Avatar of Dealdric
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    1. Dealdric 7 yrs ago


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I like how it's an option to pm yourself.
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5 yrs ago
I need a vacation...
5 yrs ago
Is this just the week of weirdness? Or is it just me?
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5 yrs ago
My dog died.
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5 yrs ago
*Turns with uninterested look* Just give them what they want, they're like Slaanesh. They'll get bored with it quick.


who has time for that?

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you heard or saw nothing...

@Shadow Dragon@StreetViper

She flicked her tongue out again. She veered slightly. "Raidersss, I think. And the only band of them within 50 milesss of my foressst is led by The Major, but I just call him Major Twit." She skidded to a stop on a ridge. "We're at the edge of my territory, but that convoy..." Pointing to the convoy Sebastion saw. "...Hasss people I have work with for passssage through. And there..." pointing towards a cloud of dust. "...Is the dirt-bag that terrorizesss the area. You sssaid you like a fight, well there it isss." She said with a playful voice.
@Shadow Dragon@StreetViper

"Pureblood Yuan-ti. I get that crack a lot. And if your here for a fight, then your poorly missss-guided. No one here fightsss unlessss to sssurvive, and I only do thingsss to help those who are lawful in their actionsss." She walked around him, examining him, and her tail touched his leg. "And I very much could eat you. Sssnakesss can eat creaturesss their sssize and sssometimesss bigger." She poked his chest with a claw. "But if you follow a few rulesss, I know a plassse with plenty of people worth fighting. Ssso what do you-" she stopped and tasted the air. She cocked her head. "Do you feel that?" she said putting her head on a rock. She got wide eyed. "Come with me. You can prove what kind of person you are." and she speed off into the forest.
@Shadow Dragon

continue going without her.
@Shadow Dragon

"Scarlet! Wake up!"

Copperhead woke with a start. She rubbed her eyes. "What could be ssso important?" Nick frowned at her. "Survivor spotted. Asking for water." She stiffened. "I'll check it out, you keep the convoy moving." And she grabbed a water bottle and slithered out.
She got up to the man and hissed. "Try anything and I'll eat you. Who are you? What do you want?"
-6 months after incident-

Copperhead sat in a tree, scanning the area for enemies. "All clear!" she yelled behind her. A group of people in buggies, jeeps, four-wheeled trucks and more came up from behind on a barely visible trail. Leading the procession was a State Ranger truck with a man in the bed. She jumped down into the bed of the truck, making a thump. She rose and got next to the man. "We're making good progress. How's everybody?" The man looked her with hope. "Good, Hernandez's leg finished healing while you were path-finding. We restocked on some resources foraging and hunting, and one of the big wigs thought we should make a farm on wheels. We also found a more efficient way to upkeep our ammo." Copperhead let out a hiss of surprise. "Well, soon you won't need me and Nick. we'll exit the forest by tonight and arrive at the abandoned facility. Then we'll be outta' yer' hair." The man sighed. "You two don't have to leave you know. You've been a big help, Sgt. Reign." Copperhead smiled at that. "Trying to butter me up are we? No, we can't stay. No humans trust mutants, and I'm no longer human, so just call me Copperhead. It's fitting, and deserving." The man looked at her, but decided not to press her.
Copperhead slid into the cab of the truck and let out a hissing sigh. "You know the resssst of the way? 'Caussse I'm kinda exssshaussssted." She hissed out. Nick, a man 3 years older than her, grinned at her change in stature. "Why are your fangs out, missy? Your startin' to slur." he said in jest. She put a hand on her mouth self consciously. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to sound threatening. It's just so hard to-" he shushed her. "Ha! You snakes are so self conscious about the way things come out. And don't worry about with me. And Yes, I do know the way. You go a head and do what you do." and gave her a little nudge. She glared at him a little for the hissing joke then hugged him and slinked into the floor boards, where she coiled around a pillow. Nick looked at her and snickered. "Soon we'll be done and home, then you can get proper rest from your job, Scarlet." and pulled a blanket from the back seat of the extended cab and through it on her.
@Shadow Dragon grew one

that's why i used sprouted

Name: Scarlet Riegn
Nickname: Copperhead
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Mutation: Copperhead has all the attributes of a snake in humanoid form, permanently. This includes speed, agility, strength, flexibility, carnivorous(but only sometimes), and having venom. She also can speak to reptiles.
Mutation weakness: Due to her nature, if she goes to far, she can loose all sanity and mind and became more snake than ever. She also isn't bullet proof, but regular handguns have less effect.
Alignment: Neutral, she believes in law, and sees both sides commit unlawful acts. She is not over helping them though.
Backstory: Born in a small town in North Carolina, Scarlet grew up fairly normal, except for the fact that she didn't have many real friends. She made quite a few people mad because she was very opposed to wrong doing. This earned her the nickname of Copperhead, cause others thought she was mean like one. Those that were her friends were normally outcasts that were normally treated like dirt by others. After college, she moved to the city to become a police officer. She succeeded in this endeavor, one step closer to her goal, but the during work on her birthday, she changed. The entire station, who were throwing her a party, watched as her features changed. She grew slightly taller, her skin turned to scales tough and sharp, her nails claws, her pinkie fingers and toes disappeared, her teeth shrunk and her canines turned to fangs, a small tail sprouted and she got thinner. Her eyes turned from ocean blue human to icy serpentine. This tore her clothes and frightened her after the pained dulled away. The entire station stared in fear and awe. She wanted to hide and sink in fear, so she backed into a corner afraid of what her colleagues would do.

She is also missing her pinkie toes and fingers, and her hands have claws instead of nails.
@Shadow Dragon

Inspired by yaun-ti, not actual. Plus, I've used her for a mutant rp before.
@Shadow Dragon

Name: Scarlet Riegn
Nickname: Copperhead
Gender: Female
Age: 34
Mutation: Copperhead has all the attributes of a snake in humanoid form, permanently. This includes speed, agility, strength, flexibility, carnivorous(but only sometimes), and having venom. She also can speak to reptiles.
Mutation weakness: Due to her nature, if she goes to far, she can loose all sanity and mind and became more snake than ever. She also isn't bullet proof, but regular handguns have less effect.
Alignment: Neutral, she believes in law, and sees both sides commit unlawful acts. She is not over helping them though.
Backstory: Born in a small town in North Carolina, Scarlet grew up fairly normal, except for the fact that she didn't have many real friends. She made quite a few people mad because she was very opposed to wrong doing. This earned her the nickname of Copperhead, cause others thought she was mean like one. Those that were her friends were normally outcasts that were normally treated like dirt by others. After college, she moved to the city to become a police officer. She succeeded in this endeavor, one step closer to her goal, but the during work on her birthday, she changed. The entire station, who were throwing her a party, watched as her features changed. She grew slightly taller, her skin turned to scales tough and sharp, her nails claws, her pinkie fingers and toes disappeared, her teeth shrunk and her canines turned to fangs, a small tail sprouted and she got thinner. Her eyes turned from ocean blue human to icy serpentine. This tore her clothes and frightened her after the pained dulled away. The entire station stared in fear and awe. She wanted to hide and sink in fear, so she backed into a corner afraid of what her colleagues would do.

She is also missing her pinkie toes and fingers, and her hands have claws instead of nails.
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