Avatar of Dartbored Fairy
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In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lui smiles as she both spots and hears Dani. She'd been worried aobut his fate, but fortunately he seemed to be alright.

"Dani! Hi!" Lui says happily, now able to actually hold a conversation. "I... don't really know them, no. And I don't think Aelih does either, but they seem like good... people... to me. At least they're decreasing the skeleton-to-non-skeleton wherever they go."

"So, how have you been doing anyway? Did you narrowly escape death or something?" Lui says, flinging a fireball at a skeleton that was approaching Corc, knocking the skeleton's head off of it's ribcage and causing it to collapse.
In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
As the North Gate collapses, Lui starts to panic more and more. Are they going to die here, at the hands of Skeleton Hordes? And what about Dani? Was he still alive, or did he meet a fate that she and Aelih were likely to soon meet?

Lui's train of thought is soon interrupted however as Aelih seems to spot something, and picks up Lui, running off while carrying her. While she didn't like being picked up so suddenly, she understood Aelih's reasons quite well. "Alright... count on me! I'll teach those bony bastards!" Lui shouts, flinging a few fireballs at the horde.

Though the fire itself doesn't really harm the skeletons, Lui's simple attack makes the spellcasters in the hostile horde a bit more cautious. After all, getting set on fire tends to hurt.

Then, Lui hears a rather familiar sound. A sound similar to one she's heard before. "Is that Dani?" Lui asks Aelih, since Lui herself can only look around in so many directions now that she's flung over Aelih's shoulder.

While the last few that can get to safety are busy escaping, the attacking hordes link up, forming a C shape that slowly but surely approaches the West Gate, threatening to soon trap those still in the town.

Jack and Gabriel's attacks however do not seem to have much impact on slowing down the lumbering behemoth. Jack's attack only briefly causes it to stop and attempt to kick Jack with said leg, but the creature soon resumes on it's path. It won't be long before it reaches the small square in front of the church...
In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
The bell tolling startles Lui, who freezes in places. It wasn't time for a bell to be tolling, and the noises combined with Aelih's statement weren't making things much better for Lui.

Then came the skeleton, Lui lets out a startled screech, but Aelih quickly deals with it. Lui however isn't really put at ease with the thorough destruction of the skeleton Aelih caused, and decides to cast a spell to set it on fire as well, just in case.

As Aelih suggests leaving, Lui nods. "That sounds like a brilliant plan." She says, following Aelih. "Should we go look for Dani?"

As the skeletons keep pouring into the town through the East Gate and Wall, more and more people are forced to flee. While the fastest of the horde easily get picked off by the few who are brave enough to defend the town, the main horde is slowly but surely advancing deeper into the town, accompanied by the massive beast. Soon they are within sight of the church as the beast prepares to attack the church, which will likely level it in the process.

The skeletons themselves meanwhile stay out of the way of the beast, not directly approaching the church but instead moving to attempt to encircle it. Simultaneously, the main horde makes it to the Library and begins it's approach to the North Gate.

At the North Gate itself though, people are starting to realise that the North Gate isn't going to open, and start to turn away to flee to the West Gate instead when their attention is caught by a loud noise. Moments later, something heavy seems to collide with the door as it is forced open. However, the impact seemed to be too much for the door, as it's hinges shatter and the doors collapse, crushing some unfortunate civilians. The North Gate has also been breached, as undead have used some sort of siege weapon to force open the gate. This time accompanied by what appear to be a group of people capable of casting spells, the undead now also begin their assault from the North, charing straight into the mass of defenseless civilians that haven't yet managed to escape.

Near the port, things aren't looking much better, as hideous, bipedal frog-like creatures emerge from the river, boarding ships to prevent people from fleeing via the river. They seize any defensive weapons the ships could potentially have and use them to attack the town, firing ballistae at any civilians they can spot. Until they run out of bolts that is, at which point they torch the ships and head into the town itself.
In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

As the sun slowly begins to rise over the town of Nadska, it's inhabitants start to wake up and begin their peaceful, daily routine.

Though, that peaceful routine is soon shattered almost before it can start, as a strange noise can be heard near the Eastern Wall. Moments later, a loud crash can be heard as something slams into the town wall. After a few seconds, the sound can be heard again. And Again. And then, with the fourth impact, something breaks through the wall entirely, causing debris to crush the unlucky few that were standing on the town side of the wall.

A massive boar-like creature, almost two stories tall and reeking of rotting flesh, has forced it's way through the wall. Having used it's armoured head to break through the wall, it now uses it's massive size and strength to trample people and crush buildings that get in the way of the creature's slow journey towards the town's church. Riding on top of it are skeletons, armed with bows. From their advantageous position they use their weapons to attack people who try to fight or flee, attacking even harmless civilians as they try and get to safety.

Following the creature through the hole it created in the wall are even more monsters, most of which appear to be undead. They make their way to the gate and force it open, allowing for even more monsters to invade. A few brave villagers have taken up arms to try and fight back, but they soon meet a gruesome fate at the hands of the undead hordes.

As all this is happening, the church bell tolls. However, it's not the regular bell, instead it's the alarm bell. It alerts everyone in the town of the present danger, and wakes even those fast asleep. As it tolls, the people start the panic. Fearing for their lives, they flee towards the nearest gate. Merchants abandon their stalls and run away, taking with them only their most valuable possessions and leaving behind the vast majority of their wares. The local garrison, aware of the fact that they can't possibly hope to defeat the threat, focus their efforts in getting those barely capable of saving themselves to safety before putting up a last-ditch effort to delay the monsters and buy the fleeing civilians more time..

However, in a stroke of bad luck, most people flee towards the North Gate, for they know it to be the fastest path to the nearest safe city. Oblivious to the fact that the gate is stuck, hordes of people gather at the gate and try to force it open, to no avail...

In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lui waves as Dani leaves the duo alone. She enjoyed his company because he always had fun things to tell her, but she understood why it was better for him to do what he was going to do alone. After all, it's hard to work when someone keeps asking questions.

So, she turns her attention to Aelih. Nodding in response to their suggestion. It's not like Lui was curious enough to wander away from people she trusted anyway, because Lui knew that there were more untrustworthy people around than trustworthy ones.

Then came the noises. They startled Lui, and apparently put Aelih on alert as well, judging by the way they gripped their spear.
"Where should we go? Should we go to the Inn already and wait there?"
In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Worry not, this RP is still accepting so feel free to write up a character!
In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

As the trio of shady looters stand outside a tavern, now the scene of a crime, off near the library something happens.

Climbing out of a window, a young man sneaks out of the library, carrying on their back a large backpack filled with books. A nighttime robbery, but no money was stolen. Carefully checking their surroundings for witnesses, the person makes their way to the front of the library, and starts running down the road. They didn't want to get caught, as that meant getting locked away in this town. And that would be a disaster.

Fiddling with their backpack, the criminal takes one of the books they are carrying and starts browsing it. It's half past three in the morning, so nobody would be on the streets anyway, right?

Unfortunately for them, they quickly bump into someone else. While busy reading they failed to notice the trio near the Tavern, and they collide with Gabriel, causing them both to fall to the ground. Several books tumble out of the thief's backpack, and several papers fall out of their book.

Muttering a quick sorry, the person hurriedly recovers everything and runs away again, failing to notice one piece of paper that has landed at Jack's feet. On it, map of the immediate area around Nadska. Nadska itself has been crossed off with a red X, while a forest nearby has been circled for no apparent reason.

In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lui cautiously looked around when Dani mentioned he couldn't help Lui here, noticing all the people around. Did they overhear their conversation? Did they know that Lui was carrying something dangerous? Were they planning on attacking her now? Dispose of her because she was dangerous? Sell her to their enemies to get rid of them. Perhaps she should just run away now, off into the night. Her lantern might've been an obvious think to track her with, but she could always turn it off.

Fortunately though, Dani was quick to tell her she wasn't in any danger. After dealing with having his tail touched by Aelih, Dani quick went to assure Lui. Apparently her gem wasn't a threat to those around her, and if anything did happen the people around her would probably protect her. It was... different from what she knew of humans, but she trusted Dani. After all, why would he lie to her after all this, and about such a thing.

Then, he turned to Aelih, and asked the Elf to protect Lui. Personally Lui would've preferred staying with Dani however, it's not like she had anything better to do. But still, at least somebody would be staying with her. Maybe Aelih had something fun to do.

"Fine, even though I'd much rather follow you since I don't really have anything better to do... Besides, what you do is interesting!" Lui said, sighing but smiling. "But if you think we should go do something else then I guess I'll follow Aelih for the time being. JUST DON'T FORGET."

Turning to look at the mysterious Elf, Lui manages a smile, getting up from her sitting position.
In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Lui stared at Dani with a blank expression on her face, she knew it was going to be bad, but she didn't expect this. For her eye to be a so-called 'Blood Diamond'. Never before had she heard of them, but it sounded very, very scary and dangerous. Not just to her, but also to those around her. Did this mean that she was a threat to everyone around her as well? Did this mean that people would be better off with her gone?

His explanation for what the Myti used as a solution didn't help much either. Lui had already failed at getting it out of her head in the past, and unless she found someone who could she'd be stuck with it for the rest of her life.

"I-I haven't succeded in my attempts to get it out... D-do you think you could?" Lui asked Dani. "A-and does that mean I'm a threat to everyone around me too?"
In Defiance 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Looks good, when you're done please post it in the Character section too
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