Avatar of DangDude
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    1. DangDude 7 yrs ago


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This looks like it could be interesting. Is it alright if I took air?
OOoooo, this definitely struck my interest!

I guess you can call me Dude???
in my twenties here.
Could play I high schooler/warrior, i have somme ideas forming already!

I can usually jump on a few times here and there everyday, sometimes weekends can be hectic though so I may disappear for a day or two.
I'm eastern time here, UTC-05:00.
Red pandas are adorable!
Connor took in everything his friends were saying. Though it simply seemed too simple to him, maybe there really was not an Architect there, watching in secret. None the less, better safe than sorry. Whether it be due to logical thought or mere paranoia, Connor was sure to make it known just how capable he was. Besides, it seemed that he had already riled Edward up, and it would be rude not to at least put his money where his mouth was.

If you think you can get close enough,” Connor bantered, starting his march toward the food stands with a mischievous smirk on his face. It was strange though, Connor was actually seeming to enjoy the company of his newfound companions. It had been quite some time since he truly socialized, most of his encounters with others always being more of a performance than true socializing. With all his time devoted to his studies, and so many others with information and resources that he did not have. It was because of this motive that he never really took the time to make acquaintances. Then again, in place of true friendship Connor did gain the kind of social skills and manipulation that any politician would envy.

Connor smiled as he looked around, the sight of citizens smiling and enjoying the festivities, it was not something one could take lightly. Even on a normal given day, even with a king as cheerful as theirs, there was always that looming feeling; that feeling that it all had an expiration date. But today was not like that, it was almost… carefree. Maybe it was because of the scenery, but even Connor’s nerves seemed to be eased. At least a little bit. Although it should be noted that it was at the same moment that Connor spotted a dessert stand that was displaying some one of his favorite pastries, a crepe of sorts decorated with a white cream and strawberries. Connor was quick to make his way to the stand, and almost childish grin on his face. The salesman had tried to treat the group to free treats of their choosing, but Connor insisted on paying the generous man, though the offer was tempting.

This is actually pretty amazing,” Connor thought aloud in between each joyous bite from his pastry. “I have to admit, I had never been to an Ascension festival before, though now I am starting to question why. What about you guys?

It should be noted that Connor had a tempted to do some research of the others who had been chosen for Ascension after he had found out that he himself had been chosen as well. Researching Edward did not turn out to be too difficult, that being said though he still really did not know much about him other his family’s status. He was even more in the dark about Selti, and he was to be traveling with these new found companions he was going to need to know just who those companions really were.
Hey @DangDude!

Thanks for submitting this thing and stuff.

Also, here's some stuff:

Under saving grace you have "the will to live for herself" and - oh, actually, you edited this. Nevermind. Good work.
Anyway, just remember that the saving grace also brands itself on the warbrand and you're good to go in that department.

Other than that, the only real problem in your CS is your warbrand itself.
(No problems with the actual blade, just its powers)

"wielding it allows her to distort her image, though often unaware to the beholder. A strike that should have landed somehow misses, a
swing you thought you dodged yet it cost you your arm. Though it seems small, it makes it very difficult to determine things such
as the true attributes of her blade. Is it truly as it appears, or something quite more deadly…?

Who’s to say?"

Anyway, distorting the wielder's image is actually a really cool and fun idea for a power. The fact she's unaware it does this is lame, however, and I suggest you just scratch that part out.

But the actual issue (sorry for beating around the bush) is where you talk about the "true attributes of her blade" - what true attributes? Is it how it appears? I really don't know, The point of the character sheet is to inform us about these things.

I actually do like where you're going with your cs, though, and I can't wait to see you develop your ideas some more. If you don't want to reveal all the warbrand's powers, that's fine, just make sure you PM me (or TheLoneRook, but he's lame >:o) (...or both of us) the powers so we can check them off and make sure they're all right and dandy for the rp. However, if you actually don't know what its powers are, that's an issue you'll have to fix on your own time, lol.


OH no, she would know the actual length and characteristics of the blade, I was moreso trying to state how anyone else looking at the sword wouldn't be able to tell. It wouldn't make much sense to have her not know the characteristics of her own sword. I was thinking about maybe making it so that that's just what her sword looks like because of its powers, but truly be completely different, although I think I'll probably scrap that idea. Like I said though, I'm super tired so I started wording things kind of weirdly. I'll probably change it a bit in the morning, but I just wanted to make sure I got my character at least somewhat done so I could make sure I was going in the right direction. The powers are pretty limited to that for now though; making her blade look shorter so that the person dodging is still hit/nicked, or distorting her own appearance in order to avoid attacks. I'd like to expand the abilities a bit to make decoys or even change her appearance completely for a limited amount of time, but that also kind of goes against her character so I might add them and have them just be something she morally chooses not to use?? Like I said though, things probably better to think about after sleep.

Here's my submission! I'm pretty tired, so if anything doesn't make sense feel free to let me know. I tend to get repetitive when i get tired.
I will be making a post Sunday, sorry for the wait. College is a hectic time lol

I hear that, I still have a paper and a homework assignment I've yet to start. TT~TT
Very much interested!
<Snipped quote by DangDude>

What franchise? Do you mean the anime? I can't really allow that, namely because I don't know the first thing about the Fairy Tale anime. If that was even what you're talking about.

Oh, no no! I was talking about the Kingdom Hearts franchise. An like actual fairy tales, not the Fairtail anime.
He rushed down the stairs as fast as his legs can carry him, loud thumps echoing throughout the entirety of the house. He could hear the sound of a woman’s chuckle, sounding almost like a melody as it mixed with the gentle footsteps following not far behind, but his mind was hardly focused on that now. He made it to the bottom of the stairs, the door in sight, his feet carrying him without thought until he burst through. Light washed over his vision, making everything hazy for but a moment as he stopped to see for his own eyes; at the very end of the path, on the other side of that gated fence was a tall, dark haired man. His beard well-groomed and meticulously taken care of, his bright scarlet jacket, and his eyes, a green shimmering sea of kindness and comfort… The sight was all too familiar to him. He looked back, seeing for but an instant the woman, her long jet-black hair blowing in the breeze from the outside, smiling and nodding to him. And in an instant, he was at the man’s legs hugging them so tightly that there was clearly no intention of letting go. However, it was the promise of a surprise. As the man took a step away, rubbing the top of his head firmly with affection as he reached into his satchel. He knelt to the ground, holding out a leather bound book to him, a smile full of pride stretching across his face. He reached out with his tiny arms, his eyes wide and eager to read yet another-

Connor’s eyes shot open. He groggily hoisted himself up to a sitting position, bringing his feet to the cold wooden floor as he looked around his room. And with a deep sigh full of reluctance, his day had begun.
He had to make sure he looked proper for the festival. He made sure to make his outfit formal enough for an audience yet practical enough to set out when the time came; a black button down collarless shirt, black trouser, black leather shoes, and an all too familiar long bright red jacket. He brushed his hair, though it was difficult to tame such a man of dark brown hair. All in all, though, he was confident enough in his appearance that he was satisfied. After that, he went into the study, shelves filled with books lining the walls, though Connor’s attention was focused on the lard wooden table in the center of the room; gemstones and loose papers scattered about around many opened texts. More importantly, Connor reached for the red silk bag, closed with violet drawstrings. He grabbed the bag, thinking to himself as he tied the bag to his side. Between what he had in his bad, along with the jewels he had in each pocket of his jacket and his pants for emergency, he was sure he had enough jewels to last him for several days so long as he was smart about how he used them. Which he always was.

It was only a matter of time before there was a knock on his door, two large escorts waiting for him on the other side. Connor found the thought of being escorted to the festival utterly ridiculous, what did it say about him that a prowess mage chosen for the Ascension needed an escort? Though he understood the formality of it…

So he begrudgingly complied, traveling with the men to the capital.

"What about you Connor?"."

Connor blinked, bringing himself back from a state of recollection at the sound of Selti’s words. Ever since the end of the king’s speech, Connor could not help but replay scenes in in head. Maybe it was merely hitting him late, that he would most likely not be returning home for a very long time. Regardless, Connor was still partially in reality at the time, and given Edward’s childishly eager expression it was all too obvious that he had not missed much anyhow. He seemed… nice. Though it was obvious to Connor that Edward and he were like water and oil. After all, even their fighting tactics could not be further from the same. Still, he probably meant well. Connor did like Selti, though. Even though she was not very outspoken, Selti seemed to be very bright. It would not hurt to witness some use of magic through runes for his notes, either.

Weirdly enough, I believe Edward has the right idea,” Connor admitted. “It is as the king said, the tournament is where people go to be noticed by the Architects. Therefore it would be correct to assume that there are some sort of scouts there that will be judging who is fit and who isn’t, which means they could see how well we fare in battle as well. ” Looked about, as if he were looking for the said scouts. Clearly, there would be no way of knowing who they could be, but he knew they were out there. Watching.

It would be a prime opportunity to show just how capable I am as a mage. Capability leads to promotion, and promotion leads to knowledge. And there is far too much I need to know that I do not. ” Connor look to Edward, a mischievous smirk stretching across his face. “Besides, why would I give anyone else the satisfaction of wiping that look off Edward’s face when I so clearly have the opportunity? That being said though, I am craving something sweet, and it is a festival after all.
Aaaahhhh! yay! Happy to see things starting up! I'll post by tonight. ^_^
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