidelines, at which case the tone of the RP takes first priority.

The Most Important Rule

Personally, the most important rule in any RP is Rule Zero, which simply states:

"Roleplaying games are entertainment; your goal as a group is to make your games as entertaining as possible."

There is no denying that this RP is highly experimental, and may become an explosive mess very quickly. Frankly I don't care if this ends up being a plot hole-ridden mess with unresolved arcs or a professional Broadway play, I don't care if people write 5 paragraphs or one line per post, as long as we're having fun, nothing should matter.

Welcome back!
I feel ya. I've been absent for more than a year. Now that I have some free time I can come back and GM/play some freeform RPs.
Then the latter option it shall be! I'm not out to make work for the GM, I've just wanted to do the Disney princess witchdoctor lizardfolk for a long time. That idea will keep :P

No problem! While I have an idea in mind I'm not going to let it stop the players, so if you want to be your witchdoctor princess, by all means do. Also, here's a logo before I head out to bed.

If evil monster characters are allowed, expect a voodoo witchdoctor lizard-person who is basically a Disney princess except with undead things instead of woodland critters.

If that wouldn't work out (which I expect to be the case), I'll probably fall back on a Gnome Artificer.

Since the intent is to parody D&D-esque parties (i.e. level 1, base classes, base races, average stats), I personally prefer the latter option, but I'm willing to let the former slide.
Grab a beer, it would appear
We have a good player base
I'll eat and sleep and drink a beer
Tomorrow I'll cut to the chase

If you want to partake in this parody
By all means still post
Be a part of this wacky comedy
I'd love to be your host!

So thank you, all you early backers
Yes we're starting soon it's true
I can't wait to see your characters!
But for now I bid you adieu.
(Piano riff)

I fear the thread is slowly becoming an inside joke
We've been making all those mock songs from the minute we first spoke


But let us conserve our energy
There are many places where we'll be
Singing songs hysterically
So let us calm down, maybe?

I fear we may be freighting
Other folks here may be hiding
So let's give them some breathing room
Before I send characters to their DOOM!

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