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Oh dear what kind of initiation is that? I thought the higher up in rank you would go the more other people could do for you?

But good to know.
There you go, shamefully overdue, but I didn't have the time to put something down properly until now.
Ravros had become feverish with rage as the cut across his cheek had kept bleeding staining one side of his face whilst on the other side the dark red and purple veins shone through his skin, a mark of those that consumed Dursa’s poison.
The miracle booster however was not without cost…and it showed itself more and more as Tyrhallan kept clashing blades with Ravros.
Unlike his uncle, Tyrhallan was still very much in his prime and had always been pushed and strived towards improving his skill and talents. Had Tyrhallan perhaps cared less about his training and his duties he would have ended up like so many of the unfortunates that lay scattered all over the battlefield, with eyes that would never shut.
As their swords rang out in their meeting, with Tyrhallan holding the man off with great sacrifice of his own ki he had managed to keep Ravros from coming even one step closer to his uncle.
“Damn you boy! Get out of my way!” Ravros snapped at they wrestled for control, as steel pushed against steel and the release of ki flared and grew to such a point that it blasted around them.
“You can forget it...and don’t call me boy!” Tyrhallan bit back as he dug his toes and heels in ready to force him back.
“Miserable maggot I will swat you like the fly you are!” Ravros snapped as he released his pressure on the blade in an attempt to side step.
Tyrhallan however noticed the turn and turned with him, using his speed to avoid the reach of the coming blow only to reciprocate with his own, an elbow to the face.
Ravros groaned in pain staggering back gripping his face before swinging wildly, making Tyrhallan duck underneath in order to avoid it, charging Ravros in order to tackle him to the ground.
Using his ki he pushed off and ran straight into him, underneath the blow, catching him by his waist and using his forceful contact to push him over.
Ravros screamed in rage as he felt the knight captain connect with him, before he watched the world spin for a moment as he fell back against the deck.
Tyrhallan attempted to end the fight by bringing the blade down, but something unforeseen happened…
As the blade was about to come down on Ravros, the man gripped the blade, holding it off as his dark eyes burned holes into Tyrhallan’s. As blood dripped down the hand and wrist Tyrhallan watched in disbelief how Ravros had the strength to hold his blade off with merely his right hand.
But that didn’t last long before his left hand gripped him around his throat.
“I…am…going…to…KILL…you.” He promised darkly as he squeezed his lefthand tight, forcing Tyrhallan in a terrible choice.
The man had him…if he let up on the blade Ravros would most likely tear it from his hands and if he did nothing he wouldn’t be breathing for much longer.
He desperately tried to tear his blade free, but Ravros tightened his grip, much like the Nemorpa’s that would clench their jaws shut once they had caught their prey.
Infact he turned the situation around, Ravros regained his footing and raised Tyrhallan up with him.
“How about I break that arm of yours boy? Seems only fair as you spoiled my fun.” Ravros snidely commented. “Or maybe I should just toss you over the side and be done with you…” He regarded him for a moment as he made the knight captain gasp for air.
“Sweet dreams boy, this is the end of the line…” Ravros promised raising him even higher up.
Tyrhallan struggled as his vision darkened and his lungs burned. He gasped for air desperate to even take a breath that he released the hold on his sword only hearing it drop to the floor mere seconds later.
Desperately clawing with his hands at Ravros’s left hand in a final attempt to release the hold, as his legs were kicking and flailing weakly.
Ravros watched with satisfaction as he heard his opponents squeaky attempts at gathering air knowing it wouldn’t be long now.
One less Venray...He thought.
Tyrhallan’s hands trembled before they stopped, his vision had turned black and he was losing all feeling of pain in his body and all the emotions in his mind as it turned into nothingness. As the final slivers of light disappeared from his vision he even had stopped squeaking for breath.
He only felt himself falling onto the hard metal floor before hearing a monstrous roar coming from above him as two figures stood facing each other. His sights returning to him as the sudden motion and shock of the metal floor restarted his body and send the first of many painful intakes of breath back into his lungs.
Ravros roared as he gripped his left arm, which squirted blood as it now was missing a hand. The severed appendage having fallen to the floor with Tyrhallan, cleanly cut off by a masterful sword stroke.
Facing him stood Uilles.
The old General was breathing hard in an exhausted manner as he held Fatebringer and pointed it up at Ravros.
“Uilles you miserable rat!” Ravros screamed as he clutched his wounded arm.
“I…am not…going…to stand by…and watch…you murder my nephew.” The old General said showing more weariness and exhaustion after pulling this particular stunt as the blade trembled in his hand.
He had been rather cutting it close though… He hadn’t expected that he had needed to take this long to collect the precious ki he had left. The wounds Ravros had dealt him, must have taken more of a toll on him than he had expected.
No matter though, he wasn’t expecting to get out of this alive.
“Now run before I end you Ravros.” Uilles spoke knowing full well Ravros would call his bluff.
“I didn’t expect you to still have the strength for it old man…the boy should prize himself lucky a second or two more and he wouldn’t be waking ever again."
Tyrhallan still gasping and regaining his breath, tried to stand again to aid his uncle knowing that in rescuing him the man was signing away his life by using the ki that he should be using to keep himself alive with.
“Uncle…I can still fight…” He uttered forcing himself up on his feet grabbing a nearby weapon to have something to aid himself with.
“You both are mad if you think I will be surrendering to you, in fact you two should be pleading for your lives as we’ve just won the battle.” Ravros said picking up his own sword again.
Uilles winced at this looking at his nephew before gritting his teeth.
“I’ll never surrender to the likes of you! Nor plead for whatever life there’s left in me, if I am going to die I am taking your miserable hide with me.” He said.
“Now let’s finish this…” He promised as he charged at Ravros swinging Fatebringer at him.
Ravros met his blow with his own blade, easily forcing it away and opening up Uilles for him, bringing them up close. Uilles drew a dagger from his belt and stabbed Ravros up the armpit, watching the sheer indignation reflected in Ravros’s eyes at the unworthy attempt at ending him.
He headbutted him and kicked him down again, only to quickly bring his sword up again to avoid the cut at his neck from Tyrhallan.
“You Venray’s are all the same…no fucking honour! Await your turns you miserable ingrates! I will slaughter the both of you and mount your heads on fucking spikes!”
"You need to kill us first and if we're to die we are taking you with us!" Tyrhallan promised as he started attacking Ravros again.

She had panicked at first but as soon as Arn’s voice reached her it instantly comforted and eased her. As Arn helped her she couldn’t help but tremble in his arms, not sure what had occurred or what she had done this time around. With memories and visions haunting her the only comfort she could find and rely on was the strong man behind her.
Even now amidst all this he worried for her. His words, his actions…how had she been so fortunate to end up in the same room as him. Had the gods finally taken pity on her.
If Arn hadn’t been looking around so vividly for threats and for their companions he would have seen the loving gaze in which she regarded him before she took a deep breath closing her eyes and feeling her way around the battlefield.
As she slowly exhaled in strain she pointed them out to Arn.
“They’re over there…” Her voice soft and strained as she attempted to keep her magic low enough so the bindings wouldn’t be triggered.
“He’s in pain…” She uttered as she continued to focus on their beings. The warriors shown through only the fleeting Ki that danced wildly about like a storm of leaves. Whilst the mages showed their light bodies and threads, such as the light blue pulsing thread that was attached to Tobi sticking out close by like a sore thumb.
She looked further ahead seeing two terrifying forces clash against one another whilst a third remained off to the side its energy weak and leaking ki.
“They’re in trouble…” She softly uttered as fear had crept into her voice. With the chaos still going on all around them, the larger war machines were targeted and obliterated. Voices screamed of mercy were cut short and sentences like ‘hold the line’ had been smothered long since. The Belisians were losing, all around them the Vaimese seemed to simply swarm them and take them down.
“We all need to leave…” As she uttered those words she realized the horror that it meant. No more safe haven, no more Belisio.
As Ravros brought his sword up he watched the glare that Uilles cast at him.
Hate me. He thought. It is no more then you deserve.
A blur flashing in the corner of his eyes for a moment.
As Ravros flexed his might to decapitate Uilles, bringing the final swing down he was met instead by the incoming knee of a raging Knight Captain. Ravros stumbled back, trying to regain his footing as the red and white blur became visible as Tyrhallan stood in between his Uncle and Ravros.
Both quite surprised to see him.
“Tyrhallan? You’re supposed to escort…” Uilles started as he regained his composure.
“We can argue about this later!” His nephew snapped at him, taking him a back again.
Ravros however regarded the two with clear suspicion. They knew one another…that much was obvious and if the white hair wasn’t a dead give away their emblems surely were. The Venray crest.
“What’s this? A son? A little family reunion?” He asked with curiosity allowing the two their moment to catch up, though they didn’t bother to answer him.
“Tyrhallan go… I order you to go… This doesn’t concern you!” Uilles said as he attempted to stand up again.
Tyrhallan cast a glance back at his uncle.
The man could barely stand anymore and if the blood dripping from his armour was any indication the man was bleeding profusely.
“Don’t be ridiculous Uncle, you’re in no shape anymore to fight him nor to order me about, call it disobedience or mutiny I don’t care.”
Uilles eyes him with a pleading look, but Tyrhallan ignored it.
“I am not leaving you here so you can die for the sake of your pride! Not when Belisio still needs you. When I still need you.” He cut back.
“All my life you trained me to be worthy of following into your footsteps. You told me to protect the innocent and defend the weak. To bring hope when there was none. To do what was right. And right now that means keeping you from making a stupid mistake. My place is here between you and him.”
Tyrhallan’s words earning him a grin from Ravros.
“Well, it seems the boy made his decision Venray. You’ll just have to patiently wait your turn and in the meantime watch me rip his legs off of him, but rest assured, I will not forget about you. Your comeuppance will come.” He promised darkly.
Tyrhallan raised himself, taking his position and keeping a careful eye on the man.
“Well we’ll see about all that…After all you will have to catch me first.” He replied with confidence.
Ravros chuckled for a moment as he took his place, his large sword swinging about in order to loosen up again.
“Bring it boy.”
Before Uilles could stop him, Tyrhallan dashed at Ravros. He avoided his slow and heavy swings and instead dove underneath it to kick his legs from underneath him. This attempt almost succeeded were it not for the grab Ravros did pulling Tyrhallan down as well, making him smack his head against the metal deck. He quickly spun away and out of range despite the pain and watched Ravros get up as well releasing a tuft of hair he had torn off of Tyrhallan’s head in his attempted grab.
“Seems you’re not so fast after all boy.”
Tyrhallan narrowed his eyes and shadowstepped again, only to force himself to deflect and parry the blow Ravros send his way, allowing Fatebringer up close and nearly taking off his nose, but causing a proper cut across the cheek.
Angered by the new pain and drawn blood Ravros send his other fist flying into Tyrhallan’s direction, barely missing his face as he retreated and was forced on the defensive.
Ravros’s anger fueled the speed of his attacks and even with Tyrhallan’s speed even he was having difficulty keeping up with the big guy.
I didn't see city of Demons, but I needed a demonic/distorted voice for the Aether, though the voice of Nergal is the SK voice, Tourmaline's is Hades (Ralph Fiennes) more breathy and like soft sandpaper. It chips away at you making you listen.
Whilst the Sk's voice whom we only so far have seen only once is a much deeper.

As for Tyrhallan:
But no the mount isn't dead, but it is not going to stick around in the middle of a warzone to be shot to pieces, it will fly higher and out of range, Tyrhallan however has always used his boosters and ki in combat that is so chaotic.

So for your visuals, we have troops on the ground and in the air. The ground troops mainly form the last defense for the city, using the ballista's and other heavy catapults to fire and cripple the enemy.
The large frigates however fly in releasing those smaller crafts so they can stop the approach of smaller fighter vessels and the famous dragon knights, leaving them to blast the city and the ballista's again.
It is just one big mess like WW1 with the Aces flying and fighting above, whilst the trenchwar was fought out on the ground, with raids happening back and forth.

The small manned crafts, think like a hover scooter idea can carry a couple of soldiers, depending on size. These are to counter the Dragon Knights since they have fought Belisio before and know how dangerous they can be and this was their solution for it.

Also decided to put the fate of the kingdom in your dice roll and you did not disappoint there ;)
Though we're not out of the woods yet, you'd better watch your coming steps....

No more Castle at least and Olysium will fall and be overrun. Now let's see how many will survive.

Tourmaline turned to Arn with purpose and speed.
“I fear we have no more time to converse…for the now at the least…your presence is required as the Empire is closing in on its victory. Take my advice…take the girl and leave…there will be nothing but death for you and her here in this land.”
He started to fade back as Eilis’s form within the Aether started to move again.
“She’ll come to in a minute, there is one more matter we must attend. You cannot tell her of your plans to free her from me, she’ll think you a fool and would want to keep you safe. Softhearted creatures that women are, she won’t allow you do attempt it if she knows. She’s stubborn like that.
Just thought I should tell you in case you’re one of those idiots that thinks sharing everything with your friends and those you care for is a good thing.” The being’s tone dripped with sarcasm at that last particular point.
“Now I will refrain from stepping in again, so she won’t bleed to death, but you’d better keep her alive. There is still a war going on after all and innocent casualties can happen.” The being ended as he returned their sights to them as Eilis’s glowing stopped. Both were back in the chaos of the warzone, still on the back of their wyrm and just in time to watch the horror unfold in the distance as the palace was blown to pieces.
Eilis cried out in horror at the sight wondering what the hell was happening to her as the guns smothered the silence and roared around them.
As he landed on the deck of a smaller vessel he released Alexa and Tobias, allowing them to stand on their own two feet.
He looked them over for a moment making sure they were all right.
“Well done you two. Glad to know the both of you are not worse for wear.” He said attempting to give them an encouraging smile, though it seemed somewhat lackluster. He soon mentioned why.
“Master Tailor I am sorry about your fellows, I fear I owe them an unrepayable debt for following me into this madness.” Tyrhallan spoke before he noticed the torn clothing at Tobin’s shoulder.
His expression softened and while inclining his head he said.
“Brightwind, take care of our mage and take a breather as well. We need to regain our bearings before we throw ourselves into the fray again.”
He raised his eyes to survey their surroundings.
They stood on a smaller Belisian vessel giving them a moment to catch their breathes, as the captain was not mad enough to take on a Vaimese frigate by himself and acting more like a support vessel for the separated and wounded and there were many of those there already.
The enemy to their credit hadn’t attempted to shoot it out of the sky yet, so they still seemed to retain some shreds of honour.
As Tyrhallan was scanning the battlefield it was clear he was looking for something…or someone.
His eyes widened as he locked on two individuals.
A sight he had hoped to never see. Two warriors facing one another with one having the upper hand over the other.
An almost inaudible “No” escaped his lips, turning away from Alexa and Tobias as he watched a Vaimese soldier have his Uncle at his mercy.
With his sword raised and at the ready moving to the side of him.
A thing only reserved for executions.
Before the other two could stop him, Tyrhallan sprinted across the deck.
Clearly moving towards the scene unfolding, he powered up his ki becoming nothing but a vague blur, before his boosters came on to support the gained speed and launch him across the chasm that was between the ships. That was before the skies rumbles and several guns fired in such ferocity that whatever was in their way would be completely obliterated…

Ravros eyed his old enemy with a look of utter satisfaction. They practically gleamed with glee.
Having his old nemesis on his knees was something that felt almost too good to be true.
So easily the defeat had been it was almost a shame to kill him so early in their victory.
After all, had he not yearned for this day for years, having spent many a night on how much more could he humiliate and break him? To have it all happen so easily was rather anticlimactic.
Now Ravros was no fool, he knew the danger of letting this man live, in fact he relived that old slip up over and over in his mind that there was no mercy left anymore inside for his enemy.
But perhaps the humiliation would be even more profound if he allowed him to live long enough to see the destruction of all that he held dear. Of how his beloved country and city would fall and the Empire would prevail.
How his fellow knights were slaughtered before his eyes.
As he placed the cool tip of his blade against Uilles’s neck forcing him to look up he spread his arm wide.
“Do you remember Venray? All those years ago? Our first skirmish? You were but a knave then but the surroundings should be able to jog your memory.”
Uilles eyed him with contempt, though he kept a stern face despite the blade scraping along the skin of his throat as Ravros walked and moved.
“Oh I seem to recall we fought and your side had underestimated us, you thought you could take our water on a whim, sadly though we were better prepared than you thought.” Uilles cooly replied as he kept himself from staring at the crazed madman.
“Even now you still can’t win unless you cheat!” He cut sharply, feeling the blade press a bit tighter.
“You think this is cheating?” Ravros asked venomously.
“How desperate do you have to be to be swallowing Dursa’s Poison?” Uilles clapped back.
“Sacrifices have to be made, such is the life of a soldier…What can be more noble then to die for the hope of a tomorrow?”
“Hope of a tomorrow? Your Empire has brought this world nothing but misery, slavery and death. We have beaten you time and again and we will do so this time around.” Uilles argued hearing the exasperated gasp of indignation coming from Ravros.
“We have your backs against the wall. Look around you Venray! Look at how well your people can die!” He said taking the sword and pointing in a wide arch around them. “How many more of your knights and mages must we slay? How many have to die before you bend the knee and admit your defeat? Are you that proud, is your pride of that much worth to you?”
He pointed to the many that lay slain, the lifeless eyes staring back at them. Stained by debris and blood marking them amongst the lost. Those were still somewhat recognizable at all. Unlike the poor sods that had met their horrible ends by magic, they were simply too ghastly to gaze at for too long.
Charred, burned skin and fingers contorted in terrifying ways. Purple or blue pale skin with the veins as clearly visible and mouths agape in the endless scream that remained forever stuck in their throats. Then there were the incomplete ones…gods…those poor bastards.
Vaimese and Belisians lay amongst one another forever silent, their lives cut short as they would never return home to their loved ones.
Never give birth to new generations or creations of their make. Their lights snuffed out before they truly had time to burn.
“How many of these lives could have been saved? How many died for a cause not of their own making? For an offence they never committed? All because of duty.”
“They died for King and Country.”
“They more than likely died because they were ordered to go into battle, for the good of Belisio and all that.” He snorted. “And unlike you and me, they had no idea what they were in for...sad really…and all for some outdated fool wearing a crown and the bitch sits by his side.”
Uilles glared at Ravros now.
“Finally, there it is…a sliver of malice and hate towards me. I was half expecting you to stay indifferent until I lopped your silver haired head off.”
“IF you want to kill me than do it already, instead of monologing like some pedantic villain from a bed time story.” Uilles barked in annoyance.”
Ravros moved his sword back as he motioned with his other hand.
“All in good time my dear Venray…I still have something to show you.” He turned to face the bridge for a moment, making sure they watched as he brought his hand up next to his head, holding his fist closed.
Uilles tried to stand during this moment and attempt to grab a weapon that lay close by, but it was kicked away by Ravros’s speedy return to attending his captive.
“Tut, tut, Venray, a little patience…your time to die will come. First I want to you bear witness to the greatness of our Empire and…your defeat.” He said as the guns on the ship suddenly turned and their turrets turned skywards and away from the battle lines. Several other frigates did so as well and Uilles realized this had been preplanned all along.
“What do you hope to gain from this?” He asked as his eyes followed the path the bullets would take, before horror filled his eyes.
“Blow it from the skies!” Ravros laughed as he brought his arm forward, stretched out towards the Castle of Olysium. “Fire!”
The roaring of the cannons seemed louder than anything else to Uilles as he watched the impact the shells made and the destruction it caused.
One of the towers was cut in two instantly, with the heavier top tumbling down to the poorer sections of the city below. The high walls and great Fort blasted at so many times that only crumbling pieces remained as the rest too was launched, raining debris at the city below.
The royal tower remained standing the longest, before an exploding charge was send at it forcing it to collapse on itself. Huge chunks that had fallen down had cleared a path, turning half of the lower lying area into nothing more but dust and rubble. The screams and cries that echoed through the streets of the city even reached them there on the battlefield and Uilles felt tears sting in his eyes as he watched the destruction wrought by the frigates.
Ravros smiled pushing Uilles’s chin up with his sword to face him.
“Do you understand now that there can be no victory? What is there left to protect? The time of your precious little knights are over…your little king and queen are gone…stop fighting the inevitable.”
Uilles squared his back and glared at him.
“I’d rather swallow pigshit! You will pay for this Ravros…maybe not by my hands, but if the Gods are merciful it will be by a Belisian!” He snapped making Ravros smile.
“Always the obstinate…fine have it your way!” He said as he took his stance again and raised his sword once more to end it all.
I am intrigued though if you don't mind I'll read up first, so I can determine what kind of character I'd like to offer up in order to fit the group provided you're still looking for people.
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