Avatar of Dblade26
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    1. Dblade26 10 yrs ago


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Janus Faustus sat at a small table in the back corner of the tavern, purposefully positioned so that he could scan the length and breadth of the room without exposing his back or leaving any unnecessary blind-spots in his vision. His coffee was as dark and bitter as his sense of humor, but at least it kept him awake and made the heat of the room seem more than bearable compared to the heat of his mug. It was true he was an Imperial, but he was sun dark and wore clothing in the airy, concealing desert fashion favored by those who chose function over fashion in the face of desert living. Today there was a single scar that ran from under his right eye across the length of his right cheek, a fake but an excellent one.

Occasionally, he would set down his mug and fiddle with the long dagger he wore on one hip, or adjust the short sword that balanced it on the opposite side as if he might have to clear them from their sheathes in a hurry, but other than this seeming habit he seemed to be a road-hardened tradesman long at ease in Hammerfell, as indicated by a number of rings on his fingers and a bulging coin purse at his waist. He watched the party of travelers as they entered and approached the bar. He'd paid the bartender in advance to direct any who might want rougher work over to his little table. After all, he was a man of means looking to get his name out there by financing parties of do-gooders for hire: an Adventure Capitalist of sorts.

At least, that was the rumor he'd paid the bartender to tell, the one he'd be peddling himself as well. For now, it was enough.

Just need to figure out equipment
I'm still here, too. I had a bit of an accident that cut me out of all the Discord rooms I was in.
Speaking of which, officially expressing interest as a potential member of the Blades, probably an Imperial with a mix of talky-ness, sword skills and some more stealthy and illusion-y stuff. Maybe a handler for some of the other PCs, storywise? Not sure.
Because there's also a Casual tag on it? So it's open to both sets of people?
Also interested! Rin and Tacky are both good, fun people too so this could be fun.
I think the reply was ambiguous because acceptance has to go through the Co-GM @Inkarnate
"As if I'd need you to tell me how to sneak a Batmobile into Gotham."

Honestly! It was his Batmobile, or if nothing else close enough to being his! How dare she imply he might not know how to drive it? That was what really bothered him here, not the fact that Father apparently hadn't trusted him enough to give him full information on Huntress and the Mafia. Certainly not the numerous unfortunate implications Huntress's impaired behavior, glowing blue eyes and that serum of hers had for what was actually going on here.

Well, it wasn't as though Damian had intended to just rocket them into the city through the sky, at full blast and in plain view of every passerby while blaring obnoxious music out the window for sheer shock value. Not after the Bertinelli woman had ruined any enjoyment he was going to get out of it with her stupid lectures. As if she was in any position to talk down to him with a voice in her head. Worse yet, she'd started babbling at him barely lucid if that, all about her relationship with Gotham City and how unprepared he was for it.

Damian prepared a comment he was sure would put the Bertinelli woman in her place, but something about what she'd said brought back the events of last night in too-vivid clarity. There was a bloody knife in his hands and a shuddering weight against him while a man gasped through shock like a speared fish. His nostrils filled with the scent of blood and...eugh, had the man really pissed himself back then without Damian noticing? But there was more. That same squirming, sickening feeling in his chest he'd had to suppress back then, part panic and part...something else, all of it ridiculous!

Still, such a humiliating reminder of his lack of control soured his mood. Damian didn't bother putting on any music, he just drove in silence. He didn't bother to use the flight mode at first either, not until they got close to the water, and even then they were practically just hovering.

Damian was shaken out of his entirely non-childish not-pouting by the view. Not that there was a ton there, but seeing Gotham's shoreline glide by in the full light of day for what felt like the first time was oddly pleasant. Damian would have to replicate this view on paper later on, he decided. Not that he normally did landscapes, but he was getting tired of having nothing to draw but bats. In spite of his slow going, it wasn't too long before the pair of them had arrived at the old drainage tunnel. It actually was a fairly small space to navigate through, though Damian threaded the needle into the old flood runoff pipe with ease, a self-satisfied grin on his face at the smooth work the custom hand controls made of the maneuver.

Damian glanced over at Helena Bertinelli and briefly considered waking her for a well-deserved I-told-you-so, reconsidering at the last minute. He didn't want her babbling to the spirit or infection or whatever it was in her head, or worse, scolding him like he was some ordinary child. No, let her sleep in relatively peaceful silence. Naturally, his driving prowess was obvious enough without some woman's recognition!

As they slowed and then rose through the cracked and crumbling storm safety system, Damian wondered exactly how these arrangements had been made. Had it all been done with just ill-gotten gains from the Bertinelli family's extensive criminal coffers? Or...had Wayne Enterprises been involved as well? If Father had been bankrolling the secret construction of a hideout here it was yet another thing he hadn't seen fit to tell his own son.

Then again, Damian had an irritatingly scant knowledge of the woman sitting in his passenger seat. She was supposed to be a legitimate corporate face for the Bertinelli family, and in reality she was likely heading their operations. Apparently she was the Huntress as well, a vigilante who primarily targeted members of Gotham's more traditional organized crime rings and was known to be looser with the 'no kill' rule than most of the others Damian knew about. That itself had some interesting implications, maybe Helena was using the Huntress identity to kill off her competition? But if she were working with Batman...

Perhaps Damian's father was a hypocrite after all?

Before Damian had time to think through that dizzying spiral of logic, they arrived before a set of reinforced blast doors. Damian felt a minor impulse to simply load up the heavy ordinance and wake Bertinelli by blowing through her doors and activating her ejector seat, but he bit down on it. He'd never get the answers he wanted by pranking her.

"We're here, wake up."
Why did Lex Luthor give him a grant?
By the way, since it's been a week from the start date with no word AFAIK, do we assume our Red Robin/Tim Drake player is MIA?
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