Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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@TheMerlin Well I am glad my involvement didn't mess anything up and you're always free to jump in again, should you wish and I shall try to be a worthy successor, though I think I went for a completely different storyline than you intended in the first place.

Do you want to take a gamble as to where I am taking this story? As I tend to ask Omni from time to time, to see how well the bits and pieces I drop are picked up.

Also I am curious as to your opinion to the story so far if you have read up with it.

And as I said you're always welcome to jump in again with character of your own.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


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First of all thank you and @TheMerlin for your kind words. As you said, the loss of life is never fair. She left behind many memories and a lovely little girl so we will always tell her of how great her mother was. As you said, the sadness will never truly go away but I will not dwell in it.

I have read your awsome lore and again I feel that I must help contribute. However, you are such a great story teller I feel I might spoil it lol. But I do promise I will come up with at least items for discussion. I know you have a direction in mind and that you want to keep some things hided for shock effect lol.

Below, please find my humble contributions to your work. The voices are a great idea as it helps when reading their interaction. I was thinking of posting some visual aids with my posts just so that it can make sense.

Arn's Voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCwsZavV0mM

Tobi's voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2TTvyowgk0

Alexa's voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4JKS3WA8WM
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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@Omni5876Darling you left me a bit confused with Arn's voice...is it Viggo Mortensen's, Karl Urban's?

And feel free to post visual aids.

And you're not spoiling nothing (provided you don't touch SK or Tourmaline), but you can fiddle around with Teryn's and Tahjai members all you like as they are seperate ambitious powerhungry individuals. Move about in Vaim or hell even show characters from the other two nations I added as I want to go and explore the world a bit more as things progress.
You could even go into detail about events way before the calamity and destruction of the world.

Also I still need your dice roll. A simple number 1-6 will do and no don't worry it isn't for Arn or Eilis.
Why you, you ask? Well I like a bit of chance in my stories, not always knowing how things will end.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


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@Omni5876Darling you left me a bit confused with Arn's voice...is it Viggo Mortensen's, Karl Urban's?

lol I figured. I was thinking about it today. As much as I love Viggo and his portrayal of Aragorn, the voice I imagined was that of Eomer.

Please use the number 3 for your nefarious plan lol.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Thank you. That should be sufficient.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I was trying to craft a post for Arn but wanted to make sure of something. Tourmaline is the "hero" who defeated the Sorcerer King was it not? and as such, was he not Belisian?

Also, you mentioned that the Sorcerer King had a brother. correct? and this one died at the hands of I am guessing Tourmaline?

Finally, how possible is it that either the SK or his brother to have left behind progeny?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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1) In Belisio and those who suffered under the Empire of Vaim yes, to them he was a hero. After all he helped defeat the Sk.

2) Not that I can recall, I always intended him to come from Revendahl, making him a refuge that joined Belisio and the others against the Empire when his own home was destroyed. I believe I brought his name up when Eilis compared you to him. Her mentioning the tales of Ferezanthe, which she studies little bookworm that she is has read.

3) Yes, your answer lies in Eilis's weird visions (but yes)

4) Well a lot can happen, I only work with two type of connections, the SK was rather liked in the Empire (the brother you know next to nothing off) I will give you these answers though:
IT could be possible for both of them, though rather unlikely for the brother since he died in his teens (16)
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


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And is it Tobias/Toby or Tobin?

It is Tobias or Toby. I think I misspelled that one time for Tobin lol. Toby is his nick name.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sorry about my lack or Arn post. I was having mental fart. I will try to post something today or tomorrow. Also, I watched city of Demons where you got the voice of Tourmaline and It gave me a good idea how much of a jerk the dude is lol. If he is anything like Nargal that is lol.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


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Is Tyrhallan's mount dead? Also, If I remember correctly, you said that there were small, single person air craft flying around? I want to make it believable. I am worried our party may not survive the encounter lol. Are you sure you are not a DnD dungeon master who sticks to the rules like glue? lol
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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I didn't see city of Demons, but I needed a demonic/distorted voice for the Aether, though the voice of Nergal is the SK voice, Tourmaline's is Hades (Ralph Fiennes) more breathy and like soft sandpaper. It chips away at you making you listen.
Whilst the Sk's voice whom we only so far have seen only once is a much deeper.

As for Tyrhallan:
But no the mount isn't dead, but it is not going to stick around in the middle of a warzone to be shot to pieces, it will fly higher and out of range, Tyrhallan however has always used his boosters and ki in combat that is so chaotic.

So for your visuals, we have troops on the ground and in the air. The ground troops mainly form the last defense for the city, using the ballista's and other heavy catapults to fire and cripple the enemy.
The large frigates however fly in releasing those smaller crafts so they can stop the approach of smaller fighter vessels and the famous dragon knights, leaving them to blast the city and the ballista's again.
It is just one big mess like WW1 with the Aces flying and fighting above, whilst the trenchwar was fought out on the ground, with raids happening back and forth.

The small manned crafts, think like a hover scooter idea can carry a couple of soldiers, depending on size. These are to counter the Dragon Knights since they have fought Belisio before and know how dangerous they can be and this was their solution for it.

Also decided to put the fate of the kingdom in your dice roll and you did not disappoint there ;)
Though we're not out of the woods yet, you'd better watch your coming steps....

No more Castle at least and Olysium will fall and be overrun. Now let's see how many will survive.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


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Also decided to put the fate of the kingdom in your dice roll and you did not disappoint there ;)
Though we're not out of the woods yet, you'd better watch your coming steps....

No more Castle at least and Olysium will fall and be overrun. Now let's see how many will survive.

I dont know if I should smile or cry lol.

I only asked for the mount because if they need to make their getaway lol I assumed that At least Alexa had some sort of whistle that could call her mount but did not know if you would allow this to be standard for all mounts.

I kinda figured about the small air ships. Ok cool Thanks for the info and believe me, I can totally imagine the current chaos. One can argue that it is much safe in the ground than in the air but potato potatoe.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

totally my bad. I forgot you had replied. I will try to post something on Tuesday. I am trying to wrack my brain on how to best ensure we all make it out alive lol.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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There you go, shamefully overdue, but I didn't have the time to put something down properly until now.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sooooo big heads up and I will remind you next Wednesday. If I am advanced in rank, I have to go through an Initiation period. I will be extremely busy getting my ass handed to me so I may have to go dormant for about six weeks. Just an FYI.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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Oh dear what kind of initiation is that? I thought the higher up in rank you would go the more other people could do for you?

But good to know.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

lol, I am not sure if you know about US Navy Chiefs. But they basically give you a crash course on many things but overburdening you with taskers, beating you up with push ups and other exercises and other thins for six straight weeks all week and allowing you about 3-4 hours of sleep a day lol.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by deia876lat
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3/4 hours? Good god I would already have gone full metal jacket on their asses.
I need 8 hours to function properly and whilst I can do with less it seriously messes up my brain, coordination and body, especially if it happens multiple nights in a row.
And woe to the poor bastard that wakes me....

But no I didn't know that.
Shivers, the horror...I sympathise with you and will think of you during those weeks.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Omni5876


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

And woe to the poor bastard that wakes me....

this was epic lol. Yeah, its meant to mess with you and make you irritable and forgetfull etc. But it is just a game, one that must be played. But this is only IF I get advanced.

Is it technically my turn? I was not sure since the story was more Tyrhallan driven. I guess I could have Tobi and Alexa join the the fray but I fear they would be more hampering than helping.
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