Avatar of DELETED jdl3932
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  • Posts: 3790 (1.87 / day)
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    1. DELETED jdl3932 3 yrs ago
    2. ████████ 6 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Current That isekai idea works until you take into account the advanced part and include things like AI, brain machine interfaces, etc. Knowledge can just be downloaded.
1 like
3 yrs ago
Some day's I regret setting foot in this site.
3 yrs ago
What do you mean by added? Like to a PM or something?
1 like
3 yrs ago
What the pog doin?
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3 yrs ago
Unless you love kids a little too much, then a prison sentence is what can be done about it.


Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>
...I see. We of the Amaranthine challenge you. If you win in combat against one of our own, we shall leave this planet to its own self-assured destruction. If we prevail, we shall free your people of the shackles of their rulers.

*Ponders for a moment, then smiles*


*My eyes take on a dangerous glint as the joy leaves my face*

But you'll lower yourself to my level. Show me that even in a lesser state your self-proclaimed potential shines true, that way even if you beat me I will gladly accept your rule. This means that you cannot use Amaranthine of course, nor anything above, say, a superhuman level to fight me. That also includes any items you may have on your person which could affect the outcome...

*Pauses, my gaze locking with yours*

Do we have an agreement?
Honestly he's just a normal human with absolute potential. May or may not have been reincarnated many different times in the past and only now has achieved the first and soon to be second state of initiation.
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>

With how fast the other ships are beind dealt with, he wouldn't be able to save many. However, things are starting to get interesting. It will spice up soon. Thank you for being so patient with me, ive been strugglign with severe writer's block for this until now.

Yeah, I had a feeling it wouldn't be that easy to get them out of there, but I figured it was worth checking still. And no worries, writers block is what it is.
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>
hmm.... Can you fight? Rather, are you a skilled fighter?

*Nods, my expression becoming stoic once more*

Of course. I would not live up to my true potential if I could not, although I specialize in hand-to-hand combat specifically.
Let me know when/how you want to wrap up the scene we've got going, as no matter how long the argument goes, Sok won't join the Amaranthine.

Though he could learn how to manipulate it if he really wanted to.

Anyway, I kind of had a tangential idea in mind where this argument serves as the distraction Harlock uses to get the ships out of there maybe. Although if that doesn't work then I'm open to other outcomes.
Would have gotten a reply out sooner but I was, and eventually will be again, busy with precalc algebra assignments.

But it's the final course I need to get my degree, so I suffer it.
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>

Ezmeralda: To throw away the posibility of endless progress over an outdated concept is ignorant and suicide. If not the Amaranthine kind, another would eventually find its way to you. We are giving you a guaranteed chance for survival. Yet you still refuse?

You cite endless progress, yet once again I must question whether or not what you've done thus far can truly be called such. After all, a person concerned with the advancement of their own potential will not play the tyrant. And of course I refuse still, for your own words betray you!

*My expression changes to something between incredulity and disappointment*

If another will come to me in time or, in the most likely case I myself attain it as a side effect of my journey rather than as the goal you seem to be fixated on, then why would I so much as consider joining you? You spoke of life eternal as though it was hard to come by, but betray yourself in the very next breath by revealing its sheer commonality!

*Sighs and turns to Harlock*

If these are the kinds of people you deal with on a daily basis, then you have my sympathy. Truly their foolishness knows no bounds.
Is this actually still happening? Because the last post was like 3 months ago.
Hopeful yet disappointing.
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