Avatar of Dnafein
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    1. Dnafein 7 yrs ago
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I heard a rumor that RE2 is being remastered.
6 yrs ago
I too like pokemon. They are amazing, especially with a side of rice or potato and a salad.
6 yrs ago
@cosmicsherbert; Your right. But its an option...
6 yrs ago
I really wanna talk to someone about that Thanos/Vader stare down just before the infinity war credits started.


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The bridge was dead quiet as the ship simply dropped out of hyperspace. Marcus was out of his chair pointing. “Get all sensors on that.” He ordered, even as the orb faded. The captain was aware of the other ships but they looked constructed, the orb did not. “Battlestations.” He ordered as it vanished.

“Was that” A feminine voice asked.

“Maybe,” The captain interrupted. “Get me a line to someone in charge, and keep the trainees from seeing the sensor data.”

The Narn turned and moved to the communications station. In route she redirected a Drazi from the sensor station to the combat systems. She also redirected the comm trainee as well.

Ashann looked up and frowned, Humans have no patience. He thought as he stood, the elder teacher looked at the students also meditating. “You have places to be correct?”

He waited until the students departed for their stations before making his way to the bridge. His eyes scanned the stations as he moved to the captain’s side. “What is happening?” He asked quietly.

“I don't know yet.” Marcus replied just as quietly. “I need you to take a look at the sensor data and tell me what you think.”

Ashann, his curiosity spiked, moved to the sensor station. He watched as the data was replayed; He hadn't seen anything like what was replayed for a very long time. He went through data crystals cross checking data. After a few minutes of research he rejoined the captain.

Marcus spent the time listening as information trickled in from the battlestations. He frowned at the time it took to fully man the stations. They would need to work on that he acknowledged to himself as the Sech joined him. “Well?” The Shok’Na asked.

“If you are asking if i believe it to be a First One;” Ashann started. Marcus gave a slight nod. “Yes, it appears to be one. However not one we know of.” The captain grunted. The Minbari teacher asked, “Your thoughts?”

“It’s one of two things.” Marcus started, “Either it was hiding or exiled by the others, and we need to figure out if its as bad as the Hand.”

“And the other?” Ashann asked as the Shok’Nali approached. The captain turned his attention to the first officer and motioned her to speak.

The Narn’s eyes swept the bridge as she spoke quietly. “There is no response on any of the usual channels.” She shook her head as she continued, “By G’Kar, we aren't even getting ISN.”

“Yeah, I don't think we’re in Kansas anymore.” Marcus said. The aliens gave the human a blank look. Marcus sighed, “Somehow we are in unknown space.”

The two subordinates exchanged looks with each other, as the Captain nodded. “Get me details on the other ships and find out where we are.” He ordered where everyone could hear.

“Yessir,” Da’Toth said, the first officer said. She turned away and started barking orders to the other rangers. The captain watched the viewer, and considered the plan. They were Anla’shok; they would watch, they would listen and they would learn. And when the time was right they would do what they had to.

So it looks like 2 of the three I considered are out. I'll work on a Whitestar wfter work tomorrow.
Wow. One quick question. If hypothetically I bring a ship that has a weapon capable of causing a star to go nova would I get in trouble?
I'm good with any of them. Heck a combination of a couple of them work for me.
Where you planning on this being on Prime Earth, New Earth, or one of the pre-infinite crisis earths?
Awesome will have your first potential member shortly after you have it up.
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