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Current hitman has no accent cause heโ€™s a robot
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British gal. Watches far too many films. Loves travelling.

Been into RPs for a while and I generally seem to stray towards more fantasy/supernatural based storylines. I also like detail and in-depth plots as much as possible! Always up for new ideas though.

{Will insert some witty content here when I can be bothered}

Most Recent Posts


A Hera & Hebe Collab
Mentions: Odin, Ares, Hercules

Hera was many things in her life. Regal, proud, ambitious. Maternal, however, was not a trait that came easy to her, despite her station. Perhaps it didnโ€™t come easy to anyone. Perhaps it was work, each and every day, work that Hera had long since grown bored of. With Ares, sheโ€™d been everything she thought a mother should be. Loving and supportive, in all things. With Hebe thoughโ€ฆ No. She had done what was necessary to protect her daughter. Hebe was not born for the battlefield like her brother. She was soft, and the world was not kind to soft girls.

As Hercules sauntered off, Hera took to hovering around Hebe, smoothing imaginary wrinkles in her dress, and taming invisible flyaways, clucking her tongue in disapproval. โ€œI justโ€ฆ not everyone can be trusted, darling. I mean, first you start working for Odin, then you start taking rides from that man-childโ€ฆ I worry.โ€

There was a small part of Hebe that wanted to swat away her mothers hand. To beg her to, for once, trust her judgement. But, as always, this was soon swallowed by her persistent need to please. "Mother, I - it wasn't planned...I missed the bus and he just happened to drive by." Her eyes trailed over the ballroom, unable to make direct contact with her mothers ever watchful gaze. She particularly avoided looking in the direction that Herc had strode. "And Mr. Odin's a great boss! Honestly! Maybe...maybe you could try talk to him sometime?" Hebe's voice perked up as she spoke, her expression a picture of doomed optimism.

Hera scoffed, smirked, and shook her head. โ€œIโ€™m sure he keeps his employees happy. Thereโ€™s probably a bar on every floor,โ€ Hera said, disdain dripping from her tongue. She did not trust Odin around her daughter, anymore than she trusted Hercules. He was a collector, and she imagined Hebe made quite the prize. Of course he would want to keep her around. โ€œAre you enjoying it at least? Heโ€™s not asking too much of you?โ€

At the mention of alcohol Hebes outstretched hand dropped back by her side, ignoring the glass of champagne that was being proferred to her. Shooting the waiter an apologetic look, she finally turned to face her mother. "I mean, I guess it's kind of busy but that's okay." She smiled, genuinely having no qualms about her boss. In the two short years she'd been his assistant he'd treated her better than most mortals and gods she knew. "And I have to work for someone. I sort of thought you'd approve it being for another godโ€ฆ"

โ€œImmortality does not a god make,โ€ Hera said, matter of fact in her pride. โ€œYour brother,โ€ Hera said, gesturing to where Ares sat, โ€œis a god. You and I are gods. Even Artemis and her damned brother are gods.โ€ Heraโ€™s arrogance was unbridled today. โ€œThose of us who dined on Mount Olympus know what power is, what responsibility means. We guided the mortals into ages of wealth and wisdom, while the others watched and waited and waged their petty wars. The mortals, savage as they might be now, would be much worse had it not been for us.โ€

Hera raised a hand, gently caressing Hebeโ€™s face. โ€œOdin makes no deal that does not benefit him, and your work ethic is certainly not beneficial enough to a man like him. You are worth far more than some secretary.โ€

Hebe felt her cheeks flush at the unexpected compliment. "I..." She couldn't recall the last time either of her parents had said anything so kind. Even such a small breadcrumb was enough to bring a spark of joy to the young goddess. It was moments like this that drew her back to Hera again and again, despite the dissidence in their views on the other pantheons. [color=7BDCB5] "Thank you...though I could never be as impressive as you Mother. It's so beautiful here today..."[color]

โ€œOh darling,โ€ Hera said, radiant as ever, โ€œnobody could be as impressive as me.โ€ The Queen of Olympus shared in her daughterโ€™s admiration for a moment, all too happy to bask in her own glory, especially now that her daughter seemed to be returning to her rightful place, beneath her wing. โ€œYou are off to a good start though. Who knows, perhaps these gatherings will be your responsibility one day. Just remember to keep your focus, lest you become,โ€ Hera spared a glance in Herculesโ€™ direction, โ€œdistracted.โ€

"We're just friends..." Hebe mumbled, her blush deepening as she followed her mothers gaze. It was true really. She had known Herc forever and well...commitment just seemed to be off the cards for him. But she couldn't imagine giving up their friendship, that at the very least was something she wanted to hold onto. "But I dont think I'd ever be able to host something like this anyway." Wisps of blonde hair fell around her face as she shook her head in concerned insistence. Hebe had never desired to lead or to claim the spotlight. Her place had always been in the background, helping those who strived for greatness. "I'm not sure the other gods would listen to me like they do you."

A laugh spilled out of Heraโ€™s lips, a sparkling sound that reminded the room why she had been named Zeusโ€™ bride all those centuries ago. โ€œNobody listens to me. If they did, weโ€™d be far better off.โ€ Hera shook her head, almost somber in her judgement of her fellow gods. โ€œLeading is much less about being heard, and more about being feared. Fear is what drives most souls, mortal and immortal. These vagabonds will do almost whatever they please, but they return to my festival year after year, because they fear what the years might bring them. You must project strength, and remind them constantly that it is more than a projection, that it is a promise.โ€ Hera gestured towards Loki with a slight nod of her head. โ€œTake the Trickster, for instance. I would be a fool to believe I could ever tame him. But for one day at least, I can direct him.โ€ Hera had clearly yet to discover the destruction of her carefully arranged seating chart.

"I don't want anyone to fear me though." Hebe muttered, a look of concern flashing across her face as she briefly glanced over at the Norse god. Was this really what her mother wanted of her? She was not Ares, she had not the strength and conviction that he so easily showed off to the world. "And I kind of thought everyone came because of the World Tree. It's not like they really have much choice." She idly chewed on her bottom lip as she spoke. Speaking of the tree always bloomed a well of sadness inside her, but she pushed the feeling back down, trying to ignore it. "I- I hoped some of them stayed because they still wanted to help mortals."

โ€œHelp mortals? What in the world have mortals ever done for you, my dear?โ€ Hera did not like to dwell on the mortals and their short, small lives. With those thoughts came memories of fire and fear and pain. โ€œHave the mortals ever helped you?โ€ Hera let out an indignant huff. [color=color=7845b8]โ€œThat is nothing but a fool's errand. A creature that can not help itself, is not worth helping.โ€[/color]

The young goddess paused in thought. "Well..." Some had been kind to her and many were fun to be around. But help...no she didn't think she could honestly say they had. "I guess not." Though Hebe did not dare to think about it often, her trust in mortals had become fragile. Her mothers words struck a chord of curiosity inside her; was this really how all the gods felt? "But what do we do instead?"

Hera shrugged. โ€œWe survive, and we remember and we wait. Remember who weโ€™ve been and who we are, and await the day that our divinity returns to us, stronger than ever. And in the time between, we make sure this gathering of egos does not explode outward.โ€ She swirled her champagne, her movements smooth and languid. โ€œIt isnโ€™t exciting, and oftentimes theyโ€™ll never appreciate what you do, but responsibility is rarely full of thanks or excitement.โ€

Hebe frowned at her mothers words, unsure of the possibilities of which she spoke with such certainty. "That makes sense..." She replied softly, though there was no real intensity behind her words. Another thought had sprung into her mind, distracting her from Heras propaganda.

"What if I came to see you work sometime!?" Hebe practically bounced off the floor at the idea, hands clasping eagerly in front of her. She knew it was a long shot but maybe if her mother saw her less as a child, she might be willing to reconsider her friendship with Hercules.

Hera maintained her stoic demeanor, even as her daughterโ€™s excitement threatened to pierce her stoney walls. Sheโ€™d never quite grasped this juvenile aspect of her child. Hera had never been afforded the luxury of juvenility. Her childhood had been lived out from inside her fatherโ€™s gut. Nevertheless, she welcomed more time with Hebe. It wasnโ€™t long ago that a Hebe shaped hole had enveloped her heart, and now, she was so close to filling it again. โ€œI would adore that. Perhaps sometime this week? We can get lunch with your brother, brothers even, if Ares sticks around.โ€

At the suggestion Hebe beamed, genuine delight etched across her face. "I'd love that!". It had been a while since she'd spent any time with either of her brothers, they were extremely busy after all and often not even in Seattle. "Thank you mother." Unexpectedly, Hebe moved to hug her, something which was not a usual occurrence between the pair. Normally she would not have dared, intimidation holding her back, but today she almost seemed to have forgotten who she was with.

" I can move some things around, so just let me know the day." She added as she eventually drew away, her previously pristine bun having been pulled askew amid the excitement.

โ€œIโ€™ll have my people reach out,โ€ Hera said, smiling with a certain warmth that only she had. โ€œIโ€™ll see you later my dear. A hostessโ€™ job is never complete, after all. Donโ€™t forget, youโ€™re to help Persephone with the apples today.โ€ Hera gently caressed her daughterโ€™s face, happy that she seemed to be returning to the fold. With a royal elegance, she swept off into the crowd, ever the entertainer.

Watching her mother walk away, Hebe paused. She had forgotten she was supposed to help Perse...but the goddess was busy talking to Hades and it would be rude to interrupt the pair. Absent-mindedly playing with a strand of hair, she nodded politely as she was once again offered a glass of champagne. Taking it she smiled lightly to herself. Maybe she could just have a drink or two before she got to workโ€ฆ

A Hera & Hebe Collab
Mentions: Odin, Ares, Hercules

Hera was many things in her life. Regal, proud, ambitious. Maternal, however, was not a trait that came easy to her, despite her station. Perhaps it didnโ€™t come easy to anyone. Perhaps it was work, each and every day, work that Hera had long since grown bored of. With Ares, sheโ€™d been everything she thought a mother should be. Loving and supportive, in all things. With Hebe thoughโ€ฆ No. She had done what was necessary to protect her daughter. Hebe was not born for the battlefield like her brother. She was soft, and the world was not kind to soft girls.

As Hercules sauntered off, Hera took to hovering around Hebe, smoothing imaginary wrinkles in her dress, and taming invisible flyaways, clucking her tongue in disapproval. โ€œI justโ€ฆ not everyone can be trusted, darling. I mean, first you start working for Odin, then you start taking rides from that man-childโ€ฆ I worry.โ€

There was a small part of Hebe that wanted to swat away her mothers hand. To beg her to, for once, trust her judgement. But, as always, this was soon swallowed by her persistent need to please. "Mother, I - it wasn't planned...I missed the bus and he just happened to drive by." Her eyes trailed over the ballroom, unable to make direct contact with her mothers ever watchful gaze. She particularly avoided looking in the direction that Herc had strode. "And Mr. Odin's a great boss! Honestly! Maybe...maybe you could try talk to him sometime?" Hebe's voice perked up as she spoke, her expression a picture of doomed optimism.

Hera scoffed, smirked, and shook her head. โ€œIโ€™m sure he keeps his employees happy. Thereโ€™s probably a bar on every floor,โ€ Hera said, disdain dripping from her tongue. She did not trust Odin around her daughter, anymore than she trusted Hercules. He was a collector, and she imagined Hebe made quite the prize. Of course he would want to keep her around. โ€œAre you enjoying it at least? Heโ€™s not asking too much of you?โ€

At the mention of alcohol Hebes outstretched hand dropped back by her side, ignoring the glass of champagne that was being proferred to her. Shooting the waiter an apologetic look, she finally turned to face her mother. "I mean, I guess it's kind of busy but that's okay." She smiled, genuinely having no qualms about her boss. In the two short years she'd been his assistant he'd treated her better than most mortals and gods she knew. "And I have to work for someone. I sort of thought you'd approve it being for another godโ€ฆ"

โ€œImmortality does not a god make,โ€ Hera said, matter of fact in her pride. โ€œYour brother,โ€ Hera said, gesturing to where Ares sat, โ€œis a god. You and I are gods. Even Artemis and her damned brother are gods.โ€ Heraโ€™s arrogance was unbridled today. โ€œThose of us who dined on Mount Olympus know what power is, what responsibility means. We guided the mortals into ages of wealth and wisdom, while the others watched and waited and waged their petty wars. The mortals, savage as they might be now, would be much worse had it not been for us.โ€

Hera raised a hand, gently caressing Hebeโ€™s face. โ€œOdin makes no deal that does not benefit him, and your work ethic is certainly not beneficial enough to a man like him. You are worth far more than some secretary.โ€

Hebe felt her cheeks flush at the unexpected compliment. "I..." She couldn't recall the last time either of her parents had said anything so kind. Even such a small breadcrumb was enough to bring a spark of joy to the young goddess. It was moments like this that drew her back to Hera again and again, despite the dissidence in their views on the other pantheons. "Thank you...though I could never be as impressive as you Mother. It's so beautiful here today..."

โ€œOh darling,โ€ Hera said, radiant as ever, โ€œnobody could be as impressive as me.โ€ The Queen of Olympus shared in her daughterโ€™s admiration for a moment, all too happy to bask in her own glory, especially now that her daughter seemed to be returning to her rightful place, beneath her wing. โ€œYou are off to a good start though. Who knows, perhaps these gatherings will be your responsibility one day. Just remember to keep your focus, lest you become,โ€ Hera spared a glance in Herculesโ€™ direction, โ€œdistracted.โ€

"We're just friends..." Hebe mumbled, her blush deepening as she followed her mothers gaze. It was true really. She had known Herc forever and well...commitment just seemed to be off the cards for him. But she couldn't imagine giving up their friendship, that at the very least was something she wanted to hold onto. "But I dont think I'd ever be able to host something like this anyway." Wisps of blonde hair fell around her face as she shook her head in concerned insistence. Hebe had never desired to lead or to claim the spotlight. Her place had always been in the background, helping those who strived for greatness. "I'm not sure the other gods would listen to me like they do you."

A laugh spilled out of Heraโ€™s lips, a sparkling sound that reminded the room why she had been named Zeusโ€™ bride all those centuries ago. โ€œNobody listens to me. If they did, weโ€™d be far better off.โ€ Hera shook her head, almost somber in her judgement of her fellow gods. โ€œLeading is much less about being heard, and more about being feared. Fear is what drives most souls, mortal and immortal. These vagabonds will do almost whatever they please, but they return to my festival year after year, because they fear what the years might bring them. You must project strength, and remind them constantly that it is more than a projection, that it is a promise.โ€ Hera gestured towards Loki with a slight nod of her head. โ€œTake the Trickster, for instance. I would be a fool to believe I could ever tame him. But for one day at least, I can direct him.โ€ Hera had clearly yet to discover the destruction of her carefully arranged seating chart.

"I don't want anyone to fear me though." Hebe muttered, a look of concern flashing across her face as she briefly glanced over at the Norse god. Was this really what her mother wanted of her? She was not Ares, she had not the strength and conviction that he so easily showed off to the world. "And I kind of thought everyone came because of the World Tree. It's not like they really have much choice." She idly chewed on her bottom lip as she spoke. Speaking of the tree always bloomed a well of sadness inside her, but she pushed the feeling back down, trying to ignore it. "I- I hoped some of them stayed because they still wanted to help mortals."

โ€œHelp mortals? What in the world have mortals ever done for you, my dear?โ€ Hera did not like to dwell on the mortals and their short, small lives. With those thoughts came memories of fire and fear and pain. โ€œHave the mortals ever helped you?โ€ Hera let out an indignant huff. โ€œThat is nothing but a fool's errand. A creature that can not help itself, is not worth helping.โ€

The young goddess paused in thought. "Well..." Some had been kind to her and many were fun to be around. But help...no she didn't think she could honestly say they had. "I guess not." Though Hebe did not dare to think about it often, her trust in mortals had become fragile. Her mothers words struck a chord of curiosity inside her; was this really how all the gods felt? "But what do we do instead?"

Hera shrugged. โ€œWe survive, and we remember and we wait. Remember who weโ€™ve been and who we are, and await the day that our divinity returns to us, stronger than ever. And in the time between, we make sure this gathering of egos does not explode outward.โ€ She swirled her champagne, her movements smooth and languid. โ€œIt isnโ€™t exciting, and oftentimes theyโ€™ll never appreciate what you do, but responsibility is rarely full of thanks or excitement.โ€

Hebe frowned at her mothers words, unsure of the possibilities of which she spoke with such certainty. "That makes sense..." She replied softly, though there was no real intensity behind her words. Another thought had sprung into her mind, distracting her from Heras propaganda.

"What if I came to see you work sometime!?" Hebe practically bounced off the floor at the idea, hands clasping eagerly in front of her. She knew it was a long shot but maybe if her mother saw her less as a child, she might be willing to reconsider her friendship with Hercules.

Hera maintained her stoic demeanor, even as her daughterโ€™s excitement threatened to pierce her stoney walls. Sheโ€™d never quite grasped this juvenile aspect of her child. Hera had never been afforded the luxury of juvenility. Her childhood had been lived out from inside her fatherโ€™s gut. Nevertheless, she welcomed more time with Hebe. It wasnโ€™t long ago that a Hebe shaped hole had enveloped her heart, and now, she was so close to filling it again. โ€œI would adore that. Perhaps sometime this week? We can get lunch with your brother, brothers even, if Ares sticks around.โ€

At the suggestion Hebe beamed, genuine delight etched across her face. "I'd love that!". It had been a while since she'd spent any time with either of her brothers, they were extremely busy after all and often not even in Seattle. "Thank you mother." Unexpectedly, Hebe moved to hug her, something which was not a usual occurrence between the pair. Normally she would not have dared, intimidation holding her back, but today she almost seemed to have forgotten who she was with.

" I can move some things around, so just let me know the day." She added as she eventually drew away, her previously pristine bun having been pulled askew amid the excitement.

โ€œIโ€™ll have my people reach out,โ€ Hera said, smiling with a certain warmth that only she had. โ€œIโ€™ll see you later my dear. A hostessโ€™ job is never complete, after all. Donโ€™t forget, youโ€™re to help Persephone with the apples today.โ€ Hera gently caressed her daughterโ€™s face, happy that she seemed to be returning to the fold. With a royal elegance, she swept off into the crowd, ever the entertainer.

Watching her mother walk away, Hebe paused. She had forgotten she was supposed to help Perse...but the goddess was busy talking to Hades and it would be rude to interrupt the pair. Absent-mindedly playing with a strand of hair, she nodded politely as she was once again offered a glass of champagne. Taking it she smiled lightly to herself. Maybe she could just have a drink or two before she got to workโ€ฆ


location: The Olympic Club
interactions: Hati | Melinoรซ | Phobos
mentions: Apollo | Pasithea | Odin | Loki

Fuck, he was craving a cigarette. Phobos was by no means a habitual smoker however these luncheons tended to bring out the worst in him. It really was no surprise that his grandmother liked to orchestrate such events. The room reeked of manipulation & deceit, and though the god may have his own faults, he really was not in the mood. Besides, he had seen his father and Tlaz strolling towards the garden, and nothing was worth witnessing that shitstorm. Generally he tried to block out the messes that Ares got himself into, which was lucky because the Greek also preferred to ignore his son.

After that near miss he'd abandoned any hope of a smoke and quickly retreated to the bar, where he could continue his plan to get thoroughly intoxicated. Bringing the champagne to his lips, Phobos was taking a swig when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning, he instantly narrowed his eyes at the pair strolling towards him. Hati...and Melinoรซ. Placing the bottle back down, the god of fear rested an elbow against the bar top, fingers supporting his head. And of course, Mel instantly had some quip that she just could not contain.

"Oh don't be like that Melinoรซ. Jealousy doesn't suit you." Phobos drawled lazily. If it were not for the wicked glint in the gods eyes, it would be easy to mistake his words for contempt. For some reason, her father seemed to be a bit of a sore point between them. Yet her words echoed with truth. Fatigue did press down on him like a heavy weight. Fear was everlasting, inescapable, and he found that he could not resist the urge to push his limits to the edge. Simply put, he worked himself too hard. Not that he was going to tell either of them any of this. That was not how it worked. It was for this reason that he decided he was entirely too sober to be dealing with these particular friends. Especially given Hati (whom he had seemingly neglected) and his mischievous tendencies. Ushering the bartender over, Phobos shot her a small, surprisingly genuine smile.

"One..." He paused, glancing at the pair appraisingly. "Actually, make that three shots of tequila please."

"Mmhm, I've been told it makes things in the confines of the bedroom all that more enjoyable, wouldn't you agree, Pho?" Melinoรซ quipped back, the look in his eyes having not been overlooked. Though their relationship was one that was built atop a competitive content there was no denying that over the centuries something else had developed as well.

Hati stood there, almost off to the side, his wolfish grin never leaving his face - only seeming to grow - at the sight of these two bantering at one another. Who would have thought Hati, the moon hater, son of Fenrir, would be here playing a twisted game of matchmaker? 'I'm influenced too much by Ant~' he couldn't stop the giddy thought from crossing his mind, his thought drifting to the Erote. "A shot for me? Phobos you shouldn't have." Clasping a hand on Fear's shoulder, shaking him lightly as friends often do.

Melinoรซ rolled her eyes at the wolf, there was definitely something going on here that she wasn't aware of and it bothered her. Especially because it seemed she was about to find herself at the wrong end of a long winded joke. She would have to remind the pair of them who it was they were fucking with should it come to that. Instead, she took the shots of clear liquid, passing Phobos his and hoarding the other two for herself. Hati pouted, reaching across to snatch it out of her grasp successfully before holding it out to his two companions offering a toast. "To jealous and hate filled sex. May it change lives for the better~" and with that shot a wink towards the son of Ares.

"And to always basking in the sunshine." Phobos added pointedly, failing to hide the edge of annoyance in his voice. It was hard to miss anything at these events, as much as one would want to. It was why getting drunk was so preferable. Downing his own shot, he slammed it back down on the bar. Hati placed too much weight in the power of sex. He had only ever seen it as a simple exchange, a momentary and selfish pleasure. It was pointless to consider otherwise.

Keen to move the conversation on, Phobos nodded his head towards the bartender for another round. "Anyway, you shouldnt be such a tease Hati, you surely must have one secret you're willing to spill. Shouldn't he Mel?" He'd unconsciously been avoiding her gaze but now his blue eyes latched onto her own as he moved to gently dig an elbow into her side.

Snickering at the notion of seeing Hati squirm she nodded, leaning into Phobos, "Spill your secrets, White Wolf. We're all ears~" It was difficult to ignore the warm presence beside her, as much as she liked to pretend he had no effect on her she was only lying to herself. What is madness without a little fear? Having always been surrounded by the other they were bound to get annoyed with each other. Though lately, Melinoรซ couldn't help but want to get more. There was just something about how, even now, cerulean eyes as beautiful as the oceans stared at her own the color of swamp, made her feel self conscious. A tightness in her chest. A blooming sensation. Something Melinoรซ was not used to in anyone's company, let alone Fear's. It was different from Apollo, this company she kept with the son of war, yet she wouldn't trade it for anything. Well, maybe something.

A downed shot and a glare towards his friend had Hati eager for the next one, "Sunshine can eat a dick, it's all about the moon baby," firing off finger guns like they never went out of style. "Teasing is all part of the fun my dear friends, you two should know that better than anyone."


Hati cut her off before she could appropriately retaliate, "And as far as secrets go, I am an open book. All my glorious moments on display, the world's a stage or some shit," he gestured circularly, waving his empty hand around.

Melinoรซ smirked into the neck of the bottle she still held, "Oh, is that so? Tell us about you and Anteros then? You two were awfully close earlier," If Hati still had fur covering his body it would have raised up at the mention of his long standing companion's name.

Phobos let out a barking laugh at the mention of the winged god, attention thoroughly diverted. "Anteros, really? Come on man..." He trailed off, leaning towards Hati though still maintaining his closeness with Mel. It was true that they did often butt heads but he had never felt uncomfortable around the epitome of madness. Unable to stay himself, he found his gaze raking over her face, lingering on her soft features. The corners of his lips began to pull up into what would've been a teasing smile, had he not suddenly realized what he was doing. Instead, he glared at her and grabbed his tequila.

"Well..." He paused, his expression suddenly replaced by one of mild amusement as his eyes moved reluctantly back to the wolf. "It seems they've already been frolicking in the garden-" Phobos grinned, leaning forwards to pluck a leaf off his friends shoulder, "I didn't realize you were such an exhibitionist Hati."

Would he retaliate in the form of a blush or stuttering it would result in far more teasing than he was already receiving. Instead he opted for a smug smile as he sipped at the shot glass in hand, "You didn't? Hmm, shame really. I'm always on the lookout for great places," Hati was a lot wiser than the two gave him credit for. He noticed, with icy eyes, how they stayed close to one another only moving away when they themselves noticed the close proximity. The small glances passing between them filled with an emotion furthest from hatred he had ever seen. And he would know what that looked like if his relationship with Odin was anything to go off of.

"Besides, my dalliances are nothing compared to the stories you have to share, I'm sure," the wolf gestured to his male friend, eyes dancing with mirth. "I've heard through the grapevine that you and a certain curly haired Egyptian are getting along quite swimmingly. Do tell." Stirring the pot was becoming a forte of his at this point and he was going to master it by the end of the festival.

Melinoรซ was content standing back and watching the small bickering taking place between the two. It amazes her how any of them could put up with Hati and his shenanigans. Always one to be on the watch for, for his personality definitely seemed to ebb and flow to match with those he surrounded himself with. And over time it seemed that his grandfather's mischievousness was the one to emerge the most. It was a bit refreshing, she wouldn't lie. However it was at the mention of Phobos potentially being romantically involved with another immortal that brought her back to the conversation. "You and Hathor?" She couldn't stop the question from tumbling past full lips.

Something in her seemed to shrink back just a little so that she, physically, would not. She held her spot next to him, and though she had been wanting to place a hand on his shoulder or arm, this bit of information firmly gripped her in place. Melinoรซ looked at herโ€ฆ friend? Nemesis? What exactly was he to her? Eyes searching his profile, trying to catch his gaze and read the emotions behind them. 'It was only a fever dream. A what if.'

"Clearly your sources are quite inept." Phobos grumbled, rolling his eyes at the absurdity of Hati's statement. Well, sort of. He couldn't deny, at least to himself, that he and Hath had been flirting earlier. Truthfully he had enjoyed it but they were just colleagues...friends. He was sure Hathor had no romantic feelings for him: she was far too smart for that. Moreover, was the awareness of Melinoรซ's watchful gaze and for some reason, it bothered him that she was hearing any of this. His jovial attitude shattered, replaced by a cool mask of indifference. An attempt to cover the irritation that was bubbling up inside him. If Hati had been a mortal he would not have been able to resist tapping into his fears.

Fine, let Hati believe whatever he wanted. He did not feel like playing with the grandson of Loki today. "But surely you must know better than to expect any less from a greek..." He smirked, "We really are insatiable."

Hati was keen enough to pick up on the shift of Phobos' demeanor and subtly backed off, "Yeah, yeah," He waved his hands in surrender to show no harm, his shot long drained by now and sitting on the bar top, "The Greeks may be insatiable but I have yet met someone who can run with the wolves." He punctuated his salacious joke with a wink to the both of them before clasping Phobos on the shoulder, whispering in his ear "Have fun," and took off running into Pasithea as he did.

Melinoรซ stared after the Norseman with a scrunched nose. "Hati doesn't know what he's missingโ€ฆ," huffing lightly to herself more than anything. She was hesitant to look up at Phobos, even she felt aura around him shift and she wasn't prepared to be on the receiving end of Fear pissed off. Mel would have taken her leave as well but where was she to go when her mind was so clearly stuck on the being beside her?

Resigning herself to just speak with him normally she found herselfโ€ฆ anxious. Clearing her throat she gestured to the event around them, "What're your, uh, plans. For after this," and then she was taking another sip of wine from the bottle, anything to keep herself busy and not seem too desperate for company. It was a simple enough question that held genuine curiosity. Eyes looking up at him over the glass in her hands, scanning his handsome features, waiting for a response and praying it would end in pleasantries.

"Why do you wanna know?" Phobos shot back sharply, surprised by the sudden, and actually very polite, small talk. Instantly he realised he was being an asshole, lashing out at Mel mostly just because she was there. But the god of fear was sulking, and for good or bad, he'd never been inclined to pretend around her.

She stared at him, taken aback at being snapped at. Melinoรซ couldn't say she was surprised, it wasn't like them to ever have civil conversations unless there was a mutual transaction taking place. Body rigid, she bit her tongue, rolling it around, anything to keep herself from spitting venom. Instead, she breathed deeply through her nose, closing her eyes. It was a natural reaction for the both of them to lash out first so there wasn't any fault on him there. There was just something in her that constricted at the look he initially gave her. Like he couldn't be bothered to be seen with her. But he hadn't run away yet. So that was something.

Opening her eyes back up, running her empty hand through her hair and away from her face she looked up at him through long lashes and offered him a coy but sincere smile once more, "Just looks like you need a smoke, and I want the company."

Phobos sighed. It would be so easy to brush her off, to throw some meaningless insult in her direction and be left to drink alone. But Mels smile had caught him off guard. Phobos couldn't remember her ever looking at him like that before. Scanning her face, he raised a single eyebrow, still wary of her true intentions. Either she was being startlingly honest or she had some mischievous plan up her sleeve. Yet either way, a cigarette and the company of madness sounded far more preferable to anything else this luncheon could offer. Running a weary hand over his face, the god nodded. "Sure, a smoke sounds great."

It was a lot easier than she initially thought, getting Phobos to agree to join her. Melinoรซ truly believed with his rigid response he was going to bite her head off. To say she was pleasantly surprised was an understatement, yet here they were, standing atop the balcony overlooking the walled garden that held Hati and his dalliance just earlier, smoke billowing about them before being carried away with the gentle breeze. Her bottle of wine nearly empty and forgotten sitting on the banister between them.

Exhaling once more before passing the coffin nail over to her idol she spoke into the silence, "It's been quite boring this go 'round, don't you think?" Referring to the Festival. Typically there would be some kind of destruction taking place, incurring the wrath of Hera and moving the event along. But it seemed pretty tame so far and it was making the madness in her itch for some type of amusement. Which brought her to her question, "Was thinking we could really liven up this place. At least, make it more enjoyable to be stuck here for the time being~" The corners of her lips turned up in a coy smile, eyes screaming of all the possibilities they could get up to and bringing the drink to her mouth before passing that as well.

Forearms leaning casually atop the bannister, Phobos tapped the top of the cigarette, the excess ash falling to decorate the prim bedding flowers below. As he turned to face her, he saw the madness churning underneath the surface, ready to play. And the invite to join was...tantalising. "Perhaps..." He replied coolly, his prior irritation dampened by the hits of nicotine. Phobos wasn't necessarily one to cause trouble amongst the gods but he could do with blowing off some steam. "What exactly are you thinking Princess?" Phobos smirked before drawing the cigarette up to his lips and taking another long drag.

Melinoรซ would never, ever admit what that nickname did to her. Not outloud and definitely not to him. But it made her warm and melty like ice cream left in the sun too long. Sickly sweet but oh so delicious. She was giddy at the idea of having him join in on the trouble. "Perhaps a game. Who can induce the most fear or madness in the mortals around here. Loser caters to the winner's whims for a full day." Her gaze was locked on his face, memorizing it for what reason she didn't have one, other than just because. Electricity flowed down to her fingertips at the idea of beating him. An idol of hers growing up before the Fall. Another tidbit she wouldn't ever admit aloud to him lest she be teased about one more thing.

"Easy enough." Phobos smiled, unable to cover up the flash of intensity that lit up his features. He was being cocky, partly just to annoy Mel, but also because this was literally his life. Inducing fear in others was like breathing and mortals tended to always be a little bit scared, especially those who would otherwise deny it. "Are you sure you want to be at my beck and call for a full day? I can't promise that I'd be nice." Standing upright, Phobos moved closer to the goddess, head cocked appraisingly. Her confidence always drew him in and it took a lot to hold himself back. It was easier to mock. Unable to resist, he leaned forwards to ruffle her hair patronisingly. "I'll go easy on you if you like."

As much as she wanted to lean into his palm she refrained. She would win this and needed to focus on the task at hand to do so. Standing on her tiptoes she placed a hand on his shoulder to steady herself, leaning up to his ear to whisper, "Pfft. Rougher is better, just don't be too disappointed when I win, Fearsome~" With a kiss to his cheek she was off to find her first victim and hopefully secure the prize of this little bet. How bad would it be if she did lose, Melinoรซ wondered sauntering through the halls.

His jaw twitched as Melinoรซ walked away, still reeling from the nickname she'd so casually given him. It struck at chords of both annoyance and discomfort, the latter of which Phobos was entirely not okay with. Running fingers through his own dark hair, the god of fear let out a deep sigh before turning back to the country club. He'd never live it down if he lost and part of him was curious to see how far he could push if he did win.

You'd better watch out Princess...

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