Avatar of Dark Lugia
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 46 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Dark Lugia 9 yrs ago


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7 yrs ago
Current Fantasy RPs > all other genres :3
7 yrs ago
@Taaj RPing is like going to a 9-5 job in a cubicle, you have to spend an hour each morning organizing your office supplies before you can start writing e-mails D:
7 yrs ago
Caffeine is the drug of choice for writers
7 yrs ago
Just started RPing again. Anyone have any advice/critique for my Cyberpunk RP? (be BRUTAL) roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..
7 yrs ago
[The Revolution] is up! Into Cyberpunk? Feel free to check it out: roleplayerguild.com/topics/1..


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Is this RP still open?

...With the advent of Steam Technology in 1882, it seemed anything was possible; the world was ours for the taking. Seemingly overnight, the City of Rochelle was transformed from a humble market outpost of several hundred, to a prosperous city of several thousand. As Steam Technology displaced the primitive technology of yore, society as a whole became more interconnected, prosperous and accessible. Airships and hovercraft are now the primary mode of transportation and do not suffer the same limitations as their ground and sea-equivalent predecessors. However, land-based modes of transportation is still used frequently by only the poorest of the poor (or those who dislike change and view Airships as a nuisance in an otherwise tranquil sky.)
Society is becoming more industrialized by the minute and, at least for a short while, this time period of industrial and societal expansion was colloquially known as "The Golden Age."

However, Rochelle and the other nearby cities are finally becoming cognizant of the detrimental effects the so-called Golden Age. Industrialism has all but destroyed the fertile land Rochelle held in ages past -- a layer of smoke and soot has settled on the once pristine city. Although the law enforcement system is more efficient than it ever was, crime too has risen exponentially. As factories and engineering plants become mechanized and modernized, the public must seek work elsewhere and there are few jobs left that require any substantial amount of human interaction. Many people are resorting to crime as the only means of supporting their families, all the while Robber Barons are charging incomprehensible rates for housing and taxing residents exorbitant fees. The government is far too busy supervising the multitude of factories to keep tabs on the oppressive landlords.

But there is a light at the end of the tunnel; a few renegade airship pilots, engineers and scientists have teamed up to find a new source of clean-burning, sustainable and renewable energy -- MANA.


MANA is a mystical, novel energy source found in microscopic amounts in the æther (Sky) and thus far, the team has only a vague idea of how to acquire it. If one could harness MANA in large amounts, the technological capabilities would be endless....

Rochelle City, BRITAIN

Limping down the cobblestone walk that led down to the hangar, a middle-aged gentleman holding a walking stick with a hound dog's head grip, carried a plain brown folder. Escorted by his cortege, the stern-faced man and his group appeared boisterous and in high spirits.

"After 12 long years, it's finally done! When the Queen sees this, she'll beg us to be a part of the Royal Rochellian Airforce," a man in a button-up labcoat eagerly stated to his colleagues.

"I'm more concerned about the company that pirate keeps. This is his Airship, after all. He's going to shit himself when he reads our accomplishment." another gentleman by the name of Francis, added. The group of Continentals was clearly anxious to arrive at the hangar and their walking pace quickened. They all leered at the sealed-folder in anticipation.

As the group of men entered the hanger, a humid mist sprayed them and they began to feel their clothes stick to their skin in the dense humidity. "How can these mechanics stand this heat all day?" the gentleman with the walking stick wondered as his grip on the brown folder tightened.

Each time the group visited the massive Airship Hangar, they stared on in awe at the marvel of modern mechanics; airships rivaling the size of the Queen's Palace rested precariously on the ground. Men of all walks of life were working, tweaking, yelling, ordering, commanding, pleasing, thanking, arriving and departing. This hangar was a central hub of commotion and travel. An aristocratic older woman, hooked arm-in-arm with another woman were led down the airship ramp and into the terminal. A few moments later, a young couple and their son departed and spoke some unknown East-European dialect. It was easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the travelers.

"There." The group pointed to a man entwined in a bunch of cable and wire, tinkering with the side panel of an airship. The man was unkempt, dressed like a ruffian and held a lit cigarette between his teeth, but the group expected no more of an airship pilot.

"Ah, Dr. von Hilder, welcome to the Airship Hangar; is it safe to assume my Flight Permits are signed? The Leviathan has been flight capable for years now. You know, you Continental bastards visit the hangar monthly and have somehow managed to sneak twelve year of this procrastination by me," Karl de Tinkenburg III spoke to the Continentals, but did not look away from his airship's maintenance.

"My sincerest apologies for the wait, Karl. But as these "Continental bastards" and I promised, we have finally convinced the Queen of your airship's capabilities and flyworthiness," the Continental nobleman waved the folder in the air tauntingly at Karl. Karl swiped the folder abruptly from von Hilder's hands and shook with excitement as he peeled open the cover and peered inside; Within the folder was a letter from Her Royal Highness Queen Victoria...

Honorable Airship Captain Karl de Tinkenburg III,

I'd like to congratulate you on gaining clearance to fly over Rochelle's skies. Note that I sign this Flight Permit with some hesitation, but the Continentals assured me there is much MANA to be discovered in lands beyond Britain. Should you find this Ore and enrich our nation's resources, I will bring Glory upon you. In exchange, bring Glory to Britain.

But to insure my investment, I command you assemble a team of the finest Airship pilots.

Godspeed and safe flying,
~Her Royal Highness, Queen Victoria

"Well, Karl, it appears you will need a CREW to fly your Airship as you search for sources of Mana." the man who handed Karl the envelope pointed at a crowd working near Karl's airship -- "How about those people over there?"

Our story begins in the Rochellian Hangar, in the year 1894. A team of researchers, robber barons and businessmen known as the Continentals are funding a secret Mana mining project, proposed by Karl de Tinkenburg III. Several airship pilots, mechanics and engineers also working in the hangar overhear some commotion and go to see what the fuss is all about.


I've decided to restructure this RP. Tropia is now a MMORPG.
Lore is still the same High Fantasy tropes.

That's acceptable, Thief goes to @rush99999
Not every slot needs to be filled, but ideally this will be a LARGE group, due to the vast amount of classes.

Feel free to ask any questions.

Fantasy MMORPG

Tropia is a fantasy MMORPG released in 2017.

Make a character and log into Tropia, as we embark on an epic MMORPG experience, full of TROPES and wonder.
PICK FROM SEVERAL RPG CLASSES like: [Swordsman] and [Mage] as they struggle to save a dying Kingdom from the Final Boss of Tropia: the Evil Entity.
Enlist with a team of hunters as we battle a panoply of classic RPG beasts waiting to taste your sword - Griffins, Goblins, Dragons, and other ferocious baddies as well.

(but before you're a high-enough level to beat those you probably have to grind a few low-level Slimes.)


Long ago, a Ne'er-do-well Necromancer discovered the secret to Resurrecting the Undead. The Evil Entity was proclaimed to be the brightest Mage of his day, but his hubris turned him from the path of righteousness; the Evil Entity, corrupted by arcane knowledge, transformed into an Undead demon bent on conquering the world, and then destroying it with his unholy powers. Fortunately, before the evil Mage was able to amass his unholy, undead army, he was stopped by The Heroes.

The Heroes sealed-away the Evil Entity, for all eternity, inside an Arcane Grimoire. The team of RPG Heroes (Swordsmen, Tanks, Clerics, Rangers and Mages and the like) beat back the necromancer, forever locking his Soul inside the ancient tome so that such terror would never befall the Kingdom again. The ancient grimoire was then itself sealed away using Magic, so that another upstart wouldn't come along and instill horror like the Evil Entity once did. The Kingdom eventually prospered for many millennia due to Peace throughout the land.

But wouldn't you know it, thousands of years later everyone totally forgot the lessons the Trope Heroes taught the world and the bravery they had to muster to stop the Evil Entity. A School of Mages (in the modern era) were researching ways to increase Mana-Points in Swordsmen when they stumbled upon the Arcane Grimoire...In a locked vault within their library, the Mages rediscovered the horrific How-To-guide for resurrecting the dead. In the pursuit of knowledge, the Mages accidentally released the Evil Entity from the Arcane Grimoire back into the world. The Kingdom is surely doomed unless a new ragtag bunch of RPG Classes locks away the demonic villain in another Arcane Grimoire (or a similar magical book of equal importance.)

Now The King has called upon you Brave Warriors to save your Kingdom by smiting the Evil Entity and sending the demon back to the netherworld.

The King: "Brave Warriors, I call upon you to save thy Kingdom, smite this Evil Entity and send him back to the netherworld from whence he came!"


An accursed, diabolical demon from another dimension known as the Evil Entity has just vaporized yet another village in the Kingdom's countryside. The evil necromancer was released from his magical prison after some Mages accidentally read the wrong book aloud. The King is starting to get worried that the villagers won't be able to pay their taxes due to a poor harvest (hard to grow crops in a burning countryside). Your cliche, stereotypical RPG heroes must defeat the scheming, Evil Entity unless...an unbridled evil is to be unleashed upon the Kingdom.

The King has graciously requested your team of RPG Heroes to stop the Evil Entity, seeing as The King has a whole Kingdom to run and you can't expect him to cease everything he is doing, when a haphazardly assembled crew of Prophesized Warriors is standing in front of him. (The King does not expect you to beat a transdimensional magical demon without any assistance; The King's armory has donated to you a full set of [Leather Armor] and a weapon befitting of your [Class].

The King's Daughter, The Headstrong Princess also gives you a parting gift before you begin your trek:

Headstrong Princess:"You're probably gonna need this Gold. Don't even think about coming back to the Kingdom until you have destroyed the Evil Entity. Good luck, nerds!"




"Hit first, ask questions later!"
HP: 150
-Close-Range fighter, good damage and defense.
-Heavy broadsword causes recoil though and is rather cumbersome to wield.


"I've got my eye on you XD."
HP: 100
-Long-Range shooter, LOW Damage and slow-reload.
-Hits from the farthest distance of any class.
-Can make enemies BLEED.


"You probably shouldn't trust me, I'll likely stab you in the back!"
HP: 75
-Close-Range STEALTH tactics
-High-damage but very low defense.
-Can also make enemies BLEED.



"Just try and get through me!"
HP: 250
-Tank and Defensive Meatshield, lots of HP and high Defense to absorb damage like a sponge.
-Very low attack unless sufficiently provoked.


"Goddesses, bestow thy blessings upon us."
HP: 50
-Can HEAL allies
-As well as WARD off Undead enemies like Skeletons.


"Stop to the Beat, move to my Rhythm."
HP: 75
-BUFFs party
-DEBUFFs enemies by slowing or stopping their movements.

-Pyromancer (Fire Mage)
-Aquamancer (Water/Ice Mage)
-Geomancer (Earth/Air Mage)


"Is it, like, getting HOT in here?"
-Close-Range AoE fiery fury.
-Can [BURN] enemies for Damage over Time.


"Dude, you need to CHILL OUT!"
HP: 75
-Close-Range Mage that uses both Water and Ice elements.
-Can [FREEZE] enemies in close proximity


"I hug trees, so what? They hug me back. Except the Ents."
HP: 75
-Mid-Range Mage, Controls Plants, Rocks and the Wind
-Can [POISON] enemies

<Snipped quote by Dark Lugia>
They will get over it; and probably remember you dropped a RP without substantial cause. I know its why some people are wary of me and that's fine. Point is, action creates reputation.

It's futile to try to FORCE people to do something over the Internet. Especially RPing/Creative Writing which is just a hobby.

I think people who get into RPing to "COMPLETE" an RP are foolish.
I also think people who put Interest Checks up with the expectation that their RP will FINISH (reach the end conclusion) are foolish.

The joy of RPing is in the actual act of RPing and progression of the RP -- that is to say, developing your creative writing skills. (This isn't the only RP site I've ever joined, even though my post count here is very low lol. You have a very high post count, so I'm assuming a good percentage of those posts were of you enjoying and entertaining yourself. In which case, Mission Accomplished, you achieved the primary goal of RPing.)

The sooner the "RP community" realizes that dropped RPs are a completely NATURAL AND EXPECTED RESULT of the Creative Writing Process, the sooner we can truly begin exploring our limits as writers.

RPs that END/Complete pretty much don't exist lol.
(And there's nothing wrong with that.)

"We MUST escape The City and SURVIVE. We must tell the outside what really happened here..."

The Attack on our City was the deadliest act of Terrorism the Western world has even known; at exactly 9AM, just as people were going to work, explosions and randomly placed bombs unleashed a literal hellstorm upon a major city, with a population in the millions.
9/11 was bad, this is worse.
Within minutes, before the cityfolk understood what was happening or where the explosions were coming from, their City was Quarantined and Martial-Law was declared. Several massive bombs have detonated spontaneously around the city. And the citizens are penned in like cattle. The urbanite uprising became inevitable and necessary after the Armageddon; civilians banded together for any hope of survival and to share resources. The air raid sirens came shortly after the first explosions, and induced instant panic and chaos among the civilians. The Military response was swift, aggressive and only fanned the flames of confusion.


Looters and rioters emptied the Grocery Stores first, within the first few minutes of The Announcement - Martial Law declared on our City. Civil unrest and disobedience becomes the norm, due to an increasing Military presence within the city walls - soldiers march through the streets, forcefully questioning the citizens about any involvement in the ongoing attacks on The City.

At around the same time as the grocery stores being stripped of groceries, shoe stores were emptied by urban youth.
After that, there wasn't really anything left to loot, so the rioters took their anger and arson to churches, soup kitchens and restaurants, forcing the patrons and owners out of their own businesses. These urban ruffians then set up makeshift Shelters and hoarded valuable RESOURCES and provisions for their Gangs, little sanctuaries in the midst of Hell. Electric Power to the city has been cut-off completely and diverted towards the war-effort by the Military stormtroopers. The citizens fear to treat outdoors for risk of getting blown up or interrogated by the Military or Police, who seem to be operating in unison.

The pious, law-abiding citizens who did NOT in the camaraderie, rioting and looting........were promptly murdered for their jewelry, food and shoes, in that order.

1. Resources are scarce/non-existent. If you want food, kill for it. Or wait for more Rations from the President's "Rescue Package."
2. City is a smoldering ruin, approximately 75% of infrastructure is destroyed or off-line, but sanctuaries and makeshift hideouts/bomb-shelters have been hastily constructed by the citizens.
3. Sanctuaries and makeshift hideouts have been constructed by the citizens.
4. Communication is down. No contact with outside world.
5. It is now becoming clear that our hallowed City was the target of a foreign terrorism attack, possibly religious and ideological in nature. Electric Power to the city has been cut-off completely and diverted towards the war-effort.
0. You're probably fucked.

Our once peaceful domain has been disrupted by Police in riot gear, beating citizens into submission, forcing them indoors or Underground.. Those that dared look out their windows, for a peek at the terror that befell our city's churches and synagogues, wished they didn't. A Curfew was established for all non-Police/non-Military individuals. Citizens that break this Curfew rule will be arrested. Or worse.
-A relief package with [Food Rations] are graciously contributed by The Boss (our President) and are en route via helicopter.
In reality, few citizens are even wandering the streets (only the ones who did not claim any resources in the first few vital hours and are seeking them out); the lucky ones are boarded up inside their homes and makeshift bomb-shelters (catastrophe preparation in urban environments tends to be a low priority, although many now regretted they did not take The Media's fear-porn seriously, scrambling to produce safe shelter.)


The blades of the helicopter kicked up dust and rubble, blinding some in the crowd. The massive mob, with outstretched arms, waited underneath the helicopter, hoping to snag a Food Ration package as it lands at the dropoff point. The helicopter was now few dozen meters above the congregation...the starved citizens looked up with joy, but were blinded once more, this time by the searchlights.
By squinting, you are able to make out the silhouette of Military soldiers in the helicopter, dropping wooden crates to the starved citizens.

You make out hooded-figure in a gas-mask, who throws down a silver Duralumin briefcase down by your feet --- you look inside expecting to find food or a first aid kit, but instead you find [Insert Starting WEAPON Here].

The Note inside reads:
"Use [STARTING WEAPON] to protect yourself.
Rendezvous with the other Revolutionaries at [St. Marina's Church of the Rosary] located on 34th Street. To retake your City, you need only join The Revolution and rip it from those who have stolen it from your hands. ""

("Wow, thanks Mysterious Stranger!", you think to yourself as you equip your fancy new Blaster rifle and head towards St. Marina's Church of the Rosary, located on 34th street. You also think to yourself that it shouldn't take you 6 IC posts to get to the church.)


-FAST-PACED EPISODIC RP :: short scenarios.
-Less-RP-related bullshit: If it takes you 72 hours to submit a simple character sheet, this RP is too FAST-PACED for you.
-Simple story, lots of Cyberpunk/Dystopian/The-Matrix series tropes.
-I pretty much already wrote your first IC post for you.
-Lots of room for YOU the RPer to develop the story how you want. (I'm not creative, hence the entire Intro being one big RP trope. So it will be up to you, Revolutionary, to turn this steaming pile of RP-rubble into a diamond.)
-Guns. Lots of guns. And explosions.
-This will not be an epic 7-part fantasy series that needs to be RPed for the next year . I have an end for this story in mind. If this RP takes more than a month or two to finish, it deserves to burn in The Revolution along with everything else.
-The Revolutionaries (your characters) will probably still be alive at the end of the RP, perma-death most likely won't be a thing. Sorry if this RP is not HARDCORE ENOUGH for you.

Dropping RPs or going AWOL and not posting anymore is part of life. GET OVER IT.
Is this based off some fandom?
Just for reference, here's my Character Sheet.

[THE REVOLUTION] was initially a short story I wrote, regarding some of the violent protests we've all heard about IRL (Ukraine, Ferguson Riots, Baltimore, Black Lives Matter, etc.)

A Video demo of what this RP is about.

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