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Seth stretched his arms as he got up from the couch looking at those who would be in the hunting for the cat team thinking only how potentially fun this mission could be just from the people on it, there was Shina whose major talents Seth had seen of her so far were drinking and fighting both of which would likely be absent from this mission, plus her having to put up with possibly looking after the new kid who was questioning Tessi was quite amusing in Seth head. Whereas Tessai was by far the most suited to this task seeing as he was the youth organisations unoffical head cat guy.

Walking over to the cat group Seth gave a short wave as an introduction to the new kid "I'm also human here. Seth, nice to meet you and please be careful, last thing we need is anyone making this job more complicated." His words sounded a bit harsh but that was just a mixture of the boys shyness around new people and a general word of caution about the world he accidentally stepped into.

"Anyway lets work well as a team." The boy added finally not really putting any meaning or effort behind those words as he slumped his hands into his pocket and walked behind Tessai who had already set off, a fitting leader for this mission he thought grinning a bit as a new girl started to follow them as well.

Yeah go on ahead, ill do a catch up post in a bit for my character.
Hey, sorry for not posting for a while went on holiday for a week and had little to no reliable internet. I will get a post to move Seth on tomorrow since its late here and am quite tired.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Seth cautiously watched her tendrils approach, her words not helping to put him at ease around her at all but quickly became distracted by the door being swung open suddenly and Shina entered in her normal noisy fashion for when she bothered to show up though this time she bought an unfamiliar face with her.

Turning his attention back to his palm that the tendrils had been approaching before his cautiousness stance had been broken by the distraction the boy looked taken back by the now absence of the apple from before and looked now over at Yuina with no apple in sight and now suddenly posed with a new question. "Oh yeah." He responded with no particular tone in his voice still trying to get over how quickly she devoured the apple without him even noticing though he quickly cleared his throat to give a better answer to the girls question realising how absentmindedly he had responded at first "Well a few members can come round my place after the meeting and I will cook for them." He offered to Yuina but the invite was open to anyone who was interested as an attempt to make new friends himself and bring the group closer together.

Though now was not the time to continue talking for the leader had taken the stage to give out todays missions. Listening intently the red head put his hand to his chin to start pondering where his talents would be most useful. Sure, the lure of getting to possibly fight a dangerous Onryo sounded fun and a good challenge to see how well his training in combat had gone. But, that also carried a risk of getting himself possibly hurt and being a burden on the others was something he wanted to avoid.

Thinking about the other mission, tracking down a cat sounded a lot less exciting but possessed its own challenges. If it was just that the cat had gone for a prolonged walk then it would be a simple tracking type mission but if the cat had been kidnapped like the child believed it could get more complicated.

Making his decision Seth raised his hand to get Makiko's attention "If its ok with you leader I would like to go with the group that deals with the missing cat, I can use the wind to look around and see if any cats are walking around or if anyone in the area is acting suspicious at all and if there is a fight I should be able to hold my own" He put his case forward hoping she would accept his proposal but would not argue with her if she thought his talents would be best put to use elsewhere.

Seth listened to Makiko only nodding at the end not wanting to make an excuse for his late arrival since it was just him loosing track of time due to his training. He tilted his head to look up the roof thinking of the progress he had made over this last year yet the boy still felt he was a mile behind everyone else in terms of both ability and drive.

In that way Seth almost admired Makiko a bit since she was a few years younger then him and had made the Miura Youth Organization and helped to keep the peace though he was sure something else must of spurred her to make the Organization as well but he had no intention of asking her since it was likely personal.

He came back down to earth from his own thoughts when a strange gust of wind slammed into the door once again and saw Aamuu and Tessi walk in giving a short wave as a substitute for a verbal greeting. Upon hearing Yuina's stomach growl Seth tried to subtly move a bit away since the living barrier between them that was Styx had moved and he was really not sure if the girls kind could eat humans so instead he reached into his bag and pulled out an apple passing it over to her "This is all I have leftover, if you are still hungry after this I can try and make something later if we have any ingredients in." The red head offered as both being kind and also as sort of an apology since he interrupted her fun before.
@VitaVitaAR I edited mine a bit to have Seth not at the organization building at the start, let me know if you want it changed any further.
@Jedly I don't know what you are talking about, that was the best jump landing done in the rp so far and at least a 8/10 with plenty of room for improvement going into the next round.
Seth was not far from the Youth Organization building, in fact he was only a few rooftops away spending his free time training. He was led out on the rooftop his eyes closed making it seem like he was simply sleeping but was actually trying his best to train for with his eyes closed he could sense the wind moving around him more accurately.

"Someone approaching?" Seth muttered to himself and focused in on the air moving around the approaching person building an image up in his mind, it was a girl, human with long hair complete with what seemed like a scarf due to its movements with the wind and only one person would approach the building with those descriptions and as if to confirm his hypothesis Seth's eyes opened and looked at his watch, yup that had to be Makiko arriving for the meeting.

The boy sat up now pondering what he should do next. "Do I go down and greet her now? No that would mean I would have to chat with her until others arrived.?" He once again spoke his thoughts out loud despite no one being around. Taking a deep breath Seth came to a conclusion and decided to wait it out for some more members to arrive and sneak in then.

After waiting for what felt longer then a while Seth felt someone else approaching and poked his head out from the rooftop to see Yuina. Perfect, he could let her go in take the heat of being the first late arrival and use that advantage to sneak in. Once the other girl had entered Seth approached the edge of the rooftop. "Ok, no pressure you practised this enough." He reassured himself and jumped off the building while building up wind around his legs to cushion his landing, well that was the plan but in reality the wind build up around his left leg was greater then his right and upon touching the ground was sent into a roll across the pavement.

Quickly he scrambled to his feet and messed with his red hair trying to fix it as he looked around out of embaressment to see if anyone had seen that before heading into the Organization's building and expected to see Yuina in the process of being scolded but was taken back what Yuina was attempting and let out a chuckle at just how unexpected it was before appologzing with a simple "Sorry I am late leader." With that Seth took a seat on a nearby couch to await more members arrival and to keep some distance away from Yuina's antics.
Name: Seth Hayate
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Personality: Due to being an outcast in this world for a majority of his life Seth is a somewhat more distant and cautious person not telling anyone more than they need to know about himself, especially the true secret behind his ability. However, when around someone Seth considers to be a friend the change in him is quiet significant as he drops his guard and becomes a much more open chatty almost too talkative person as if he was trying to make up for lost time.

Abilities: Due to a necklace Seth wears he can manipulate air around him to a certain extent. Since Seth only recently obtained this ability its power is still fairly weak but over the year Seth has had it he learnt how to detect changes in air currents within a certain range acting as a sort of sonar which can be expended upon depending on how hard he is concentrating at the time. He can also send blasts of wind outwards through punches and kicks though gets weaker the further is travels making it most effective at close range.

- A proficiency in kickboxing from going to clubs when growing up but nothing close to a professional level
- Decent cooking skills since he had to cook meals for both himself and his Grandfather growing up.

- His necklace from his Grandfather which allows him to control wind
- A pair of goggles to keep wind out of his eyes which is useful due to his inexperience with his ability

Brief Backstory:
Born first into his family Seth was expected to have inherited his parents Wind magic traits but by the age of 3 no such trait showed itself and he was just normal, a normal human in a world surrounded by people who could do amazing things, where humans and non humans walked the streets. Needless to say he was shunned by a most of the world but not least of all by his family whose second son was born by the time Seth was 8 and possessed his parents traits and hence took up most of his mother's and farther's time.

Seth was sent away from his family's house once he hit 11 to go live with his Grandfather to keep him out of the way and attended school like normal person and even there performed average in grades, not terrible but not good enough to make anyone notice. At the age of 18 Seth finished school and was left with few options outside of getting a job to trying to live a normal life. None of his family came to celebrate his graduation apart from his Grandfather who gave him a gift a necklace and told him his secret, he too possessed no magical trait but had used this item instead to fool people and passed it onto Seth as a gift. A few weeks later his Grandfather past away and Seth lost contact with his real family as he had no desire to meet those who had thrown him out and joined the Miura Youth Organisation as a way to practice his new ability and prove himself.
Name: Seth Hayate
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Personality: Due to being an outcast in this world for a majority of his life Seth is a somewhat more distant and cautious person not telling anyone more than they need to know about himself, especially the true secret behind his ability. However, when around someone Seth considers to be a friend the change in him is quiet significant as he drops his guard and becomes a much more open chatty almost too talkative person as if he was trying to make up for lost time.

Abilities: Due to a necklace Seth wears he can manipulate air around him to a certain extent. Since Seth only recently obtained this ability its power is still fairly weak but over the year Seth has had it he learnt how to detect changes in air currents within a certain range acting as a sort of sonar which can be expended upon depending on how hard he is concentrating at the time. He can also send blasts of wind outwards through punches and kicks though gets weaker the further is travels making it most effective at close range.

- A proficiency in kickboxing from going to clubs when growing up but nothing close to a professional level
- Decent cooking skills since he had to cook meals for both himself and his Grandfather growing up.

- His necklace from his Grandfather which allows him to control wind
- A pair of goggles to keep wind out of his eyes which is useful due to his inexperience with his ability

Brief Backstory:
Born first into his family Seth was expected to have inherited his parents Wind magic traits but by the age of 3 no such trait showed itself and he was just normal, a normal human in a world surrounded by people who could do amazing things, where humans and non humans walked the streets. Needless to say he was shunned by a most of the world but not least of all by his family whose second son was born by the time Seth was 8 and possessed his parents traits and hence took up most of his mother's and farther's time.

Seth was sent away from his family's house once he hit 11 to go live with his Grandfather to keep him out of the way and attended school like normal person and even there performed average in grades, not terrible but not good enough to make anyone notice. At the age of 18 Seth finished school and was left with few options outside of getting a job to trying to live a normal life. None of his family came to celebrate his graduation apart from his Grandfather who gave him a gift a necklace and told him his secret, he too possessed no magical trait but had used this item instead to fool people and passed it onto Seth as a gift. A few weeks later his Grandfather past away and Seth lost contact with his real family as he had no desire to meet those who had thrown him out and joined the Miura Youth Organisation as a way to practice his new ability and prove himself.
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